Friday, October 31, 2014

Ontario Liberal gvmt resurrects controversial sex-ed curriculum

Former Deputy Minister of Education Dr. Benjamin Levin (L), who was arrested
in 2013 for making child pornography, attends Toronto Pride in 2013 with
Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne,
and former Liberal leader Bob Rae.
Ontario’s Liberal government led by lesbian Premier Kathleen Wynne announced yesterday that it will reintroduce a graphic and explicit sex-ed curriculum to be ready by next school year.

The curriculum, shelved in 2010 under the then McGuinty government after massive parent outrage, was developed while accused child-pornographer Benjamin Levin served as deputy minister of education and Wynne served as minister of education. The move comes despite sex-ed not being mentioned in the Liberal’s election platform that won them a majority in June.

“In our increasingly interconnected world, students often get information from unreliable and inaccurate sources,” said Education Minister Liz Sandals on Thursday in a statement to the press. “That is why an up-to-date, relevant and appropriate health and physical education curriculum is needed now more than ever, and is why we are committed to having one in place for the 2015 school year.”  (more...)


Police 'put cap on arrests' in Rochdale sex abuse inquiry: Social worker whistleblower says dozens of offenders are still on streets

Dozens of child sex offenders are still walking the streets preying on children
because police did not arrest them, whistleblower Sara Rowbotham said
Dozens of child sex offenders are still walking the streets because police refused to arrest them, according to a whistleblower,

Sara Rowbotham has accused police of putting a cap on the number of child sex offenders they arrested for raping and abusing young girls.

The veteran social worker, who was responsible for gathering the main evidence in the 2012 Rochdale child sex abuse case, said that as a result dozens of sex offenders were still walking the streets preying on children.

Miss Rowbotham said limited resources and manpower during the investigation meant police had let sex offenders slip through the net.

She said because police bosses became obsessed with convicting just nine perpetrators they left dozens free to continue raping and abusing young girls.  (more...)


UK: Bishop quits his post over child sex abuse report that accused him of covering up for a paedophile priest

Lord Hope resigned amid allegations he helped
cover up the behaviour of paedophile
Robert Waddington
A leading Church of England prelate quit his post as a bishop yesterday, a week after being accused of covering up for a paedophile priest.

Former Archbishop of York Lord Hope surrendered his position as a bishop in the Diocese of Bradford after a judge found he had protected the Very Reverend Robert Waddington from exposure, investigation and prosecution.

But while stepping down, Lord Hope – who covered up for the sex abuser cleric while serving as number two in the hierarchy of the church – stopped short of apologising for the priests’s actions.  (more...)

Paedophile entertainer Rolf Harris loses first round of his appeal

Disgraced Harris unveiling his portrait of the Queen at
Buckingham Palace in 2005 to mark her 80th birthday,
before his crimes were revealed
Disgraced entertainer Rolf Harris has lost the first round of his bid to appeal against his convictions for a string of indecent assaults.

Harris was jailed for five years and nine months for the sex abuse in July for attacks on children as young as eight between 1968 and 1986.

The Australian presenter and artist even abused his daughter Bindi's best friend while she slept feet away - but the 84-year-old has refused to show any remorse for his sex crimes.

This afternoon a spokesman for the Judicial Office confirmed that a judge has refused his application for permission to appeal.  (more...)

Abuse probe boss finally quits: After weeks of clinging on Fiona Woolf goes

Fiona Woolf finally resigned as chairman of the government’s sex abuse inquiry last night after days of intense pressure over her links to Leon Brittan.

But she refused to apologise to abuse victims for failing to make her connections to the Tory peer clear.

Mrs Woolf, a solicitor and Lord Mayor of London, quit hours after victims’ groups said she was unsuitable to run the inquiry, which would be ‘a dead duck in the water’ if she remained.

She maintained claims of her links to Lord Brittan were mere ‘perceptions’ and appeared to blame the Press for her downfall.

She attacked ‘negative comment and innuendo’ about her connections to the former Tory Home Secretary, who is at the centre of allegations of an Establishment cover-up of sex abuse claims in the 1980s.

Mrs Woolf’s departure is a humiliation for Home Secretary Theresa May after the previous chair of the inquiry, Baroness Butler-Sloss, also had to quit because her late brother Sir Michael Havers was attorney general in the 1980s.

It leaves plans for the inquiry in disarray, with Mrs May now beginning a desperate search for a third chairman in only four months since the inquiry was announced.  (more...)

Etobicoke high school worker charged with sexual abuse of 13-year-old girl

Richard Ford, 43, Special Needs Assistant,
faces Sexual Assault charges
A special needs assistant at an Etobicoke high school has been formally charged with sexual assaulting a young girl.

Toronto police confirmed Friday that a 43-year-old suspect was arrested on Wednesday in connection with an investigation into incidents that occurred over more than a year, between October 2010 and December 2011.

Police say a 13-year-old girl was the victim.

Parents became aware of the charges Thursday afternoon after receiving a letter from Martingrove Collegiate Institute.

Principal Ralph Nigro said in the letter that a special needs assistant at the school was arrested.  (more...)

Gay activist admits to eight ‘mercy’ killings in 1980s, activist calls for investigation

Veteran gay activist David Mixner
Veteran gay activist David Mixner, 68, admitted Monday that the devastation of HIV/AIDS on seven friends and a lover in the 1980s drove him to murder them out of “mercy.” The revelation has a prominent anti-euthanasia activist calling for a criminal investigation.

In a biographical stage show performed in front of influential politicians and gay rights activists sponsored by the Point Foundation, Mixner -- who has been on the forefront of the gay rights movement for four decades -- admitted that he killed the eight people in the 1980s. All of the people, according to Mixner, were in the final stages of HIV/AIDS.

One of the eight was Peter Scott, with whom Mixner had a 12-year relationship. According to The Daily Beast's Tim Teeman, who interviewed the activist after the show, Scott asked Mixner to help him die.

Teeman says that Mixner was part of "an underground euthanasia network" that included medical professionals. They are "all gone," according to Mixner, and as for prosecution against himself, he thinks that is "unlikely."  (more...)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ontario seeks massaged, sanitized parent input on sex-ed curriculum

Education Minister Liz Sandals selling snake oil
TORONTO - Ontario will quiz a select group of parents about age-appropriate sex education in schools.

Only one parent from each elementary school will be allowed to fill out the online confidential survey, and that person will be handpicked by the school principal.

After a strong public backlash, the province withdrew a previous proposal to teach children at an earlier age about sexuality, starting in Grade 1 with the proper names for genitals.

Former premier Dalton McGuinty promised in 2010 to consult with parents before implementing a new health and physical-education curriculum - a commitment that was repeated by Premier Kathleen Wynne.

Wynne was education minister at the time the controversial course rewrite was introduced.

That curriculum proposal mandated that sex education begin in Grade 1 and progress in Grade 3 to same-sex relations and gender identity.

By Grade 8, it would have covered many sensitive subjects, such as masturbation, and oral and anal sex.  (more...)

The liberal take:

Backing for MP who linked Brittan to sex claims in Commons

Lord Brittan, home secretary under Margaret Thatcher
in the 1980s, was accused of child abuse in a
Commons debate
A Labour MP who accused former Home Secretary Leon Brittan of ‘improper conduct with children’ was last night defended by a colleague.

Jim Hood used a Commons debate on the 1984/5 miners’ strike on Tuesday to suggest that those who took part in the industrial action will not be ‘surprised’ by the allegations against Lord Brittan.

The remarks – protected from slander and contempt of court laws by parliamentary privilege – were branded ‘disgusting’ by business minister Matthew Hancock.

But Simon Danczuk, a campaigner against VIP child abuse, said Mr Hood was right to speak out.

The Labour MP for Rochdale added: ‘He has the right to use parliamentary privilege like any other MP.’

Mr Danczuk helped expose the extent of child abuse perpetrated by former Liberal MP Cyril Smith in a book earlier this year.

Mr Hood’s remarks came amid calls for the head of the official inquiry into historic child sex abuse to resign over links to Lord Brittan.  (more...)

An E for Effort:

And an F for police forces:

Halifax: Ex-teacher admits molesting boys he tutored after school

A former teacher with the Halifax regional school board has pleaded guilty to sex crimes involving two teenage boys he was tutoring after-hours.

Ryan Patrick Nolan, 33, entered the pleas Wednesday in Halifax provincial court.

Nolan pleaded guilty to a charge of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy by grabbing his penis while he slept.

The Halifax man also admitted exposing his genitals to another boy under the age of 16. In that incident, he put on a pornographic movie and masturbated in front of the teen.  (more...)

An Uncensored Letter to the Editor of The Catholic Register

Dear Editor,

Re: “Prayer integral in our schools, but there’s more that can be done,” The Catholic Register, October 26. John Kostoff, the Director of Education for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board makes a great point about the need for prayer in our schools. He suggests that schools use the Daily Examen that St. Ignatius of Loyola practiced. However, if students, teachers and trustees were following this spiritual prayer exercise in his board, why did the board approve the government’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy that contradicts the faith in so many ways? Or is the article just another exercise in positive Catholic school image management?

Mr. Kostoff knows all too well that Catholic schools have agreed, if students want them, to establish gay/straight clubs. Catholic schools must recognize nearly a dozen different sexual orientations; accept abortion, the re-definition of marriage, family and human sexuality. Now, if in stage three of the prayer we discern these sins, what do we do next?

Surely, if school administrators together with Mr. Kostoff were doing the daily Examen they would have quickly realized that the new politically correct "equity policies" reject much of what Catholics believe and what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches. But this sadly has not been the outcome, the school prayer in question notwithstanding. Talking and writing about prayer in schools is too easily done when there’s no real witness to accompany it, along with the baptismal responsibility to know and fully live the faith. We cannot have both ways: to say that we are governing our Catholic schools faithfully and then choose to defend and live only what is convenient, fundable and politically expedient. The “more that can be done” in our schools is to truly try to live the Catechism without compromise.

Thank you,

Lou Iacobelli


NOTE: Circumstances around the arrogant censorship of this letter are related here:

The wisdom of women – the folly of feminists

“Every time I think I can rest,” said the feminist professor at our department meeting, “I see a television program or a movie, and suddenly I know, they're back,” alluding to the little girl's wide-eyed fascination in Poltergeist, when the spiritual horrors return.

So, since they're back, she has once more to teach the course in Women's Studies that she wanted to cross-list in the English department. It is a course in fairy tales. Her aim was to expose their evil. We might consider her a feminist exorcist, driving the demons of sanity out of the heads of pliant and unsuspecting young women.

After she had made her pitch and left, I remarked that I found it odd that someone would teach a course in works of art which she held in contempt. And I insisted that fairy tales were works of art, folk art in fact, and that we should treat them with the respect with which we treat art in general. I asked the department to disapprove. Of course I was voted down. It is wrong for a boy to hit a girl, and that's that.

They're pretty common, these feminist courses taught not for appreciation of fairy tales, but against them.  (more...)

Homosexual Behaviour & Pedophilia

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

‘Gender ideology’ is an ‘inhuman revolution’: Croatian bishops

The ultimate expression of the 20th century’s Sexual Revolution, gender ideology, is an attempt to install an “inhuman revolution,” that is “a wider expression of the ‘Culture of Death,’” the Catholic bishops of Croatia said in a statement last week. The gender revolution, they said, will “completely alter not only the foundations of community life and its supporting values, but also of man.”

The 49th Plenary Session of the Croatian Conference of Bishops called upon Catholics and “all persons of good will” to resist this “danger that threatens man and his future on earth.”

“Together with some other contemporary worldview trends, gender ideology has become established as a kind of spiritual dictatorship that uncompromisingly stifles personal and social freedom,” the statement said. “Thus is the anthropological revolution imposed ‘from the top down,’ expanding from various centers of power and seeking to draw all mankind.”  (more...)

Ottawa: Scott Stanley, ex-Scouts leader, sentenced to 5 years for sex assaults

Scott Stanley, a former Scouts Canada leader, has been sentenced to five years less time served after pleading guilty to luring and repeatedly molesting four Ottawa-area boys.

In determining the sentence, Justice Heather Perkins-McVey noted that it was Stanley's first offence, that he pleaded guilty and said she believes he is remorseful and wants treatment, but she also noted there were four victims.

The four boys, who were involved in Scouts Canada, were "scarred" by Stanley's actions, Perkins-McVey said Wednesday, and "will carry these scars with them for the rest of their lives."​

Stanley will get credit for time already served in pre-custody and under house arrest, so his actual time in prison will be three years and 281 days.  (more...)

Georgetown Univ. Celebrates ‘LGBTQ History Month’ with ‘OUTober’

Georgetown University’s LGBTQ Resource Center and GU Pride are currently holding “OUTober,” an ongoing event celebrating “LGBTQ History Month,” according to The Hoya. This year’s OUTober featured a “coming out day” and a lecture from a transgender activist.

According to the campaign description, this year’s theme for OUTober is “OUT FOR.” The description states that the theme “echoes Georgetown’s Jesuit values, highlighting the commitment and responsibility of Georgetown students as ‘men and women for others.’”  However, the event description makes no mention of Catholic teaching on human sexuality.  (more...)

Is Homo-Islamism Our Future?

Family of Student Sues Teacher for $3 Million

Earlier this month, Symone Greene, a 22-year-old substitute teacher at Options Public Charter School in Washington, D.C., allegedly provided oral sex to a 17-year-old male student on the first day of her teaching assignment, in her classroom, right behind the teacher’s desk.

As a result of the frisky encounter, the family of the 17-year-old male student has now filed a $3 million lawsuit, NBC Washington reports.

The impressively-quickly-filed lawsuit claims that Greene, a substitute English teacher, made malicious contact with the student.

The suit names Greene, the current managers of Options Charter, the Washington, D.C. Public Charter School Board and SOS Personnel, the company that hired Greene, as defendants.  (more...)

Learning about Love: How Sex Ed Programs Undermine Happy Marriages

For many engaged couples, pre-marriage education is a must. Some couples seek it out, hoping to build a stronger foundation for their marriage and to lessen their chance of divorce. Others may find it a prerequisite for marrying in their church. Regardless of one’s reasons for participating in a pre-marriage course, it appears that such preparation is generally a good idea for the future quality of one’s marriage, according to a new study sponsored by the National Marriage Project.

Interested in the association between premarital experiences and marital quality in young adults, University of Denver researchers Galena Rhoades and Scott Stanley studied a group of 418 individuals who had married some time in the five years following their recruitment into the Relationship Development Study in 2007 and 2008. Their analysis of the data, as reported in their paper “Before ‘I Do’: What Do Premarital Experiences Have To Do With Marital Quality Among Today’s Young Adults,” yielded multiple findings, among them the conclusion that those who participate in pre-marriage education are more likely to experience superior marital quality down the road. According to the report, 57 percent of those who received pre-marriage education reported higher marital quality, versus only 32 percent of those who did not take advantage of such services.  (more...)

Labour MP links Leon Brittan to 80s child abuse claims

Allegations: Lord Brittan, home
secretary under Margaret Thatcher
A Labour MP has used parliamentary privilege to accuse former Home Secretary Leon Brittan of ‘improper conduct with children’.

He used a Commons debate on the 1984-85 miners’ strike to suggest that those who took part in the industrial action will not be surprised by the allegations against Lord Brittan.

The remarks from Jim Hood, who said there were ‘reports about child abuse being linked with’ the Conservative politician, were criticised as ‘disgusting’ by business minister Matthew Hancock.

Under parliamentary privilege, MPs can make contentious allegations without fear of prosecution for slander or contempt of court. But critics said Mr Hood’s comments were an abuse of this privilege.

The row comes amid calls for the head of the official inquiry into historic child sex abuse to resign over links to Lord Brittan, now 75. Fiona Woolf has admitted attending dinner parties with the politician, who was in charge of the Home Office in the 1980s.  (more...)

Abuse Victim: 'Scrap Police Commissioners'

A victim of child abuse in Rotherham has told Sky News she believes Police and Crime Commissioners should be scrapped.

The woman, who was groomed as a teenager, has spoken out as people in South Yorkshire prepare to elect a replacement for Shaun Wright.

He reluctantly stood down from the role after a report revealed 1,400 children were abused in Rotherham over a 16-year period.

Mr Wright had been in charge of children's services in the town between 2005 and 2010 when he was a Labour councillor.

Speaking anonymously, the victim, who wants only to be known as Jessica, revealed she would not be voting for any of the four candidates on 30 October.  (more...)

The Baby Racket: Canadian parents paying less to adopt African American babies

The U.S. is exporting more African American babies to Canada right now more than to any other country. Here in Manitoba, one adoption agency is helping these children find homes here.

But while desperate Canadians cheer it as a new opportunity to adopt a child, critics fear it's a racist form of cross-border shopping for children. And that the babies being brokered are sold for less money because they're black.

"It's almost like saying one (baby) is of a better quality, and the other is of a lesser quality," says Titi Tijani, vice president of the African Communities of Manitoba, Inc. "It is racist to have a sliding scale according to the colour of your skin."

It's a trend that first emerged a few years ago and has picked up speed ever since. In fact, right now, it's estimated that each year, roughly 500 U.S. kids are adopted out internationally: most of them black, most of them to Canada.  (more...)

Commentary at English Manif:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ever Wonder Why Both the Political Left and Right Consistently Screw the Family?

Julian Huxley, the head of UNESCO in 1947, wrote a book titled, "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy." His book was a blueprint for a New World Order that called for a single 'new' spirituality — a mixture of Buddhist materialist-pantheism, Liberalized 'pantheistic' Christianity, Gnosticism, and other occult traditions — one language, and one way of thinking. He believed a global order could be brought about through the universal implementation of Hegel's Dialectic process.

Huxley observed, "The task before to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose." Huxley spoke of two opposing worldviews — one founded on supernatural creation and the other on atheist evolutionism — confronting each other from the West and the East. In describing them he said, "You may categorize the two philosophies as...individualism versus collectivism or as the American versus the Russian...or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? I believe...this can happen...through the inexorable dialectic of evolution."

The concept of dialectics has been around for a long time. In the American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828, Noah Webster defined dialectics as: "That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning." Simply stated, dialectics refers to 'position' versus 'opposition' or 'thesis' versus 'antithesis,' or 'truth' versus 'falsehood.' By the traditional rules of conduct, if thesis is correct then it follows logically that antithesis is incorrect. Georg Hegel, a master magician in the Hermetic tradition and an Enlightenment shock trooper of evil, discarded the rules and turned the concept upside-down by equalizing thesis and antithesis, which resulted in moral relativity. 'New truth,' a merging of truth and falsehood and/or Buddhist materialist-pantheism and Christianity for example, is now found in something called 'synthesis,' or 'consensus,' the favored vernacular of Progressive Liberals.

Hegelian Dialect is a perfect example of what J. Budziszewski, the author of "What We Can't Not Know" termed the "black magic spells of imposture and unraveling." Hegel's form of dialectics is an impostor and its' purpose is to deceptively unravel truth and norms and then replace them with a 'new truth' which is yet another impostor.  (more...)

Police smash child sex abuse ring in Manchester

Greater Manchester Police Chief
Constable Sir Peter Fahy
A suspected child sex abuse gang has been smashed by police officers as part of a crackdown on exploitation of young girls.

Eleven people have been arrested under Operation Heliodor in the south Manchester area, Greater Manchester Police said.

The suspected abusers, aged between 19 and 38, have been arrested for alleged offences including sexual activity with a child, attempted indecent assault, inciting child prostitution, abduction and rape.

None of the men have been charged and all have been released on bail until November and December.

The arrests come at a time of increased scrutiny over the way police forces, including Greater Manchester, deal with child sexual exploitation allegations in the wake of damning reports and claims widespread abuse was effectively ignored by officers for years.  (more...)


Toronto Catholic trustees: status-quo is re-elected, what happened?

Ontario's Municipal election 2014 is over and the results have been recorded. Most people in Toronto and the media are talking about John Tory and his victory as the new mayor, and that the majority of the incumbent councillors were re-elected. We, however, are concerned with the fact that at Toronto Catholic District School Board little has changed. Mike Del Grande was elected and will replace his son John. Joseph Martino will also be a new face at the board. But the board will continue to consist of trustees who voted for the Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy which became Ontario law with Bill 13.

There's no need to go over the details of the policy in this posting. Suffice to say that Everyday for Life Canada has tried to document how the policy contradicts Catholic teaching. It promotes an anti-Christian definition of the human person, sexuality, marriage and the family. Catholic schools are to say yes to homosexual gay/straight school clubs and to abortion as a "reproductive right." The fact that this is totally against Catholic teaching didn't stop most trustees from voting in these changes by passing the "Equity Strategy." With the exception of the new trustee Joseph Martino, here's a list of those that voted for the policies of political correctness and yet last night managed to get re-elected: Sal Piccininni, Frank D'Amico, Jo-Ann Davis, Nancy Crawford, Ann Andrachuck, Maria Rizzo and Barbara Poplawski.  (more...)

Outgoing Councillor Mike Del Grande wins a spot on the Toronto Catholic District School Board

TORONTO - Departing city councillor Mike Del Grande is returning the Toronto Catholic District School Board -- a school board he says has slipped in its faith-based teachings.

Ward 7 Scarborough-North York, which had been held by his son, John, who decided not to run again, was captured by Del Grande on Monday night, defeating three other candidates with an overwhelming 64% of the vote.

Del Grande, who left the TCDSB in 2003 to sit on city council, recently said little has changed at the TCDSB -- some trustees don’t “demonstrate their adherence to Catholic teaching,” he said.

A big issue for Del Grande will be possible changes to Ontario’s sex education curriculum -- changes that could possibly see Grade 3 students learning about homosexuality and Grade 7 students learning about oral sex.  (more...)

Monday, October 27, 2014

New sex abuse lawsuit against Maple Leafs' former equipment manager targets Toronto school board

Park (now Nelson Mandela Park) Public School
A man who says he was sexually abused by former Toronto Maple Leafs equipment manager Gordon Stuckless has filed what is believed to be the first lawsuit against the Toronto District School Board related to the sexual predator.

The plaintiff, whose identity is being protected by TSN, claims Stuckless, a former hockey coach and part-time teacher at Park Public School, abused him from 1976, when the plaintiff was a 12-year-old, sixth-grade student at the school, until 1978.

According to the lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained by TSN, Stuckless used his position with the Maple Leafs to gain the plaintiff's trust.

After befriending the plaintiff and his family, "Stuckless began to spend time with (the plaintiff) and his family at their home," says the lawsuit, filed in Ontario Superior Court. "Stuckless used his positions within the school board to befriend (the plaintiff's) mother so that she would permit (him) to go to hockey games and other activities with Stuckless outside of regular school hours."  (more...)

UK: We'll boycott child abuse investigation, warn victims

Fiona Woolf is the second person to be appointed
to lead the Government's child abuse inquiry
Fiona Woolf last night faced renewed pressure to stand down as the head of the Government’s child abuse inquiry after victims said they will no longer participate because of her links to Leon Brittan.

As evidence emerged of yet more undisclosed meetings between Mrs Woolf and Lord Brittan, a key figure in the scandal, child abuse survivors said they had lost confidence in the inquiry.

A lawyer for almost 50 victims said some would now boycott the hearings as they feel they will not be listened to.

Lord Brittan is accused of being at the centre of an Establishment cover-up of sex abuse claims in the 1980s – a charge he strenuously denies. It is alleged that, when he was Home Secretary, he ignored a document – which later went missing – that described a paedophile ring involving high-profile figures.  (more...)

Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers endorse anti-Catholic canadidates

Catholic teachers' union in no longer Catholic
Toronto Elementary Catholic Teachers’ union, TECT, has posted on their website a list of trustee candidates they endorse and made robocalls to tell teachers to vote for these candidates.

What they don’t tell teachers is that union funds are being used in an attempt to sway the vote toward candidates that the TECT believes will or have voted against Catholic teaching in the past four years. They want to elect trustees that will support the union’s push for more of the same when it comes to political correctness and government funding. It's all at the expense of authentic Catholic teaching.

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association and its many representative local units such as the TECT and the Toronto Secondary Unit, TSU, serving high school teachers in the GTA have long ago turned their backs on Catholic teaching. OECTA and its sister units worked hard to make sure the government's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy was passed. The Toronto Catholic District School Board, TCDSB, approved the policy in 2011.  (more...)

Lessons Learned in the Fight Against Homofascism

Since the story broke about the Human Rights Campaign's slanderous persecution of the very people their group was designed to protect – bisexuals and children of same-sex couples – I have received a great deal of support from people.

While it was nerve-wracking to have the truth about the 26 months of harassment by GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, Scott Rosenzweig, Jeremy Hooper, and a host of other totalitarians circulate at my job, it has been healthy.  My colleagues and students had no idea about the extent of this campaign of suppression, censorship, and harassment.  Now they know the truth behind those equals-sign bumper stickers.

Many of my friends also had no idea about the coordination between the lower levels of the gay lobby – the snipers who troll the dark alleys of the internet, like Scott Rosenzweig and Jeremy Hooper – and the corner offices of Washington citadels such as the Human Rights Campaign.  The systematic and organized campaign to destroy three families led by same-sex couples – the families of me, Rivka Edelman, and Janna Darnelle – has left no doubt as to fact that "respectable" organizations like the Human Rights Campaign rely on the "dirty work" by lower-rung character assassins to impose silence on the children and women harmed by same-sex parenting.

People are seeing now the breadth and enormity of this fascist movement that has stolen the voices of gay people and co-opted them to advance a neocolonial, misogynistic, anti-human corporate agenda.  Many of us have divergent views on the morality of homosexual acts, but I think right and left can come together against fascism.  Now is a time to do just that.  (more...)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Teachers paid to canvass for union-backed candidates

TORONTO - Toronto secondary school teachers are being given paid time off by their union to canvass for a slate of union-approved municipal candidates, the Toronto Sun has learned.

Teachers who canvass for two three-hour stints get a day off teaching. Their union, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF), reimburses the school board for their time.

The union representing Toronto’s public secondary school teachers confirmed teachers are being given paid “time release” to canvass for a union-backed list of school trustees, councillors and mayoralty candidates.

One teacher, who spoke to the Sun on condition of anonymity, said some teachers oppose the deal because they do not support the union-endorsed candidates.  (more...)

Bullying in academia: ‘professors are supposed to be stressed! That’s the job’

‘In other industries, the human resources departments are really strong on bullying...
UK universities are 10 or 20 years behind.’
Bullying is rife in academia – and it is tolerated to an extent that wouldn’t be acceptable in other areas. I’ve seen careers wasted in academia just by bad management and bad practice. My story is an illustration of what can go wrong.

Shortly after I moved from my old university to a new job as head of a science research centre at a Russell Group university, my partner and I were hit by a series of problems in my immediate family. It started when a number of family members were diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses. We had to make regular visits and provide a lot of support. But the worst was yet to come – a horrific family tragedy, which was devastating for us all.

At the same time, my new role was a busy, high-profile job that included being on the executive committee for a major international journal and two UK funding committees. We’d had a reorganisation in the faculty and an extra layer of management was inserted. It was made clear to some members of the research group that performance had to be outstanding.

My newly-appointed line manager came to see me just as I was about to go home on a Friday evening. He asked me how things were. I said, “Oh, I’m absolutely stuffed, I’ve got no energy, I’m worn out.” He replied, “I’m not here to talk about that – I’m here to talk about your research performance.” In the discussion that followed he told me I should change the focus of our research. I explained that the work we were doing was slow and painstaking, but significant.

He was adamant about changing the focus, and I started to get more and more stressed. It was before the last research assessment exercise (RAE), and the vice-chancellor was saying he wanted the university to be in the world top 50 rankings, so my line manager was taking this as an excuse to do all sorts of things.  (more...)

This is turning into a farce - Fiona Woolf must stand aside, writes the Labour MP

Farce: Labour MP Simon Danczuk, pictured,
argues that Mrs Woolfe must stand aside
Fiona Woolf hasn’t even begun work on one of the most important inquiries in years – that of dragging dirty parliamentary secrets out into the open and challenging historic child abuse cover-ups – and she yet commands zero-confidence from abuse survivors across the country.

This story has now become a full-blown farce and is fast turning into a tragedy. It’s been painful listening to Woolf’s hopeless attempts to claim she’s somehow not close to Lord Brittan, who was Home Secretary when Geoffrey Dickens’s dossier of VIP child abuse allegations disappeared.

‘Yes,’ she admits, ‘I live in the same street as Lord Brittan and yes, I go to coffee mornings with Brittan’s wife and yes, I sit on a judging panel with her. And yes, I’ve entertained Lord Brittan in my house on several occasions, but none of this means I’m friendly with him. Of course there’s sufficient distance between me and Lord Brittan to do a thorough investigation.’

She must think the public are fools. Over the last few years, I’ve spoken to many victims of child sex abuse. This week I spoke again to some of them. Their views on Woolf were scathing.  (more...)

Liberal Hypocrisy in Adoption

When I began working on adoption policy, after a lengthy career focused on government reform and oversight in other areas, I expected that the same folks who ensured responsible policy development on issues like civil rights, the environment, smoking, and animal protection would be heroes in the fight to protect abused, neglected, exploited, and abandoned children in the US and around the world. Yet, days into what has become a life’s work, I was stunned to discover that, in fact, adoption lacks any meaningful regulatory framework at all – whether domestic infant, foster care, or international adoption – to ensure oversight and appropriate accountability.

What I discovered instead were billions of US tax dollars poured into a domestic child welfare system filled with children neglected by the very people who should have been protecting them. Children died due to system negligence, but few real penalties existed to ensure accountability or to deter bad practice. Children to whom millions of dollars in entitlement benefits were assigned were “lost” in the system, while third parties – whether states or private providers – captured funds intended for their health care, educations, or other pressing needs.

Children legally free for adoption with fit and willing adoptive parents remained system bounded for decades due to the perverse financial incentives states had to have to keep them in care, as each child was a “profit center” bringing various state and federal supports that would disappear if the child left the system for permanent adoptive homes. Even when birth families argued for adoption, if you were a child in foster care with an adoption plan, you were a hostage.

The private domestic adoption system was not much better. Relying on a patchwork of state laws, rather than be governed by strict federal rules, adoption agencies and attorneys across the country ignored the rights of birth parents; coerced vulnerable families to give up children they wanted to keep; misled adoptive parents about the medical and family histories of children; allowed predators and other inappropriate people to adopt; and charged increasingly exorbitant fees, sometimes actually exporting American children to other countries where they could make even more money.  (more...)

H/T to English Manif

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Building a Culture of Life hosted by Lou Iacobelli - TCDSB Trustee Candidates Panel

Tune in as Lou introduces a program done by Radio Maria Canada: Voting Responsibly for Catholic Trustees.

The Municipal Elections will take place on October 27, 2014. Radio Maria held an information program night, October 21, 2014 from 8:30pm to 10:00pm, on the topic of “Voting Responsibly for Catholic Trustees.”

Radio Maria wanted to help its listeners make an informed and Catholic decision when they vote. There were a number of trustee candidates in the studio along with a live audience. Join us as we share that evening to find out more about the issues and hear from some of the candidates themselves.

The House that Feminism Built: Cannibalism in AdoptionLand

When we begin to think we are entitled to sit back and decide who is worthy of being a mother based on some half assed information, then we are no better than the industry that we are supposed to be aligned to fight against.  It is so sad and disheartening to see that we have our own Trio Solutions and Jessica Mundys in our own community. 
But what this has taught me is that the distrust of the mother who can consider adoption is still there. We are still guilty for even considering adoption  by too many folks;  whether fathers who had no choice, adoptees who are hurt themselves and need to fulfill their own projected fantasies of saving themselves,  or just other outside bystanders and players, just do not get it. It is still too tempting to see the relinquishing mother as an “other”;  a freak who somehow deserves the pain and suffering of maternal separation based on her own doing.  It makes me very sad, but thought this is a truth I cannot and will not ignore again; sometimes the only ones who understand the mothers is other mothers and that is that.  I guess there is an “us” and them. I thought we could transcend that. I was wrong.  (more...)

A Daughter's Reflection on how the Annulment experience has affected her life

Since my parents went through a rather emotionally and financially draining divorce during the latter half of my teen-age years, I got quite a few of glimpses of my parent's mistakes. My father, an Episcopalian for as long as I could remember, decided to convert to Catholicism in order to seek an annulment for his first marriage to my mother. The woman he was next marrying sponsored his "conversion" to the Catholic church.

My father's "conversion" seemed to occur overnight, as did his engagement to the woman he suddenly decided to marry. In fact, they were married less than a week after my parents' divorce was legally finalized. My sister and I were not invited to the ceremony, although this did not come as a surprise to either one of us.

During my parents' marriage, my father twice left suddenly and did not initiate contact with either my sister or I for months afterwards. By the time we would receive a card with no return address or means of contacting him, we had already felt rejected and hurt. When I was 14, my father, disgusted and bitter over the choices that he'd made in his own life advised me, "Don't ever get married and don't ever have kids. That was my biggest mistake." Apparently, it's never too late to make "corrections", because less than two years later he moved out, cutoff all contact with my mother, sister and I.  (more...)


Friday, October 24, 2014

TDSB Students Want Trustee Sam Sotiropoulos Suspended

Other coverage:

Huh? Most Waterloo Region Catholic candidates support Pride parade

CAMBRIDGE — Six candidates for the Catholic school board sparred gently over the early departure of an education director, and over students and staff who march in the gay Pride parade.

Wednesday's forum for the Oct. 27 election drew 20 people.

Six candidates are competing for three seats representing Cambridge and North Dumfries on the nine-member school board.

Newcomer Montse Sanzsole Vasquez challenged incumbents Wendy Price, Peter Reitmeier, and Manuel da Silva.

She said they mishandled their hiring of an education director, choosing not to renew Larry Clifford's contract after two years. The board has a temporary director in place while it seeks a permanent one. "I will ensure the right director is hired," she said.

While she endorsed a trustee vote to support gay students and staff who marched in the Pride parade in Toronto, Sanzsole Vasquez also criticized incumbents, saying they should have acted years earlier to support gay students.  (more...)

Former Hamilton principal, teacher facing new sex charges

Whitby's John Leek has been charged with sexual assault, offences allegedly
committeed between June 1976 and December 1977. Police believe there
may be more victims.
Six new victims have come forward to police to levy accusations of sexual assault against former principal, teacher and truancy counsellor with the Hamilton and Peel school boards.

Whitby resident John Leek, 69, was arrested earlier this month on charges of indecent acts on a male and gross indecency between June 1976 and December 1977, while in Hamilton.

Since news of his arrest broke, six new people have come forward and identified themselves as child victims of sexual assault connected with John Leek. All of the accusations are historical, police say.

According to police, Leek worked for the Hamilton, Peel and Durham District School Boards and the Hamilton District Christian High School. At different points, he was a teacher, a truancy counsellor, a vice principal and a principal.

Leek has also had an “active role” with several children’s choirs in Ontario.  (more...)

Other coverage:

Internet porn surge fuels demand for celebrity-painted woodies (seriously)

Calgary Stampeder Jon Cornish, Olympian Clara Hughes, philanthropist
Brett Wilson and music sensations Tegan and Sara are just some of those
who painted "woodies" for an auction to raise money for the
Calgary Sexual Health Centre.
A non-profit group providing sex education programming to schools in Calgary says its seeing a big spike in demand for its services.

Pam Krause, who runs the Calgary Sexual Health Centre (CSHC), says requests for help are rising as kids are exposed to more pornography on their phones and iPads.

"We know we cannot stop the tsunami of pornography," she said. "There's just no way. It's not going anywhere, so for us the important thing is that you get good information."

Krause says the requests aren't just coming from high schools.

"Junior highs keep coming to us and coming to us, and really for the first time in our organization's history — that I'm aware of — we've had to turn schools away, which is really difficult for us," she said.  (more...)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Institutions of Higher Indoctrination

Professor Janice Fiamengo, University of Ottawa, speaks about the negative effect that academic feminism has on freedom of speech. Examples of the increasingly drastic measures used to enforce adherence to policies imposed by gender ideologues clearly demonstrate the validity of Fiamengo's warning.

Toronto schools hosting ‘LGBTQ’ conference for students as young as 11

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is hosting three student conferences within the span of eight days for the purpose of LGBTQ activism.  The conferences, which have been organized in collaboration with Jer’s Vision, will take place on October 28, October 30, and November 5.

The first two conferences are for secondary school students, who will attend workshops relating to two-spirit and LGBTQ advocacy.  The third, which is for middle school students, will feature workshops on gay pride.  In addition, both students and teachers will be given training on advocating for all-gender washrooms.  This workshop will be given by David Stocker, a teacher who succeeded in implementing a multi-stall all-gender washroom at a middle school in Toronto last year.

Jer’s Vision plans to travel across the country organizing similar conferences over the course of the school year, before returning to Toronto in May, when 100 students will participate in a weeklong LGBTQ activism training event.  (more...)

On social media:

Ontario teacher facing sex charges removed from duties

TIMMINS - The female elementary school teacher accused of sexual misconduct involving a minor has been removed from her teaching duties, the local district French catholic school board confirmed to The Daily Press Wednesday.

The accused is a teacher at École catholique Ste-Thérèse in Ramore who was charged by the Ontario Provincial Police more than three weeks ago.

“As soon as we have any complaint or indication from either party that there may have been some form of misconduct, the teacher or staff is always suspended, pending investigation,” said Richard Loiselle, director of communications with Conseil scolaire catholique de district des Grandes Rivières. “That’s in our policy.”

The accused in this case is a 27-year-old South Porcupine resident who is charged with sexual assault, sexual interference, sexual exploitation, sexual invitation and obstructing police.  (more...)

Toronto Trustee Targeted: Students want trustee suspended over Pride parade tweets

A group of students is demanding that TDSB trustee Sam Sotiropoulos
be suspended for comments he made about the Gay Pride Parade.
More than 200 Toronto high school students say they want Toronto school trustee Sam Sotiropoulos suspended for his comments about the Gay Pride parade, which they feel are homophobic, and for suggesting transgendered students could be mentally ill.

“If the TDSB really is all about students and being accepting, why do they let this man get away with criticizing everything the board stands for?” asked Malvern Collegiate student Georgia Koumantaros, part of the Malvern Students Against Sexual Stereotyping club.

The 16-year-old addressed a Toronto District School Board committee meeting Wednesday, saying students are offended at a tweet in which Sotiropoulos cited a blog that called the Gay Pride parade a “freak show” and another tweet that suggested transgendered students might be mentally ill.

“He belittled the Gay Pride parade, which is a celebration of people who have not always had equal rights,” said Georgia, one of about 12 students from Malvern and Danforth Collegiate who attended the TDSB’s Administration, Finance and Accountability committee meeting Wednesday.

“If a student tweeted something like that, we’d be suspended, or at the very least we’d have to write an essay about the negative impact it has on school climate,” argued the Grade 11 student.  (more...)

The familiar goon squad:

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