Thursday, January 25, 2024

Exposing Canada's corruption-The Mosely decision


Canada corruption Emergency Measures Act abuse lawlessness tyranny corruption crown courts exposure freedom convoy politics protests

The Corruption of Canada is being exposed and our battle to regain freedom is advancing. 

Its been a great start to the new year battling against the corruption with the legal machine and in our parliaments.

The federal courts have struck down as both unlawful and unconstitutional the invoking of the Emergency act in February 2022...

Through the disclosure process we now have evidence that the Crown has been engaged in unprofessional and unlawful actions directing the police to arrest peaceful protestors and many charges are being withdrawn.

My next court case is on February 12 in Ottawa and I will start showing the evidence that our courts, crown and politicians are not only in a conflict interest but also using the legal machine to target political opponents.

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