Sunday, July 31, 2016

Toronto cop sentenced to six years in Sammy Yatim’s shooting death released on bail while he appeals

TORONTO — A Toronto police officer sentenced to six years for gunning down a troubled teen on an empty streetcar three years ago has been granted bail while he appeals the conviction.

The appeal judge, Justice Eileen Gillese, ruled Const. James Forcillo poses no risk to the public of reoffending.

At sentencing on Thursday, Justice Edward Then said Forcillo abused his authority in a way that undermines public trust in law enforcement and the justice system.

Justice Then said that in letting loose a second volley of shots on 18-year-old Sammy Yatim, Forcillo committed an “egregious breach of trust” and his sentence must serve as notice to other police officers.

Forcillo’s lawyer, Peter Brauti, said an appeal had already been filed on the conviction and sentencing.  (more...)


Pell abuse saga reeks of incompetent policing

Wednesday night's ABC 7.30 program carried allegations against Cardinal George Pell which, if true, are devastating: life ruining for victims like Damian Dignan and Lyndon Monument; confronting for all citizens committed to the wellbeing of children; and earth shattering for Catholics who still have faith in their church.

The ABC report is also troubling for those of us concerned about due process and the rule of law — not as academic notions for lawyers but as the secure bulwarks of a society in which everyone's rights and interests are protected.

With the benefit of hindsight, we can all say it would have been better if onlookers like Les Tyak in the Torquay Surf Club claiming to have credible evidence of unseemly behaviour by an adult like George Pell towards children went to the police promptly, rather than waiting 30 years. As it was put on 7.30, 'One summer day, [Mr Tyak] says he witnessed a strange incident, so strange it later compelled him to go to police.' The incident is alleged to have occurred in the mid-1980s. Mr Tyak went to the police in 2015.

George Pell has been the focus of attention, like no other, during the long running Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. He has been grilled publicly for days on end about what he knew and did not know about abuse committed by others when he was a priest in Ballarat and when auxiliary bishop in Melbourne.  (more...)

Cui bono? ...The masonic police not entirely clean? Shocked. Shocked:

And the money laundry grinds on.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Geopolitics of Medjugorje

Militia Diabolica
Some background:

Kinda explains why knowledgeable Catholics are creeped out by the prolife-ists, while the Evangelicals are just eating it up.

Germany, Underground Reich, And The Current Financial Crisis


 Germany Plots with the Kremlin

 Peace Without Victory for the Allies

The new order of the world

Seedy Canadians hiding cash in offshore banks, beware: the CRA is coming

The Caymans could be losing their lustre as a safe haven for Canadian millionaires to stash their funds.

This week, the Royal Bank of Canada and Citibank, N.A. both agreed to hand over seven years of account information between Canadian residents and the Cayman National Bank.

The Canada Revenue Agency has given the banks 120 days to pass off the info, which includes statements, deposit slips, cheques, bank drafts and wire transfer orders, and plans to rake through it for signs of Canadians stashing taxable income in accounts on the Caribbean island.

Canadian lawyer Martin Kenney, one of the world’s leading authorities on international fraud and asset recovery, told Yahoo Canada Finance that the aggressive campaign against tax evasion is likely inspired by President Obama’s signing of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act south of the border. FATCA requires offshore banks to report data of U.S. taxpayers with accounts as a condition of being able to access U.S. dollar wire system in New York.

“The Canadian authorities realized these investigative tools are out there and they’re requiring Canadian banks to begin to turn over the same data,” he explained from his corporate headquarters in the British Virgin Islands. “The tools have been available for a long time but it’s taken a while for (authorities) to understand how the system works and how to undertake investigations across national borders.”

It’s the second time the federal government has used a court order to investigate offshore tax evasion since the so-called Panama Papers leak in April which aired the dirty laundry of more than 200,000 offshore bank accounts including 625 Canadians.  (more...)


Friday, July 29, 2016

Derry journalist co-writes book on Labour peer’s role in abuse scandal

The role of former MP and peer Greville Janner in the alleged sexual abuse of boys is to be examined in a book on a notorious children’s home scandal co-written by Derry-based journalist Paul Gosling.

‘Abuse of Trust’, by Mark D’Arcy and Paul Gosling, will be published by London-based Canbury Press next month.

The book deals with a regime of sexual abuse of children at Leicestershire care homes in the 1980s by council manager and former marine Frank Beck.

A chapter will deal with one of Beck’s alleged accomplices: Janner, an influential Labour politician who was MP for Leicester West between 1974 and 1997.

The book contains new material about Janner’s behaviour and the decades-long campaign to unmask him as a paedophile.  (more...)

 Abuse of Trust

Senior Anglican clergy accused of failing to act on rape allegations

Archbishops Sentamu and Welby
The archbishop of York and four serving bishops have been accused of misconduct by a Church of England priest who claims they failed to act on allegations he was repeatedly raped by another vicar when he was 16.

The priest says none of the five senior clergy properly responded to his disclosures, made verbally and in writing, of the rapes which he alleged took place in 1984.

“Michael” – whose identity is known to the Guardian, but who wishes to remain anonymous – filed the complaints under the C of E’s clergy disciplinary measure (CDM) against John Sentamu, the archbishop of York and second highest-ranking figure in the church; Peter Burrows, the bishop of Doncaster; Steven Croft, a former bishop of Sheffield, and now bishop of Oxford; Martyn Snow, the bishop of Leicester; and Glyn Webster, the bishop of Beverley.

All five have contested the complaints because they were made after the church’s required one-year limit.  (more...)

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Five months in jail for former Shawnigan teacher who had sex with student

A former teacher at Shawnigan Lake School has been sentenced to five months in jail followed by two years of probation.

In May, provincial court Judge Carmen Rogers found Andrew Olson was in a position of trust and authority when he had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student at the boarding school.

Rogers convicted Olson, now 36, of two counts of sexual touching and one count of Internet luring and handed the former teacher three concurrent five-month jail sentences, followed by two years of probation.

“These are obviously very grave offences in that they involved a breach of the trust placed in Mr. Olson by his profession, his employer, the victim and her family,” Rogers wrote in her judgment.

“Moral blameworthiness is high, given the circumstances of the offence in that Mr. Olson made an active and considered decision to pursue a sexual relationship with the victim, knowing it was wrong both morally and criminally.”

- See more at:  (more...)


Toronto officer Const. James Forcillo sentenced six years for shooting death of teen Sammy Yatim

Sammy Yatim's mother Sahar Bahadi embraces her daughter Sarah
Constable James Forcillo, the police officer who shot 18-year-old Sammy Yatim several times on an empty TTC streetcar, resulting in the teen’s death, has been sentenced to six years in prison.

Forcillo was found guilty of attempted murder in January of this year, but was acquitted of second-degree murder.

The Toronto police constable fatally shot Yatim in July, 2013 when the teen was seen brandishing a knife on a TTC streetcar. The officer shot Yatim three times, then unleashed a second volley of shots.

In rendering his verdict, Ontario Superior Court Justice Edward Then noted Forcillo deserved “at least the mandatory minimum of five years," though he acknowledged the Crown’s requests for eight to 10 years was excessive.

The trial hinged largely on video footage of the shooting, which Ed Upinieks, a lawyer for Yatim’s family, noted bolstered the case. Forcillo’s defence team had attempted to argue the second volley of shots came as Yatim was trying to get back up, something Justice Then disagreed with, calling the shots “unreasonable, unnecessary and excessive.”

“The video doesn’t lie,” Upinieks told reporters outside the courthouse. “(Videos) were compiled second by second, movement by movement, so everybody could see what actually happened.”  (more...)

More coverage:

Paul and Phillip Collins on the Androgynous World Order

Paul and Phillip Collins return to discuss their article "The Androgynous World Order: Feminism, the LGBTI Movement, and the Abolition of Gender." We talk about the Gnostic origins of feminism and other radical movements and how the push for so-called LGBT rights by the New World Order is part of a depopulation agenda with end goal being the imposition of a worldwide feudalistic tyranny.


Toronto cop found guilty of ordering mass arrests appealing G20 protest conviction

A senior Toronto cop found guilty of ordering mass detentions and “kettling” of demonstrators at the 2010 G20 summit in Toronto is appealing his conviction and sentence.

Supt. David (Mark) Fenton was convicted of two counts of unlawful exercise of authority and one count of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act.

The charges were in relation to mass arrests of protestors in two areas of the city — on The Esplanade and at Queen Street and Spadina Avenue, on June 26 and 27.

The officer with 28 years’ experience in the service ordered protestors and passersby to be arrested during the chaotic weekend where a few masked anarchists caused millions of dollars-worth of damage to property on several downtown streets.

Demonstrators who were detained said some were kept boxed in or “kettled” by baton-wielding officers on the street and exposed to cold, rainy conditions for hours, while others were sent to a temporary detention centre which was roundly criticized for its awful conditions.  (more...)

More coverage:

Const. James Forcillo to be sentenced for attempted murder of Sammy Yatim

Three years and one day after Const. James Forcillo shot and killed Sammy Yatim on an empty Dundas streetcar, he will be sentenced for attempting to kill the dying teenager by firing another six shots.

It is rare for a police officer to be convicted of unjustified use of force and rarer still for police officers to be sentenced to jail time.

But Forcillo’s case, as was repeatedly said during a five-day sentencing hearing in May, is unique — he is the only officer in Canada to have been convicted of attempted murder with a firearm while on duty, according to his lawyers. He is also one of the few people to be convicted of attempted murder when the victim died.

Forcillo, 33, faces a mandatory minimum of five years, but his lawyers have argued such a sentence would be unconstitutional and “grossly disproportionate” for a lawfully armed police officer duty-bound to act to stop a threat. Instead, they argued he should serve two years of house arrest.

The Crown argued that by shooting at Yatim a further six times when he posed no threat, Forcillo seriously breached the duty of care he owed the teenager in a state of crisis. An appropriate sentence is between eight and 10 years, they argued.  (more...)

More coverage:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Canadian banks ordered to disclose Cayman dealings

A Federal Court judge has ordered two Canadian banks to disclose their dealings with a financial institution in the tax haven of Cayman Islands.

It’s the second time the government has sought a court order to investigate offshore tax evasion since the Star, in collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, made the Panama Papers leak public in April. After years of weak enforcement, experts say the recent activity is evidence of a new-found will to crack down on the wealthy who hide their money offshore.

Royal Bank of Canada and Citibank, N.A. now have 120 days to hand over all transaction information for accounts held by Cayman National Bank Ltd. between 2009 and 2015.

The banks will have to provide the Canada Revenue Agency with account statements, deposit slips, cheques, bank drafts and wire transfer orders, all of which will help CRA auditors determine whether Canadian residents used these banks to transfer money home without reporting it.

Neither bank opposed the federal government’s court application.

In May, the CRA also sought a court order for RBC’s dealings with the law firm at the centre of the Panama Papers leak, Mossack Fonseca. RBC didn’t oppose that request either.

“It’s part of a resurgence in the investigation and prosecution of offshore tax evasion,” said tax lawyer Joseph Markson. “In the present climate, following the Panama Papers and international efforts to end tax haven secrecy, resistance becomes futile.”  (more...)

More coverage:


Santa Joe
Don't panic just yet:

Codename Artichoke - The CIA's Secret Experiments on Humans

More than 40 years after his death, the body of former CIA scientist Dr. Frank Olson has been exhumed. Olson’s son Eric is convinced his father was murdered by agents of the American government because he wanted to leave the CIA. Dr. Frank Olson was an expert for anthrax and other biological weapons and had top security clearance. Forensic pathologists at George Washington University performed an autopsy and concluded that Olson probably was the victim of a violent crime.  (more...)


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Operation Paperclip

In the chaos following World War II, some of the greatest spoils of Germany's resources were the Third Reich's scientific minds. The U.S. government secretly decided that the value of these former Nazis' knowledge outweighed their crimes and began a covert operation code-named Paperclip to allow them to work in the U.S. without the public's full knowledge.

Drawing on exclusive interviews with dozens of Paperclip family members, colleagues, and interrogators, and with access to German archival documents (including papers made newly available by direct descendants of the Third Reich's ranking members), files obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, and lost dossiers discovered in government archives and at Harvard University, Annie Jacobsen follows more than a dozen German scientists through their postwar lives and into one of the most complex, nefarious, and jealously guarded government secrets of the 20th century.

 Operation Paperclip


The Life and Death of a CIA Mom

The call from the Central Intelligence Agency came on a December afternoon in 2009 while Gary Anderson was skiing with his three children. It’s about your wife, the agency man said.

Standing inside Eagle Rock ski lodge in Pennsylvania, Anderson pleaded for details. The CIA official said simply: Where are you? We’ll meet you.

Anderson suspected dreadful news about Jennifer Matthews, his college sweetheart, his wife of 22 years and a CIA operative on assignment almost 7,000 miles away in Afghanistan. With several hours until the CIA meeting, Anderson and his three children — then 12, 9 and 6 — hit the slopes for one more hour. The father wanted to cling a little longer to normalcy, to a life between before and after.

Finally, the Fredericksburg family got into their silver minivan and headed to a nearby motel. There, in a sterile conference room, CIA officials told Anderson the news: His wife, one of the CIA’s top al-Qaeda experts, had just been killed in an explosion at a base in Khost province, in eastern Afghanistan. There was no mention of a double agent, no indication that six other CIA operatives had died in the deadliest attack on agency personnel in decades.  (more...)

Sureal family life of the Christian Right. Here's another saga of spook incompetence:

John Loftus has unmasked Kim Philby as the MI-6 operative who vetted Nazis for recruitment by American and Canadian institutions. Philby was the grandfather of the Death's Head mafia running the population control racket -- from death camps to abortion mills.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Goddard inquiry truth project to hear first testimony on child sexual abuse

The first of hundreds of people are to begin giving testimony to a public inquiry into child sexual abuse, in an unprecedented national “truth-telling” project designed to catalogue decades of suffering.

More than 2,000 people have contacted the Goddard inquiry to say they have suffered abuse, and 600 have consented to take part in the truth project.

The inquiry was set up in 2015 in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal to gather evidence on historical institutional child abuse in Britain. The inquiry is also seeking victims who were abused and who reported the abuse to a person in authority but the report was either ignored or not acted on properly.

Dru Sharpling, the Goddard inquiry panel member overseeing the truth project, encouraged anyone who had suffered child sexual abuse within an institution, a private organisation or at the hands of a person of public prominence to come forward.  (more...)

The Last Time America Was Made Great

And we told them we'd make them great!
You can trace the name Fox in the news industry back through various corporate iterations until you get to the Fox News Service, part of Fox Film, which merged with Twentieth Century Pictures in 1935 to form 20th Century Fox. Fox News Service was in the newsreel business, as Fox News today is in the televised news business. And in 1927, it had a problem.

“The Fox News Service,” Donald Crafton wrote in his book The Talkies, “was far behind the leader, Pathé. [Company Vice President Winfield] Sheehan saw immediately that adding sound” — itself a new technology — “would give his company’s product a singular advantage, since the only other studio with sound capabilities, Warners, had no newsreel.” He dispatched camera and sound crews around the world to film newsworthy events. “Fox News officials,” Crafton wrote, “saw that a transformation in the newsreel was about to take place.” The company created a new tagline: “Fox Movietone News: It speaks for itself.”

Fox News wasn’t the only group to recognize the value of the combination of sight and sound. Benito Mussolini, the Fascist prime minister of Italy, at one point reportedly said that were he to broadcasting his speeches “in twenty cities in Italy once a week” he would “need no other power.” When he was approached about filming a statement for the newsreel, he agreed.  (more...)

And the favour was returned:

Isn't greatness great?

Lord Janner abuse allegations: Police watchdog serves notices on 11 people

Eleven people, believed to include police officers, are under investigation over their handling of allegations against Lord Janner.

The peer, who died in December, was accused of sex offences against boys, over a 20-year period from the 1960s.

The IPCC said it had served "criminal and gross misconduct notices on 11 individuals" as part of its inquiry into Leicestershire Police.

Lord Janner's family have always denied the allegations.

The IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) will examine how the force dealt with allegations of sexual abuse by the late peer and other people which were made in 1991, 2001 and 2006.  (more...)

No hiding under sheets: White supremacists gather to celebrate Trump’s nomination in Cleveland

CLEVELAND — They don’t like to be called white supremacists.

The well-dressed men who gathered in Cleveland’s Ritz-Carlton bar after Donald Trump’s speech accepting the Republican nomination for president prefer the term “Europeanists,” “alt-right,” or even “white nationalists.” They are also die-hard Trump supporters.

And far from hiding in chat rooms or under white sheets, they cheered the GOP presidential nominee from inside the Republican National Convention over the last week. While not official delegates, they nevertheless obtained credentials to attend the party’s highest-profile quadrennial gathering.

Several gathered in the luxury hotel well after midnight following Trump’s Thursday address, a fiery appeal they said helped push the Republican Party closer to their principles.  (more...)


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Gay Nazi, Gay Aryan, Gay Supremacist

“Every revolution devours its own children.”
  —Ernst Röhm
Once upon a time—a day in 1999, to be exact—a young gay American and young gay Canadian shared a dream of founding an organization which united gay and straight skinheads, creating a new era in tolerance and compassion between racist heterosexuals and homosexuals in their war against non-whites. From this dream emerged the American Resistance Corps (ARC), an organization with two purposes: to inform “straight skinheads that there were decent gay skinheads already among them in the movement who didn’t want validation but simply wanted acceptance for their common goals”, and to build “the framework for cultural recovery and a brighter future for the white race where all white people can live and work in harmony together without the interference and hinderance (sic) of the selfish interests of other races.”

For most, the existence of a group such as ARC is puzzling. Gay Nazi, Gay Aryan, Gay Supremacist … the terms seem like oxymorons. How can people join an organization that has sought to suppress or eradicate them? It’s illogical. Nonetheless, across the world, groups of gay and lesbian individuals embrace ideologies that are bigoted and seek to oppress others in much the same way that LGBT persons have traditionally been oppressed: exclusion, vilification, even murder.  (more...)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Francis-Benedict; Argentina-Germany; Velvet Glove, Iron Fist?

 Grey Wolf
Both interviews with Gerrard Williams, the co-author of Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, are covered by this description and the respective audio files are embedded here as well. The broadcasts highlight some of the relationships among powerful institutions and individuals that are fundamental to the analysis of the flight of “Der Fuehrer.”

The book is a detailed, scholarly working hypothesis by authors Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams concerning the possible escape of Adolf Hitler at the end of World War II. (Note that the authors began this investigation as an exploration of something they considered to be no more than a “conspiracy theory” and wound up being an in-depth analysis and investigation. They view the escape as a strong possibility.)
The authors posit that the key players in the realization of Aktion Feurland–the code-name for the operation facilitating Hitler’s escape to Patagonia, Argentina (“Tierra del Fuego”)–were names well known to regular listeners and users of this website: Allen Dulles on the Allied side and Martin Bormann for the Third Reich.   (more...)

 Audio: First Hour Audio: Second Hour


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Smiths Falls Collegiate Institute teacher charged with sexual assault, exploitation

A 36-year-old Smiths Falls Collegiate Institute teacher has been charged with numerous sex offences following a police investigation.

On June 10 the Smiths Falls Police Service started investigating claims of a teacher's "inappropriate actions."

On Thursday they announced they'd charged Blair Cathcart with six counts of sexual assault, five counts of sexual interference and one count of sexual exploitation.

Police said Cathcart was suspended by his school board at the start of their investigation. He is still listed as a teacher on the school's website.  (more...)

Anglican Archbishop of Perth Roger Herft allegedly failed to report paedophile Peter Rushton to police

Archbishop of Perth Roger Herft wrote that the complaint
"left me in an unenviable position".
One of the nation's most senior Anglicans, the Archbishop of Perth, Roger Herft, received complaints about a priest involved in a paedophile ring but allegedly failed to formally report him to police, according to an Anglican Church insider.

7.30 has obtained a confidential note showing Archbishop Herft received a complaint about Father Peter Rushton's abuse when they both worked in the Hunter region of New South Wales in 2002.

Archbishop Herft wrote that the complaint "left me in an unenviable position" because "Father Peter had my licence [to be a priest] and if he reoffended I would be held liable as I now had prior knowledge of his alleged behaviour".

Director of professional standards for the Newcastle diocese, Michael Elliott, said there was no record of Archbishop Herft contacting police about allegations regarding Rushton.

Archbishop Herft has said it was inappropriate for him to respond to 7.30 because of the royal commission hearings in Newcastle.

In 2010 the Anglican Church revealed that Rushton was a notorious paedophile.

Victims have come forward to tell 7.30 how they were raped and sexually assaulted by him and other abusers.  (more...)


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

American Secrets

AMERICAN SECRETS is a riveting, real-life behind-the-scenes tale of international espionage, corporate treason and manipulation of the electoral process by the privileged few. In this highly provocative documentary, truth conquers the unknown, shining a light on the roles played by American corporate and political leaders in the rise and spread of fascism throughout the world. This unsettling journey through time, revealed through mesmerizing images and insightful interviewees, effectively unravels the events of our past we have blindly accepted as reality-and lays bare the actual truth behind the rise of American corporate and political power. Powerful from the first minute to the last, AMERICAN SECRETS tackles hidden truths head on, challenging the audience's view of reality and taking them on a journey from which they will never return.



Australia: Paedophile ring inside Newcastle Anglican Church exposed by whistleblowers

Father Peter Rushton died in 2007 without ever being convicted
The Anglican Church of Newcastle buried complaints about sex abusers, including reports of a senior priest who was part of a paedophile ring that involved priests and lay people.

In exclusive interviews with 7.30, whistleblowers revealed how they have been harassed and had their lives threatened for their work to expose the truth.

"I was subject to a death threat and on advice from the police and with the support of the Church's insurer, they agreed to relocate me and my family for a period of two weeks," John Cleary, the diocese's business manager, said.

His colleague Michael Elliott, the director of professional standards, moved house five times within a year because of weekly vandalism to his car and house.

His family's dog also disappeared.

"Each time they found me and within a very short period of time, two to three weeks, began targeting me again," Mr Elliott said.

Mr Elliott has worked for both the Catholic Church and the Anglicans investigating sex abuse complaints.

He said the Anglican abusers were worse than the Catholics because they cooperated with each other.

"My experience in the Anglican Diocese is that the abusers tended to be better organised, more cooperative … it was a larger scale of child abuse and they cooperated together," he said.  (more...)

A disturbing child sex abuse case that raises awkward questions about insurers

Ann Clwyd, the Labour Mp for the Cynon Valley, has been campaigning for
changes in the law to prevent insurers putting up road blocks in investigating
child sex abuse in council run homes.
My colleague Tim Wood reveals on the Exaro website today a damning story about how a victim of historic child sex abuse was failed by the Church of England because it took more notice of its insurers than survivors of abuse.

Joe as he was publicly known eventually won £35,000 in compensation over a case involving abuse by a church official dating back to the 1970s.

As Tim Wood  writes on Exaro: ” Joe claims that the church initially put financial considerations above its duty of pastoral care when handling his case, and called on the Church of England to do more to help abuse survivors.

Joe told Exaro: “The church should stop seeing child sex abuse survivors through a corporate lens and start viewing us through a theological lens of healing and justice.”

In an emotional letter to the Right Reverend Paul Butler, the Bishop of Durham, Joe claims that the church played out a “monstrous charade” in initially trying to close down his case.  (more...)



A pretty sleazy business. Know anyone in the insurace racket?

 Famous Knights

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Windsor elementary teacher charged with sexual assault

A Windsor elementary school teacher is out on bail after being arrested for sexual assault offences alleged to have taken place with a former student.

Christina Albini, 42, has been charged with sexual assault, sexual interference with a person under 16 years of age, invitation to sexual touching and child luring.

Albini’s bail conditions include limits on her access to computers and the Internet and an order to stay away from public pools and playgrounds where people under the age of 16 could be playing.

She appeared in court for bail hearing Tuesday afternoon and left with her fiancé, Les Hastings, who signed as her surety.

Outside the courthouse, Albini, who was wearing a black T-shirt and jean shorts, kept her head down and declined to answer any questions about the charges against her.  (more...)

More coverage:

Some of my cousins may have attended that school, many years ago.

What went on at the hospital that 'experimented' on child patients?

Dozens of people who were child patients at a psychiatric hospital in the 1960s and 70s claim they were experimented on with a so-called truth serum. It has left them with disturbing memories and troubling questions.

"I was your typical 60s teenager," says Marianne, a softly-spoken woman in her sixties.

Framed posters of musicians like Bob Dylan and John Lennon still hang on the walls of the living room in her quiet semi in Derby and a feathered dream-catcher twirls in the window.

"I liked fashion, I liked music. It was a good time to be young."

But Marianne's memories of the time aren't all so idyllic.

At the age of 14, she found out from a teacher that she was adopted. Things became difficult at home and after getting into trouble with the police, she was given probation and sent to Aston Hall, a "mental deficiency hospital" treating adults and children.  (more...)

Unwanted memories-Remembering our history and Henry Kissinger

I am cursed with memory.

I once believed that my extraordinary ability to remember was a genetically encoded gift from my pre-Celtic ancestors, but I now know that I am cursed.

Some people must be blessed with an off button, a type of selective amnesia—awful people like Allen Dulles, Henry Kissinger, and John Demjanjuk. Otherwise, how could they live with themselves? They must have the ability to alter the archives of their mind, to hit a biological delete button and create little areas of forgetfulness amnesia in the dark corners of their memory.

I cannot. When I think about the secret records I have read, there are nights of nightmares when I tell myself I must remember them all, every document, every page, every line. In truth, I cannot. No one could.

In the morning, it is worse when I realize that much, if not most of what I have read in secret files remains within my memory. I cannot cut them out. Even after all my surgeries, my worst memories have been left intact: the ones about the Holocaust. I am cursed.  (more...)


Looking back, I can see that I've given quite a bit of space to this stream of thought on my blog. My readers deserve an explanation.

The first time I heard the name "Majdanek" was my first day at high school. The students in home class were paired off  as buddies to help them get better acquainted and form friendships. My buddy was a pudgy, bearded Orthodox Jewish son of a Rabi. He became intrigued with my Polish Catholic background and asked where my family was from. I only knew that my father's family had immigrated from Lublin before the war. On hearing this, my new friend litterally blanched and whispered "Majdanek" Something in my blood makes certain people see ghosts.

The next, and much stronger, manifestation of this strangeness occured during my undergraduate years at the University of Toronto. The college where I was first resident was the landing pad in Canada for the Frankfurt School; it pioneered Canada's first "Women's Studies" programme.  My don, a graduate of Columbia University, studied under Herbert Marcuse. Another don was a lecturer in the Women's Studies programme; she had done her disertation at Berkely under Theodor Adorno on the topic of The Authoritarian Personality. TAP was the scholarly blueprint for de-Nazifying postwar Europe and "clearing" emigres for recruitment to the American military/industrial/acacemic/corporate complex.

.The Frankfurt School was one handy-dandy Swiss army knife of an academic institution. On the one hand, it prepared technocrats for a Huxlian world in which genders are arbitary and populations are controlled.. On the other, it scrubbed Nazi war criminals of their malodorous past and gave them a new field of genocide -- the modern abortuary. Recalling my dinner mates at that college, an awfull lot of them were sons and daughters of emigres from former Axis regimes. One stands out -- the daughter of a former Nazi officer. An Austrian, he was a high-ranking Freemason who sat on the board that approved funding for the establishment of that Women's Studies programme. Small world!

I can't count the number of times that my life has intersected the Death's Head mafia. In school, in industry, in church, in social organizations -- the infiltration is so thorough and seemless that you can't tell where "they" end and "we" begin. Is there still a "we"? John Loftus and a handfull of people who really look --  that's a pretty thin connection to our past; a connection between Majdanek and today's baby-killing camps.

The kind of holocaust survivor honoured by my alma mater

Monday, July 18, 2016

Britain helped bequeath Naziism to the Muslim world

Former Federal prosecutor, John Loftus, uncovers "America's Nazi Secrets" to Holocaust survivors

John Loftus says the U.S. employed Euro and Arab Nazis (Muslim Brotherhood, Osama) against Russia and Israel. Author of "The Secret War Against the Jews," and "America's Nazi Secret" addresses an audience of gathered Holocaust survivors (and their descendants) at L.A.'s Holocaust Remembrance Day on the topics of American and British complicity in both financing of the Nazis (and Islamofascists) - and then arranging to provide safe harbor for escaping Nazi criminals to their countries.

The Justice Department, Mr. Loftus's research reveals, obstructed Congressional investigations, including concealing from 9/11 investigators the role of U.S.-recruited Arab Nazi war criminals, the Muslim Brotherhood, in recruiting modern, middle-eastern terrorist groups, the Mujahadeen. Muslim Brotherhood off-shoot, Hamas, is the Palestinian heir to the Nazi ideology of eradication of the Jews.


If you were on campus at the University of Toronto, an Oxbridge knock-off, in the 1970's, you could witness the sheep-dipping of Nazi/fascist emigres, the wooing of the Saudis, and the cultivation of the Muslim Brotherhood. Toronto has a very rich terrorist subculture. The Nazi underground is still around.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Roots of "Prolife-ism": The Fellowship

Revelation of the Methodist?
The Fellowship, also known as "The Family," is a secretive, religious-right Christian organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., about which very little is known. Their signature event is the annual National Prayer Breakfast which draws around 3,000 dignitaries representing scores of nations and corporate interests. Every U.S. President back to Eisenhower has attended the event, which, according to Jeff Sharlet (author of a book about the group) is an "event that appears to the world to be an official function of the federal government." Sharlet writes that when he attended the National Prayer Breakfast in 2003, he got his press credentials through the White House. In 2005, the Fellowship actually turned a profit on the Breakfast, taking in $47,000 more than it cost. Participants pay $425 each to attend.

Publisher's Weekly writes,
Sharlet is present when a leader tells a dozen men living there, "You guys are here to learn how to rule the world." As it turns out, the Family was established in 1935 to oppose FDR's New Deal and the spread of trade unions; since then, it has organized well-attended weekly prayer meetings for members of Congress and annual National Prayer Breakfasts attended by every president since Eisenhower. Further, the Family's international reach ("almost impossible to overstate") has "forged relationships between the U.S. government and some of the most oppressive regimes in the world."

Involvement in politics

The Fellowship is heavily involved in the political culture of Washington, counting at least a dozen Senators and Congressman as known members. The group has also gone by the names The Family, The Foundation, C Street Center, and International Christian Leadership. An article published in the March 2003 issue of Harper's entitled "Jesus Plus Nothing" by Jeffrey Sharlet provides an excellent exposition; however, Sharlet infiltrated only at the lowest level and so according to some, his article is short of details concerning the organization, its mission, or who runs it.

In a June 12, 2003, followup interview by Anthony Lappé for Guerrilla News Network, Sharlet declares that the group's goal and aspiration are "an 'invisible' world organization led by Christ"; and that in his view, their "core issue is capitalism and power."

In 1972, The Fellowship was reorganized to be even more clandestine, shedding the overhead of a typical high-profile nonprofit so that it was essentially little more than a holding company disbursing cash to dozens of ministries beneath it. By 1985, The Fellowship had 150 individual ministries beneath it. This model continues to this day with countless ministries coming into and going out of existence depending upon the current needs of the organization and the initiatives it wishes to fund. As Sharlet writes in his Harper's piece, The Foundation believes that its mobile "cell" structure, which it likens to those organized by Lenin, Bin Laden, and Hitler, makes it far more efficient than a hierarchical organization. And just like Enron's many shell corporations, their cell structure has the additional advantage of being able to move money around very quickly and in a way that makes it difficult to track or audit.

In an Associated Press wire story published on April 20, 2003, journalist Lara Jakes Jordan analyzed tax records and discovered that six Congressional representatives lived in Fellowship housing on C Street, paying highly-subsidized rent.

On September 27, 2002, the Los Angeles Times ran a story entitled "Showing Faith in Discretion" that traces the organization back to a Seattle-based Methodist evangelist in the mid-1930s.


Those in the Fellowship who are asked about their role either deny its existence or politely refuse to answer questions about it. All have taken a vow of silence not to speak about The Fellowship. Wheaton Seminary does maintain an archive of the Fellowship's early historical incarnations, the description of which is online at In 1995, Fellowship House in Washington, D.C. was sold and the organization relocated to Arlington, Virginia, where it continues to thrive and involve itself in public policy.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is reportedly a member of The Fellowship.

Sourcewatch resources

Paul N. Temple

External links



Homework assignment for Prolife-ists: What is Hillary Clinton's power base? Did she forget her Methodist background?

Abuse victim ‘appalled at intimidation’ by church

A British man who travelled to Verona in an attempt to forgive the Catholic missionary who sexually abused him at Mirfield seminary in Yorkshire almost 50 years ago is being prosecuted in the Italian courts on three counts of “trespassing, stalking and interference in private life”.

Mark Murray, 60, who filmed his encounter with Father Romano Nardo at the Verona headquarters of the Comboni missionaries in April last year, said he was “appalled and disgusted” when a letter summoning him for criminal proceedings in Verona on 14 September arrived at his home in Wales last week.

“The Combonis know these ‘crimes’ are not true. They are trying to intimidate me. It’s all about power and control. They are trying to send out a message to say, ‘Don’t dare take us on’.”

In 2014, the Observer reported exclusively on widespread abuse at Mirfield in the 1960s and 70s after a group of 11 British men settled out of court with the missionary order, receiving sums of between £7,000 and £30,000.  (more...)


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Elite Fundamentism - The Fellowship's gospel of Capitalist Power

Vereide (left) with Eisenhower: Billy Graham Center archives
The Family (or the Fellowship as it is also known), is a shadowy organisation founded in the United States in the 1930s to promote a gospel of theocratic capitalist power and American empire. Like a Protestant version of Opus Dei, the Family is best known for founding the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC in the 1950s, and its invisible network has not only penetrated the highest levels of political power in the United States but wherever in the world America has political or economic interests.


Stephen Crittenden: Welcome to the program.

Pastor Eli : We have a sinner with us here who wishes for salvation. Daniel, are you a sinner?

Daniel: Yes.

Pastor Eli : The Lord can't hear you, Daniel. Say it to him. Go ahead, and speak to him, it's all right.

Daniel: Yes.

Pastor Eli : Down on your knees, and say it.

Daniel: What do you want me to say?

Pastor Eli : Daniel, you've come here and you've brought good and wealth, but you have also brought your bad habits as a backslider. You've lusted after women and you have abandoned your child. Your child that you raised, you've abandoned all because he was sick and you have sinned. So say it now. 'I am a sinner'.

Daniel: I am a sinner.

Pastor Eli : Say it louder, 'I am a sinner'.

Daniel: I'm a sinner.

Pastor Eli : Louder, Daniel, 'I am a sinner'.

Daniel: I am a sinner.

Stephen Crittenden: A dramatic moment from the movie 'There will be Blood' based on a novel by Upton Sinclair, which won an Oscar last year for the glowering Daniel Day Lewis.

If you've seen the movie you'll know it's an allegory depicting the clash between two very different sides of American society, the religious and the capitalist. If they seem to mix all too comfortably together these days, 'There Will Be Blood' is a reminder that it wasn't always so.

Today's program is really the story of how those two sides came together. It's the story of a shadowy religious organisation known as The Fellowship, or The Family, founded in the 1930s by a Norwegian immigrant to the United States named Abraham Vereide. He believed that the best way to change the world was to minister to business and political leaders, powerful men like Henry Ford, who weren't much interested in the churches.

A bit like Protestant version of Opus Dei, the Fellowship is basically theocratic in impulse and deeply hostile to democracy, and over decades it has managed to penetrate to the very centre of American political power by preaching a gospel of American power. In the 1950s the Fellowship established the National Prayer Breakfast, and now every week in Washington, business leaders and politicians from all sides sit down to read the Bible and pray together.  (more...)


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