Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Neo-Catholic Money Trail: A Bloody Legacy

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With Pope Francis headed to the U.S. for the first time, we begin by relating the story of Father Draganovic and the Ratline. It is the presence of Father Draganovic’s name in Georg Anton Poch’s journal at a time when that cleric’s name and activities were unknown the the general public that lends gravitas to the theory that the mysteri­ous Dr. Anton Poch might be Hitler. (Draganovic was one of the main figures in the Ratline networks.)

Although the Pope has been a relative breath of fresh air compared to his reactionary predecessors, he became the focus of controversy by canonizing Father Junipero Serra, whom Native Americans [rightly] accuse of administering bestial treatment to those subjected to the excesses of his “Missions.”

No such contro­versy has been visible with regard to the beatification of Archbishop Alois Stepinac.

Before exploring the specific case of Archbishop Stepinac (a member of the Ustachi parliament and beatified by Pope John Paul II), we review our discussion of the barbaric Croatian fascists who administered the Nazi satellite state in Croatia. Operating with the blessing of, and in cooperation with the Catholic church, the Ustachi were so grotesquely brutal that they horrified the SS.

Along those lines, we highlight several details about the “weaponized Catholicism” that manifested itself under the Ustachi regime. The largest Ustachi concentration camp was a converted brickyard called Jasenovac, commanded by a Franciscan priest, Fr. Filipovic. Filipovic and his colleague Fr. Brekalo engaged in contests, seeing who could murder the most Serbian children with their bare hands.  (more...)

Is this why the Vatican can't rule on the Medjugorje racket?

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