Monday, July 22, 2024

Apartheid-Free Zones and the Boycott/Shame List


boycott divest sanction apartheid Israel genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy Canada business complicity

At the Canadian BDS Coalition, one of the questions we receive most frequently is: “Which products and businesses should we boycott? Which businesses should we support, if we want to support Palestinian rights and liberation?”

Of course, the campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions isn’t just about individual consumer choices — it’s about building collective power and challenging Israeli apartheid through cultural boycott, academic boycott and military embargo, in addition to the economic boycott of Israeli products and products produced by corporations profiting from the occupation. However, there are some key companies and products that are the targets of national and global boycott campaigns that we highlight on our “List of Shame.” This list also highlights Canadian companies that profit from occupation or that donate to, support and market occupation products. We view this list as a helpful tool to help individuals decide how to direct their shopping — but also for local Palestine solidarity groups, labour unions, social justice campaigners and others to find intersections around corporate complicity and determine local targets for campaigning.

Of course, we also want to highlight the businesses, organizations, labour unions, social enterprises and others that are committed to having apartheid-free spaces, Apartheid-Free Zones. These are businesses or organizations or community spaces that have committed to support the three principles of the BDS campaign, namely that Israel must meet its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully comply with the precepts of international law  (more...)

Apartheid-Free Zones and the Boycott/Shame List

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