Saturday, September 21, 2024

Liberal MP wants Canadian Palestine solidarity organization on terror list


Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Canada Charlotte Kates politics advocacy repression smears criminalization slander calumny bigotry

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, a proud Zionist, has confirmed he’s advocating for Canadian Palestine solidarity organization Samidoun to be put on Canada’s terrorist entity list.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network was formally created in 2012, while its International Coordinator, Charlotte Kates, came to her role in November 2011. 

Samidoun firmly supports the Palestinian resistance and broader Axis of Resistance. Samidoun says they “developed out of the September-October 2011 hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, seeing a need for a dedicated network to support Palestinian prisoners.” In an interview with The Canada Files, Kates said Samidoun was initially focused on getting information about the prisoners out to the world but added broader organizing to its work after finding interest from activists. They have chapters around the world, from Canada to Brazil to Hungary to Iran and even occupied Palestine. 

Kates has already faced state repression this year, being slapped with a farcical “hate-speech” investigation by Vancouver police after an April speech in support of the Palestinian resistance. In the aforementioned interview, Kates said this kind of investigation is meant as a tactic to sneak around the Canadian charter of rights. But Zionist attacks on Samidoun have gone on for years.  (more...)

Liberal MP wants Canadian Palestine solidarity organization on terror list

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