Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Study: Corruption levels linked to health of democracies

accountability business corruption crime politics

BERLIN (AP) — Countries like Hungary and Turkey are growing more corrupt as they become more autocratic, and threats to the American system of checks and balances have knocked the United States out of the top 20 “cleanest” countries, according to a closely watched annual survey released Tuesday.

Watchdog group Transparency International said its Corruption Perceptions Index for 2018 showed more than two-thirds of countries scoring below 50, on its scale where 100 is very clean and zero is very corrupt.

With a score of 71, the U.S. lost four points over 2017 and dropped out of the top 20 nations for the first time since 2011.

“A four point drop in the CPI score is a red flag and comes at a time when the U.S. is experiencing threats to its system of checks and balance, as well as an erosion of ethical norms at the highest levels of power,” the Berlin-based organization said.

“If this trend continues, it would indicate a serious corruption problem in a country that has taken a lead on the issue globally —this is a bipartisan issue that requires a bipartisan solution.”

In a cross-analysis of its survey with global democracy data, Transparency said a link could be drawn between corruption and the health of a democracy.  (more...)


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Good Americans

accountability corruption conspiracy fascism Nazi military politics war Catholic CIA terrorism Gladio

Almost since its inception, the successful revolution in the Soviet Union in 1917 came under attack. The Romanov family was spirited out of the country, along with the royal treasury. The monarchists, the White Russian counter-revolutionaries, and the colonial powers of France, Germany, England, and even the United States saw the great wealth of Russia as a prize worth regaining or winning.

From 1918 to 1932, that royal treasury, as well as funds from rich monarchist families, international investors, and U.S. investors led by President Herbert Hoover, poured into the secret plans for the military rearmament of Germany. Monarchists from around the world, and White Russians began an international network of reaction known as the Solidarists. Inside the Vatican, relying on an alleged apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima who warned the Pope about the fall of the Tsar, powerful forces worked to assist in toppling the new Bolshevik rule.

A group of the most fanatically conservative elements of the Catholic Church, men who still supported the inquisition in Spain and who used flagellation as prayer, formed a lay order known as Opus Dei, the Works of God. These were joined in rank by the ancient military order of the church, the secretive Knights Hospitallers, or the Knights of Malta. Their ultimate objective was the downfall of the new Soviet government. No method or means was too extreme, so these forces backed and helped to create Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy, and Hitler in Germany. Some of the U.S. firms continued their financial trade and support of the fascists throughout all of World War II, with Russia as the target.

But the fascist offensive failed at Stalingrad, though the cost had been enormous, with 22 million Soviet citizens dead. At this crucial turning point, they retreated and retrenched, adding to their ranks the embittered revanchists of Eastern Europe, the "cold warriors" and Klansmen of America, and even worse elements. From 1943 forward, plans began to escalate the "cold war" of propaganda and paramilitary spying into the nuclear exchange of World War III. Still, no other goal was so important as the "recapture" of Mother Russia into monarchist and fascist hands. But now they had also added the perspective of the eugenicists and the "scientific" racists of the Third Reich, who saw most of the non-white world as expendable. The term "useless eaters" was applied by the Nazi doctors to their concentration camp victims, and later by former CIA director William Colby to the peoples of Mexico.

Add to this international fascist cabal the following sources of power: Kameradenwerk, Die Spinne and Odessa – the secret webs of Nazi SS men and mass murderers who escaped justice after the war and found a home in Europe, South America and the obliging United States.  (more...)

accountability corruption conspiracy fascism Nazi military politics war Catholic CIA terrorism Gladio


Saturday, January 26, 2019

Warrant out for the arrest of choir director and private music instructor

abuse Catholic education crime misconduct pedophilia music

An acclaimed choral director who led choirs in Ottawa, Eastern Ontario and other areas of the province faces a charge of sexual assault if and when he returns to Canada from his native Germany.

Ottawa police said Friday they have issued an arrest warrant for Uwe Frank Lieflander, 55, stemming from incidents that occurred in Ottawa in 2016 and 2017. The complaints were made by one or more adults — police won’t say how many people came forward — and Investigators are concerned there may be additional victims.

Lieflander has been leading choirs since the early 1990s including in Ottawa, the Madawaska Valley, the Greater Toronto Area and Port Perry, Ont.

In 2011, he led choirs at four elementary schools with the Ottawa Catholic School Board, but quit when he was told he was not allowed to touch his young singers after the board received complaints from several parents about his “hands-on” teaching method.  (more...)

Friday, January 25, 2019

‘Devastating’: Reaction pours in to shocking sex charges against Vancouver teacher, school trustee

Catholic crime education misconduct pedophilia internet child prostitution sex trafficking

A former chair of the Vancouver School Board (VSB) says she is shocked and angry to learn of allegations against one of her former colleagues who was caught up in a Vancouver police sex sting.

The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) announced Wednesday that it had arrested 47 men and charged seven of them after an investigation targeting individuals who sought to purchase sex from minors.

Among those facing charges is former Vision Vancouver VSB trustee Ken Clement, who resigned from his position last summer, citing personal reasons.

“I had no idea. When he resigned, I reached out to him because Ken and I worked together for six years on the board, and we had remained friends since then and we saw each other, we kept in touch … he was someone I cared about,” said former Vision Vancouver trustee Patti Bacchus.  (more...)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Exposed: British racists behind vile secretive neo-Nazi radio station that the Government cannot shut down

Nazi fascism politics hate racism xenophobia anti-semitism paganism

British far-Right extremists are broadcasting vile racist programmes on a sickening neo- Nazi radio station – but Government regulators are powerless to shut it down.

Transmitted from a secret location in the UK, Radio Aryan describes Jews as 'Yidflies', black men as 'negro rapists' and broadcasts daily readings from Hitler's Mein Kampf.

The station's hate-filled shows also attack Muslims and homosexuals and its website carries a sinister picture of Theresa May with a noose around her neck.

A Mail on Sunday investigation has discovered that an ex-City banker and a former British Army officer – both leaders of extreme Right-wing organisations in Britain – are major contributors to the radio station that has been pumping out racist bile 24 hours a day for more than two years.

But astonishingly, broadcasting regulator Ofcom is unable to silence their rants because the programmes are transmitted over the internet and mobile phone apps, which it has no power to police.

MP Stephen Doughty, a member of the Home Affairs Select Committee, has demanded action from police and an investigation by counter terrorism officers has been launched. But two years after the station was founded it was still broadcasting its sickening material last night – including disgusting claims that black people 'prefer witchdoctors' over hiring lawyers and pornography is a 'Jewish enterprise' intended to damage non-Jews. (more...)

Half Of Canada Thinks The U.S. Is Full Of Nazis: Survey

fascism Nazi politics hate racism xenophobia populism sociology

Nearly half of all Canadians believe the United States has a Nazi problem, according to a survey on Holocaust remembrance released Thursday.

It’s no mystery where they got that perception. Last year, a group of neo-Nazis received the red-carpet treatment from U.S. law enforcement as they traveled to Washington for a rally. A respected Holocaust scholar seriously compared certain American elected officials to those in Germany during the rise of the Nazis. And Americans re-elected a white supremacist congressman mere days after an anti-Semitic gunman murdered Jewish worshippers in Pennsylvania.

According to the survey, 47 percent of Canadian respondents said there are a “great deal” of or “many” neo-Nazis in the U.S. Only 17 percent said there are a “great deal” of or “many” neo-Nazis in their own country.   (more...)

But then, Canadians aren't particularly fond of each other:

Your Ward News duo guilty of peddling hate against women and Jews

accountability fascism Nazi justice hate racism xenophobia anti-semitism misogyny politics crime free speech

TORONTO -- A judge has found the editor and publisher of a free newspaper in the Toronto area guilty of peddling hate.

The judge says James Sears and LeRoy St. Germaine clearly promoted hatred against women and Jews.

The prosecution argued the paper, Your Ward News, was filled with "vile and degrading" articles and imagery about the groups.

Sears, 55, and St. Germaine, 77, maintained they were being satirical.

However, the judge says there is nothing funny about their views.

The federal government has barred Canada Post from distributing the publication.  (more...)


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on our Children and Other Innocent People

books healthcare medicine science research crime CIA MKULTRA freemasonry

"A Nation Betrayed" documents Carol Rutz' incredible journey from mind control victim to freedom. Her personal experience provides clear evidence of deeply hidden agendas within a shadow government. Using electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation and insidious trauma, the CIA conducted Mind Control Experiments on children in the government's attempt to create a Manchurian Candidate. Your tax dollars paid doctors working under government contract in the U.S. and Canada to participate in these and other experiments in ESP, Remote Viewing, Radiation and research with Chemical and Biological Warfare.

A Further Interview with Svali, an Illuminati Defector

The Minds of Men

Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Information Service

A parting thought -- Given the pervasive electronic surveillance of our security state, why have ritual abuse cults not been exposed and dismantled? Do they serve as useful tools of the establishment -- as Murder Inc., blackmailers, and/or agents of a strategy of tension for a domestic Operation Gladio?

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Is a Serial-Killer Gang Murdering Young Men Across the U.S.?

abuse boys crime violence youth gangs secret societies cults serial killers men

Dozens of college-age men dead from ‘accidental’ drownings—but a team of retired detectives say the boys were drugged and killed by a shadowy gang with a sinister symbol.

On the evening of Dec. 15, 2016, Dakota James called his friend Shelley in a panic.

He was cold, disoriented, and scared out of his mind, wandering the streets of downtown Pittsburgh, trying to find someone—anyone—who would help him.

“I don’t know where I am,” he told her, sobbing. “I’m so cold. Please help me. I’m lost.”

Shelley didn’t hesitate.

“I’m thinking, ‘Did he get mugged? Did he get beat up? Was he in a car accident?’” she told The Daily Beast this week. “I was so scared. I said, ‘Where are you?’ I’m coming.’”

“Pittsburgh’s North Side,” he told her.

She quickly hopped into her car to go get him, then remembered she could use her cellphone to figure out where he was because he’d enabled location services with her when she gave him a ride to the airport months ago.

That program was telling her he was on Pittsburgh’s South Side. But Dakota was texting her as she drove, trying to guide her. “I’m here,” he texted, sending a picture of a jean-covered leg. “Please help me. I’m so cold. The cops won’t help me.’”

Her phone’s location services told her he was at a Springhill Suites on Water Street in Pittsburgh’s South Side, not North. She texted him that with a question mark.

“I’m here^^^^,” he texted back. “I honestly don’t know.”

She got there in less than 10 minutes, arriving around 11:30 p.m. As she pulled up to the hotel, she saw a dark SUV in the wrong lane, facing the wrong direction. And Dakota was walking out of the hotel and straight toward the SUV.

“I pulled up not even 10 feet away from the SUV,” she said. “I said, ‘Dakota!’ He turns, looks back then comes over to me, got in my car, and we left.”

He wasn’t slurring his words. He was walking a straight line, not staggering at all. His clothes weren’t disheveled or wet or dirty. He was emotional, still crying, and he was scared but he did not appear to be drunk.

“What happened?” she asked him. “Are you OK?”

He didn’t want to talk about it, he said.

“He said he just became aware that he was walking on the street and he had no idea where he was or how he got there,” said Shelley, 35, who asked that her last name be used to protect her privacy. “He said he went up to a police officer and they didn’t help him. So, then he called me.”

The last thing he remembered, he told her, was leaving his work Christmas party then heading to some bars with his coworkers from J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc., where he was a carrier sales coordinator. That was around 7:15 p.m. Everything since then was a blank.

“I said, ‘Do you want to go to the hospital?’ Because I’m thinking, ‘Was he raped? Was he drugged? Because he seemed drugged, because he’d lost four hours,” she said. And he said, ‘No. I just want to go home.” So, I just took him home. He was crying so much.”

The next day, he thanked her for picking him up, but brushed the whole thing off, saying he had a bad hangover. And she might have, too, if he hadn’t vanished five weeks later, after a similar night out with some of the same co-workers.  (more...)


Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Minds of Men

THE MINDS OF MEN is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War — a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world we are living in today.

It reveals [redacted]

science technology fascism research CIA psychology mind control MKULTRA


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."  - H.P. Lovecraft

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Condemning torchlit parades in honour of a Nazi

Nazi accountability crime war military fascism politics Ukraine

For about 200 Canadian military trainers deployed to Ukraine, it is likely that on the first of January they would have witnessed a torchlit procession.

Throughout Kiev and numerous other towns in Western Ukraine, thousands of civilians took to the streets, not to usher in the New Year, but to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of a man named Stepan Bandera.

This was not the first time Ukrainian nationalists marched with torches to celebrate Bandera’s birthday, but it was the first time such a spectacle was an officially sanctioned affair.

On Dec. 28, 2018, Ukraine’s Parliament passed Resolution 9234, which, among several other notable dates, made Jan. 1 a formal holiday in Ukraine.

The city of Lviv, Bandera’s birthplace, went one step further by declaring 2019 to be the ‘Year of Stepan Bandera.’

Ukrainian Independent News Agency described Bandera as “a Ukrainian politician, one of the ideologists and theorists of the Ukrainian nationalists movement in the 20th century.”

Missing from this abbreviated resume is the fact that during the Second World War, Bandera was not only a Nazi collaborator, but also a direct participant in Hitler’s Holocaust.  (more...)


Nazi accountability crime war military fascism politics Ukraine

Michael Coren is no moral leader

Catholic accountability politics mental illness social conservatism suicide

I tweeted last week about a subject on which I’ve kept my mouth shut for years: Michael Coren.

Once a television and radio host with bestselling books on his Catholic faith, Coren was a mainstay in Canadian social conservative circles.

Now, the occasional columnist is an Anglican minister-in-training who reviles the social conservatives whose cheques he used to cash.

Coren went through a spiritual and political conversion about four years ago which, at first, was presented as an evolution from viewing homosexuality and gay marriage as sinful to a belief that the LGBTQ community is to be celebrated.

This rather quickly revealed itself to be a reversal of essentially every position Coren had ever publicly held, from abortion to free speech to economics.

This was chronicled in his book, Epiphany. When it came out, I interviewed him twice—once on a national radio show I was guest hosting, and again on my local show at Coren’s request.

Unlike many conservatives who had little time for him after his conversion, I supported him and defended him for two main reasons.

The first is that I believe anyone has the right to change their mind.

Secondly, I wanted to be forgiving and gracious as my Christian faith compels me to be. Though several actions by Coren have made that a challenging journey.  (more...)

Those were the days:

Do we need to scrutinize the spiritual abuse of young, poorly catechized, and vulnerable Christians by predatory political operators?

Friday, January 18, 2019

Programmed to Kill

The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination-fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week". The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is. Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer 'profile.' But what if there is a much different 'profile'-one that has not received much media attention? In Programmed to Kill, acclaimed and always controversial author David McGowan takes a fresh look at the lives of many of America's most notorious accused murderers, focusing on the largely hidden patterns that suggest that there may be more to the average serial killer story than meets the eye. Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone 'knows' to be true isn't really true at all?

crime violence books MKULTRA Monarch serial killers politics

The Greater Toronto Area has its share:

Taxpayer Funded Fake News Mill CBC Decries Fake News

mainstream media Nazi politics propaganda Ukraine Canada

Dmitry Kiselyov has a unique distinction among Russian broadcasters. 

He's the only Russian media personality among the 93 individuals named on Canada's economic sanctions list, which targets Russians the Canadian government believes are engaging in "activities related to the violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine."

Kiselyov is hardly the only broadcaster spinning the Kremlin's political line, but he is seen as one of its most effective messengers. A recent poll by the independent Levada Center ranked him and his prime-time Sunday night program, Vesti Nedeli (News of the Week), as one of the most influential sources of news in the country.

And last Sunday, Kiselyov turned his sights on Canada.

He began his program by asking, "Why do descendents of Ukrainian nationalists love [Ukrainian President Petro] Poroshenko so much?" A Canada-based Russian reporter then proceeded to make the case that the answer can be found by looking at the history of Canadian-Ukrainians who supported Nazi Germany in the Second World War and fought against the Soviets.  (more...)

Them's funny smelling perogies:

mainstream media Nazi politics propaganda Ukraine Canada

What's a new cold war without media greased pig-wrestling contests? Who needs truth when you have bacon? Wherever you find the press, you'll find Nazis:

mainstream media Nazi politics propaganda Ukraine Canada

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Canada is facing a growing threat from right-wing white supremacists and neo-Nazis: minister

accountability fascism politics immigration Nazi violence crime
People hold candles at a vigil to commemorate the one-year anniversary of
the Quebec City mosque shooting, in Quebec City, Monday, Jan. 29, 2018.
Canada’s minister for public safety says right-wing, white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups are an increasing concern and threat to Canadians.

Ralph Goodale said the groups promote hate, which manifests itself in violent anti-Semitism or in other crimes.

“The van attack along Yonge Street in Toronto earlier last year had those kinds of roots,” Goodale said Tuesday after a speech on national security at the University of Regina.

Ten people died in April 2018 when Alek Minassian allegedly drove a rental van down the busy stretch, mowing down pedestrians.

Goodale also used the example of six people murdered inside a Quebec City mosque in 2017 because they were at prayer.

He said the suspects were inspired by what they saw on the internet.  (more...)

Monday, January 14, 2019

Private school teacher’s sexual relationship with student leads to firing

abuse boys crime education misconduct pedophilia rape

TORONTO — A female teacher at Pickering College, a prestigious private co-ed school in Newmarket, Ont., had an inappropriate relationship with two male students, one that turned sexual and appears to have lasted for 18 months.

Avery Jean Wilson, who was immediately fired, was found guilty of professional misconduct by a discipline committee of the Ontario College of Teachers on Dec. 7.

The decision, publicly posted on the College website this week, notes that Wilson “engaged in acts of professional misconduct as alleged” with the two boys, identified as Student 1 and 2.

Details of the allegations were contained in a formal Notice of Hearing dated May 15 last year. The notice says that the relationship with Student 1 began in September of 2015, when he would have been in Grade 11, and saw the two go camping alone together and Wilson allow the boy “to take a photograph of her naked body from her chin to her waist.”  (more...)

'He knew what he did': Sexual assault victim breaks his silence

abuse boys Catholic crime education homosexuality pedophilia rape misconduct

“He knew what he did.”

A 47-year-old Barrie man is forced to relive a painful past.  A time in his life that he pushed into the deepest, darkest caves of his mind with the hopes that it would never see the light of day again.

But today is about closure as he chooses to share his story publicly for the first time since 1984 after being sexually abused by his Catholic school teacher.

“For a kid, he took you places, bought you stuff… And he wined and dined you as a kid, more or less.  You get dragged into it.  It just happened.”

He’s talking about Steven Vincer, known to him as 'Tom Vincer,' who taught for more than 40 years at Angus’ Our Lady of Grace Catholic School.

On Wednesday, Vincer was convicted of sexually assaulting two young boys in the 1980s and sentenced to 18-months behind bars.

The Barrie man didn’t go to court to face his abuser; instead he chose to drive by the courthouse in hopes of watching Vincer being lead out in handcuffs.

“It gave me closure that he admitted that he did something wrong.  He’s going to do some jail time.  That’s where he belongs.”  (more...)

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Mediterranean Merry Go Round: Who Shot the Pope?


In view of James Grein's testimony regarding his disclosure of McCarrick's crimes to Saint Pope John Paul II, we must contemplate what great duress the Pope must have been under during his reign. The nature and sinister influence of the St. Gallen Mafia, the penetration of the Vatican by criminal fascist elements and the oppression of the awareness of the threat to his own life, added to the knowledge of the corruption and filth in the hierarchy must have been crushing. What mere man could bear such a burden? What mere man could bear the suffering of his children?

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Graphic novel draws lessons from anti-Semitic 1933 riot in Canada

accountability violence youth crime fascism Nazi hate racism xenophobia islamophobia anti-semitism

Xenophobic extremists arrive at park, followed closely by counter-protesters. The extremists carry flags with swastikas, and make Nazi salutes. Insults are hurled, scuffles devolve into clashes. Dozens are injured, and a woman killed. The governor declares a state of emergency. This was the scene that unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11 & 12, 2017 at the Unite the Right Rally.

Eighty-four years earlier a similar scene overran the streets of Toronto, after Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany in 1933. Simultaneously, North America was experiencing a rise in immigration, including Jews fleeing persecution in Europe. In the midst of the Great Depression and ill-equipped to absorb the newcomers, some living in the Americas began identifying with the ideas of the Nazi party and harboring resentment against the newcomers who weren’t like them. Swastika clubs began popping up with the intent of expressing their displeasure with their Jewish and other foreign neighbors.

After months of building tensions, a group of Canadian youths displayed a banner bearing a swastika at a baseball game between the mainly Jewish and Italian team “Harbord”, and “St. Peter’s”, a team sponsored by a Catholic church of the same name. A confrontation between the gang holding the banner and Jewish youth supported by Italian immigrants devolved into a six hour riot as 10,000 people flooded the park and streets.

Little remains of the coverage of that riot except a single photograph and a few local newspaper clippings. Many of that generation are now gone. But Winnipeg-based writer Jamie Michaels is determined not to let the story of the Christie Pitts riot fall through the cracks of history. Michaels teamed up with illustrator Doug Fedrau to combine history and graphic storytelling to bring the Christie Pitts riot into the 21st century, at a time where strikingly similar events and sentiments are again gaining popularity.  (more...)

Twisted echos in today's Toronto:

accountability violence youth crime fascism Nazi hate racism xenophobia islamophobia anti-semitism

Having studied in and lived on the campus that produced the above young lady, I took the opportunity to observe the social strata and diverse population of that institution. Faith Goldy would have certainly had access to the upper echelon of that microcosm of society, as I did. Her role as provocateur could be seen as the influence of that upper echelon on the commoners. She has little in common with the rabble that she seeks to lead and much more with the elites. Observers should focus less on the goons who have gathered around her, and more on the links to power and wealth that she seems able to tap into. She is no grass-roots organizer. Whose interests does she serve?


Friday, January 11, 2019

Former Guelph teacher pleads guilty to sex crimes involving former students

abuse boys crime education homosexuality pedophilia rape

A former College Heights Secondary School teacher has pled guilty to four sex-related charges, two of them involving a student.

Brian Hathway, 50, attended the Ontario Court of Justice on Wyndham Street on Wednesday morning and pled guilty to sexual assault and sexual exploitation — both counts involved a student under 18 years of age.

He pled guilty to sexual assault and communicating with a person for the purpose of obtaining sexual services. These charges involved two former students who were over the age of 18 at the time of the incidents.

A publication ban protects the identities of the victims from being released.

There were originally four reported victims and eight charges laid, but offences involving one victim were dismissed due to the unlikelihood of a conviction.

The court heard that between June 2016 and September 2017, a student went to Hathway’s house on multiple occasions (more than 10, less than 20). When he arrived, the victim was given alcohol, marijuana, money and expensive clothing by Hathway. Initially, these items were presented as gifts, but eventually the items were given with strings attached.  (more...)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brock cancels course to be taught by professor disciplined for sexual harassment

harassment education crime misconduct

Brock University has cancelled a history course that was to be taught by a professor who was disciplined following a sexual harassment investigation.

David Schimmelpenninck was scheduled to teach a non-compulsory second-year course during the Winter 2019 term following an almost three-year absence from the classroom. The absence was a result of discipline following an investigation into sexual harassment, the university confirmed to CBC News.

A statement issued by the university Wednesday said the decision to cancel the course was a personnel matter and Brock would not be commenting further.

"The university takes very seriously the right of every member of the Brock community to work and study in a respectful and safe environment," the statement added.

"Brock will be accelerating the previously scheduled review of its Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy."  (more...)


Jewish rights group urges Croatia to ban pro-Nazi book

denial genocide Catholic crime fascism Nazi war books

ZAGREB, CROATIA  A Jewish human rights group urged Croatian authorities on Wednesday to ban a book that denies crimes committed by Croatia's World War II pro-Nazi regime.

Chief Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center said in a statement that a book titled "The Jasenovac Lie Revealed" is being promoted in a Catholic church in Zagreb on Jan. 16. The book, published by the right-wing Society for Research of the Threefold Jasenovac Camp, has multiple authors.

Zuroff said the book "denies that mass murders of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Croatian anti-fascists were carried out frequently in the notorious Jasenovac concentration camp."

"These crimes are corroborated by historical documents, testimonies of survivors and the scholarly research of numerous reputable historians," Zuroff said, adding that works like this "would immediately be banned in Germany and Austria, and rightfully so."  (more...)


Croatians seem to be awfully close to the Peronists

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Markham high school teacher charged with 2 counts of sexual assault

abuse boys crime education homosexuality pedophilia misconduct rape Catholic

A 36-year-old high school teacher employed by York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) has been charged with two counts of sexual assault following a police investigation.

Anthony Ganuelas of Markham will face two counts of sexual assault when he makes his first court appearance in Newmarket on the Jan. 23.

The accused is alleged to have committed the assaults at holiday parties, a year apart.

York Regional Police Special Victims Unit say their investigation began on Dec. 22 after a victim came forward, reporting they had been sexually assaulted.

Investigators found a second victim in their investigation who claimed to have been assaulted by Ganuelas at a 2017 party, also in December.

YCDSB has confirmed that Ganuelas was in their employ and in a statement confirmed he has “been removed from his teaching assignment, as per board practice and put on administrative leave.”

Ganuelas teaches computer science at St. Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School in Richmond Hill.  (more...)

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Fascism And The New Age: The Life And Times Of Savitri Devi

In this window onto the roots and evolution of international neo-Nazism, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke reveals the powerful impact of one of fascism's most creative minds.

Savitri Devi's influence on neo-Nazism and other hybrid strains of mystical fascism has been continuos since the mid-1960s. A Frenchwoman of Greek-English birth, Devi became an admirer of German National Socialism in the late 1920s. Deeply impressed by its racial heritage and caste-system, she emigrated to India, where she developed her racial ideology, in the early 1930s. Her works have been reissued and distributed through various neo-Nazi networks and she has been lionized as a foremother of Nazi ideology. Her appeal to neo-Nazi sects lies in the very eccentricity of her thought - combining Aryan supremacism and anti-Semitism with Hinduism, social Darwinisn, animal rights, and a fundamentally biocentric view of life - and has resulted in curious, yet potent alliances in radical ideology.

As one of the earliest Holocaust deniers and the first to suggest that Adolf Hitler was an avatar-- a god come to earth in human form to restore the world to a golden age - Devi became a fixture in the shadowy neo-Nazi world. In Hitler's Priestess, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke examines how someone with so little tangible connection to Nazi Germany became such a powerful advocate of Hitler's misanthropy.

Hitler's Priestess illuminates the life of a woman who achieved the status of a prophetess for her penchant for redirecting authentic religious energies in the service of regenerate fascism.

fascism gnosticism Nazi politics eugenics New Age occult books

Anyone wondering how the University of Toronto managed to produce misanthropes like Faith Goldy, Paul Fromm, and Jordan Peterson should consider that this kind of New Age lunacy has been rife on campus since my time there 50 years ago. The myth of boomer hippy culture as a drug-induced free love-in is completely off the mark. Anyone selling drugs was probably a CIA cutout. The kind of eastern mysticism I saw was peddled by the likes of Ernst Zundel and as bereft of love as a Nazi death camp.

fascism gnosticism Nazi politics eugenics New Age occult books
Who woulda thunk?

Monday, January 7, 2019

Google ramps up the ‘double Irish’ before closing time

Ireland accountability business corruption politics tax evasion technology

Like revellers ordering a clutch of pints before closing time, Google and the other large companies that form part of the global tech vanguard are squeezing every last drop out of the “double Irish, Dutch sandwich” tax-avoidance trick before the loophole is finally closed by the State next year.

In figures reported this week by Reuters, Google shifted €19.9 billion in 2017 through a Dutch shell company and on to the tax haven of Bermuda, according to documents filed a few days before Christmas with the Dutch chamber of commerce.

As the Republic is the linchpin of its international operations, it is fair to assume that most the cash shifted to Bermuda emanated from Google’s operations here. The sum shifted in 2017 was about €4 billion more than the prior year. Can I have a chaser with those pints before you pull down the shutters, please?

Google’s standard defence when challenged about these manoeuvres is always to say that it pays all of the tax legally required of it in the countries in which it operates. The problem is not us, it pleads, it’s the law.  (more...)

Oye oye: Protest planned as Brock prof returns to class

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker
A public demonstration at Brock University is being planned for next week when a professor disciplined for sexual harassment returns to the classroom after an almost three-year absence.

David Schimmelpenninck (van der Oye), a professor of Russian history, is scheduled to begin teaching a second-year, non-compulsory course starting Thursday. The move comes after Brock received a binding arbitration decision on Dec. 14 requiring Schimmelpenninck be permitted to return to the classroom.

"In general, people are pretty angry," said Manchari Paranthahan of social and environmental justice organization OPIRG Brock and a graduate of the school.

The organization and Brock Student Justice Centre are holding a meeting on Monday to talk about possible responses to Schimmelpenninck's return to teaching.

Besides organizing a public demonstration, she said the groups are trying to share the information widely so students enrolled in the course are aware of the teacher.

"It's filled people up with a lot of steam and they've really been motivated to do something," Paranthahan said, adding former and current students have been sharing the news on social media.  (more...)

In other Ontario education news:

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Is There A Radical Right Racism Problem In The Canadian Armed Forces?

military Nazi accountability politics hate racism politics islamophobia white supremacy

In November 2018, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) announced that it had suspended four soldiers from their duties for running an ‘army-surplus’ website that largely catered to white supremacists by selling clothing, flags, and other items glorifying the – unrecognized – and white-ruled African state of Rhodesia. This represents just the latest in a series of high profile incidents involving CAF soldiers or sailors associated with radical right groups. Last year, an investigation conducted by Vice News in collaboration with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network and the Southern Poverty Law Center reported that an army reservist in Nova Scotia was a prominent member of Atomwaffen Division.

The members of this neo-Nazi group are preparing for a race war to combat what they consider to be the cultural and racial displacement of the white race, and have been tied to an attempted bombing and numerous hate crimes, including five racially motivated murders. Another investigation, this time by CBC/Radio-Canada raised concerns over the participation of active CAF members on the public Facebook group of La Meute. La Meute is a Quebec-based group founded by two Canadian Armed Forces veterans which reinterprets First Nations, neo-pagan, and Christian spiritual traditions in order to develop a new cultural identity for Quebecois. Lastly, on Canada Day in 2017, five Canadian Forces members – members of the “Proud Boys” movement who proudly proclaim their ‘Western chauvinism’ – disrupted an Indigenous protest in Halifax.

Whilst the military brass in Canada are scrambling to denounce and address such cases of racism and radical-right extremism within the Canadian military, the intersection of individuals aligned with radical right groups and the military is by no means an issue limited to Canada.  (more...)

Of Walls, Horns, And Stones

"You see all these, do you not? Truly, I say to you, there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down."

We know all about fake news... and about fake Christians. Bring them in. Then, bring more.

accountability politics heresy evangelization immigration  wall xenophobia racism hate

Friday, January 4, 2019

More from James Grein: McCarrick, St Gallen, Nazi Ratline Fugitives and Luciferians

James Grein, the victim of ExCardinal Theodore McCarrick, explains his recent testimony to Catholic Vatican Officials regarding ex Cardinal McCarrick and further explains McCarrick's connection to St Gallen, Switzerland (Sankt Gallen Mafia) and the plan in Rome with Pope Francis moving forward into 2019.

abuse accountability boys Catholic freemasonry crime corruption Nazi homosexuality pedophilia rape gay clergy


This latest interview brings in two important additional elements: 1. St. Gallen is in a German region of Switzerland that quietly received many Nazi fugitives after Germany's defeat. That would connect it to the Nazi flight capital that was covertly deposited in Switzerland at the end of the war. 2. The McCarrick network engaged in Masonic/Luciferian practices, connecting it to the occult aristocracy of Europe and America. That elite had a locus at my college during my time at university in Toronto. It becomes understandable that Grein is fearful of provoking the jackals and will not disclose his full story at this time.


The trouble with Switzerland:

Thursday, January 3, 2019

'Frenzied killing': Nazi's Holocaust murder rate much higher than thought, study finds

accountability crime Nazi war eugenics
Russian troops liberating Poland discovered a pile of human bones and skulls in
1944 at Majdanek, the second largest Nazi death camp in Poland after Auschwitz
LONDON — Nazi murder rates at the height of the Holocaust was almost three times higher than previously thought, and only declined once there was “no one left to kill,” a study has found.

At the genocidal regime’s peak about 15,000 Jews were being murdered every day in the death camps of German-occupied Poland under Operation Reinhard.

Previous estimates suggested that 6,000 people were murdered daily at Auschwitz alone, but exact figures were difficult to verify because the deaths were covered up by the Nazis.

To determine the true picture, Lewi Stone, a professor at the University of Tel Aviv in Israel, studied records of the “special trains” used to transport millions of people to the three camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. After studying the figures he found a “three-month phase of hyperintense killing” highlighting the Nazis’ “pure focused goal of obliterating the entire Jewish people of occupied Poland in as short a time as possible.”

The results, plotted on a graph, showed that of the 1.7 million people killed between 1942 and 1943 about 1.32 million died in a 100-day surge between August and October of 1942.

The number of deaths during those three months is so huge that it accounts for more than a quarter of the known Holocaust victims. Stone told The Daily Telegraph he “couldn’t believe his eyes” when he uncovered the results and looked back on previous research to check that he had not made a mistake.  (more...)


The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government

An explosive, headline-making portrait of Allen Dulles, the man who transformed the CIA into the most powerful—and secretive—colossus in Washington, from the founder of Salon.com and author of the New York Times bestseller Brothers.

America’s greatest untold story: the United States’ rise to world dominance under the guile of Allen Welsh Dulles, the longest-serving director of the CIA. Drawing on revelatory new materials—including newly discovered U.S. government documents, U.S. and European intelligence sources, the personal correspondence and journals of Allen Dulles’s wife and mistress, and exclusive interviews with the children of prominent CIA officials—Talbot reveals the underside of one of America’s most powerful and influential figures.

Dulles’s decade as the director of the CIA—which he used to further his public and private agendas—were dark times in American politics. Calling himself “the secretary of state of unfriendly countries,” Dulles saw himself as above the elected law, manipulating and subverting American presidents in the pursuit of his personal interests and those of the wealthy elite he counted as his friends and clients—colluding with Nazi-controlled cartels, German war criminals, and Mafiosi in the process. Targeting foreign leaders for assassination and overthrowing nationalist governments not in line with his political aims, Dulles employed those same tactics to further his goals at home, Talbot charges, offering shocking new evidence in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

An exposé of American power that is as disturbing as it is timely, The Devil’s Chessboard is a provocative and gripping story of the rise of the national security state—and the battle for America’s soul.

books accountability corruption crime security CIA treason assassination coverup deep state deception

His Catholic buddies are just as interesting:

books accountability corruption crime security CIA treason assassination coverup deep state deception
I'm going to hell for this
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