Sunday, September 22, 2024

UK activists punished for destroying Israeli weapons facilities, with Huda Ammori and Max Geller


UK Palestine Action Elbit Israel weapons facilities destruction activism direct resistance shut down arrests prosecutions

We speak to to returning guests Huda Ammori and Max Geller from Palestine Action.

Actionists, as members of the direct action group call themselves, deliberately destroy property at arms factories, and have managed to force the closure of several UK sites belonging to Elbit Systems, one of Israel’s biggest weapons manufacturers.

These include facilities involved in manufacturing Elbit’s deadly drones that are being used in the Israeli genocide in Gaza right now.

On several occasions, British juries have refused to convict actionists, accepting the argument that their actions are legally justified in order to prevent a greater harm in the form of Israeli war crimes and genocide.

But Palestine Action remains a major target of British state repression. Several actionists are currently held as political prisoners, and the group’s co-founder Richard Barnard is facing “terrorism” charges. Many others have had their homes raided and ransacked by police.

Palestine Action

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