Friday, September 20, 2024

Ukraine’s Refusal To Exhume & Properly Bury The Volhynia Genocide’s Victims Enrages Poles


Poland Ukraine Volhynia Genocide disrespect ingratitude outrage European Union NATO fascism Bandera OUN-B

Poles are waking up to the dark reality of contemporary Ukrainian nationalism.

Casual observers might be surprised that a World War II-era genocide of over 100,000 Poles by Ukrainian fascists has become a major problem in these two countries’ contemporary relations. It happened several generations ago and they nowadays closely coordinate against Russia. Nevertheless, Ukraine has thus far refused to exhume and properly bury the remains of the Volhynia Genocide’s victims, which has enraged Poles and forced their government to escalate these demands for the following reasons:

1. Ukraine Is Behaving In An Incredibly Ungrateful & Disrespectful Way Towards Poland

Polish President Andrzej Duda recently confirmed that his country spent 3.3% of its GDP (approximately $25 billion) on multidimensional aid for Ukraine, yet it was then reported that Zelensky angrily rejected Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski’s Volhynia-related requests soon thereafter. Poles regard this behavior as incredibly ungrateful and disrespectful after all that they’ve done for Ukraine, whose stance shockingly suggests that it doesn’t consider the victims to be innocent, but that they deserved to be murdered.  (more...)

Ukraine’s Refusal To Exhume & Properly Bury The Volhynia Genocide’s Victims Enrages Poles


The Latest Polish-Ukrainian Dispute Is Manageable But Will Still Toxify Mutual Perceptions

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