Friday, January 12, 2024

The Ancient Occult Roots of the Fabian Society, Cybele and the Mysteries of Eleusis


Fabian Society occult Cybele Carthage Roman Empire degeneracy betrayal backstabbing neopaganism gnosticism freemasonry

Although the organization known as the Fabian Society was outwardly materialistic and espoused “socialist” principles to attract the poor, it was rabidly elitist with all of its leaders espousing both imperialism (dubbed ‘Social Imperialism’) and eugenics- the science of eliminating useless eaters.

As outlined in part two of this series, the stained-glass mirror commissioned by Fabian leader George Bernard Shaw and featured prominently in the society’s London School of Economics features the infamous icon of a wolf in sheep’s clothing and leading agents of the organization forging a new world religion.

The name ‘Fabian Society’ was itself indicative of two things:

1) the techniques of warfare used by this sect, and

2) the revival of an ancient mystery religion with modern clothing.

The name Fabian was based on the example of the Roman oligarch Quintus Fabius Maximus (280-203 BC) who became dictator of Rome during the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) where he innovated a technique of attrition and psychological warfare to defeat Hannibal.

This period of the Punic Wars with Carthage which saw Rome’s ancient ally back-stabbed by a ‘scorched earth’ program that ultimately annihilated the race of Carthaginians- is extremely important for imperial grand strategists as the central moment of change that set the character of Rome as an empire (although it would take another 150 years before ‘officially becoming’ one).

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) later reflected upon the source of Rome’s demise and located this correctly in the decision to destroy its one-time ally saying: “After the destruction of Carthage and before Christ’s coming, the degradation of traditional morality ceased to be a gradual decline and became a torrential rush.”

While Fabius’ tactic of slow attrition was unquestionably an important factor in the selection of the name “Fabian Society”, and was used to devastating effect by the society bearing his name during the 20th century, a lesser appreciated reason exists which has more to do with the revival of a new system of stasis, earth worship, de-industrialization and anti-humanism under leading Fabians from H.G. Wells, and Lord Bertrand Russell, to Julian Huxley (in the form of transhumanism, ecologism and cybernetics).  (more...)

The Ancient Occult Roots of the Fabian Society, Cybele and the Mysteries of Eleusis

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