Friday, May 24, 2024

Plot to rebuild Solomon's Temple was made in Great Britain


freemasonry Great Britain Zionism Solomon's Temple gnosticism satanism destabilization conspiracy fundamentalism war

Events in Jerusalem on Oct. 8 were triggered when redemptionist Zionists sought to rebuild the Third Temple of Solomon on Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary), upon whose mount are Islamic holy sites. This affair demonstrates the degree to which Israel is a zombie creation of the British Arab Bureau, since the entire Solomon's Temple plot was fabricated by British Freemasons led by Britain's royal family. The plot is intended to foment a Thirty Years War, whipped up by Jewish, Islamic, and Christian fundamentalist strife. Within the context of the British-inspired "Operation Desert Shield" deployment into the Persian Gulf, attempts to follow the Freemasonic scenario of rebuilding Solomon's Temple might just trigger World War III.

Through archaeological hoaxes and the spread of esoteric gobbledygook, British Freemasons, who share a gnostic/satanic belief structure, have prepared the Solomon's Temple project over 100 years. By launching a Holy War, it is their ultimate design to sweep aside the trinitarian currents within the three monotheistic religions that Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa in his De pace fidei saw as a basis for peaceful ecumenical dialogue. As the Catholic magazine 30 Days made clear in its June issue, after events at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre last Easter, an additional feature of the plot is to drive Christianity completely out of the Holy Land.

This "conspiracy" against Christianity, as Cardinal John O'Connor of New York termed it, is nothing new for British Freemasonry. As will be underscored here, the United Grand Lodge of England (the "Mother Lodge" of world Freemasonry) and its Quatuor Coronati research lodge helped devise Adolf Hitler's gnostic-satanic belief that he must destroy Judeo-Christianity. What Hitler sought to do as a "final solution" to destroy Western civilization in Europe, is what these same conspirators are now preparing around the Solomon's Temple issue for the Middle East. They actively seek to unleash irrationalist, fundamentalist cults to sweep aside reason and to create a "New Dark Age."  (more...)

Plot to rebuild Solomon's Temple was made in Great Britain

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