Saturday, January 6, 2024

So many physicians, scientists cooperated with Nazism


physicians doctors scientists collaboration Nazi Darwinism eugenics holocaust genocide ethnic cleansing dehumanization globalists

Why the globalists’ obsession with assisted suicide, abortion and warfare?


“The ideology of Hitler and many of his closest associates was heavily influenced by Social Darwinism, eugenics and euthanasia … [The] Darwinian devaluing of human life may help explain why so many physicians, scientists and [others] cooperated with [Nazism] …”

In the second half of the nineteenth century, Darwinism “altered many people's conceptions of the importance and value of human life … Leaders of the eugenics movement … emphasized that their views were established on Darwinian foundations …

“‘By giving up the conception of the divine image of humans … human life became a piece of property, which — in contrast to the idea of a natural right to life — could be weighed against other pieces of property’ …

“Because of their concern for the collective good … many Darwinists criticized Christianity and humanitarianism for what they considered its excessive concern for the individual …  (more...)

So many physicians, scientists cooperated with Nazism

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