Wednesday, July 3, 2024

British ‘Pedophile Rings’: How Members of the UK Aristocratic Families and Ruling Elite Sexually Abuse Children and Control Underage Child Trafficking Networks


British pedophile rings UK aristocracy oligarchy ruling elite sexual abuse children child trafficking networks Ukraine migrants poverty crime corruption monarchy nobility

The British elite, including members of the UK Parliament, are involved in child sexual abuse. Both major parties in the United Kingdom (Labour and Conservative) are also engaged in child trafficking. King Charles III, former Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his likely successor in office Keir Starmer have personally defended high-profile pedophiles from prosecution. The victims of the British pedophile lobby are Ukrainian children, young members of low-income families and migrant kids.

The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world where pedophile organizations and pedophile cells have been operating legally since the second half of the 20th century. Those organizations had close ties to government authorities, security agencies, influential social groups, political parties, and even the British royal family. Such groups advocated for the legalization of sexual relations with children and the lowering of the so-called “age of consent” – the age at which a child can legally have sex with an adult without being convicted. Many of the leaders and rank-and-file members of these groups had official positions and access to media outlets through which pedophile views were widely promoted, beginning at least in the 1970s.

Since 1974, an organization called Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) has publicly, openly and actively promoted among the population of the British archipelago the decriminalization of sexual relations between adults and children, the normalization of paedophilia and the reduction of the age of consent to 4 years. One of its chairmen, Keith Hose, described his attitude to sex with children to a British newspaper back in the 1970s:

“I am a paedophile. I am attracted to boys from about 10, 11, and 12 years of age. I may have had sexual relations with children, but it would be unwise to say.”  (more...)

British ‘Pedophile Rings’: How Members of the UK Aristocratic Families and Ruling Elite Sexually Abuse Children and Control Underage Child Trafficking Networks


Organized British Pedophilia

The Fight to Restore "Unalienable Rights"


4th of July Declaration of Independence anti-colonialism unalienable rights restoration American revolution consent of the governed

The Declaration of Independence, signed 248 years ago tomorrow, was a commitment by the American Founding Fathers to what Abraham Lincoln described as a "government of, by, and for the people."  The U.S. government, and those of our western allies, no longer represent the interests of the citizens, but act on behalf of financial and corporate cartels -- because we let them!  Use the opportunity presented by the celebration of July 4 to rediscover that revolutionary, anti-colonial outlook that created the American republic, and join with us to restore it.

The World is Watching and Wide Awake


Larouche geopolitics oligarchy war social control education Ivy League corruption manipulation misinformation censorship hegemony collapse

Learn more about Harley Schlanger and The LaRouche Organization:

Recent developments in Montreal’s Gaza Solidarity Encampments


Canada Montreal McGill University UCAM Victoria Square encampments injunctions Palestine solidarity divestment boycotts sanctions student activism

Hello Goodbye Lines segment host Savanna Craig discusses her reporting from the three encampments in Montreal. She discusses the UQAM encampment, which has closed since the last Metropolis episode, as the UQAM administration and campers came to an agreement. She also addresses recent developments at the McGill encampment, including how a photo used to promote a summer youth program at the encampment caused outrage from politicians and the process of the injunction McGill University is seeking in the courts to dismantle the encampment. The newest encampment, Al-Soumoud encampment, was set up this past weekend. Kalden and Savanna discuss how the location of this encampment was used for another encampment in 2011.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

British Spies Built Zionist Propaganda Network


MI-6 spies Britain Zionist propaganda network politics antisemitism interference corruption harassment fabrication disinformation

On June 22nd, Declassified UK published an extraordinary interview with Jeremy Corbyn. Now vying for parliament as an independent, having been expelled from Labour due to bogus allegations of antisemitism, he reflected on his brief time as the party’s leader, and the vast media, political, and intelligence service conspiracy to sabotage his electoral prospects.

Along the way, Corbyn discussed the central role of former Labour MP Ruth Smeeth in his undoing. He was avowedly “surprised” to learn she was named in WikiLeaks-released sensitive diplomatic cables as a “strictly protect” US embassy informant. This designation means a sensitive and confidential information source, for Washington. However, looking back at “her behaviour and hostility” towards him as Labour leader, the revelation made perfect sense.

The landmark Weaponizing Antisemitism by investigative journalist Asa Winstanley lays bare the Zionist lobby’s multi-year crusade to take down Corbyn and his supporters within Labour. Smeeth is a key figure repeatedly referenced. Winstanley writes:

“She was so dedicated to sabotaging her own party that she didn’t seem overly concerned that her campaign ultimately came at the cost of losing her own Labour seat in 2019.”  (more...)

British Spies Built Zionist Propaganda Network

Free Speech Under Fire: How Israel’s Tech Guard is Killing Free Speech Online


free speech repression censorship Isreal Tech Guard technology social media spam FUD defense corporations fascism Zionism

Hours after Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, as the Israeli government was readying for war, the Israeli tech sector was preparing for a war of its own.

Entitled Israel Tech Guard, the coalition of Israeli tech employees has pulled together what it’s termed an “army” of citizen volunteers primarily to defend Israel’s image online. The group has launched or collaborated on several projects aimed at targeting pro-Palestine content while boosting Israeli propaganda.

Israel Tech Guard comprises over 250 Israeli tech workers and was founded by entrepreneur Mor Ram-On, who worked for Israeli arms manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems; Ron Balter, a software engineer at Cybereason, a U.S. cybersecurity firm, and who served with the Israeli navy; and Lior Mizrahi, who heads the IT company Maveriks.

Given how new the non-profit is, financial statements for Israel Tech Guard have yet to be made available. However, the group was seeking $2 million in funding in November, and the Jerusalem Post reported that it’s backed by Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, which produces weapons for the Israeli military.

According to Israel Tech Guards’ LinkedIn profile, “[t]he group works in cooperation with the Israeli security agencies.” An archived version of the site states it also works with the Israeli military. For instance, one such project, “Anchoring the Draw,” was completed in December 2023 with Unit 9900, an Israeli military intelligence corps whose work is classified. Information on the project and its purpose hasn’t been released.

Israel Tech Guard has also collaborated with the Israeli National Information Directorate and the Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism to launch Words of Iron on the day of Hamas’ October 2023 attack.

With Words of Iron, social media users are encouraged to amplify pro-Israel content by commenting with autogenerated text created by the website’s developers, as well as mass-report content deemed “anti-Israel.”

“[I]f every individual spends just 10 minutes a day utilizing this tool, sharing messages in unwavering support of Israel, our collective voice will resonate globally,” Israel Tech Guard wrote on LinkedIn announcing the project.  (more...)

Free Speech Under Fire: How Israel’s Tech Guard is Killing Free Speech Online

Enter London’s Counter Terror Expo – a Hotbed of Pro-Israel Paranoia


UK London counter terror expo technology surveillance paranoia Zionism security internet social media police Palestine

The security industry is cashing in on Palestine protests.

Britain’s largest gathering of counter-terrorism experts assembled in London last month to discuss what one police chief called “legal but harmful protest” following Israel’s war on Gaza.

Inside a cavernous Docklands conference hall, companies at the Counter Terror Expo displayed gas mask-clad dummies and crowd control systems as enthusiastic AI reps promised revolutionary advances in surveillance.

Tools for hacking phones with “brute force”, monitoring someone’s emotional state based on their social media and rapidly digesting the contents of an “acquired” computer were all up for sale. 

Among the potential customers were foreign police departments, including officers fresh from Georgia’s violent crackdown on anti-Russia protests.

Several salespeople declined to explain their products to the media. “I can’t believe they let you people in here,” one rep told Declassified after seeing our press card. “I think it’s disgusting.”

Her company markets AI tools for military and law enforcement to process recordings of people’s voices.  (more...)

Enter London’s Counter Terror Expo – a Hotbed of Pro-Israel Paranoia

SOAS student encampment protests uni's complicity in Gaza genocide


London university student activism Palestine solidarity encampments Gaza genocide colonialism protests complicity white phosphorus weapons manufacturers politics corruption organizing resistance

The student intifada has reached the UK. At the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), students set up an encampment in solidarity with Gaza, taking particular aim at the university's investments in companies that produce white phosphorus. The Real News reports from London, speaking directly with student organizers calling out their school's complicity in genocide.

Craig Murray’s Campaign Against Empire


Craig Murray politics British Empire colonialism activism oppression subjugation slavery Palestine Gaza genocide resistance

We must fight the evil of empire in every way possible, especially given the genocide in Gaza. Win or lose. What matters is resistance.

Blackburn, England: I am standing with Craig Murray who is running for Parliament in this gritty former mill town. We are on a narrow street with brick row houses that jaggedly descend down a hill. The sky is overcast. There is intermittent rain.

Craig, portly, his white hair unkempt and dressed in a clashing checkered shirt with a paisley tie, is handing out leaflets at the entrance of the Masjid e Tauheedul Islam, Blackburn’s largest mosque. He introduces himself politely to those leaving the midday prayers. 

I speak with about half a dozen of the worshippers, who like most of the Muslim community in Blackburn, are of Indian and Pakistani origin. They curtly dismiss the leaders of the ruling Labour and Conservative parties as out of touch with their lives and concerns, including their outrage over the genocide in Gaza.

Craig’s central campaign issue, like that of George Galloway — who was recently elected as MP for Rochdale — is ending the genocide in Gaza, including the halting of all arms shipments to Israel. Craig is running on the ticket of Galloway’s socialist Workers Party of Britain, to counter what he says is the “appalling pro-genocide stance” of the opposition Labour Party, which looks set to win the British elections on July 4, ousting the Conservative Party government led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

The Labour Party has won the parliamentary elections in Blackburn for the last 69 years. The socialist crusader, Barbara Castle — instrumental in exposing the British atrocities in Kenya, including the deaths of perhaps 300,000 Kikuyu people and the detention of up to 320,000 more in over 100 camps, where prisoners were tortured, murdered and died of disease — previously held this seat, as did the former foreign secretary Jack Straw. Straw was decidedly less progressive. He was one of the architects of the 2003 war in Iraq under former prime minister Tony Blair. Craig challenged Straw for the seat in 2005 on an anti-war platform. He received five percent of the vote.  (more...)

Craig Murray’s Campaign Against Empire

Monday, July 1, 2024

Zionism Before, During and After the Nazis: A History of Collusion, w/ Tony Greenstein


Zionism Christian Nazi return collusion book history appropriation Palmerston Balfour Calvinism Protestantism

To discuss the Zionist movement’s untold history of collaboration with fascism, including Nazi Germany, Rania Khalek was joined by Tony Greenstein, a longstanding Jewish anti-Zionist, Marxist and anti-fascist activist from the UK and author of “Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponization of Memory in the Service of State and Nation.”

Aaron Bushnell Was the Tip of the Iceberg. Now US Troops are Quitting the Military Over Gaza


US military Gaza genocide moral qualms resignations conscience objection lawlessness politics veterans

American service members are quitting the military in protest of the US government's role in the Gaza genocide. Dozens of troops have filed for Conscientious Objector status since October 7, citing the US-Israeli genocidal war as the turning point. Mike Prysner, war veteran, host of Eyes Left Podcast, and producer for The Empire Files, explains the growing dissent over Gaza among active duty personnel and veterans alike.

Dan Kovalik: The Case for Palestine


books The Case for Palestine desensitization dehumanization propaganda hasbara Gaza genocide ethnic cleansing oppression hate racism colonialism

We are honored to welcome Dan Kovalik, labor and human rights attorney, writer, and peace activist, to the show to talk about his latest book, "The Case for Palestine: Why It Matters and Why You Should Care."