Sunday, July 21, 2024

Elites Creating New Cult Religion for Top-Down Control


oligarchy cults Blavatsky Theosophy United Nations Luciferianism Esolen drugs New Age UFOs cults human potential neofeudalism

David Gosselin discusses his new writings on how the Western occult oligarchy is creating a new spiritual eco-system and cult religion to better manage their populations and maintain top-down control. A lot of talking points include the UFO phenomenon and aliens or alien gnosis, so-called lost civilizations, psychedelics, and so forth. They are attempting to re-imagine Western civilization's image of man. Pop culture (e.g. X-Men) is really the exoteric version of the esoteric, a typical feature of the mystery cults and schools. The idea is that through bioengineering and the technological transformation of man's body he is going to reach higher spiritual transcendence. The UFO "disclosure" movement is a sort of false flag operation and theosophist jargon such as "Christ Consciousness" is their selling point to re-pattern society. This alchemical tradition depends on people not knowing how their tricks work, once that is demystified, their magic and spells become useless.

Lyndon Larouche Christian economy anti-fascism republicanism independence politics Workers Party American System emancipation accountability

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