Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Dave Emory's analysis of the Ukraine War, chronicling how the conflict is normalizing Nazis


Ukraine Bandera war Nazi fascism Right Sector Azov Battalion normalization Galician Waffen SS war crimes Canada

Introduction: Continuing our analysis of the Ukraine War, these programs further chronicle how the conflict is normalizing Nazis.

Points of Analysis and Discussion Include: A full page ad in The New York Times of a film by Bernard Henri-Levy titled from the WWII and contemporary Ukrainian military and police salutes; An article in that same paper lionizing a member of the Azov Battalion; Review of Roman Zvarych’s role in generating the Azov Battalion; A Veterans Day celebration at the White House by Ukrainian Nazis; The Canadian Parliament’s standing ovation for an officer of the 14th Waffen SS Division; Canada’s long history of importing Nazi and SS veterans; The refusal of Canada’s top general to condemn the ovation given to Jarowlav Hunka; Review of the continuity of clandestine warfare from the Third Reich to the Cold War CIA; The media revisionism that characterized the coverage of “Hunkagate”; Britain’s charging of blogger Warren Thornton with spreading “malinformation” after breaking the Hunkagate story; Review of key information from FTR#300 about the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk.  (more...)

Dave Emory's analysis of the Ukraine War, chronicling how the conflict is normalizing Nazis


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