Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Hess Mess Enigma

Why did the Hess case go silent? Why is he almost erased from history? Why did the worst war criminals go free? How is German unification & EU expansion related? Why did they never release him? Was he the brain of the party? How is Dulles & Bormann involved? What influence did Haushofer & Thule have? How's Goring & Hess tied to Antarctica? Why did Goring cover for the Scotland flight? Was Bormann the Soviet Spy?

books history accountability Nazi war politics prison crime corruption deception

On May 10, 1941, Rudolf Hess, Deputy Führer of the Nazi party, parachuted into Scotland on a mission to finalize a negotiation with England, ending the war in Western Europe and preventing a “fusion” of England with the United States. This would leave Germany free to attack Russia to the East and to allow the Jews to leave for settlements in Palestine rather than be shipped to labor and extermination camps. The mission failed. Hess lived out the rest of WW II in England.

Found guilty of crimes against peace and conspiracy to commit crimes at the Nuremberg trials in 1946, Hess spent the rest of his life in Spandau prison under allied supervision, where he was “suicided” in 1987. Or was it really Hess? There is compelling evidence to suggest the man who stood trial at Nuremberg in 1945-46 and then spent 31 years in Spandau prison was not Hess, but a “double.”  The efforts to keep “Hess” in prison, tightly under wraps until his assassination, and all information classified to this day have been extraordinary. It’s not that someone wanted “Hess” kept silent – its that everyone wanted him kept silent – the Americans, the British, the Germans, the Russians and the Israelis.

Dr. Farrell leads us through the puzzle palace of the “Hess Mess” with his usual fascinating style in his new book Hess and the Penguins: The Holocaust, Antarctica and the Strange Case of Rudolf Hess.  Farrell weaves the known facts with an analysis of the many omissions and cover-ups involved. He tells the tale of the “Hess Mess” and it’s relationship to the British royal family, including the death of the King’s brother, the Duke of Kent, in a plane crash in 1942, Roosevelt’s negotiations with Churchill to enter the war and the Zionist plans for Israel.  (more...)

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