Friday, September 6, 2024

Open Letter: Civil Society Coalition Urges Canada to Stop All Arms Transfers to Israel


Canada arms transfers Israel coalition war crimes politics complicity genocide ethnic cleansing oppression racism white supremacy

Dear Minister Joly,

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, are deeply concerned at the enduring devastation in Gaza. Canada risks complicity in this humanitarian catastrophe through its ongoing transfer of military goods destined to Israel, exports which are incompatible with its obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). As organizations committed to upholding human rights, the protection of civilians, peace, and justice—several of whom are present in Gaza and seeing daily the grave consequences of the transfer of weapons to conflict parties—we urge the Government of Canada to take immediate action to cease all exports of arms and arms components to Israel, as well as any and all transfers for which Israel will be the end user.

In the past ten months, more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military campaign across the Gaza Strip, the majority being women and children. More than 92,000 have been injured and critical civilian infrastructure has been destroyed. Over the last few weeks only, Israel attacked at least seven schools. They add to the long list of schools, hospitals, refugee camps and places of worship hit since October—many of these crowded with displaced civilians sheltering from the violence.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the ATT, which Canada acceded to five years ago. Under the ATT, Canada is prohibited from exporting arms if those transfers would be used to commit serious crimes under international law including disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks. Moreover, states parties to the Treaty cannot authorize arms transfers if there is an overriding risk they could be misused, including to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law (IHL)—the very type of behaviour that has become routine by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). These obligations are also reflected under domestic law in Canada’s Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA).  (more...)

Open Letter: Civil Society Coalition Urges Canada to Stop All Arms Transfers to Israel

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