Saturday, September 30, 2017

Operation Mind Control: Subverting the Political Will

Continuing analysis of the intelligence community’s mind control programs, this broadcast details one of the most insidious applications of the mind control discipline–the programming of entire new personalities into people, which could only become operational after a pre-conditioned cue was administered.

The program begins with discussion of the use of hypnosis to enable military and intelligence couriers to commit large amounts of information to memory in such a manner as to prevent disclosure when the subject was not hypnotized.

One of the CIA’s mind control couriers was a famous model and World War II pin-up girl named Candy Jones.

Ms. Jones–one of America’s premier models, a political liberal and the wife of broadcasting legend Long John Nebel–was subjected to a rigorous mind control program in which a bigoted, fascist personality was programmed into her under the alternate personality Arlene Grant.

Ms. Jones was conditioned to hate blacks, Jews and others, via a personality conditioned into her by a programmer. After marrying Nebel, a liberal, Ms. Jones was apparently programmed to kill herself, throwing herself off a cliff in the Bahamas.

Of particular note is the sexually-charged, anti-black racism with which Ms. Jones–as “Arlene Grant”–was imbued. Against the contemporary political backdrop, this is especially significant.  (more...)

Continuation from:

The Big Day That Wasn't: White supremacist rally in Peterborough draws counter-protesters

Police and anti-fascist protesters gathered at Peterborough’s Confederation Square on Saturday ahead of an anticipated white supremacist rally.

The Canadian Nationalist Front has planned an anti-Trudeau and anti-immigration rally despite the city not granting organizers a permit.

CityNews Reporter Faiza Amin is in Peterborough to hear what both sides have to say.  (more...)

The Canadian Jewish News takes note:

...and in Ottawa:

... and across Canada:


So you won't think Canada is unfriendly to Nazis:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Junior fellows demand apology after alleged racist incident at Massey College

Junior fellows at Massey College are demanding an apology and anti-racism training after an incident involving a senior fellow at the college.

The incident is described in an open letter written to Hugh Segal, the head of the college, and signed by dozens of junior and senior members.

The letter claims that on Sept. 26, senior fellow Michael Marrus addressed a black junior fellow in the presence of Segal, whose formal title is “Master of Massey College.”

The letter says that addressing the junior fellow, Marrus allegedly said “You know this is your master, eh? Do you feel the lash?”

The letter does not say where the incident took place or what the larger conversation was about.

In addition to being a senior fellow at Massey College, Marrus is a history professor at the University of Toronto, with a specialty in Holocaust studies.

“To hear what he said was very surprising, only because it is completely out of character,” Segal said. “And I can't attribute what he had in mind other than I think he thought he was trying to be funny and I think it was a miscalculation. But whatever was said was said and I condemn it. I take it very seriously and have to address it in that way.”  (more...)

More coverage:


Yes, this is a pattern on the University of Toronto campus. Not merely a gutter phenomenon, closet Naziism emanates from the top throughout the education establishment. The pervasive Cultural Marxism is a fig leaf for an underlying eugenic agenda, obscuring the real issue with a maze of artificial grievances. It is a slick illusion of equity and a lie worthy of its Nazi inventors.

One nation is set against another, while the sodomites condescendingly smile on. There is not an ounce of sincerity or truth in this institution.

Writer in Residence channeled racist Margaret Sanger, liberally meted out the lash

A hater among us: Man with swastika tattoo organizing white supremacist rally in Peterborough, Ont.

Kevin Goudreau’s blue golf shirt is buttoned to the collar. Were it not, heads would surely be turning, because there is a large tattoo of a swastika on his chest.

He keeps it under wraps during a recent interview, but it is on the Internet for all to see, along with photos of him blanketed in a Nazi flag and with his arm raised in the Nazi salute.

The Oshawa, Ont., drywaller is the leader of the White Nationalist Front, which wants to turn Canada into a white homeland by deporting millions of Canadians of other skin colours.

While Mr. Goudreau does not consider the Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik an ideological peer, the similarities in their online writings are hard to ignore.

Both demonize multiculturalism, immigration, hate-crimes laws, the media and the left. Both see the solution as social engineering that they imagine will return them to a condition of national homogeneity that never truly existed in the first place.  (more...)

September 30th is the big day:
Bring a fellow traveller

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Continuing On: The Nazi in our backyard

John Beattie
In May 1965, I sat in a restaurant on Millwood Drive in Leaside across from the self-proclaimed leader of the Nazi Party of Canada for an awkward interview.

The Toronto Telegram had, in fact, debated whether it would give John Beattie any ink at all. In the end, covering him was unavoidable.

Neo-Nazism was on the rise in the city that spring, and the tall, lanky 23-year-old Beattie was planning a rally in Allan Gardens.

It would be the first of several Allan Garden rallies staged by Beattie and his merry little band of bigots, and would result in a near riot when approximately 4,000 counter demonstrators also turned up.

Beattie later spent six months in prison, convicted of public mischief for painting swastikas on gate posts of prominent Toronto Jewish leaders.

In 2014, that same John Beattie ran for Deputy Reeve of Minden Hills, objecting to the cost of the local water tower. He received 214 out of 4,564 votes.

On that long ago spring morning in a Leaside restaurant, he talked the expected anti-Semitic garbage, including questioning the Holocaust. I probably should have, but didn't, point out to him that a friend’s mother, Mrs. Rosenberg, had a tattoo on her arm from one of the death camps.

He was, and remains, a white supremacist.  That is why he moved to Minden Hills

which is, according Beattie, “98 per cent white. Whiter than the driven snow.”  (more...)


Quebec Court of Appeal allows man to pursue religious orders in a class-action suit

The Quebec Court of Appeal delivered a decision on Tuesday that will allow man, who alleges he was the victim of sexual abuse decades ago at the hands of a priest who served at St. Joseph’s Oratory and a religious brother who was his elementary school teacher, to pursue a class- action lawsuit against two Montreal-based religious organizations.

The decision allows the plaintiff (a man whose identity is protected by a publication ban) to pursue legal action against  the Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal (the religious order that runs the iconic basilica on Mount Royal) and Province Canadienne de la Congrégation de Sainte-Croix along with a group of roughly 40 people.

The man alleged he was sexually abused, during a period when he was between eight and 10 years old, by a religious brother at the school he attended in Montreal during the 1950s  and that a priest at the oratory abused him inside the priest’s office while pretending to hear his confessions. The man alleges he was sexually abused once or twice a week for a period of two years. According to the man’s claims, he never spoke of sexual assaults to anyone until 2011, after he saw an episode of Radio-Canada’s Enquête that reported on sexual abuses inflicted on children who attended Collège Notre-Dame de Montréal.

The decision gives the man the status to represent all Quebec residents “who were subjected to sexual abuse by members of the Province Canadienne de la Congrégation de Sainte-Croix, in all teaching establishments, residences, summer camps or other locations situated in Quebec, as well as the Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal.”   (more...)

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bean Counter Carnage: The Pope's Armed Guard, According To the Former Vatican Auditor

On the afternoon of Sunday, September 24, the press office of the Holy See issued the following statement:
“The Holy See takes cognizance with surprise and regret of the statements released by Mr. Libero Milone, former Auditor General. In this way he has fallen short of the agreement to keep confidential the reasons for his resignation of the Office. It is recalled that, on the basis of the Statutes, the task of the Auditor General is that of analyzing the balance sheets and accounts of the Holy See and of its associated administrations. It turns out, unfortunately, that the Office directed by Mr. Milone, going beyond its authority, illegally engaged an outside Company to carry out investigative activities on the private lives of representatives of the Holy See. 
“This, in addition to constituting a crime, irreparably damaged the trust placed in Mr. Milone, who, confronted with his actions, freely agreed to submit his resignation. Assurance is given, finally, that the inquiries were conducted with every scruple and with respect for the person.”
The statement is referring to the interview with Libero Milone in “Corriere della Sera,” the “Wall Street Journal,” the agency “Reuters,” and on SkyTg24, made public on the morning of the same day:

Milone’s resignation dates back to last June 19. Without any explanation, at the time, from him or from the Holy See.

After the summer, however, the former auditor general - who says he is “one thousand percent innocent” - decided to reveal to four journalistic outlets gathered at his lawyer’s office what really happened that day.  (more...)

Strange how the Vatican Bank's accounts are such a third rail. Tedeschi, Pell, ... and now Milone. Do the Swiss Guards do more than provide physical security at the Vatican?

Dead men tell no secrets.

Operation Mind Control: Creating the Perfect Killer

Accessing information from Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, the program begins with experiments conducted by J.G. Watkins in the immediate aftermath of World War II. It has often been stated that hypnosis cannot be used to motivate someone to kill a person they otherwise would not harm.

This contention overlooks the technique of convincing a subject that the target of their actions is someone other than who they actually are.

Under hypnosis, soldiers were instructed to kill superior officers and associates, who were suggested to the hypnotized subject as being Japanese soldiers. It should be noted that attacking a superior officer is a major offense in the military.

The hypnotized soldiers then pressed rapid attacks on the superior officers and/or colleagues, despite the fact that this behavior was fundamentally in conflict with the values to which the subjects adhered. The relevant point is that hypnosis can be used to motivate someone to kill a person who has been misidentified under hypnosis.

Professional couriers were also hypnotized into divulging the contents of clandestine communications.

The program then sets forth the work of Navy officer Thomas Narut, using audio-visual desensitization to help train assassins. After their behavior had been shaped by Narut, they were stationed at U.S. embassies and other facilities where their skills might be deemed necessary.

The program concludes with the story of Luis Angel Castillo, an apparent mind-controlled assassin who had multiple personalities programmed into him.  (more...)

Suppose a priest was "programmed" by the CIA to break the seal of confession on command by his controller. Suppose an assassin in the Vatican was "programmed" to poison the Pope if he looked too closely at the operations of the Vatican Bank? Suppose a Nuncio was hypnotically given a message to deliver to an agent in his host country? What are pastoral issues with this? What is the theological view? Has a mind-controlled subject been possessed by his or her programmer? How is this different from demon possession?

Police: If Ted Heath was alive today we'd quiz him under caution on child abuse claims

Child sexual abuse claims made against Sir Edward Heath by seven of his alleged victims are serious enough that police would have questioned him under caution if he were still alive.

That is the astonishing verdict of a controversial two-year investigation into the former Tory Prime Minister, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

The explosive findings of the Operation Conifer inquiry into Sir Edward, led by Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale, will be made public on October 5. It is believed the findings will reveal that about 40 people made paedophile claims against Sir Edward, who died in 2005 aged 89, covering five decades.

According to Whitehall sources, Mr Veale’s report will say seven of the alleged victims are ‘credible’ and describe the same pattern of behaviour by their ‘abuser’.  (more...)


Monday, September 25, 2017

Moors murders: Jimmy Savile part of ‘paedo ring with Ian Brady and Myra Hindley'

DISGRACED radio DJ Jimmy Savile has been accused of buying indecent photographs of children from evil killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, Daily Star Online can exclusively reveal.

Eerie details of the Moors murderer's life are still emerging months after his death in May.

And as today's inquest into his death could put an end to a host of unanswered questions, his twisted friendship with Jimmy Savile has been exposed.

Savile – who died in 2011 at the age of 84 – never faced trial for his crimes as one of Britain’s worst ever sex offenders.

His friendship with Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe is well known but now Daily Star Online can exclusively lift the lid on his links to the Moors murderers.

Before their arrest in 1965, Savile ran the BBC studios from Manchester's Dickenson Road – where Top of the Pops was filmed – and has been accused of meeting with Brady and Hindley to buy indecent images of children.

Erica Gregory – who has devoted years of her life investigating the Moors murders – believes they even formed a twisted “paedophile ring”.  (more...)

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Richard Huckle the ‘gap year’ paedophile ‘highly likely’ to have had UK victims

To the outside world, Richard Huckle was a regular 19 year-old from Kent. Fresh out of school, he was setting off across the world on his gap year, like thousands of other British students.

No one could have predicted that this ordinary middle-class boy would become an extraordinarily evil paedophile - one of the worst in recent history.

Huckle’s gap year was a springboard for a relentless campaign of child sexual abuse that lasted almost a decade.

In 2016, Huckle was convicted of 71 offences against 23 children. The youngest was just six months old. The judge at his trial noted that the number of his victims was likely to be nearer to 200.

Huckle’s known victims are Malaysian and Cambodian, but Jim Gamble, who used to lead child abuse investigations in Britain, told me Huckle is "highly likely" to have offended here.

"I would be shocked if there were no victims of his in this country."  (more...)

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Teacher, minor hockey coach charged with sex offences

A Kitchener man who works as a teacher and has volunteered as a hockey coach is accused of sex offences involving a child.

Tyler Curtis, 33, is specifically charged with sexual assault and sexual interference.

Police say they started investigating Curtis in August. The alleged offences date back to the time period between 2004 and 2006, when Curtis was a volunteer coach with the Kitchener Minor Hockey Association.

Hockey association general manager Rolland Cyr told CTV News Friday afternoon that his organization had yet to be contacted by police about the allegations against Curtis.
“We are fully committed to assisting in any investigation,” he said.

Curtis currently works for the Wellington Catholic District School Board and the Bruce Grey Catholic School Board, although police are not aware of any accusations against him related to his teaching career.  (more...)

Saturday, September 23, 2017

We should never forget the Nazis’ sinister occult roots

books fascism gnosticism military totalitarianism war Nazi modernism

Every so often I read a warning on the internet by a wise priest, warning of ever dabbling in the occult as it can open a portal to demonic activity. Such counsellors also say that exorcisms because of diabolical possession, though rare, are on the increase, alongside the need for prayers of deliverance to combat lesser forms of satanic activity and oppression.

This does not come as a surprise. Humans are spiritual beings and when this side of human nature is not fulfilled by belief in Christian revelation and acceptance of the authority of the Church, it will find other, darker outlets.

Even within Christianity, there can be an unhealthy, superstitious focus on searching for “signs.” On a train once from Edinburgh to London, I was cornered by a friendly lady who proceeded to ask me if I knew about the “blood moons” prophecy in the Bible. My heart sank; the journey from Edinburgh to London takes four hours and I could see I was in for a long harangue.

On another occasion, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I did not repeat a certain prayer to Our Lady at a certain time every day, I would be cursed. A magical ritual had replaced faith in Christ.

I mention this as I have been dipping into Hitler’s Monsters: a Supernatural History of the Third Reich by Eric Kurlander. It is extraordinary, though not surprising, that a western country as advanced in scientific understanding and progress as Germany was in the 20th century could also, between 1920-1945, have been so prey to irrational beliefs and intellectual lunacy.  (more...)

This was the worldview I encountered in my undergraduate years. The Hippie culture is largely a media myth.

Priest admits he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan

Forty years ago he was a Ku Klux Klan “wizard,” burning crosses on black families’ lawns. Now, after decades as a Catholic priest, he’s coming forward about his past.

While Fr William Aitcheson’s racist past was a matter of public record, it wasn’t widely known in the diocese of Arlington, until this week. Prompted by images of violence during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Aitcheson described his transformation in a column published Monday in The Arlington Catholic Herald, the diocesan newspaper, and urged white supremacists to repent.

“While I firmly believe God forgave me — as he forgives anyone who repents and asks for forgiveness — forgetting what I did would be a mistake,” wrote Fr Aitcheson, who is taking a leave of absence from active ministry. “My actions were despicable. When I think back on burning crosses, a threatening letter, and so on, I feel as though I am speaking of somebody else.”

Aitcheson, 62, said 40 years have passed since he was in the Klan, but the violence he saw last week compelled him to describe his journey.

The diocese noted that Aitcheson “voluntarily asked to temporarily step away from public ministry, for the well being of the Church and parish community.”

In a statement, Arlington Bishop Michael Burbidge called Aitcheson’s past with the Klan troubling, but said he hopes his story of transformation will help others.  (more...)


St. Mike's College Swish n Spit: The two faces of Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm, wannabe eminence grise of the far right, has made a career of being innocuous. Right down to the cheap suits, faux leather shoes and the frazzled look of the nutty professor he wears in public. The quaint shot posted on his Web site ­-- Fromm in plaid shirt reading by the fireplace ­-- recalls Norman Rockwell. Ask Fromm and he's liable to tell you he's a "radical populist," a civil libertarian even.

But this positioning is stale-dated. From the moment the video camera caught him speechifying to a roomful of skinheads shouting "Sieg heil" a few years back and the Peel board of education yanked him out of the classroom, his mild-mannered cover was blown.

Now, as others on the far right like Holocaust-denier Ernst Zundel and former Heritage Front leader Wolfgang Droege grow weary of their slogging efforts to build mass intolerance in Canada, Fromm is emerging as the pre-eminent voice of racialism.

By means of his Canadian Association for Free Expression, he's been able to net a living from benefactors while he spreads his word in the shadowy milieu of those hostile to non-white immigration.  (more...)

SMC frosh can look back at some glorious alumni. Prolife -- for Aryans. Who'd a thunk it would pay so well?


The reader may ponder how St. Michael's College proffered teaching credentials on a graduate who the Ontario College of Teachers would later assess thus:
"By his public actions and statements, the Member failed to inculcate, by precept and example, respect for religion and the principles of Judaeo-Christian morality and the highest regard for truth, justice, loyalty, love of country, humanity, benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, purity, temperance and all other virtues."

Friday, September 22, 2017

Toronto coach jailed for getting boys to send him sexual images

TORONTO - A law school graduate and former basketball coach who had teen boys send him photos of their genitalia was sentenced Friday to 20 months of jail.

“He targeted children in a systematic way for the purpose of influencing the production of child pornography,” Justice Faye McWatt said as she passed sentence against Jordan Cristoferi-Paolucci for sexual exploitation and child pornography convictions.

“With one of those children, his abuse was carried out over a period of months. Through that pattern of abuse, he then proceeded to engage in the sexual touching of A.P. on three occasions,” McWatt said.

“A sentence of incarceration is the only suitable way to express society’s condemnation of Cristoferi-Paolucci’s conduct to deter similar conduct in the future.”

The 27-year-old was convicted of luring, exploitation, making, possessing, and accessing child pornography after court concluded he had underage males expose themselves, take videos of their genitals, and send the pics to him via text in 2012 and 2013.  (more...)

Worrying background:

Treason’s Peace – German Dyes and American Dupes

One cannot understand the history of the 20th century without understanding the role played in world events by the I.G. Farben company, the chemical cartel that grew out of the German dyestuffs industry. Comprising some of the most important individual companies in the history of industrial capitalism, the firm has dominated the dyestuffs, chemical and pharmaceutical industries before and during World War II. The companies that grew out of I.G.’s official dissolution after the war—Bayer, Hoechst, BASF, and Agfa continued to be decisive in world markets. Among the many products developed by I.G. or its member companies are: aspirin, heroin, novocain, methadone (originally named Dolophine in honor of Adolph Hitler) and Zyklon B (the poison gas used in the extermination centers of World War II.)

In his text about I.G., Ambruster sets forth the international scope and economic impact of the company, its role as the spine of the industrial war-making economy of the Third Reich, and the firm’s elevation of Hitler to his position of power. As one observer noted, “Hitler was Farben and Farben was Hitler.” Much of the impact that the company wielded derived from its international dominance of the chemical, rubber, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries through its cartel arrangements with partner firms in other countries. Farben’s foreign counterparts had much to do with letting the company and its executives—many of them war criminals of the first order—off the hook after World War II.

Farben’s cartel partners abroad constituted an inventory of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations in the world. In the United States, the major firms with which Farben did business included: Du Pont, the Standard Oil companies, General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Union Carbide, Dow Chemical and Texaco. In turn, these corporate giants wielded controlling political influence in the United States through the elected and appointed officials in their sway. Attempts at reducing Farben’s influence in the United States before and during World War II, as well as efforts at holding the company and its top executives to account for their crimes after the war were neutralized by the cartel’s corporate hirelings and political shills. Many names of the combatants on both sides are important and, for older and better-educated readers, familiar.  (more...)

So, now you understand about all that goop you put in your hair and on your face:

Munroe Bergdorf’s firing shows the futility of workplace diversity campaigns -- sorta

Just under three years ago, cosmetics giant L’Oreal announced the latest purchase in its long line of acquisitions across the beauty industry. Carol’s Daughter, a hair and skin care brand launched by entrepreneur Lisa Price, was wildly popular on the Home Shopping network, as well as a staple of Target’s “ethnic” cosmetic section. Carol’s Daughter offered something that L’Oreal and most of the beauty industry had been missing—an inroads with Black women. As a market segment, Black women reportedly spend $7.5 billion annually on beauty products, yet have historically been under-served by the industry. But many customers of Carol’s Daughter voiced their displeasure on social media at the time the purchase was announced. Skeptics believed that L’Oreal intended to cash in on the trend of corporate diversity awareness, while doing nothing to remedy the underlying issue of white supremacy, which among its other more violent effects, shuts people of colour out of both the marketplace and the boardroom.

Last week, L’Oreal fired Black transgender model Munroe Bergdorf—not only proving their critics correct, but bringing forward a deeper question in the Trump-era conversation on race: When the people most violently affected by white supremacy can be fired for speaking truthfully about it, what good is served by “diversity and inclusion” initiatives at the corporate level?  (more...)

Corporate media mouthpiece Macleans does what corporate media is paid to do -- misdirect and omit. They fail to note that corporate diversity is an absurdity in the modern world of the global corporate monopoly cartel. In small enterprises, you see people of all hues and stripes competing on a reasonably level playing field, with a fair chance of success. The cartels kill competition and hold business in a vice-like grip of mediocrity.

Now, let's look a little closer at the vanity industry. Coco Channel was a Vichy collaborator who, due to her political connections, was never brought to justice. Bold and brazen, she continued to trumpet her fascist views till her death. The French financial/industrial elite has long been the willing and enthusiastic concubine of the German/American corporate cartel system. This corporate fifth column was the reason for France's swift fall in the Second World War -- not any military brilliance on the part of Hitler. The Vichy regime thoroughly corrupted French business and politics, and continues to hold it hostage to this day.

So what about this "white supremacy" business? It depends on what kind of white you are. Neo-Ottomans and Japanese got along famously with the Nazis. Hitler had black units in his military machine. Sodomites had high positions in the Feurer's inner circle. But, having studied Machiavelli, Dolphy knew that keeping his underlings fighting among each other was an effective way to consolidate his own power. Down the road from I. G. Farben and Deutsche Bank, Hitler's puppetmasters, the Frankfurt School was established to invent myriads of imaginary identities so that society could be engineered for passivity and made unfit for democracy. Therein lies the secret of "corporate diversity".

To get an appreciation of the German iron fist within the French velvet glove (hello Paul Fromm)  read:

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Excerpts from: The Jewish Year in Review, 5777

A "Right to work" slogan making a comeback
• Two Dutch old master paintings that were looted by the Nazis from the late Max Stern, who owned the Dominion Gallery on Sherbrooke Street in Montreal, were restituted to his estate in a Dec. 12 ceremony at the Canadian embassy in Berlin. The Max Stern Art Restitution Project has been administered by Concordia University since 2002. These were the 14th and 15th paintings recovered since the program started.

• Helmut Oberlander, 93, who’s accused of being a member of a Nazi mobile death squad, was stripped of his Canadian citizenship in mid-July. He had been stripped of his citizenship in 2001, 2007 and 2012, but it was subsequently reinstated each time. The Nazi unit murdered an estimated 23,000 civilians, most of whom were Jews. Shimon Koffler Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said CIJA applauds the government for this move.

• The controversial newsletter, Your Ward News, was still being delivered to suburban Toronto homes in August, The CJN reported, despite an order by the federal government last year that Canada Post stop delivering it. The newsletter frequently contains racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, Holocaust-denying and Nazi-glorifying content in its pages. The paper’s editor-in-chief said it was being delivered by volunteers and private companies.

• A candidate for the leadership of the federal NDP rejected the endorsement of a newspaper publisher who has denied the Holocaust and praised terrorist attacks against Israel. B’nai Brith Canada praised Niki Ashton for refusing the backing of Nazih Khatatba and his Arab-language newspaper, al-Meshwar.

• An Ottawa teen who vandalized several Jewish buildings last autumn, and who professed pro-Nazi sympathies, was sentenced to a year in custody, including time served, on Aug. 31.

• Montreal city council adopted a resolution to rename Alexis Carrel Avenue and Alexis Carrel Park in the Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles borough. Carrel (1873-1944) was a French physician who won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1912. He was accused of collaborating with the pro-Nazi Vichy regime in France. The street will be named in honour of Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012), an Italian-Jewish physician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1986, while the park will commemorate Don Bosco, a 19th-century Italian priest who devoted his life to underprivileged youth and was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1934.

Source: The Jewish Year in Review, 5777

Since Baby Boomers have become the New Jew, my solidarity with persecuted Jews has become... solidified. This time they're coming for the 1946-1964 generation.

Had our young Catholic zealot been acquainted with Don Bosco, he may have been more circumspect in his speech. To be fair, his attitudes are not his invention. The "prolife" movement had been circulating these memes years before he appeared in the internet wasteland. It was just waiting for a suitable mouthpiece. There goes the John Paul II generation.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fear the young identitarians: Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes

Mickey Rooney, abused elder
The late comedian Jerry Lewis once said old people are discarded like yesterday’s garbage.

In congressional testimony at age 92, actor Mickey Rooney explained abusive treatment he received from his stepson, saying “(y)ou can’t believe it’s happening to you.”

“You feel overwhelmed.” He urged Congress to criminalize what’s happening.
“I’m asking you to stop this elderly abuse,” he urged. “I mean stop it now. Not tomorrow. Not next month, but now.” Pass legislation saying “it’s a crime, and we will not allow it in the United States of America.”
Congress failed to act. Elder abuse is rampant. An earlier House Government Reform Committee study found nearly a third of US nursing homes cited for elder abuse – thousands of incidents nationwide over a two-year period alone.

Common problems include untreated bedsores, inadequate medical care, malnutrition, dehydration, preventable accidents, along with inadequate sanitation and hygiene – often jeopardizing the health, welfare and lives of elderly Americans, at times responsible for serious illnesses, injuries or deaths.

The avoidable deaths of eight elderly Hollywood, Florida nursing home residents during Hurricane Irma highlighted the problem – perishing needlessly in sweltering, instead of evacuating them to Memorial Regional Hospital across the street, a criminal act unlikely to be punished.

The Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills nursing facility was low-rated because of unsanitary conditions and poor food – besides negligent medical care when vitally needed as now revealed.

Victims ranged from age 71 to 99, perishing after the facility lost power, its management doing little or nothing to protect its residents, either with no plan in case of emergencies or failure to implement one.

They knew the risks to their residents, failed to act responsibly, leading to eight needless deaths, criminal negligence responsible.  (more...)

Where could people possibly get these attitudes?

Apart from the obvious signs of mental illness, our alt-right comrade seems to be suffering from a kind of time warp. The inventors of Cultural Marxism, the name for many of the ills he decries, were not born between 1946 and 1964. Herbert Marcuse, who taught my college don and Angela Davis at Columbia, wasn't even born in the 20th century; he antedates what he thinks is the "Greatest Generation". Gavin can take comfort that there are other young "conservatives", prolife no less, just as stupid as he is.

George Soros a boomer? Nah.

White South African family’s refugee bid rejected, accused of boosting case with ‘racist propaganda’

A white family from South Africa has had their refugee claim for asylum in Canada rejected, having been accused of submitting “white-supremacist hate literature” to bolster their claims of violence by the black majority in their homeland.

The claim of the family of six was based on being white South Africans at risk of persecution due to their race, namely Afrikaners, the white minority descended from Dutch settlers in Southern Africa.

Eric Williams Endre and Sonja Endre, a married couple, along with two of their children and Sonja’s parents, all came to Canada in 2016 to visit relatives living here and made refugee claim 10 days later.

The Endres said they were victims of carjacking in 1995, were assaulted on their farm by four black men who entered their home and robbed them in 2004, had their home burglarized in 2013, their car stolen from outside their house in 2014 and, that same year, three black men tried to steal Sonja’s cell phone while she was working.

The Immigration and Refugee Board denied them refugee protection, saying there was no reliable evidence they were attacked due to their race, and it was more probable they were attacked for economic reasons — to steal their possessions.  (more...)

Cry of the alt-right social justice warrior: Hands off my stuff!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Shall we play a game?

I have long been a player of computer games, from my first Atari 2600—a video game console so stylish it featured wood paneling—to getting whipped regularly by my son on the PlayStation 4. But being on the go quite often, and being a slave to my mobile devices, I like to have a good set of games to play when I have a free moment. So you can imagine my interest when I caught wind of a new game called Kleptocrat: How to Hide Dirty Money. The game is available for free download for iOS on the Apple App Store.

The idea is that you are the ruler of a country with no intent to rule legitimately or sustainably. Your aim is to abuse your power while you can to line your pockets. You win the game if you can steal enough money, hide it from investigators, and convert it to goodies for yourself, like a watch worth several times your yearly salary, or an armored sports car. You lose the game if investigators bust your money laundering efforts five times, after which your rule collapses and presumably, you get chucked in jail.

The game is a kind of card game in which you turn over certain cards to build your money-laundering network. Some cards enable you to harvest money by either skimming from the treasury or abusing your power to force kickbacks to yourself. Some cards are ways to hide your money offshore or through a network of trusted conspirators. Other cards allow you to move your money around to shell companies dummy bank accounts, or elsewhere. Every turn, you are either gathering more money or moving it around while the Investigator, depicted by an ominous floating magnifying glass, randomly wanders around the board. Any card the Investigator visits, if there is dirty money there, the Investigator will find it unless there you have set up some kind of defense to hide it. Sometimes the Investigator finds what its looking for, some times it doesn’t, and you breathe a sigh of relief as you continue plundering the nation.  (more...)


Please, please give us a Venetian edition!

City of London: Capital of an invisible empire

The British Empire still persists – in the guise of the City of London. This is where the real power lies. In their documentary "The Spider´s Web" filmmaker Michael Oswald and producer and insider John Christensen take a closer look at the gravitational centre of the financial world and it´s influence on politics worldwide.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: You´ve produced and directed a documentary on the City of London, titled „The Spider´s Web“. What motivated you to do it and what is the title alluding to?

Michael Oswald: I was reading Nicholas Shaxson’s book „Treasure Islands“, which contained a number of quotes to the effect that London’s position as a capital of international finance had its roots in the Empire and was in a sense a continuation of empire. I wanted to understand this relationship between finance during empire and how the City of London functions in the present day.

The Spider’s Web is a term coined by Nicholas Shaxson that refers to the City of London as being at the centre of a global web of international finance, a hub on which many smaller financial centres around the world depend on.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Many consider finance to be a dry subject. Which cinematic means did you use and how did you turn it into a filmic narration?

Michael Oswald: We used the BMPC Camera, we did not have privileged access to venues or events, but since the film was created over the space of a number of years we had plenty of opportunity to document events in London and the City. The aim was to create a film with a strong narrative thread and reveal this in a manner that would encourage the viewers‘ participation.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Which sources did you use while researching for your documentary?

Michael Oswald: In addition to Nicholas Shaxson’s „Treasure Islands“, I read „British Imperialism“ by Cain and Hopkins and „The Great Tax Robbery“ by former tax inspector Richard Brooks. I came across a recording of a talk John Christensen had given at the London School of Economics, which was very much in line with the angle I saw for The Spider’s Web, so I contacted John and asked him if he would be interested in collaborating on the film.

John Christensen: I started researching this subject in 1978, and spent almost fourteen years working in the offshore financial world in Jersey (a British Channel Island), so I have considerable professional experience in this area. During the course of my research I spoke with many senior officials and politicians around the world, and they are broadly agreed that London has been central to the creation and operation of the Euromarket and the global tax haven economy. Successive British governments have placed the City of London’s tax haven role at the core of Britain’s development strategy since the 1950s.  (more...)

H/T to Tax Justice Network


Monday, September 18, 2017

‘China Hustle’: A Horror Story about Chinese Firms Listed on North American Stock Exchanges

TORONTO—The documentary “The China Hustle,” which premiered recently at the Toronto International Film Festival, shows how hundreds of Chinese companies listed on North American stock exchanges can cause billions of losses to investors due to lack of proper oversight.

These Chinese firms enter the U.S. stock market through reverse takeovers with American companies and report revenues and assets that have no base in reality, thus inflating the companies’ stock value.

Making a story about complex financial transactions for the everyday viewer was one of the biggest challenges faced by Jed Rothstein, director of “The China Hustle.”

“Financial crimes are by their nature very complex; their complexity is what enables the fraud,” said Rothstein, the producer/director behind “Before the Spring After the Fall” and “Killing in the Name.”  (more...)

In more depth:

There's your New World Order for you.

Brazil: rural land conflicts are part of a planned project of killing

2016 turned out to be the second most violent year for land conflicts in Brazil in the last 25 years, only just behind 2003. That reality is made up of 61 murders, including those of 16 young people between 15 and 29 years of age, one adolescent and six women. In total there were 1,536 conflicts, including agrarian and labour issues and water rights disputes – an average of 4.2 per day.

The data is drawn from the report “Conflicts in the countryside 2016”, published by the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), the most recent of a series been published annually since 1985. It was presented to the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, in collaboration with the PT deputy Carlos Neder, as part of a strategy to secure regional publicity for land struggles in Brazil.

“It is with great sadness that we present this report,” said Fr Antonio Naves, a member of the CPT for São Paulo, “There is a continuing project to massacre peasants who fight for their land,” he added, recalling that land conflicts have existed ever since the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century. “It has been 500 years of the massacre of the weakest, the blacks and the quilombolas (descendants of former slaves). These have not been isolated cases, but a systematic killing project.”  (more...)


The game of land monopoly is rather more genteel in Toronto:
My wife's family was driven off the land when she was 8 years old. The military dictatorship provided additional incentive to leave Brazil in the 70s... so here we are in Deer Park, a small Brazilian community.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The KKK’s war on Catholics

A Ku Klux Klan member salutes during an American Nazi Party rally
The Klan is known mainly for its racism, but it also long harboured a virulent strain of anti-Catholicism

During its 1920s heyday the Ku Klux Klan was unremitting in its hostility towards Catholicism. As one Arkansas member put it, the loyalty of Catholics was “across the sea and the religion they profess is a foreign religion … the quicker we invite them to go back to the other side of the big pond the better it will be for us”. A typically rabid editorial in one of the Klan’s many periodicals – with the suitably sinister headline “To Your Guns!” – hammered the point home to its readership: “Drop not your fiery cross but carry it over vale and hill till pagan Roman Catholicism is expelled from our fair and free American life forever.”

The Klan pursued a goal of what it termed “100 per cent Americanism” and Caleb Riley explained why this made detestation of the Pope obligatory: “I am an Anglo-Saxon white man, and so constituted and trained that I cannot conscientiously take either my politics or my religion from some secluded ass on the other side of the world.” A Klan member from Mississippi was more succinct: he had no time for “that old dago by the Tiber”.

The fantastical allegations came thick and fast. Every time a Catholic father had a son he would add a rifle to the arsenal stored in the basement of his local church. It paid to be prepared for the great Catholic insurrection that was sure to come. After all, who could fail to notice that two antique cannon at Georgetown University in Washington were pointed directly at the Capitol Building? Worse yet, the Pope had already bought lands close to DC and was planning a “million-dollar mansion” from which he could mastermind the overthrow of the government.  (more...)

Strangely related:

If you're gonna hate, hate together

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Christopher Simpson's 'Blowback': US Recruitment of Nazis

Author Christopher Simpson discusses his book entitled "Blow Back: America's Recruitment of Nazis and its Effect on the Cold War." Simpson's interest in the topic started during the deportation trial of Otto Van Bolschwing, who argued against deportation because the CIA had brought him in. Simpson has attained information through the Freedom of Information Act. The United States sought all operatives to combat Soviet "expansionism" at the end of World War II. The foreign service began recruitment during POW debriefings, and helped many criminals avoid war crimes trials. The foreign service, Simpson concludes, created the Cold War to insure the Pentagon budget following the end of World War II.

Guelph high school teacher faces five additional sex-related charges

A Guelph high school teacher now faces eight sex-related charges.

Brian Hathway, 49, was originally arrested on Sept. 11 and charged with three sex-related offences involving a youth. Since then he faces five additional charges not involving a youth.

On Friday, Hathway was granted bail and will remain under house arrest, residing with a friend in Kitchener who posted a $10,000 surety.

There is a publication ban on any evidence presented in court.

Following his bail hearing, Hathway left court with a sweatshirt pulled up over his head to prevent media from taking photos of him. A friend led him to a waiting vehicle.

He is scheduled to appear back in court on Oct. 10.

Hathway was a long time auto body teacher at College Heights Secondary School. He is not currently teaching.

Guelph Police reported that they started an investigation into allegations against Hathway on Sept. 8 and arrested him on Sept. 11.

He was originally charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation and obtain sexual services for consideration – under 18.

The new charges are:

- two counts of sexual assault

- two counts of obtaining for consideration, or communicating with someone for the purpose of obtaining for consideration, the sexual services of a person

- attempting to procure or solicit a person to have illicit sexual intercourse  (more...)

More coverage:

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Is Facebook the New Safe Haven for Neo-Nazis?

During the now-infamous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., last month, members of the so-called alt-right movement marched past the local Reform synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, holding flaming tiki torches and yelling “Jews will not replace us” and “Sieg Heil!” In the aftermath of one of the most public displays of anti-Semitism and white supremacy in years, condemnation came from far and wide. And on social media, the response was also swift: Facebook reacted by removing or restricting some of the most extreme groups that were using its platform.

And yet, even amid the clampdown, racist and anti-Semitic groups and individuals in Canada continue to spread hateful messages and organize demonstrations on Facebook.

The “alt-right” movement, which contains white nationalist, white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, emerged out of websites like 4chan, Reddit and the neo-Nazi news and the comment site Stormfront – platforms that are largely anonymous and thus make it difficult to trace individual contributors. But on Facebook, the situation is quite different. A lot of individuals associated with the “alt-right” have been using the site to form groups and organize events. And as the “alt-right” movement moves from an online subculture to a political force that’s staging public demonstrations, social media, and specifically Facebook, has become their go-to destination.  (more...)

St. Michael's College Luminary: Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm with David Duke
He serves as the international director for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a direct descendent of the White Citizens Councils that rabidly opposed school desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s. He formerly hosted a daily radio show on Don Black’s racist web forum, Stormfront. Fromm also lectures frequently in both the United States and Canada and has appeared at annual conferences hosted by the CCC and the white nationalist American Renaissance.

Paul Fromm was born in Bogota, Columbia, to a devoutly Catholic family, and was raised in Etobicoke, Ontario, after his family relocated. He attended the University of Toronto’s St. Michael’s College where he earned a degree in education and a master’s degree in English.

While a student at the University of Toronto, Fromm co-founded the ultra-conservative, anti-communist Edmund Burke Society (EBS) with Don Andrews and Leigh Smith. The EBS was involved with several violent confrontations with New Left and anti-war groups, including a conflict in 1971 during a speech given by William Kunstler. Fromm was knocked unconscious after having a pitcher of water thrown in his face. In the early 1970s, he led an EBS takeover of the Ontario Social Credit Party. He was elected the party’s president in 1971, and in 1972, the group changed its name to the Western Guard (WG). Fromm, after serving as the opening speaker at a May 1972 event honoring Robert E. Miles, a Klansman and Christian identity ideologue, resigned as president following a report by the Toronto Sun.  (more...)

Here's where Paulie was sheep-dipped by the Toronto Catholic School Board to pursue his political aspirations:

Cheer up. The future's so bright I gotta wear shades:

The illustrious faculty
The reader may wonder what could draw the likes of Gregory Baum and Paul Fromm together. We may gain some insight from Judith Reisman:

I lived on campus during that time, although at the opposite corner of the St. George complex. I found Nazis there too, so it wasn't an isolated phenomenon.

Do Catholics dance with Nazis?

You have to be a college-educated Catholic to party with this crowd:

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