Thursday, April 9, 2015

We are living in a pornographic plague of epic proportions…and it’s making us miserable

Pedophile Roman Polanski with Hugh Hefner and ‘Playmates’
April 7, 2015 ( -- Much of current fashion, especially for women, is an assault upon the ultimate good of those who wear such clothing. It is cunningly designed not only for attraction, but also for enticement and seduction, reinforcing the great lie that dominates modern consciousness. This lie tells us that the body is simply an object we possess as our own, to do with as we like.

Semi-nudity has become commonplace on magazine covers, advertisements, at swimming pools and beaches. Total nudity is becoming more frequent in media such as television and film, and is rampant in the vastly more popular “private” cultural consumption of the internet. Juxtapose with these near-universal phenomena the fact that a large and growing number of marriages now end in divorce or separation, that self-denial and sacrifice have become widely discredited concepts, and that the pursuit of happiness through the avenues of sensual satisfaction have produced a profoundly disordered society. No people in history has been so richly rewarded with pleasures, and no people in history has ever been so unhappy.  (more...)

That's the plan, my lovelies:

Didn't see that coming, did ya? Know of any 'managed opposition' in conservative circles?