Lady Butler-Sloss said there had been an Establishment cover-up of child abuse
There was an Establishment cover-up of horrific child abuse because powerful figures looked after themselves, former judge Lady Butler-Sloss warned today.
Senior members of British society in the past did not think child abuse was as serious or important as protecting politicians and other members of the elite, she suggested.
Lady Butler-Sloss was forced to quit as chairman of the wide-ranging inquiry into allegations of a cover-up because her brother was in the Cabinet in the 1980s.
But she insisted if she had stayed in post and been able to run the inquiry she would have 'cut the whole thing open'. (more...)
WATERLOO REGION — Catholic school trustees revised their code of conduct after controversy involving an outspoken trustee.
The code spells out trustee duties and tells them how to behave. Trustees revised it to clarify how it may be enforced, either informally or by a formal process.
One key change allows for an investigation by an outside consultant, at the request of a trustee accused of violating the code. The school board chair or vice-chair may also request an independent review. (more...)
Ten years ago, if you talked about an elite network of child abusers, operating among the highest levels of government, media, police, and even the royal family, you likely would have been called a 'nut job' or a 'conspiracy theorist'.
Fast forward to the present day however, and allegations of pedophilia and abuse of the most horrific kind, including even reports of murder seem to be surfacing continually, almost daily at times, so much so that the issue has been forced squarely back on the table. Questions and allegations which have lingered for decades, are now being taken seriously, and most importantly so by Scotland Yard.
While no one has been officially charged as part of the wider investigations, police are now looking into numerous allegations of historic child abuse, which allegedly involve powerful and influential individuals, and which date back many decades.
While acknowledged predators like the late Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith MP, never faced justice in their lifetime, there seems a real possibility that enough new evidence is coming to light which might mean some of those involved, and whom may still be alive, could at last end up in court facing trial.
In fact, so much new evidence is apparently being brought to the attention of the authorities, and so many witnesses, sources and officials are calling for justice, that it seems like the dam is about to break, the lid firmly off Pandora's Box. (more...)
One of the insidious rationalizations used to permit same-sex married couples to adopt children argues that life in a home, rather than an institution, serves the best interests of orphans. While the adopted child in these situations may enjoy a quality of life that rescues him from poverty and homelessness and receive the benefits of proper food, housing, education and medical care, he does not experience a normal, natural family life. If the child is a boy adopted by two men, he does not learn how a husband appreciates, honors, pleases and sacrifices for his wife. The boy has no ideal or model of husband and father for imitation as he grows into manhood, and he never acquires an understanding of chivalry, the willingness of a man to serve a woman he loves. He receives no prior education for marriage and learns nothing about a boy’s relationship with his mother. To have no experiential knowledge of a mother or maternal figure desensitizes a man and does not acquaint him with a woman’s sensibility—an important area of knowledge in preparation for marriage. If a boy cannot please or love his mother or understand her female nature, he lacks an important introduction to married life.
If the child is a girl adopted by two women, a similar dilemma presents itself. She never sees the interaction between a husband and wife or learns to appreciate their complementary nature. Just as the boy never discovers the virtues of a motherly, caring, sensitive woman, the girl never encounters the virtues of a devoted, providing, generous father who lives, works, and sacrifices for his family. The child in these abnormal situations does not experience the balance of love and discipline, mercy and justice, unconditional and conditional love that a mother and father provide. Fathers by nature are more prone to punish and discipline children, mothers by nature more inclined to forgive and be lenient. The traditional wisdom of the world acknowledges the balance of both of these virtues to cultivate in the young both strength and gentleness: will power, perseverance, and discipline on the one hand and kindness, compassion, and graciousness on the other hand. (more...)
With the Christmas Day release of the Angelina Jolie-produced and directed film, Unbroken, I came across the news that discussed the red-carpet appearance of Jolie’s family at the film’s premiere. Jolie was down with chickenpox, so her family was out in force supporting her and the film. With Jolie absent, much of the media attention turned to her eight-year-old daughter, Shiloh.
Shiloh has drawn the media’s eye because, despite being a girl, Jolie and her husband, actor Brad Pitt, are adorning the child as if she were a boy. In other words, it seems that Jolie and Pitt are willing to use the poor child as a pawn in furthering the feminist-homosexual agenda that dominates today’s liberalism. (more...)
The following letter was published in Catholic Insight, December, 2014, in response to Fr. Tony Van Hee S.J.’s defence of Teilhard de Chardin (Part II) published in the November, 2014 issue.
Msgr. Vincent Foy
November 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Truth about Teilhard de Chardin
Misguided attempts to try to justify the still banned erroneous writings of Teilhard de Chardin are harmful to the faithful. Sadly, Fr. Tony Van Hee SJ and his sources contribute to the spread of heresies. (more...)
Professor Jonathan Taylor, founder of , spoke at the "Male Students In Peril" conference hosted by Zen Men (formerly KSU Men) at Kennesaw State University in Georgia on November 1, 2014.
This year the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association voted in favour of marching in World Pride Parade as a show of support to their LGBT colleagues and students, an act of faith so loving and non-judgmental that you’d be forgiven for thinking it was done by individuals other than those within the Catholic school board.
It was another rough year for the Toronto District School Board.
The TDSB chair resigned in June, citing "personal reasons." It had previously been revealed that tens of thousands of school funds were re-directed by him to his personal charity. Then, in the weeks leading up to the municipal elections, it was revealed that trustees tried to tamper with freedom of information requests. That's not a surprise, given the trustees' outrageous expenses -- such as Gerri Gershon's $3,700 trip to Israel, which she was inexplicably allowed to bill the taxpayers for. Sheila Ward had taxpayers pay for $300 in tours and $400 in food in San Francisco, after a conference she attended there had already ended. In November, an outgoing trustee was charged with criminal harassment. And of course, 2014 brought us more TDSB sex abuse scandals.
These stories, along with the many other scandals reported in the media, were just the tip of the iceberg. However, lots of scandals went unreported. (more...)
Above, the Dolphin Square apartment complex where much of the abuse is alleged to have taken place
Another two former ministers have been accused of sexually abusing children in the 1980s as part of an alleged ring of Westminster paedophiles.
Their names were given to police investigating claims politicians routinely raped young boys and girls at a number of addresses in the capital 30 years ago.
MP John Mann, who handed a dossier of information to Scotland Yard, was approached by the two new politicians' alleged victim last week.
They join 22 others named by Mr Mann to police, six of whom are still in Parliament, the Sunday Times reports. (more...)
Or, should we say The Anglo-American Empire Strikes Back
This article re-blogged from American Thinker marks the beginning of a counter-offensive by rightists against an uncontrollable scandal in the UK that has mostly disadvantaged the ruling Tories, who have ineptly tried to let the conflagration die out. This view from the right fills in many gaps in the story that has been dominated by a left-leaning media till now:
Peter Hayman, High Commissioner
in Canada 1970–74
The Cambridge Spies in Britain were the most destructive spy network of the Cold War. Soviet intelligence recruited lifelong moles among students at Cambridge University, who went on to careers in British intelligence and even Buckingham Palace. The Soviets used a simple recruiting strategy, aided by Communist professors who served as talent spotters, along with radical Leftists like Sidney and Beatrice Webb.
The Cambridge Five spies were young homosexuals at a time when active gay sex was illegal and often a source of great personal shame and social stigma. In one famous case, mathematician Alan Turing was arrested for homosexual acts, and given dangerous hormone treatments until he ultimately committed suicide.
Sexual abuse of children is still a deep violation of our morality, and it is actively prosecuted in Western countries. The lifelong trauma that early sexual abuse can inflict should be obvious to sane and reasonable adults. But our laws against pedophilia also give hostile regimes a chance to blackmail active pedophiles.
Many Muslim cultures celebrate adult male sex with underage children; homosexual aggression is quite acceptable, as long as it is practiced by powerful males on younger and weaker ones. For one historical example, Lawrence of Arabia made allies for Britain among Arab desert tribes against the Turks during World War I. But it is less well known that Lawrence was also anally raped by some of his Arab friends.
Just as raping women is acceptable in Shari’a for male aggressors but not for female victims, the same “logic” applies to dominant adult males and children.
Some of Europe’s 44 million Muslim immigrants brought their native practices with them. Add to that the corrupting power of Gulf oil money in Europe’s politics and the supremacist theology of Wahhabi and Khomeinist Islam, and you have all the makings of widespread European child abuse, aided and abetted by Jihadist infiltration into the police, the schools and government agencies, huge amounts of bribery, massive government-media coverups, and blackmail threats against any potential witnesses. (more...)
Excellent side-light in a film noir set of one side of the dialectic, but omitting any reference to the huge involvement of organized crime, the role of national security services in suppressing the press and local police, collusion of rightists with the oil cartel, Margaret Thatcher's fierce protection of members of her own political clique, and Theresa May's posturing and never-ending disruption of attempts to form an inquiry. It's also interesting that American rightists are rallying to the defense of their British counterparts. What is their dog in this unwinnable fight?
Professor Janice Fiamengo spoke about academic feminism at the "Men In Peril" conference hosted by KSU Men at Kennesaw State University in Georgia on November 1, 2014.
Professor Janice Fiamengo, University of Ottawa, speaks about the negative effect that academic feminism has on freedom of speech. Examples of the increasingly drastic measures used to enforce adherence to policies imposed by gender ideologues clearly demonstrate the validity of Fiamengo's warning.
"The term cobra effect stems from an anecdote set at the time of British rule of colonial India. The British government was concerned about the number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi. The government therefore offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially this was a successful strategy as large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, enterprising persons began to breed cobras for the income. When the government became aware of this, the reward program was scrapped, causing the cobra breeders to set the now-worthless snakes free. As a result, the wild cobra population further increased. The apparent solution for the problem made the situation even worse." (more...)
Charles Napier may have vital information about alleged
Westminster sex ring
Convicted paedophile Charles Napier may have "vital" information to help uncover an alleged Westminster sex ring.
Former teacher Napier, 67, sexually abused 23 boys over 15 years while a teacher and was also treasurer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
This week Napier admitted 39 counts of indecent assault and one indecency charge on victims, all under 16-years-old. The trial heard he deliberately got a school job because it gave him access to boys to abuse.
Napier, whose half-brother is Conservative MP John Whittingdale, has been asked to disclose any information he may have about historical abuse scandals, such as the Elm Guest House case.
It is alleged the guest house in south west London was used by powerful public figures such as former MP Cyril Smith, to sexually abuse youngsters during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
Napier was on close terms with paedophile Peter Righton, who was the public face of PIE when the group was at the height of its power and counted Labour politician Harriet Harman among its allies.
After Napier was handed a 13-year sentence, Peter Watt the national services director of children's charity NSPCC, called on him to give up any information that could assist investigations into the alleged Westminster paedophile ring. (more...)
One of the blogs I regularly reblog here for its content related to education is Subway to Damascus. For those readers not adept at the use of newsreaders and/or can't wait for me to get caught up with the many sources of news on education, here is an automatically-updating digest for your convenience:
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The province of Nova Scotia has recently published a policy document on accommodating transgender students...
The new Nova Scotia document is based on the Toronto school guidelines and the Canadian Teachers' Federation guidelines.
The Toronto District School Board's guidelines say that any student is allowed to use whichever washroom he or she wants, because "A student’s self identification is the sole measure of the student’s gender." Ditto for staff members.
The guide also says that "school leaders should make an effort to hire and retain transgender and gender non-conforming staff." (more...)
Paedophile Charles Napier was today jailed for 13 years as a result of police investigations into a network of powerful people who sexually abused children.
Napier prison’s sentence came after he pleaded guilty last month to 28 charges of indecent assault against 21 boys between 1967 and 1972. He also admitted two more charges today against two additional boys.
Peter Clement, prosecuting, said that the total of 31 charges related to 23 boys who were aged between 8 and 13. Napier worked as a teacher at a prep school. Napier sexually abused some pupils more than 100 separate times each. Clement described it as a "campaign of sexual abuse".
Napier, who had been living the life of a country gentleman in Sherborne in Dorset, had been a close friend of the late Peter Righton, a founder of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which promoted sex with children. (more...)
J.K. Rowling, author of the controversial Harry Potter children’s book series, confirmed by way of a tweeted response to a fan's question that homosexual students would most certainly attend her fictional Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
When a Harry Potter fan asked if “it's safe to assume that Hogwarts had a variety of people and it's a safe place for LGBT students”, Rowling tweeted, "but of course."
Along with this response Rowling posted a rainbow-trimmed picture with the words, "If Harry Potter taught us anything it’s that no one should live in a closet."
This is the second time Rowling has informed her fans that homosexuality was a normal part of her stories aimed at children.
At Carnegie Hall during her 2007 US book tour, in response to a question by a fan, Rowling announced that the prominent character of the "good" wizard headmaster, Dumbledore is, in fact, a homosexual. (more...)
Douglas Slade was warned he faced 40 years in jail
over child abuse but boasted that he would pay
to get case dropped
A notorious British paedophile has built a house in the Philippines overlooking an elementary school and allegedly lures pupils as young as eight into his home where he abuses them for the price of a pair of flip-flops.
Wealthy Douglas Slade, 73 – a founder of the vilified Paedophile Information Exchange which campaigned for child sex in the 1970s – has been repeatedly arrested for taking nude photos and molesting underage boys in the Philippines.
But despite being on bail for cases involving pupils from the Amsic Elementary School in Angeles City, he continues to take pupils into his home, paying them the equivalent of two pounds a time for sex acts and photos, neighbours told the Mail Online.
Widower Slade, who grew rich from a food business he set up after moving to the Philippines in 1985, donates money to the school which claims it has received no complaints about him from parents – even though its pupils are among his alleged victims.
He has repeatedly had child sex charges against him dropped and was caught on camera in an ITV documentary in 1995 boasting that he could bribe prosecutors and the families of victims to avoid being convicted. (more...)
MP John Mann claimed that two whistleblowers
who threatened to expose an alleged VIP
paedophile ring may have been murdered
A campaigning MP sensationally claimed yesterday that two whistleblowers who threatened to expose an alleged VIP paedophile ring may have been murdered.
John Mann has passed detectives information about the suspicious deaths of the men who were allegedly poised to lift the lid on child sex abuse at the heart of the Establishment.
The development comes as the Labour MP told the Daily Mail yesterday that a key witness has come forward providing the address of a Dolphin Square flat which was used for ‘abuse parties’ by a network of high-profile figures including politicians and leading members of the judiciary, military and security services.
The potential breakthrough, which could help detectives identify the alleged perpetrators, comes a day after it emerged that Mr Mann had handed detectives a dossier naming 22 politicians – including six serving MPs and members of the House of Lords – suspected of involvement in a Westminster paedophile ring. (more...)
An MP today accused the Government of “deliberate mistakes” to stop the official inquiry into child abuse scandals getting to the truth.
The bombshell allegation of sabotage was made by Labour’s Simon Danczuk, who laid bare the abuse of boys by late Liberal Democrat grandee Sir Cyril Smith.
“You can’t help thinking that they aren’t intent on getting this right,” the MP commented after a leaked letter revealed that Home Secretary Theresa May told inquiry members their panel might be disbanded.
“There’s a catalogue of mistakes that have been made, some of them fairly basic.”
Mr Danczuk said some survivors of child abuse were wondering if the setbacks were linked to the fact that some of the allegations involved “high-profile figures”.
He added: “You can’t help thinking that some of this is quite deliberate mistakes by people in central government. They don’t want to get to the truth, that would be the allegation.” (more...)
Between the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF), and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA), there were a lot of things for citizens and taxpayers to be upset about in 2014. Here's a list of the top 10 dumbest things our teachers' unions did this year. (more...)
Labour MP John Mann has submitted an explosive dossier to police naming 22 politicians linked to historical child abuse
Police are investigating claims that at least five paedophile rings operating at the heart of Westminster were covered up.
Labour MP John Mann has submitted an explosive dossier to police naming 22 politicians – including three serving MPs and three serving members of the House of Lords – linked to historical child abuse.
Last night, he said the complexity of the criminality at the heart of the Establishment during the 1970s and 1980s had been underestimated.
The latest claims come after Mr Mann revealed in the Mail last week that he was aware of five investigations dropped by Scotland Yard into alleged VIP child abuse which took place over the last three decades.
Last night the Bassetlaw MP said: ‘There are at least five paedophile rings which involved MPs. Each of them involved at least one MP, some involved more, and these were groups of people who knew about the activities of one another.
‘In some cases I believe they committed abuse together.’ He told the Daily Telegraph: ‘Three of these figures were highly influential.’ (more...)
Revelation 2:20 But I have against thee a few things: because thou sufferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach, and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and to eat of things sacrificed to idols.
Suspected child abusers Jimmy Savile and Peter Jaconelli could have been captured 30 years ago, had police listened to their victims at the time.
That is the frank admission of North Yorkshire Police, with the force now confessing that it was told about the abuse decades ago – but decided not to do anything about it.
The force has now offered a full apology to the duo’s victims, after a report found there was “overwhelming” evidence to say they were guilty of dozens of serious sexual offences - including rape.
A report on Operation Hibiscus reveals that ice cream magnate Jaconelli carried out a four-decade campaign of abuse in Scarborough, and along with Savile, would have been arrested if still alive.
But with Jaconelli’s offending believed to have gone on until a year before his death in 1999, it means the police’s decision not to pursue the initial complaints let him continue abusing children for at least another decade. (more...)
Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, recently hosted a student workshop designed to “challenge gender roles,” according to the student newspaper The Xavier Newswire. The event, which apparently failed to integrate the Church’s teaching on sexual identity, was sponsored by the Jesuit university’s Center for International Education (CIE) and Multicultural, Gender and Women’s Center (MGWC).
According to its website, the MGWC is committed to encouraging students “to make the most of their diverse interactions across a wide range of social identities,” and lists “advising and advocacy” as part of the center’s purposes.
The director of the MGWC, Taj Smith, reportedly stated:
It is important for all Xavier students to think critically about gender identity, expression and the roles that tend to be assigned to the gender binary of men and women. It is our hope that we can raise more awareness of how culture shapes our gender, as well as expand people’s expectations of what specific genders are (supposed) to be. (more...)
The Progressive Conservatives’ education critic has defended his decision to support Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s controversial plan to update the province’s sex-ed curriculum, saying his mind was made up, not after consulting with parents, but after hearing from unions and various education-related groups that told him the changes were “necessary.”
“I’ve [been] talking to a number of the unions, I’ve talked to the Ontario principals’ council, I’ve talked to trustees’ associations right across the province, and they’re telling me, ‘Garfield, we’re ready to go with it [the sex-ed changes],’” MPP Garfield Dunlop, Simcoe North, told LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview.
Dunlop said that the above mentioned groups told him that the updated curriculum will teach kids “health and safety around birth control, around protected sex,” something they told him is “necessary in our society.” (more...)
Condoms were hung from a fireplace with care in the auditorium at Lord Byng secondary Wednesday.
The prophylactics set the scene for the holiday-themed Sex at Lunch session, which a trio mounts approximately every two weeks for students in Grades 11 and 12 and sometimes Grade 10.
“Fa la la la la, don’t get herpes…” read one of the projections for the Wrap Your Package holiday-themed session on sexually transmitted infections.
The 200 students who attended sang “The 12 STIs of Christmas,” which includes the line: “My balls are lumpy and sore.” (more...)
The blog is to expose the anti-Catholic practices of the Ottawa Catholic School Board (and St Joe’s parish).
We are a group of faithful Catholics called the CIA – Catholic Intelligence Association.
The most recent posts:
More and more #OCSB teachers will be “gender fluid bisexual queer”. Wednesday, October 4, 2023
the OCSB ACTIVELY seeks them out when hiring! Miss seguin is just one example. There will be MANY more in the future! Are kids expelled for saying there are only 2 genders and for using sex-based pronouns? Pls RESPECTFULLY object to ocsb bringing in gender ideology (Pope francis calls it demonic)... .. read more..
Trans-activist speaks at #OCSB elementary school. #oecta #tcsdsb #ocsbjoy #oc... Friday, June 23, 2023
Gender Ideology is DIABOLICAL. So, OCSB brings in an activist to talk to little kids about it. and also Harvey Milk (a pederast with a 16yo street boy). No warning for parents, no opt-out options This is what Archbishop Prendergast said about role models and speakers. Fae (real name Zac) pushing ... .. read more..
What happened to #Catholic school boards’ promise to follow the Respecting Di... Friday, June 2, 2023
We were promised by the OCSTA, and school boards and the ACBO Catholic Bishops that GSA clubs would follow RD guidelines What happened to that promise? Does anyone believe any of these GSAs follow RD?? Really? Their teacher leaders all hate the Catechism and the @ICEONTario monograph on Gender OC... .. read more..
Is this book in agreement with Catholic teachings? Does #OCSB even care? Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Look at what it teaches on contraception, masturbation and gender identity! Do they really not care about the Catechism, Pope JPII’s Theology of the Body, etc etc? The book encourages exploring kink on the internet, watching porn, and using sex toys. .. read more..
Another porn book at #OCSB – Flamer Friday, May 19, 2023
The book includes a scene of abuse where a boy is told to “bust a load” in a bottle. “If you don’t, you have to DRINK IT,” the character says. The book also includes male on male oral sex and a boy watching pornography. Parents are no longer allowed to read from these vulgar books … Continu... .. read more..
LB Pearson Ottawa #OCSB #Catholic School Blasphemes the Holy Trinity to push ... Wednesday, May 17, 2023
They will stop at nothing to push trans agenda and getting kids to take hormones, wear chest binders and have mutilation surgery. They got this meme from “Illustrated Ministry” (that is the little words under “TheM”) who got the idea from a protestant church in San Francis... .. read more..
St FX #OCSB Teachers are more excited about Ramadan than Lent! Friday, March 31, 2023
More tweets from OCSB teachers about Ramadan than Lent! Ramadan igns up at school. Catholics know that Mohammed was a false prophet and the Quran was not received from God. “Muslims believe that, during the month of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad was given the Qur’an, Islam’s hol... .. read more..
More on Transgender. #ocsb #oecta #tcdsb Monday, November 14, 2022
The following resources after the first link are 100% in agreement with the Catholic faith (and what @ICEOntario teaches!). These resources are not what govt/OECTA-run “catholic” schools teach in Ontario from JK to 12!! .. read more..
why does #ocsb have a book about grinder and how to do gay sex acts?? #oecta Saturday, August 27, 2022
Also available online to ocsb kids via ocsb sora. What happened to ccc 2357 to 2359? What happened to making saints? .. read more..
#OCSB children must endure 14 years of anti-#Catholic LGBT indoctrination Thursday, June 2, 2022
It all starts in JK. This is an example from yesterday at OCSB Guardian Angels in Stittsville (West Ottawa) ===== and this is for Grade 7-12 at All Saints in Kanata (also west Ottawa) Click on pic.twitter for 40 sec video What percentage of OCSB grads in 14 years will b... .. read more..
40% of #OCSB students say they are 2SLGBTQ #oecta #tcdsb @archottawa @archtor... Wednesday, May 11, 2022
the efforts of ocsb teachers and egale and the pink lobby appear to be working. Are Bishops and priests really ok with this farce of a “catholic” school system?? With rainbow flags going up again in “catholic” schools, will priests walk under these flags to go to schools t... .. read more..
4 reasons why govt funding for “catholic” schools will end within decade. #on... Monday, July 5, 2021
Catholic demographics There is a rapid decline in Ontario Catholicism. It is becoming more and more like Quebec Catholicism. In Quebec City, 90% of parishes have merged/closed into 20 “pastoral centres”. Ontario is becoming a province of “baptized pagans” 2. LGBTQ Activist... .. read more..
Neo-Racist Critical Race Theory in K-Grade 2 in #Ontario schools. #ocsb #tcdsb Monday, June 21, 2021
This neo-racist material is taught in all Ontario school boards (in various ways). Between these lessons and LGBTQ lessons, children’s minds will be so warped by even Grade 6. .. read more..
#OCSB teacher hiring encouraging “gender diverse and intersectional identities” Thursday, May 27, 2021
We all know that the pastoral “priest” letter is largely a joke. Very few of the 4000 teacher attend mass and believe in the entire Catechism. Teacher candidates parish shop and find someone to sign this form (often St Joe’s in Sandy Hill) The following is a new job posting from... .. read more..
OCSB votes 9-1 for Rainbow Power flag in front of all schools. #catholic Tuesday, May 25, 2021
This is simply “truth in packaging” and confirms what is going on daily inside classrooms with rainbow lessons, rainbow flags, GSAs, etc Parents and priests can no longer be in denial. All is exposed now. There were 15 presentations, including by the Archbishop. 1... .. read more..
It was all but inevitable. The New Homophiles have finally made the big time, the front page of the Washington Post Style Section, above the fold no less.
Eve and Josh sit fetchingly on a couch, Josh’s legs crossed exactly precisely just so, Eve’s bare feet, Josh’s dirty socks, lips pursed, college text books prominently displayed. Out of the shadows come the celibate “gay” Christians, writes Michelle Boorstein, frequent picker of Catholic scabs.
Such a story was all but inevitable because it is such a good story. Here is a group of smart, young-to-youngish Catholics and Protestants announcing their unabashed and unashamed “gayness,” yet announcing also their fidelity to Christian sexual morality. No “gay sex” for them.
Such a proposition was tailor-made for a media that is obsessed with all things “gay.” And after you run out of the first gay this, that, and the other, what’s there to write about? Hey, over there, look, they’re “gay” and Catholic but they still have a gripe with the Church? Perfect. (more...)
As 2014 comes to a close, think about this. Between three and four million children have been sexually abused this year in the United States. But only about 100,000 of these cases have been reported to the police. Most children who are sexually abused never tell anyone about it.
Whether you realize it or not, your children and grandchildren and nieces and nephews are in danger.
One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18
Ten percent of these children will be abused by an adult they encounter in their own school sometime between kindergarten and their graduation.
At a minimum, six percent of sexually abused children will go on to become abusers, themselves.
Most of us know that child sexual predators gravitate toward organizations that serve children—schools, churches, scouts, sports teams, and so on. And we also know that within the last decade most of these organizations have implemented a background investigation requirement for anyone who works with children. Those of us who have served in child oriented organizations know this because we’ve experienced undergoing such investigations.
What most of us don’t know is that these background investigations provide virtually no deterrence whatsoever to the child sexual predator. Predators blow right through these barriers because most have never been caught. (more...)
Adam Boulton from Sky News interviews Exaro’s editor Mark Watts and Labour MP John Mann about the Westminster child abuse scandal.
The Met Police are investigating the murder of 3 boys in the late 70s and early 80s in connection with an alleged paedophile network that is said to include senior politicians and figures from public life.
Some of the alleged abusers are still living, and still senior figures in parliamentary circles.
The Met Police are appealing for victims and anyone else who might have information to come forward now.
And, the scandals extend up to the royalty and across the ocean:
I want to know why the Liberals will not let the Ombudsman OR anyone else go near the CAS, and why Liberal Minister Glen Murray fought to prevent any such investigations into the agencies, considering the harrowing reports of sex abuse in foster care and other areas, it is deeply troubling and very bizarre.
Marin cannot enforce legally binding recommendations, but he could have probed the system for systemic issues that contribute to the abuse of children to prevent further abuse in the future. Any recommendations would have been debated, but he has been totally barred from going near this.
The Liberals have done everything they can to keep this entire area totally off limits, that in itself is very strange and totally freakish.
Wynne has no problem cavorting around with sex workers in a plight to protect them, yet she has NO regard to children being abused in foster care, adoption, and group homes whatsoever, and she refuses as did McGuinty to even acknowledge any level of abuse, let alone doing something to stop it!
The Met is looking into explosive claims boys were abused and even killed by
Conservative politicians at Dolphin Square, a block of flats in Pimlico, London
Police are today investigating whether members of a VIP Westminster paedophile ring murdered three young boys at 'abuse parties' as it emerged victims may have been abused at military bases.
Scotland Yard detectives are calling on witnesses to come forward if they know anything about boys being killed at Dolphin Square, a block of flats in Pimlico, London.
It is believed that every weekend in the late seventies and early eighties groups of vulnerable boys were smuggled to an address in the exclusive development by the Thames close to Parliament.
There, after being plied with alcohol, they suffered sickening sexual assaults by the rich and powerful including Tory MPs, and one victim says some children were eventually killed.
The Met has launched Operation Midland to probe the claims and said today accounts of murders by an alleged abuse victim appear to be credible but no names and bodies have ever been found.
Scotland Yard also believe that abuse took place at locations in London and Home Counties between mid-1970s and mid-1980s - but this has now been widened to include military bases. (more...)
The Liberal government is reportedly reintroducing an updated version of the sex education curriculum for Ontario schools. which was withdrawn in 2010 because of objections from religious leaders and the public.
Earlier proposed to be introduced in 2010, the plan had then been withdrawn because of objections from religious leaders and the public.
The reintroduced sex education curriculum will teach children about homosexuality and same-sex marriages right from Grade 3; encourage discussions about puberty, including masturbation, in Grade 6; and talk about preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in Grade 7 — besides information about oral and anal sex.
Premier Kathleen Wynne, sorry to say this, but let me point out: You are going to provide education about same sex, but during your own predecessor Premier Dalton McGuinty’s tenure, one of his own ministers was gay and he’d thought it wise to not educate his own member of caucus. Perhaps it’d be better to start with educating your own Liberal caucus, all presumably adult members, than experimenting on innocent kids. (more...)
TIMMINS - A female elementary school teacher accused of sexual misconduct involving a minor had her first scheduled appearance in Timmins provincial court Tuesday.
Veronique Vallee-Guindon, 27, did not actually show up in court for what turned out to be a very brief proceeding.
She was represented by the court's duty counsellor, Calvin Ferrier, who requested an adjournment on behalf of Vallee-Guindon’s lawyer.
Passing along information that had been provided to him, Ferrier explained that the defence had recently received the disclosure or case file from the prosecution and required a period of time to review its contents.
The matter was adjourned to Jan. 20.
Vallee-Guindon is charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, sexual exploitation, sexual invitation and obstructing police. (more...)
Commemoration at Anfield stadium marking 25 years since the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96 people died.
Senior South Yorkshire police officers who were freemasons orchestrated a “masonic conspiracy” to shift the blame after the Hillsborough disaster in 1989, the inquests into the deaths of the 96 victims have been told.
Maxwell Groome, a constable at the time, said that after the disaster at the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday’s football ground, “the word” inside the force was that freemason officers held a meeting to blame superintendent Roger Marshall.
Groome said he heard that the meeting took place in portable cabins at South Yorkshire police’s area office, and was attended by Chief superintendent David Duckenfield, who had commanded the match.
Questioned by Michael Mansfield QC, representing 75 families whose relatives were killed at Hillsborough, Groome said he believed Duckenfield was “a grandmaster of a particularly influential lodge” – the Dore lodge in Sheffield.
Groome also told the inquest that senior officers pressured junior officers to change their statements after the disaster, because they were “terrified” of criticism of the force’s command. (more...)
For decades, Terry Bean has made media and political waves as a co-founder of the gay “rights” group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a major fundraiser and bundler for President Obama and other prominent Democrats.
He has been a hugely influential figure in the Obama administration’s decision to change how the federal government looks at marriage. Changes include a statement by former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder that state Attorneys General could ignore state marriage amendments, an Executive Order in 2014 that gives LGBT Americans the same worker protections as women and racial minorities for federal employees and contractors, and the elimination of single-sex classrooms and schools if they receive federal funding.
Additionally, the Obama administration has declared that Medicare funding can be used for transgender surgeries.
Given this influence, you might expect U.S. media to intensely focus on the dramatic legal proceedings that have taken place since November, when Bean was charged with the sexual assault of a 15-year-old boy. Bean, 66, and his 25-year-old ex-boyfriend broke up in a dramatic and violent fashion earlier this year, and both were arrested in relation to the alleged assault. (more...)
Dr. John McAdams, a professor of political science at Marquette University whose blog posts have brought to light many of the Jesuit University’s actions undermining its Catholic identity, has reportedly been suspended, banned from campus and is now under formal investigation by the administration. The Cardinal Newman Society spoke to the University in order to determine the grounds for the disciplinary action.
McAdams released the news on his blog, Marquette Warrior, which included an email sent to him from the dean of Marquette, Richard Holz. The email stated that McAdams was to remain off campus while his conduct was reviewed by the University. Enclosed in the email was Marquette’s harassment policy.
The Cardinal Newman Society previously covered McAdams’ report concerning one of the University’s philosophy instructors, Cheryl Abbate, a graduate student who reportedly told one of her students that discussion of same-sex marriage “would be offensive” to homosexual students. She reportedly said the student did not have “a right in this class to make homophobic comments” and invited him to drop the class. The story garnered national attention. (more...)
For some time now, despite intimidation and threats from the Police and Scarborough Borough Council, the North Yorks Enquirer has been pursuing the truth.
We have consistently alleged that there was a major paedophile-ring operating in Scarborough from 1947 until about 2009 and that it included Jimmy Savile and Peter Jaconelli, the Mayor of Scarborough. We have alleged that his ring was the most successful paedophile ring in British criminal history, was connected to the Westminster paedophile ring, operated far beyond North Yorkshire, had international connections and was involved in trafficking and enticing young people into prostitution. It was successful because Jaconelli was protected by North Yorkshire Police, because he was a Scarborough Borough Councillor, County Councillor, millionaire businessman, Mayor, leading Scarborough Citizen who was a School Governor and ran the local Judo Club.
Operation Hibiscus, the investigation into these allegations, has now reported. North Yorkshire Police has now been forced to publicly admit that the most successful and longest-running paedophile-ring in British criminal history peacefully co-existed with North Yorkshire Police in Scarborough for forty years. It included Britain`s most prolific rapists and sex offenders Jimmy Savile and Peter Jaconelli, was connected to the Westminster paedophile-ring and operated openly with the full knowledge of North Yorkshire Police. The Force’s failure to arrest any of the members over the course of fifty years of relatively open offending, despite numerous complaints and reports, was inexcusable, a national scandal and deeply corrupt.
We believe that, over the course of its existence from 1947 until about 2009, the ring had thousands of victims and was much bigger and worse than the Rotherham or Rochdale rings. (more...)