Saturday, November 30, 2019

Klaus Barbie and the 1980 Bolivian Coup

Bolivia Klaus Barbie coup Nazi CIA freemasonry paramilitary politics terrorism assassination police business corruption cocaine

The 1980 putsch was not just one of many coups d'etat by power-hungry generals in Bolivia. It was two years in the planning and was supposed to complete a "stable axis" in South America—from Chile, through Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, to Bolivia. The coups in Chile in 1973 and in Argentina in 1976 were examples.

That is how it is stated in a plan with the code name Amapole (poppy flower) which had already been devised in 1978 at the initiative of the Bolivian intelligence officer Klaus Altmann, i.e., Klaus Barbie. The political, economic, and military aspects of the planned putsch were set' forth in 145 pages. Klaus Barbie himself prepared the military part.

The Bolivian banker, Dr. Enrique Garcia, had the responsibility of planning the economic direction of the new order" after the putsch. U.S. institutions paid him for his work. Under the heading "logical framework" Garcia designed an economic order for Bolivia using Chile as an example. If one believes the designer of the plan, there were very definite foreign promises of investments—under the stipulation that the economy in no way be jeopardized by leftist parties or "subversive groups" for at least ten years. U.S. concerns accordingly promised an oil refinery, a truck assembly plant and a Ford factory. Argentina wanted to secure the exploitation of the ore deposits in Mutun with long term credits.  (more...)

Bolivia Klaus Barbie coup Nazi CIA freemasonry paramilitary politics terrorism assassination police business corruption cocaine
Within days of the Vatican Pachamama scandal, another fascist Bolivian coup

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