Friday, May 31, 2024

Funding Attacks on the Pro-Palestine Student Movement


billionaires Los Angeles New York student activism Zionist counter protesters harassment repression violence funding goons thugs Proud Boys Zionists militarized police crackdowns

The links between the violent crackdown on Gaza solidarity student encampments and billionaire activists

It has been weeks since the brutal state repression and right-wing violence unleashed against some of the most prominent Gaza solidarity encampments, including those at the University of California – Los Angeles and Columbia University. 

Since then, independent reporting has uncovered disturbing links between extreme-right counter protesters and billionaire donors, as well as collusion between city officials and police conducting violent repression.

At UCLA, Zionist counter protesters conducted several rounds of attacks against the Gaza solidarity encampment. Student organizers reported counter-protesters releasing bags of mice injected with an unknown substance, as well as cockroaches. Counter-protesters also launched fireworks at the encampment.

Reporters at Left Coast Right Watch compiled a detailed timeline of the efforts of counter protesters to torment students. 

One face at the counter protests was Narek Paylan, associated with the Proud Boys and the anti-LGBTQ Leave Our Kids Alone movement, who has shared anti-Semitic and Nazi imagery online. He was seen outside of the Gaza solidarity encampment, protesting on behalf of Zionists.  (more...)

Funding Attacks on the Pro-Palestine Student Movement

The Homeland Security Campus


Homeland Security student activism Palestine solidarity militarized police repression brutality violence divestment suspension eviction expulsion faculty dismissal repression dystopia

Repress U., Class of 2024: Michael Gould-Wartofsky provides an overview of the wide-reaching crackdown on U.S. campus protest.

The academic year that just ended left America’s college campuses in quite a state: with snipers on the rooftops and checkpoints at the gates; quads overrun by riot squads, state troopers, and federal agents; and even the scent of gunpowder in the air.

In short, in the spring semester of 2024, many of our campuses came to resemble armed camps.

What’s more, alongside such brute displays of force, there have been congressional inquisitions into constitutionally protected speech; federal investigations into the movement for divestment; and students suspended, evicted, and expelled, not to speak of faculty disciplined or simply dismissed.

Welcome to Repress U., class of 2024: a homeland security campus for the ages.

But don’t think it all only happened this spring. In reality, it’s an edifice that’s been decades in the making, spanning the George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden administrations. Some years ago, in the wake of Occupy Wall Street, I wrote a step-by-step guide to how the original homeland security campus was created. Let me now offer an updated manual on the workings of Repress U. in a newly oppressive era.

Consider the building of just such a homeland security campus a seven-step process.  (more...)

The Homeland Security Campus

Detroit’s WSU Palestine Solidarity Encampment Raided and Shut Down by Police


Detroit Wayne State University student activism Palestine solidarity encampment police raid crackdown brutality violence disclosure divestment boycott sanction arms embargo Israel

At 6:00am cops rushed in breaking up the peaceful protest which is demanding the disclosure and divestment of Wayne State University from entities with investments in the State of Israel

After seven full days of an encampment at the center of Wayne State University in Detroit, campus police raided and removed the encampment which has demanded the complete divestment from corporations which have interests in the State of Israel.

The encampment began with a demonstration on Thursday May 23 starting on Woodward Avenue and West Warren, which is the location of the WSU Welcome Center.

Hundreds of students, faculty and community members then marched west on Warren on to the campus where the encampment was constructed right across from the Undergraduate Library (UGL). For seven days, the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and their allies maintained the solidarity camp around the clock providing food, water, medical services along with educational workshops and cultural presentations.

The Palestine solidarity activists issued nine demands to the university administration including full disclosure of financial ties with the Israeli regime; divestment from these holdings; a public statement decrying the genocide in Gaza; reaffirm students’ First Amendment rights to protest and dissent; protect students and faculty members advocating for Palestine from all forms of hostility and conduct; a formal inquiry into the harassment they experience; accurately represent the city of Detroit and call for a ceasefire; offer financial and legal help for Palestinian students who are on a visa; and offer programming for Palestinians and people who have been evacuated from Gaza.  (more...)

Detroit’s WSU Palestine Solidarity Encampment Raided and Shut Down by Police

NYPD Chokehold and Bloody Non Violent Pro Palestine Protestors


Palestine solidarity demonstrations protests marches police NYPD brutality violence mass arrests repression lawlessness unaccountability journalists legal observers injuries fascism

Independent photo journalist Jon Farina, who has covered over 20 pro Palestine protests for Status Coup discusses and shows his videos documenting police brutality.

Support UNB students’ right to protest apartheid and genocide: open letter


Canada University of New Brunswick student activism Palestine solidarity apartheid genocide Gaza faculty librarians support open letter administration repression encampment disclose divest boycott sanction arms embargo Israel trespass

Dear Mr. Gribbons and Dr. Mazerolle,

Universities serve a pivotal role as centers of critical thinking, knowledge creation and education to the end of fostering a more just world order. The University of New Brunswick is no exception. 

Israel’s ongoing genocidal war against the Palestinian people is being meticulously documented by the UN and numerous human rights organizations around the world. At least 36,000 people have been killed in Gaza thus far. The document Anatomy of a Genocide produced by the UN Special Rapporteur (on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967) provides just one account of the atrocities being committed; the actions taken by the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court provide further evidence.

We are writing as concerned employees of UNB about the ways in which we have seen the institution demonstrate complicity in this unconscionable violence and the measures we ask that the university take in response. 

Most urgently, we must express our grave concern about the decision to issue a trespass notice to faculty and students at UNBSJ for having a tent on campus during the day. This notice threatens members of our community with police intervention for peacefully expressing their opposition to genocide. The prospect of inviting police into the university campus under these circumstances is a violation of our most fundamental responsibility to provide a safe learning environment to our students and working environment for employees. It is an understatement to call it unacceptable.  (more...)

Support UNB students’ right to protest apartheid and genocide: open letter

Pentagon funding draws Canadian mining industry closer to US war machine


Canada mining resource extraction US EV industry military defense strategic assets capture minerals industry politics

In late May 2024, the US military transferred $15 million to two Canadian mining companies: Fortune Minerals, which operates a cobalt-gold-bismuth-copper mine in the Northwest Territories and a refinery in Alberta, and Lomiko Metals, a Quebec-based graphite and lithium miner. The funding was allocated through the Cold War-era Defense Production Act. After the news broke, the CBC plainly stated the reason behind the US military’s hunger for Canadian minerals, in a section heading: “What’s driving it: US fear of China.”

US companies have been unable to compete with China on high-tech production. Earlier this month, the sluggishness of US production led President Joe Biden to impose sweeping tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, the best-selling EVs on the global market. Canada, following Washington’s lead, is now considering EV tariffs.

In a tacit admission of the failure of Washington’s market-driven economic policy, Biden claimed that Beijing’s substantial subsidies for its EV industry, a state-led approach to EV development, is “unfair.”

That the Pentagon is directly funding Canadian mines shows Washington views its economic inferiority as a national security issue. And more Pentagon money may be incoming, as the US has allocated over $500 million in cross-border mineral funding. In fact, mining companies in the Ring of Fire stated that the US has expressed interest in funding their projects, despite committed resistance to mining from many Indigenous nations in the region. Companies in the Ring of Fire that have been contacted by the US Department of Defence include Wyloo Metals, Electra Battery Materials Corp., and Avalon Advanced Materials. So, the Pentagon may target the Ring of Fire in its next round of funding.  (more...)

Pentagon funding draws Canadian mining industry closer to US war machine

I Went To Jesse Brown’s Talk On ‘Antisemitism In Canadian Media’


Canada Canadaland Jesse Brown antisemitism Toronto media bias pogrom Zionism genocide complicity

Highlights included Brown comparing protests against Indigo’s CEO to someone hanging a noose outside places Black people work.

On May 27, the world was reeling in horror at the videos from Gaza following Israeli airstrikes on the supposed safe zone in Rafah that killed at least 45 Palestinians, including beheading a child. In downtown Toronto, people protested outside the Israeli consulate. Further north in the city at a synagogue, however, outrage was mostly directed elsewhere, including Toronto Star columnist Shree Paradkar’s tweets.

That night, the synagogue hosted a “keynote address” by Canadaland founder Jesse Brown titled, “The Slow Pogrom: Antisemitism in Canadian Media.” Given my consistent critiques of Canadaland over the past few months, I decided to register for and attend the event.

Brown’s talk took an hour, followed by 30 minutes of crowd questions. If you’ve spent any time on Twitter you will have come across Brown’s complaints about Canadian media coverage of alleged antisemitism. This event was more of a greatest hits from his collection than the groundbreaking piece of journalism it was advertised as, with no apparent “considerable original research” on display. 

Still, Brown did provide an answer to a question many have asked that I haven’t come across elsewhere, and made some comparisons and suggestions so bizarre that they’re worth documenting.  (more...)

I Went To Jesse Brown’s Talk On ‘Antisemitism In Canadian Media’

Congress Trains Academia to Deny Genocide


Congress academia university presidents chancellors interrogation coercion intimidation genocide Israel lobby browbeating fear cowardice

“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?” Corinna Barnard reacts to  congressional lawmakers raising this question with university leaders last week.

“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”

That’s the question that Rep. Bob Good, a Republican of Virginia, fired at Jonathan Holloway, president of Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, last week in a U.S. House committee hearing.

Holloway, a scholar of African American history who has been steadily climbing the ladder of administrative positions at top-tier schools, looked stunned.

“Um sir, I don’t … have an opinion on Israel’s um …in terms of that phrase.”

Good: “You do not have an opinion as to whether Israel’s government is genocidal?”

Holloway: “Uh, no sir, I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself.”

Good: “Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”

Holloway: “I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself, sir.”

Good: “But you will not say Israel’s government is not genocidal. You can’t say that?”

Holloway stuck to his script: “Sir I believe in the government’s right…”

Good, cut him off: “You can’t be that surprised by the topic of the discussion today and you can’t say that Israel’s government is not genocidal. That’s interesting.”

Good has a point.

It is hard to believe that Holloway, or anyone following world events in the slightest for that matter, would not have formed an opinion on whether the Israeli government is committing a genocide.

While Good was trying to wring a “no” out of Holloway, the correct answer for a university president, as a representative of the domain of knowledge, would undoubtedly have been “yes.”  (more...)

Congress Trains Academia to Deny Genocide

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Global community must play significant role in sanctioning Zionist entity – Mandela's grandson


South Africa Mandela apartheid Gaza genocide Palestine solidarity ICJ justice politics Zionism freedom flotilla

South African MP and Nelson Mandela's grandson Zwelivelile Mandela speaks about the importance of mobilizing the world community in the fight against Israeli aggression in Gaza.

Columbia Prof UNLEASHES On Biden & University Prez In EPIC Speech

student activism Palestine solidarity Columbia University encampment militarized police repression brutality violence censorship faculty unions black pastors revolution complicity Biden

Palestinian-American historian and  Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University praises the student protestors as being on the right side of history, warns that his own university administration and president will “go down in infamy” and explains how “every plane bombing Gaza is an American plane. Every bomb dropped is American.” Dr. Khalidi also explains why student protestors are just the tip of the iceberg and U.S. hegemony is under threat.

McGill tried stifling classroom discussion of Gaza, internal emails reveal


Canada Montreal McGill University administration censorship repression Gaza genocide student activism divestment complicity racism autocracy intimidation

Documents show McGill’s administrators encouraged deans and instructors to bar discussion of student policy calling on university to divest from Israel’s assault on Gaza

McGill University’s administrators encouraged deans and instructors to bar any discussion of a student referendum on Israel’s assault on Gaza, following complaints from pro-Israel community members, emails obtained by The Breach reveal.

In the fall, McGill students voted on a policy put forward by the student union, calling on the university to “condemn the genocidal bombing campaigns and siege against the people of Gaza,” and to divest from any implicated companies.

But a week before the referendum, McGill’s administrators emailed deans a template that instructors could use to reject any classroom discussion, warning faculty that discussion could leave students feeling “uncomfortable” and “targeted.”

The policy was eventually supported by 78 per cent of student voters, but its implementation has been blocked by an injunction backed by B’nai Brith Canada.

The revelation comes a week after McGill president Deep Saini denounced the month-long Palestine solidarity encampment on the campus in a Montreal Gazette op-ed, accusing the protestors of “eschew[ing] meaningful conversation” with the administration.  

“To educate, to learn, to research, universities must welcome debate and challenge convention,” Saini wrote.

However, the emails obtained by The Breach in a freedom of information request show that the university’s administrators did not welcome any debate, but tried to shut it down.  (more...)

McGill tried stifling classroom discussion of Gaza, internal emails reveal

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel


Zionism Nazi Rothschild banking Black Nobility Israel Balfour Declaration illegitimacy Hesse Star of David hexagram

Adolf Hitler’s father was Alois Schicklgruber, the bastard child of Maria Schicklgruber, who changed his name to Hitler to hide the fact that he was an illegitimate child. Many historians have claimed that Maria was impregnated by Baron Rothschild when she worked for him. The Rothschilds have been known to breed thousands of illegitimate children under different names to serve the family’s agenda. And their name isn’t really Rothschild. In the late eighteenth century, Mayer Amschel Bauer was the private banker for the Black Nobility through the House of Hesse, and changed the family name just before expanding the family business.

Rothschild means, “Red Shield,” which was their company logo. A six-pointed star which has become known as the Star of David. This was not a Jewish symbol, it was introduced by the Rothschilds who later funded the Zionists. And in 1948, Rothschild influence compelled the state of Israel to adopt the hexagram as their national symbol.

US Empire --- Israel/Ukraine - Two Proxies - One Problem


US Empire America Israel Ukraine proxies war delusion rationalization religiosity ideology irrationality binary history

The geopolitical cartoon we live in

Liberal MP allegedly cancelled Banderite speaker’s Parliament speech


Canada Toronto Ukraine Bandera parliament cover-up NaziGate  closet nazis scandal embarrassment Jaroslav Hunka Yvan Baker politics

Lesya Voronyuk, the founder of Vyshyvanka (Ukrainian World Embroidery) Day, claims that Liberal MP Yvan Baker cancelled her address to parliament and blocked her from speaking. On Facebook, Voronyuk alleged that her cancellation was for participation in the sale and distribution of the infamous t-shirt worn by Stepan Bandera, the Nazi ‘OUN-B’ leader. Banderite ideology is the prevailing ideology of the Nazi Ukrainian state post 2014 coup.

Yvan Baker has himself has many skeletons in the closet on this subject, and he has reason to want the closet to stay closed. Yvan Baker himself had roles in the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) during outrageous commemoration of Nazi divisions at Toronto-level in 2007 and federal level in 2010, and was an attending MP at a commemoration of the Ukrainian Nazi division during the UCC Toronto branch’s 2021 Remembrance Day ceremony. Baker has still, to this day, never condemned parliament’s honouring of Ukrainian Nazi, Jaroslav Hunka.

Baker’s mother, Myroslavia Oleksiuk, was also a notable member of the UCC during her heyday and the co-founder of an infamous Banderite newsletter named E-Poshta. So, after the Hunka incident in parliament opened up a can of worms, MP Baker likely determined that the less attention towards Ukrainian Nationalists, and himself especially, the better.

Lesya Voronyuk was very upset about her opportunity to speak in the Canadian parliament being cancelled. She complained that the World Embroidery Day event, including the speech, took three months to prepare, but that the speech was abruptly cancelled only three days in advance. She voiced her displeasure on Facebook in a long diatribe, which finishes with her lamenting about “Ukrainians [who] cancel their own Ukrainians.” Some of the points she made were very ironic.  (more...)

Liberal MP allegedly cancelled Banderite speaker’s Parliament speech

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Azov Brigade Invades London, Greeted as Liberators


Nazi Azov Boris Johnson London England Westminster military normalization Russophobia fundraiser UK

Warm Welcome for Neo-Nazi Movement in England

“We must not believe a single word of Putin’s propaganda about the Azov Brigade,” insisted Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the UK, at the Reform Club in London last week, where the “Conservative Friends of Ukraine” (CFU) hosted a fundraiser for this neo-Nazi unit and its “Association of Azovstal Defenders’ Families.” Johnson, president of the CFU, praised Azov’s “gallant soldiers,” and declared that “we rely wholly on heroes such as the people who are here tonight with us from the Azov Brigade,” because there is no path to peace in Ukraine, and the only choice is to achieve “as speedy a Ukrainian victory as possible.”

Western mainstream media outlets have predictably ignored the social media firestorm ignited by the image of Boris Johnson holding the neo-Nazi flag of the Azov Brigade with representatives of this infamous unit from the National Guard of Ukraine. Earlier that day, Conservative leaders of the UK All-Party Parliament Group on Ukraine hosted a “roundtable discussion” with an Azov delegation in the Palace of Westminster, the meeting place of the British Parliament.

The far-right Ukrainian delegation’s recent trip to England came on the heels of a pro-Azov propaganda campaign and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Azov Battalion, a notorious neo-Nazi militia group. The polished and professionalized but ideologically unreconstructed Azov Brigade (est. 2023), consisting of multiple battalions, constitutes one of the most elite military units in Ukraine and an important component of its most formidable neo-Nazi movement.

The Guardian and The Times helped to pave the way for the Azov Brigade to dispatch some of its unofficial ambassadors to London without significant controversy. In late April, these major British newspapers published a pair of articles whitewashing Azov. “The 5,000-plus strong brigade has shed any far-right associations,” the Guardian reassured its readers, lying to them. According to the Times, the unit “has moved on from its far-right origins, its men say.” Less than a month later, the Azov delegation arrived in London.  (more...)

Azov Brigade Invades London, Greeted as Liberators

‘Student Intifada’ livestream UMich, Purdue, Oxford (UK)

student activism intifada Palestine solidarity Gaza genocide encampment organizing repression crackdowns militarized police violence brutality Zionism tyranny

In this special livestream event, TRNN editor-in-chief Maximillian Alvarez and Marc Steiner sit down with Gaza solidarity encampment organizers from the University of Michigan, Purdue, and Oxford University in the UK to discuss the state of the international student movement in solidarity with Palestine and the violent efforts by state and Zionist forces to repress it.

‘Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide’


Canada tax dollars funding genocide tax-exempt status NGOs crimes against humanity Gaza genocide defund divest charitable status

A New York state bill to strip tax-exempt status from charities assisting Israeli settlements and the Israeli military should boost a similar initiative in Canada.

Last week high profile left-Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed a bill called “Not on our dime!: Ending New York funding of Israeli settler violence Act.” The New York state bill would revoke the charitable status of groups assisting illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Introduced last year, the bill was recently amended to include charities “aiding and abetting activity by the Israeli armed forces” that violate International Criminal Court rulings.

The bill builds off the work of Defund Racism, which has compiled evidence of US charities’ role in dispossessing Palestinians. In a similar vein, last year over 30 Canadian groups endorsed “colonialism is not charity”, which calls on the Canada Revenue Agency to revoke the charitable status of groups assisting West Bank settlements and the Israeli military.

The campaign to challenge Israel-focused charities was given a boost recently by a parliamentary petition instigated by researcher Miles Howe.   (more...)

‘Not one cent of Canadian tax-dollars should be funding genocide’


Colonialism is Not Charity: Defunding Palestinian racism

Thousands in Detroit Open Next Phase of Palestine Struggle


student activism Palestine solidarity conference organizing Detroit Michigan Palestinian Youth Movement Columbia University encampment demonstrations justice

Over 3,500 people gathered in Detroit, Michigan for a three-day People’s Conference for Palestine on May 24, 25 and 26. Led by the Palestinian Youth Movement, the conference highlighted the work that has already been done over the last 8 months but also the historical work done over years and decades in the struggle to end Zionist occupation. Participants heard about how education, art, music, literature, labor and much more play a role in this evolving struggle. The conference celebrated and uplifted the martyrs, political prisoners and fighters in Palestine. Perhaps most importantly, it laid the groundwork for the next steps for the movement to go forward.

Rachel and I were both there, and today on this special episode, we’ll be listening to a few clips from the conference and reflecting on what this historic convening means for the struggle. We want to thank our friends at BreakThrough News for livestreaming the plenary sessions, keynotes and many of the workshops, and for letting us use their audio on our program.

Independent members, the only real political solution


Canada politics parties unaccountability mafia independence influence integrity

The party's over

The Alberta Civil War


Canada Alberta provincial politics UCP manipulation backroom strife influence corruption narcissism psychopathy delusions Jason Kenney David Parker coups sabotage racketeering

Take Back Alberta is dead -- David Parker the assassin.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rashid Khalidi On Gaza & Columbia, Journo Jon Farina On Police Attacks On Pro Palestine Protesters


imperialism British Empire Zionism United States Israel Palestine Columbia University Rashid Khalidi Gaza genocide militarized police attacks crackdowns protesters blowback colonialism counterinsurgency oppression war students unions pastors

Rashid Khalidi talks about Israel's savage attack on Gaza and Rafah as well as the protests at Columbia University, where he is the Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies. Cameraman and journalist Jon Farina talks about covering pro Palestine protests as well as police violence and crackdowns against protestors.

Dr. Khalidi was an advisor to the Palestinian delegation to the Madrid and Washington Arab-Israeli peace negotiations from October 1991 until June 1993. He is the author of: The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917- 2017 (2020); Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. has Undermined Peace in the Middle East (2013); Sowing Crisis: American Dominance and the Cold War in the Middle East (2009);The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood (2006); Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America's Perilous Path in the Middle East (2004); Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness (1996); Under Siege: PLO Decision-Making During the 1982 War (1986); British Policy Towards Syria and Palestine, 1906-1914 (1980); and co-editor of Palestine and the Gulf (1982) and The Origins of Arab Nationalism (1991), and The Other Jerusalem: Rethinking the History of the Sacred City (2020).

Jon Farina is an independent Photojournalist based in NYC who's covered over 20 pro Palestine protests for Status Coup. He's covered stories all around the country, including January 6th and made a documentary about Ukraine where he lived for two months.

Behind the scenes of Canadian universities’ ties to Israel


Canada universities Israel complicity Gaza genocide military IDF divestment encampments partnerships complicity crimes against humanity moral bankruptcy unaccountability Zionism

Divesting from corporations selling Israel arms is OK but cutting ties with Israeli universities is a bridge too far. That’s been the reaction to Canada’s student uprising against genocide even though Israeli universities assist that country’s military.

There are student encampments at McGill, Dalhousie, Western, Guelph, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, University of Ottawa, UBC Okanagan, Vancouver Island University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, University of Victoria, University of Windsor, Université de Sherbrooke and Université du Québec à Montréal. Queen’s, McMaster and Ontario Tech students dismantled their two-week long encampments after the administrations’ agreed to a pathway towards divestment while Thompson River college agreed to discuss divestment over fears an encampment might be established. The University of Calgary and University of Alberta sent cops to immediately dismantle their students’ encampments.

The student encampments have generated significant media attention eliciting countless mentions of Israel’s genocide and sympathetic historical comparisons to student mobilizations against apartheid South Africa and the US war in Vietnam. In its first handful of days the McGill encampment alone generated as much corporate media attention as the 30 weekends in a row of mass protests in Montreal, including a march of 50,000.

Amidst the attention there has been sympathetic coverage of students’ call for their universities to divest from corporations, such as Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, selling Israel weapons. There’s also been some, though less, supportive coverage about divesting from firms complicit in Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. But the encampments’ other central demand — ending their universities’ partnerships with Israeli schools — has received little sympathetic coverage even though it’s easy to show how Israeli universities assist a military subjugating and slaughtering Palestinians.

To enable their students to participate in the Gaza holocaust Israeli universities paused classes for nearly three months. As part of restarting classes, the academic institutions came to an agreement with the army to preserve the interests of over 50,000 students and faculty in the military. The universities granted various benefits to reservists killing Palestinians. Hebrew University (HU), for instance, launched an “Enhanced Financial Package for Our Students Serving in the IDF”.  (more...)

Behind the scenes of Canadian universities’ ties to Israel

As Ukrainian War is Lost, Canadian Government is Afraid to Prosecute Colonel Robert Kearney for Saying So


Canada Ukraine military dysfunctionality delusion vindictiveness censorship lawfare cover-up corruption denial failure

A new press release in Ottawa reports that the court martial announced for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Colonel Robert Kearney for his disagreement with Canadian, American, and British military planners of  Ukrainian battlefield operations against Russia may not proceed.

The Canadian government news slip reveals the allegations of disloyalty against Kearney announced publicly last month are now likely to be abandoned.

On April 29 a CAF press release was issued in Ottawa claiming that as a senior planning officer based in the UK and in Romania for Ukraine war operations, Kearney had made “derogatory and disloyal comments about Senior CAF [Canadian] and NATO [US, UK] members. The first offence allegedly occurred in December of 2021 and four subsequent offences ranged from January 2023 to November 2023. The offences are alleged to have taken place in the United Kingdom and in Romania.”  

Kearney was at the time of his “disloyal comments” the assistant chief of staff at the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) in Innsworth, United Kingdom. In this role, Kearney supervised more than 400 staff officers from the armies of the UK, US, Canada, Italy, Denmark, and other NATO states.

ARRC and NATO press releases claim Kearney’s unit has been operating against Russia in Estonia  and in Romania    “in its primary role as a war fighting Corps Headquarters.”  

Under Section 129 of Canada’s Defence Act – the provision of military law reportedly being applied against Kearney —  prosecution of soldiers is allowed for an undefined “act, conduct, disorder, or neglect to the prejudice of discipline”. The penalty for conviction is “dismissal with disgrace”, which includes loss of pension. This law has not been tested — no officer of Kearney’s rank has been charged and prosecuted for a Section 129 offence in a court martial before.  

Canadian military sources believe Kearney is being threatened with court martial now because the Canadian government’s policy to finance, arm, train, plan, and direct Ukrainian operations against Russia is being defeated; and that the military collapse east of Kiev now risks loss of more territory and the lives of Canadians currently working in the Ukraine and at cross-border bases in Poland and Romania.

At least one thousand Canadians have been counted by the Russian Defense Ministry on the battlefield since the start of the Special Military Operation; by March of this year, 422 had been confirmed killed in action.    

Loss of confidence in the Ukraine war has become increasingly public in the military staffs of the US, France and Germany, but this is being kept secret in the UK and Canada.  (more...)

As Ukrainian War is Lost, Canadian Government is Afraid to Prosecute Colonel Robert Kearney for Saying So

King Charles Accepted Award From Nazi Veteran


King Charles Ukraine Waffen-SS war crimes Canada Alberta Peter Savaryn Honorary Degree scandal NaziGate embarrassment ratlines immigration whitewashing cover-up

Charles received honorary degree from Ukrainian Nazi veteran when he was Prince of Wales in 1983.

A photograph has been discovered of the then Prince Charles receiving an award from a former member of the Waffen-SS.

Charles was given an honorary law degree during a ceremony at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada in 1983. 

In his acceptance speech, Charles praised those who had “sacrificed their lives 40 years ago” in the fight against Adolf Hitler.

Yet the award was conferred on him by a Nazi collaborator – the university’s chancellor Peter Savaryn.

Originally from Ukraine, he served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS – the so-called Galicia division – during World War Two.

Savaryn was among thousands of Waffen-SS Galicia men who escaped to the West after 1945, often with British assistance.

He included a photo of himself on stage with Charles in his Ukrainian-language autobiography From Ternopil to Alberta published in 2007, a decade before his death.  (more...)

King Charles Accepted Award From Nazi Veteran

RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War


Russia Ukraine Early Warning Radar attack strategic threat destabilization war provocation geopolitics Anglo-American hegemony

Over the course of Wednesday night and Thursday morning [May 22-23], Ukrainian drones struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar Krai region, a part of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack. This radar is one of the pillars in Russia’s nuclear posture system which, along with other such installations, plays an existential role in the strategic security of the Russian Federation. Far beyond escalating tensions with Ukraine alone, this attack has now brought the world another step closer to the verge of a thermonuclear war.

Russian Senator and former Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin responded to this development by noting that, while one could imagine a Ukrainian were behind this, in reality it is Washington that has “hired an irresponsible bandit” to carry out its dirty work. “Thus, we stand not only on the precipice, but on the very edge, beyond which, if the enemy is not stopped in such actions, an irreversible collapse of the strategic security of nuclear powers will begin,” Rogozin wrote on his Telegram channel.

This madness must be stopped now. The Armavir attack occurred just days after Russia carried out high-profile tactical nuclear military exercises, as if to declare to President Putin: “You are bluffing.” Playing a nuclear chicken game while threatening to destroy a nuclear superpower which is already at war, threatens to annihilate the entire human species.  (more...)

RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War

Monday, May 27, 2024

Labor and Students Unite in Toronto in Solidarity with Palestine


unions students solidarity Palestine Zionism resistance opposition Gaza genocide University of Toronto labor workers unity

If you have the impression that Zionist interests appear to be at war with those – like many students – who care about human rights, international law, defense of noncombatants and freedom of speech and expression, you would not be mistaken. Israel and its international loyal followers believe that the Zionist dream is in great peril, and they are ready to sacrifice everyone’s rights, as well as unlimited civilian lives in Gaza, to prevent that from happening.

It may be the case that many of them are ignorant of the extent of Israel’s genocide, or simply refuse to believe their own eyes and ears, but the repression that they are using to get their way is increasingly and inevitably impeding their own attempts. Such is the case with wealthy Zionist donors to universities, and equally to the politicians that control government universities and the media that manufacture consent.

I’m not speaking of Jews, of course, because Jews are at the forefront of both the support of and resistance against the Gaza genocide, and increasingly against Zionism itself. In the case of universities, the Zionist pressure on the administrations to shut down student protest, and their demands to divest from suppliers of weapons used in genocide, are meeting resistance not only from the students themselves, but by allies in organized labor, like UAW union at the University of California at Davis.

This alliance between students and labor appears to be growing, which is why I wish to bring to your attention the following development at the University of Toronto, which I  think you will find truly inspirational. Please read the letter from the Ontario Federation of Labour, and see if you don’t agree. Let’s hope this becomes a deluge of similar actions.  (more...)

Labor and Students Unite in Toronto in Solidarity with Palestine

A Brutal Suppression of Speech


civil liberties denial police autocracy authoritarianism intimidation injury deterrence repression censorship universities colleges

The increasingly common resort to diktats by U.S. authorities is a notable feature of contemporary American society — in all spheres, writes Michael Brenner. 

Denial of civil liberties, accompanied by punishment for anybody who exposes those violations, has become commonplace in contemporary America.

Yet, nothing that the nation has experienced — and that the more discerning protest — prepared us for the grotesque spectacle on display in the brutal suppression of free speech on university campuses. 

What we witness is the iron fist of autocracy employed to intimidate, to hurt, to deter those who would question — however peaceably — the right of the powers-that-be to impose their confected version of the truth on the public. Moreover, it is grounded on an arbitrary assumption of power having no basis in law or customary practice.

Two singular features of this situation focus our attention. First, there is the stunning near unanimity of agreement by all segments of society’s elites on the rightness of the ruling narrative — and on the actions they take to enforce it.  (more...)

A Brutal Suppression of Speech

German Police Shove, Mock, Arrest Jewish Protestor At Palestine Conference


Germany repression police Palestine solidarity conference lawlessness censorship intimidation censorship EU protestors

Iris Hefets is a Jewish-Israeli psychotherapist who moved to Berlin. She is an a member of Jewish Voice For Peace and has been arrested more than once for protesting Israel’s genocide and holding a sign saying “an Israeli and Jew says stop the genocide.”. She talks about the crackdown on pro Palestine activism and speech.

Palestinian resistance conference: Activists unite to strategize in Detroit

Palestine solidarity conference Detroit Michigan activists strategy resistance Gaza genocide politics

Thousands of activists are holding a major conference in Michigan on Palestinian resistance.
They are strategizing on how to end Israel’s war on Gaza.

Al Jazeera’s Phil Lavelle reports from Detroit, Michigan.

Gaza solidarity activists tell feds to stop supporting Israel


Canada colonialism Nabka Gaza genocide complicity Palestine solidarity indigenous Moncton oppression ethnic cleansing crimes against humanity arms embargo sanction

Nakba Day event commemorated 1948 displacement of more than 700,000 Palestinians

Gaza solidarity protesters gathered outside Moncton City Hall recently as part of Nakba Day, which commemorates the violent displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians during the Arab-Israeli War that accompanied the founding of Israel in 1948.

The United Nations recognizes approximately 6 million displaced people and their descendants as refugees following the historical event known as the Nakba, an Arabic word meaning catastrophe. In the Gaza Strip, those refugees represent most of the population.

At the protest in Moncton on Nakba Day, May 15, peace activists noted a grim continuity between the current military assault on Gaza and events that occurred more than 75 years ago.

Steve Berube of the grassroots group Citizens for Peace told the crowd that he knows people in the local community who have lost “close to 50 family members” in the Gaza Strip in recent months, and that he knows others in Canada who have lost upwards of 100 family members.

“This is not just something that affects people far away, it affects people living here,” he said.

Another speaker, reading from a speech by Annie Clair of Elsipogtog First Nation, noted parallels between the experiences of Palestinians and Mi’kmaq people under settler colonialism. “There was life on Mi’kmaq land that was taken by settlers,” Clair said.

Berube called for Canada to end its “unwavering support for Israel,” a reference to Canada’s track record as one of the country’s staunchest allies.

“Not only should we stop shipping arms to them, but we… should consider stopping all trade with Israel,” said the retired United Church minister.  (more...)

Gaza solidarity activists tell feds to stop supporting Israel

On CBC media capitulation and HonestReporting Canada


CBC mainstream media propaganda Israel lobby HonestReporting bias censorship deceit capitulation compliance moral bankruptcy

The broadcaster’s repeated caving to a highly biased pro-Israel advocacy group undermines its claims to journalistic integrity

Just over a month ago, the Jewish Faculty Network (JFN) and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI) raised concerns regarding the censorship of Jarrett Martineau’s CBC Indigenous music program Reclaimed. Martineau played a song called “River 2 the Sea,” and expressed “sonic solidarity” with the people of Palestine. Under pressure, the episode disappeared from the show’s website.

We know that CBC was under pressure because of campaigning from HonestReporting Canada (HRC), a pro-Israel media watchdog, that issued an “action alert” to their 60,000 newsletter subscribers when the show aired, and claimed victory when the intro was removed.

The show has quietly returned to the website but Martineau’s expression of “sonic solidarity” has been edited out along with the song title. Despite the fact that nearly 20,000 letters were sent by concerned Canadians about the censorship—a response triggered by the JFN and the CFPI’s pushback efforts—CBC has issued no explanation or apology for removing the show, and included no statement of clarification regarding the alterations to the reinstated version. Nor have they acknowledged the outrage that flowed from their censorship.

Why did HRC’s pressure campaign work, while JFN and CFPI’s did not?

There are two important takeaways from this situation, which has repeated itself against different targets of HRC since October 7, 2023. The first is that HRC’s complaints and pressure campaigns aimed at CBC do not concern journalistic integrity, but rather make accusations of antisemitism if media strays from Israeli state talking points.

Second, these attacks by HRC are collateral attacks that are based in a broader, conservative push to privatize social infrastructure like the CBC. Therefore, we must defend the need for public media institutions while also demanding radical reform, or else fall into the regressive populism of the right.  (more...)

On CBC media capitulation and HonestReporting Canada

The Israel lobby's new McCarthyism


McCarthyism Palestine solidarity Zionism Gaza genocide student activism repression censorship delusion appropriation

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the latest round of McCarthyite hearings in Congress, where lawmakers under the sway of the Israel lobby badger educators for not criminalizing Palestine solidarity activism.

The B'nai B'rith - a History Lesson.


B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League ADL freemasonry KKK confederacy slavery surveillance repression organized crime imperialism colonialism Confederacy terrorism assassination influence coercion

Despite its reputation as a well oiled and effective public relations organization, many consider the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) to be one of the most dangerous organizations in the world.

With a reported average annual budget of a little bit over 48-million dollars, the ADL has often used its considerable clout and connections to silence any voices who dare to stand against their lobbying tactics or tacit yet active approval of thought repression.

The ADL has repeatedly capitalized on the fact that most Americans believe what they see and hear at face value by conducting some of the most vile and reprehensible smear campaigns ever.

Increasingly, with the use of the Internet many more scandalous and shocking revelations are being made known by individuals and organizations that care more about the principles of truth than they do about being labeled.

There aren't many with in depth knowledge of the shady formation and unsavory characters involved in what is the modern representation of the ADL. The editors of the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) have delivered a significant amount of information in a small yet compelling book titled "The Ugly Truth About the ADL."

... More often that not, the opponents of the ADL are those who stand in defense of freedom of speech and are not afraid to criticize the ADL's tactics, information gathering stratagem, or object to what we at the TEI refer to as specious claims of anti-Semitism hurled so effectively and indiscriminately by the ADL in defense of their selfish economic or political interests.

... The EIR points out the inter-reliant nature of the ADL and organized crime. A strong link between philanthropy and gambling, labor racketeering, money laundering and narcotics has been established while the ADL was coming into prominence, and resulted in them obtaining the expansive power they wield today. This particular period of ADL activity was marked by the involvement of the infamous Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky and partner Mo Dalitz.

Book unmasking ADL is delivered to Congress

Sunday, May 26, 2024

International law dies with Gaza’s children


Gaza genocide children ICJ international law justice lawlessness dystopia slaughter

UK votes: The damp chancer v the chance dampener. Reinforcing failure in Ukraine. Wholesale slaughter in Gaza. Again. Five Hiroshimas dropped on a concentration camp.

Jewish Biden Appointee QUITS Over Gaza, ACCUSES President Of ENDANGERING Jews


Judaism appropriation instrumentalization colonialism imperialism Gaza genocide Biden politics cynicism

Rania and Katie discuss the insane thing Antony Blinken said to Arab-American leaders, the resignation of a Jewish Biden appointee Lilly Greenberg Call, and why she thinks Biden is making Jews less safe. Plus Rania talks about the way Israel makes people conflate Jews and Zionists, shares a story from her childhood and talks about how Israeli soldiers occupied her grandmother’s house in Lebanon.

Rania Khalek is a Lebanese-American journalist based in Beirut and a host of Breakthrough News and the Dispatches podcast.

Columbia University President smears pro-Palestinian academics


Columbia University smear congress academics Palestine solidarity job loss exclusion cancelling indigenous racism Gaza genocide Zionism colonialism

In April 2024, Columbia University's President, Minouche Shafik, was invited by the U.S. Congress to participate in a McCarthyite witch-hunt against pro-Palestinian professors at Columbia University. Shafik happily obliged.

One of the esteemed academics whom Shafik smeared on that day was Dr. Muhammad Abdou. 

On May 25, 2024, Dimitri Lascaris spoke with Dr. Abdou from his home in New York City. They discussed the ordeal that he has had to endure simply for acknowledging that Palestinians have a right to employ armed resistance against their brutal oppressors.

Divestment & the Murky Billions


student activism Palestine solidarity universities colleges billionaires disclosure divestment boycott sanctions donations endowments investment managers Israel conflict of interest influence corruption

How do universities in the US get their funding and where does all the money go? Campus protesters have been demanding that their universities end all financial relationships with Israel. But, it isn't that straightforward.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Military-Occult-Banking-Syndicate


Rockefeller  NWO Theosophy occult Nazi Vril Thule Esolen Tavistock MKULTRA mind control ONI Scientology Bitcoin conspiracy medical freedom movement controlled opposition CIA

Mathew Crawford discusses his research into Covid-19 and bacteriological warfare, his discovery how some in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM) don't seem to be fighting for freedom, and how this led him to discover links between alternative media, fake opposition, the occult, and military-intelligence.  He looks into theosophy, Nazism, Scientology, Falun Gong, 1960s counter-culture, MK-ULTRA, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the plans for a New World Order. He believes independence movements (e.g. India) were steered. He questions Bitcoin and says that the military-occult-banking-syndicate virtually has all the power. We are in a pickle!

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