Friday, May 24, 2019

Covert Action Information Bulletin Special: The CIA and Religion

Catholic corruption war population control eugenics politics military fascism CIA geopolitics

In this issue we concentrate on the CIA and religion, especially in Central America. We believe that an understanding of the degree to which intelligence agencies attempt to manipulate religion and organized churches is even more essential today than it was in 1975, when Senator Church's Committee examined the CIA's use of missionaries as spies.

Central America threatens to become another Vietnam for U.S. involvement, and in many countries repression against the poor has become brutal beyond comprehension. The people of Central America are very religious, a factor on which the CIA has always relied, as noted in Sources and Methods, and elsewhere in this issue. Using religious beliefs against the people and controlling and manipulating religious-sponsored relief agencies is nothing new for the CIA, as is shown in our articles on Thailand and Guatemala, and on the Miskitu Indians of Nicaragua.  (more...)


Catholic corruption war population control eugenics politics military fascism CIA geopolitics

Is the current migration crisis substantially a consequence of the subversion of the Church in the global south and the resulting disintegration of their societies? Blowback? Here you have why I now steer clear of the pro-life movement and others who ride on the back of the Catholic Church. No NGO should be considered free of the corrupting influence of the CIA.

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