Saturday, September 14, 2024

McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide


Canada McGill University student activism repression Deep Saini president administration deceit conflict of interest lap dog Zionists politics students youth dissent smears slander calumny servility colonialism imperialism

McGill president Deep Saini has repeatedly attacked students on his campus who oppose the Gaza genocide and has even asked pro-Israel students to spy on professors.

Wealthy donors, a well-organized outside lobby and an empowered victimhood narrative ensures McGill’s president promotes genocide. With students expressing their overwhelming support for divestment through referendums, rallies, petitions, a hunger strike and 75-day encampment Deep Saini recently claimed those opposing Israel’s holocaust in Gaza are “a small group” causing difficulty for “the majority”.

In a highly provocative move for a university president presenting himself as neutral, President Saini participated in a recent town hall with the most vocal advocate of Israeli violence in the House of Commons. A Canadian Jewish News report on an event Liberal MP Anthony Housefather billed as a discussion about Jewish students and faculty’s “safe return to campus”, quoted Saini smearing McGill students. “It’s very hard to tell whether the antisemitism went up or it became more overt,” Saini told the pro-genocide event. “Did we actually see a rise in antisemitism? Or did we see people using this moment, forum these circumstances, to give themselves a license to express antisemitism?”

The head of the prestigious university also labeled those opposed to the genocide as a small minority. “It was a stark example of how a small group of determined people can create an extremely difficult situation for the majority that remains relatively quiet and ends up becoming a victim,” Saini said.

President Saini threatened professors over any “abuse of podium.” “Nobody would be allowed to abuse their position to make a (political or hateful) statement”, Saini declared. He even asked Jewish Zionist students to spy on professors, reportedly “calling on Jewish students to be the ears on the ground and report any breaches of conduct.”

Keen to dispatch police against student protesters, Saini doesn’t believe those promoting a holocaust should feel uncomfortable. “Nobody is going to be now excluded from or made to feel uncomfortable in class because they are a Zionist and support Israel,” concluded Saini.  (more...)

McGill president smears students while ignoring genocide

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