Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The British, The Jews, Communism, & World Government


British Jews Communism Bolshevism intelligence subversion globalism revolution feudalism conspiracy

Author Richard Poe discusses his book on the British plot for world domination, how communism was created, the role of the Jews and the occult, how British agents were used to foment the Bolshevik revolution and disintegrate rivals such as the Russian Empire, the French Revolution as the first Color Revolution which elites use to destroy nations, how the Young England movement from two centuries ago that called for a return to feudalism sounds just like today's Great Reset project, conspiracy literature, and more!

Dope Inc. and The Zionists


Larouche Palestine British Empire hegemony Zionism Mafia drug trafficking Trump corruption Antony Blinken Jimmy Carter genocide colonialism

Palestine as the fulcrum of world power

Qasem Soleimani: An Immortal Legacy


Qasen Soleimani Iran resistance Palestine military tunnel system leadership hero inspiration

In today's show, we'll be focusing on the legacy of Qasem Soleimani, five years on from his assassination by the United States.

President Donald Trump, who authorized the killing, will assume office again on January 20th. In our first report, Latifa Abouchakra looks back on Soleimani's life. Our second report outlines why Qassem Soleimani was targeted by the United States.

Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drug dealers and lewd officers who celebrate 'rape lists' as crews share Top Trumps-style cards of worst offenders, whistleblower says


UK Royal Navy depravity submarine service gang bangs drug dealers lewdness depravity rape degradation

The Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drugs, sordid initiation ceremonies, 'rape lists' and lewd officers who share Top Trump-style cards celebrating the worst kinds of debauched behaviour, a whistleblower has claimed. 

In the latest scandal to rock Britain's Silent Service, insiders have said the elite nuclear submarine force is rife with abhorrent behaviour - despite military top brass pledging to clean up the act of the underwater branch of the navy. 

The new allegations, exposed today by MailOnline, have shocked a former nuclear submarine captain, who said the British public will be 'rightly appalled' by the 'levels of depravity and failures in leadership'. While a former head of the Royal Navy branded the reports 'extraordinary' and 'unpleasant'.

Sources have claimed vile 'initiation ceremonies' are carried out by the crew, where new young sailors are terrorised and told to get onto 'their hands and knees' before being forced to perform sex acts on other experienced sailors. 

Male personnel on one nuclear-armed sub created a sickening 'crush depth rape list' which ranked which crewmates would be raped first in the case of a catastrophic event at sea - with senior officers allegedly aware of the document.

One young teenage male sailor was left so 'petrified' about being named on the list they begged older crewmates to protect them, amid claims complaints about the file had been 'swept under the carpet' and ignored by commanders.

'The lunatics are in charge at the asylum,' an insider told MailOnline. 'We had a rape list on my submarine. There was a 19-year-old kid [on it]. When he realised he was on it, he was s***ing his pants. Everyone wanted to rape him. He was petrified.'  (more...)

Royal Navy's submarine service is plagued by 'gang bangs', drug dealers and lewd officers who celebrate 'rape lists' as crews share Top Trumps-style cards of worst offenders, whistleblower says

Is This Not Genocide?


Larouche Doctors Against Genocide Jubilee Year national security constitution CIA FBI international law

We have three initiatives for the beginning of the New Year:

  1. Join with the Doctors Against Genocide, to lobby for an end of U.S. support for Israel until there is an end to the genocide and occupation;
  2. Mobilize support for the confirmation of Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence, and Kash Patel as FBI Director, to end the unconstitutional operations of the U.S. national security state, and exonerate Lyndon LaRouche;
  3. Make 2025 a Jubilee Year, by creating a new, just development order, of cooperation for mutual benefit of all sovereign nations.

Monday, December 30, 2024

English Doctor Banned for Hate Speech


UK Israel lobby Ezra Levant Tommy Robinson Palestine solidarity Islam repression erasure harassment banning  medicine hate speech censorship

E. Michael Jones discusses the banning of Cambridge graduate Dr. Rehania Ali from medical practice in the UK

Trudeau government scrapes all names from “Victims of Communism” monument in attempt to hide Canada’s patronage of Nazi collaborators and war criminals


Yaroslav Hunka Victims of Communism Nazi collaborators Ukraine Waffen SS Galician Division war crimes whitewashing neocons cover-up secrecy

The Trudeau government officially inaugurated Canada’s “Memorial to the Victims of Communism” earlier this month. However, no member of the Liberal government was allowed to show their face at the ceremony, for fear it would once again draw public attention to the Canadian state’s longstanding and ongoing patronage of fascist forces.

Yvon Baker, a Liberal MP and former Ukrainian Canadian Congress Ontario Council president, had been expected to address the December 12 inauguration ceremony, but on government orders he instead spoke at an invitation-only, post-inauguration event.

In a damning political admission, the Department of Canadian Heritage previously removed all the names listed on the “Victims of Communism” memorial wall. The move followed the release of a government-commissioned report calling for the removal of the names of over 300 individuals—more than half of the total inscribed on the monument—who were directly or potentially linked to the Nazis or the fascist organizations that collaborated with them during World War Two.

When announcing the official unveiling of the monument, which after its completion had languished for years in the heart of downtown Ottawa, a spokesman for Liberal Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge confirmed that “at the time of the unveiling, there will be no names on the monument’s wall.” Her office released a statement saying that the government “will continue its due diligence to ensure all aspects of the memorial remain compatible with Canadian values on democracy and human rights.”

In fact, the presence of the names of Nazi and fascist war criminals on an anti-communist memorial championed by both Liberal and Conservative governments illustrates quite clearly the shameless hypocrisy and utter cynicism of the Canadian ruling elite’s claim to champion “democracy and human rights.” This is a ruling class whose political representatives rose as one in September 2023 to give a standing ovation to former Waffen-SS member Yaroslav Hunka, in a gesture that epitomized Canadian imperialism’s decades-long funding and promotion of Ukrainian far-right nationalist ideology and groups.  (more...)

Trudeau government scrapes all names from “Victims of Communism” monument in attempt to hide Canada’s patronage of Nazi collaborators and war criminals

Canada Should Release Nazi War Criminal List


Canada immigration Nazi ratlines Germany Ukraine war crimes cover-up secrecy Waffen SS Galician Division commission accountability transparency

For reasons that have yet to be explained, a Canadian government agency has rebuffed a request by B’nai Brith Canada and its supporters to release a list of suspected Nazi war criminals who were permitted to settle in Canada following World War II.

Among them were Germans who served in the German army and Ukrainians who joined the Galician SS division, which fought alongside the Wehrmacht and committed war crimes.

The data B’nai Brith has requested under the Access to Information law is contained in documents generated by the federal government’s war crimes commission, which was created in 1985 and headed by Justice Jules Deschenes.

For nearly four decades, Library and Archives Canada has declined to release the material to the public, a decision that is baffling and morally unacceptable.

As David Granovsky, B’nai Brith’s director of government relations, put it in a statement on December 19, “We must prevent history from repeating itself. It is imperative that everyone understands the degree to which this country was complicit in enabling Nazis to escape accountability for their crimes.”  (more...)

Canada Should Release Nazi War Criminal List

Josef Lewkowicz, Holocaust survivor and Nazi hunter, dies at 98


Josef Lewkowicz Holocaust survivor Nazi hunter Canada ratlines books

Josef Lewkowicz, a Holocaust survivor who became a world-acclaimed Nazi hunter, died on Dec. 26. He was 98 years old.

As a teenager, Lewkowicz was sent to the Płaszów camp outside Krakow in Nazi-occupied Poland at the beginning of World War II and the Holocaust. He would ultimately survive six camps in total while in captivity and was the sole survivor of his family.

After the end of the war, Lewkowicz worked with the U.S. military to track down and identify SS leaders who had disappeared.

His most notable case was bringing to justice his greatest tormentor, SS commandant Amon Goeth, the “Butcher of Płaszów.” Goeth, played by British actor Ralph Fiennes in Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film “Schindler’s List,” was known for excessive and random brutality, even for a Nazi.

“I recognized him right away,” he toldThe Current,” a current affairs program affiliated with CBC Radio One, in 2023. “I saw that murderer’s face. I knew it very, very well.”  (more...)

Josef Lewkowicz, Holocaust survivor and Nazi hunter, dies at 98


Meet Josef Lewkowicz, the 96-year-old Nazi hunter who brought Amon Goeth to justice

Why Are Young Conservative Catholics Opposing Israel?


young conservative Catholics Israel skepticism Gaza genocide antisemitism censorship

Joe Enders talks with Dr. E-Michael Jones about Jewish institutions in the United States and the growing Catholic skepticism among the conservative youth.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Canadian media prioritizes ‘antisemitism’ over freezing Gaza babies


Dahlia Kurtz Canada media antisemitism Zionists Israel lobby exceptionalism supremacism Canada hasbara smoke and mirrors crybullies

Babies are dying of hypothermia. Cats have joined stray dogs in eating the dead. The last functioning hospital in the north has been burned down.

Amidst this ever-worsening holocaust in Gaza, the media and politicians want us to believe Canadian Jews are the real victims. In an egregious example, the Winnipeg Sun just published “Dahlia Kurtz mobilizing pushback on Canada’s Jew-hate problem.” Palestinian suffering is omitted from the long profile of an unhinged Jewish supremacist. The article describes Kurtz combating “‘Free Palestine’ hatefests” and selecting Justin Trudeau “winner of my 2024 Jew-Hater of the Year Award.”

Over the past 15 months Kurtz has become a leader in Canada’s fascist movement, posting incessantly about purported Jewish victimhood and the anti-genocide “mob” who should be “deported”. A compulsive liar, Kurtz openly calls for state violence against those challenging Canadian complicity in genocide. On Friday she posted a video that appeared to show dark skinned teenagers fighting in Edmonton mockingly describing the incident as “a celebration of diversity”. A week earlier she posted a photo of neo-Nazis rallying with the statement “‘MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW’ banner at mall in London, Ontario. Who’s with them?”  (more...)

Canadian media prioritizes ‘antisemitism’ over freezing Gaza babies

Suing Antony Blinken for “Gross Violations of Human Rights”: The US State Department, Israel and the Leahy Law


Antony Blinken US State Department GVHR lawsuit DAWN Israel Gaza Leahy Law

On December 17, a number of Palestinians alleging human rights violations by Israel in Gaza and the West Bank filed a federal lawsuit pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) against the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. 

Their contention: that the US State Department has failed to implement the strictures of the Leahy Law.  The law, comprising one segment covering the State Department, and the other the Department of Defense, prohibits the use of US assistance to the units of foreign security forces suspected of committing gross violations of human rights (GVHRs).  The proviso for restoring that assistance can only take place if the offending entity in question takes adequate steps to address the violations.

Examples of such violations include torture, extrajudicial killing, prolonged detention without charges and trial, enforced disappearance, rape and, as broadly noted in the Leahy Law’s own definition “other flagrant denials of the right to life, liberty, or the security of the person.”

The action, supported by Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), seeks declaratory and injunctive relief based on Blinken’s “de facto refusal to implement the statute prohibiting US assistance to Israeli security force units about which there is credible information that they have committed gross violations of human rights”.

Blinken’s record when applying the Leahy Law to Israeli units is disturbingly scrappy.  In May, for instance, he explained to Congress that the punishments meted out to soldiers and officers in four cases prior to the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023, were adequate.  One example deserves attention, involving an officer in the Shahar Search and Rescue Battalion of the IDF.

The soldier in question shot and killed Ahmed Manasra, an unarmed Palestinian, in March 2019.  A plea deal reached between the military prosecutor and the soldier, subsequently approved by a panel of military judges, proved exceedingly generous to the soldier as it was degrading to Manasra: a three-month term of community service, and a three-month suspended sentence.  Blinken accordingly found, as outlined in his memorandum of justification, that the Israeli government “is taking effective steps to bring to justice the responsible member of the Shahar Battalion.”  It was a decision perplexing to Tim Rieser, a longtime aide to the chief author of the relevant statute, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt).  Blinken’s justification was inconsistent “with how the law is written and how it was intended to be applied.”  (more...)

Suing Antony Blinken for “Gross Violations of Human Rights”: The US State Department, Israel and the Leahy Law

Pierre Poilievre is a yapping Zionist chihuahua


Canada politics Zionists Israel lobby Pierre Poilievre universities repression censorship neocons

Pierre Poilievre recently said he wants to deliver more arms to Israel, starve Palestinians by cutting UNRWA and suppress opposition to the holocaust in Gaza. Journalist Samira Mohyeddin of On The Line Media joined Talking Foreign Policy to discuss the Conservative Party leader’s anti-Palestinian positions, ‘blame Iran’ views and promotion of more Israeli violence in the region.

‘Jews Are The Moral Alibi For Imperialism In The Middle East’


imperialism Nazi Zionism racism genocide ethnic cleansing Holocaust Germany narrative hasbara books oppression racism Britain

Katie talks to Tony Greenstein, the co-founder of Britain's Palestine solidarity campaign and the author of "Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation."

On Jewish Nazis


E Michael Jones Zionism Nazi history identity politics destabilization ADL racism supremacy Germany Catholic dialogue Ratzinger collaboration oppression Bolshevism nihilism Palestine influence censorship

Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his article Jewish Nazis. He and Tim Kelly talk about how Zionism and National Socialism are actually kindred racial doctrines.

Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific Catholic writer, lecturer, journalist, and Editor of Culture Wars Magazine who seeks to defend traditional Catholic teachings and values from those seeking to undermine them.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Coalition of labor, community, and faith groups wins victory for the BDS movement in California


apartheid BDS divestment California Alameda County organizing unions genocide divestment Israel grassroots pressure campaigns victory

Organizers in Alameda County, CA, scored a BDS victory in December when the Board of Supervisors voted to develop an ethical investment policy that could divest tens of millions of dollars from companies profiting off Israeli genocide and apartheid.

The County Treasurer, who is an independent elected official, also announced that he had already dropped $12 million in bonds in Caterpillar (CAT), which directly profits from Israeli apartheid and the ongoing genocide, after sustained organizing from county residents and organizations requesting him to do so. He further pledged to dump the county’s remaining CAT bond, worth $20 million.

This vote comes after months of grassroots organizing and pressure, including from many organizers with Bay Area Divest! (BAD!) and the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America’s (EBDSA) “Divest from Apartheid” campaign.

“Organizing local governments to divest from Israeli apartheid and genocide is our chapter’s top priority,” said Zach Weinstein, co-chair of EBDSA. “It’s been incredible to see the combined power of organized workers, faith communities, racial justice organizations, Palestinian and Arab-led groups, and Jewish anti-zionists to win this major victory for the Palestine solidarity movement in the US, even as state repression of that movement continues to escalate.”  (more...)

Coalition of labor, community, and faith groups wins victory for the BDS movement in California

Radicalization in Jewish schools


UK education Jewish schools indoctrination Zionism radicalization racism white supremacy genocide ethnic cleansing government funding influence

This edition of the program is about the policy of radicalization in Jewish schools across Britain.

How research at MIT abets Israel’s genocide in Gaza


complicity Gaza genocide Israel MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technolog drones AI targeting artificial intelligence academia collaboration Palestine solidarity repression student activism

Every day in Gaza, killer drones constantly buzz overhead.

Since October 2023, Gaza has been a training ground for AI-enabled drone war technology.

Used by the Israeli military, these drones commit heinous, daily war crimes, including the targeted execution of children lying injured in the aftermath of bombings in Gaza.

The development of such technologies raises a critical question: who are the scientists enabling these war crimes through their research?

Israel’s reliance on cutting-edge research for military dominance and genocide in Gaza is grave enough. It is even more damning that a globally renowned academic institution like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – a self-proclaimed advocate for “shared humanity” and a “better world,” values which the university negates via its Orwellian doublespeak – is actively complicit in facilitating the Israeli military’s objectives.

MIT has terminated research ties to Russia over the invasion of Ukraine, Saudi Arabia after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and even scrutinized its research relationship with China. It has adopted an elevated-risk project review process to evaluate certain international collaborations based on political, civil and human rights violations.

Israel remains a glaring and violent exception to these policies.  (more...)

How research at MIT abets Israel’s genocide in Gaza


MIT Coalition for Palestine

Poilievre to battle ‘wokism’ with ‘peak woke’ anti-left policies


Pierre Poilievre Canada politics Zionism Israel lobby supremacism censorship repression wokism

Adopting an uber ‘woke’ position Pierre Poilievre wants to “defund” institutions to protect “feelings”. The Conservative Party leader recently repeated his threat to defund universities that fail to suppress criticism of Israel that make Jews “uncomfortable”.

On Tuesday supremacist journalist Rhonda Spivak reported: “Pierre Poilievre told the Winnipeg Jewish Review in an exclusive telephone interview Dec 18, 2024 that he will not tolerate and will ‘defund’ ‘all of those with a woke anti-Semitic agenda’ including at universities who receive federal funding, as well as all federally funded museums. He re-iterated that he plans to ‘defund’ all ‘those who are imposing a radical, terrifying, toxic ideology’ and this will apply to ‘everything that the federal government controls.’ He stated ‘I will fire government officials throughout my administration who are imposing a toxic woke ideology.’”

On X Polievre posted the interview stating, “I will defund wokism and fight antisemitism. And stand with our friends in Israel against terror.” To ensure the interview’s wide circulation, the Conservative leader reposted the party’s candidate in York Centre Roman Baber sharing it with the comment, “Polievre will: Crack down on terrorist networks that Trudeau allowed on Canada’s streets! Cancel toxic wokism in federal institutions & fire officials who impose woke ideology. Defund anti-semitism in government & academia. Bravo Pierre!”

This isn’t the first time Polievre has said he would cut university budgets to ensure Jews don’t “feel uncomfortable”. Two months ago, Poilievre said his government would deny federal funding to universities that “spread antisemitism or make Jews feel unsafe and uncomfortable on their campuses.”

In response to Poilievre’s recent post US author Anya Parampil highlighted the ‘woke’ nature of Poilievre’s plan. She noted, “‘fighting antisemitism’ is playing into the most woke, ultimate victim mentality: Zionism.’” “Defunding” universities to protect Jewish students’ “feelings” is peak ‘woke’.  (more...)

Poilievre to battle ‘wokism’ with ‘peak woke’ anti-left policies

FBI Admit They Knew Hitler Was Alive In 1984


Argentina Adolf Hitler Eva Braun Nazi ratlines submarine escape deception cover-up CIA Alan Dulles OSS FBI

In December of 2009, it was revealed that the skull the Russians claimed was Hitler's--salvaged from the bunker in 1945--was not that of Hitler! In 2010, files from the Office of Special Investigations of the Justice Department were declassified, revealing a history of American intelligence providing cover for Nazi war criminals.

The Man Who Brainwashed America: Edward Bernays


herd mentality propaganda Freud hasbara brainwashing manipulation influence Goebbels bacon public relations

While no single man can take full credit for the rise of American advertising, Edward Bernays certainly deserves more than most.

 Known today as “the father of public relations”, Bernays was responsible for campaigns that changed the lives and minds of the American citizen forever: having a hand in everything from political leaders, to smoking culture and what Americans ate for their breakfast. His infamous book Propaganda gave rise to the many rules and regulations of public relations.

Friday, December 27, 2024

A tankie primer


tankies Lenin anti-imperialists genocide colonialism imperialism complicity politics disruption direct action

We're reclaiming the word. Here's what it means now.

The word “tankie” was coined by British Trotskyists for use against leftists who did not oppose the USSR intervention in Hungary in 1956 and resurrected after 2011 by pro-regime change leftists who used it to mock leftists who opposed the destruction of the Syrian state.

But the self-definition of “tankie” can be derived from Lenin’s advice to the socialists in WWI. When most of the socialists of Germany, Russia, and France were lining up with their own governments, Lenin advocated what was called at the time revolutionary defeatism. He wrote: “During a reactionary war a revolutionary class cannot but desire the defeat of its government.” He wanted socialists, rather than celebrating their countries’ achievements in overt or covert war, to take up the struggle in their own countries: “one cannot be a sincere opponent of a civil (i.e., class) truce without arousing hatred of one’s own government and bourgeoisie!”

In my view, this is no different from what Chomsky has advocated for decades. As he was wont to do, he repeated this message constantly in the hopes that it would stick (it didn’t):

“…One of the most elementary moral truisms is that you are responsible for the anticipated consequences of your own actions. It is fine to talk about the crimes of Genghis Khan, but there isn’t much that you can do about them. If Soviet intellectuals chose to devote their energies to crimes of the U.S., which they could do nothing about, that is their business. We honor those who recognized that the first duty is to concentrate on your own country. And it is interesting that no one ever asks for an explanation, because in the case of official enemies, truisms are indeed truisms. It is when truisms are applied to ourselves that they become contentious, or even outrageous. But they remain truisms. In fact, the truisms hold far more for us than they did for Soviet dissidents, for the simple reason that we are in free societies, do not face repression, and can have a substantial influence on government policy*.”

This idea - that we’re supposed to think about the effects of our work and therefore focus on the crimes of Western imperialists, not the crimes of their enemies - is one Western tankies take seriously.

If you’re wondering why the small group of us on social media around my podcast (the Anti-Empire Project) and Sina’s (The East is a Podcast) affectionately call each other “tankies” and the politics behind it, read on.

For the purposes of this post, a tankie is someone who doesn’t want the destruction of states that are currently targeted by the US.  (more...)

A tankie primer

Who stands to gain from attack on synagogue?


synagogue attacks Montreal Toronto Combined Jewish Appeal antisemitism fraud crybullies genocide

If you feel personally impacted when a Jewish institution is targeted you have a responsibility to criticize that institution for promoting genocide, no? At least if you oppose genocide.

A Facebook post by Joseph Rosen got me considering the question of leftist Canadian Jews responsibilities in the face of Ottawa enabling a holocaust in part by focusing on antisemitism. “Another Synagogue attacked in Montreal”, wrote the Dawson college professor last week. “Yet again, no one I know posts about it. Jewish friends all sending it to each other privately.”

But the late-night destruction of windows and a door at Congregation Beth Tikvah Synagogue and an adjacent Combined Jewish Appeal office was covered by every major media outlet (the Montreal Gazette devoted most of its front page to the incident). It was also condemned by Canadian politicians across the spectrum. In response Israeli President Isaac Herzog called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and afterwards released a statement about the “intolerable wave of antisemitic attacks against the Canadian Jewish community. I stressed that words would not suffice, and that firm and decisive action must be taken to bring the perpetrators to justice, to stamp out antisemitism, and to educate and legislate in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the Jewish community.” After a similar incident in Toronto the next day Israeli diaspora minister Amichai Chikli claimed, “Canada is no longer safe for Jews.”

B’nai Brith cited the Montreal incident to push for greater state repression of anti-genocide forces. (While there have been a dozen incidents in which windows were smashed or bullets fired at empty synagogues or other Jewish institutions over the past 14 months, anti-genocide protesters have faced far more physical harm at the hands of the police. In fact, Canadian Jews have probably faced greater physical harm while protesting genocide than in anti-Jewish attacks. And on social media Zionists regularly call for more violence to be meted out.) Complaining that leftist friends are not centring an odious incident at a time when antisemitism is aggressively mobilized to legitimize repression against the left and a holocaust is also odious.  (more...)

Who stands to gain from attack on synagogue?

Israel Summons Vatican’s Envoy over Pope’s ‘Cruelty’ Remarks on Gaza Genocide


Israel Foreign Ministry Vatican Envoy summons Pope Francis cruelty Gaza genocide

“Yesterday children were bombed. This is cruelty, this is not war. I want to say it because it touches my heart.”

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has summoned the Vatican’s ambassador for talks following Pope Francis’ recent remarks criticizing the bombing of children in Gaza as an act of “cruelty,” according to an Israeli media report.

The meeting with Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana, held on Tuesday at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, was “not classified as a reprimand,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported.

However, the report added, Foreign Ministry Director General Eyal Bar-Tal “expressed Israel’s strong displeasure with the Pope’s comments.”

Pope Francis on Saturday condemned an Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza which killed ten members of a family, including seven children.  (more...)

Israel Summons Vatican’s Envoy over Pope’s ‘Cruelty’ Remarks on Gaza Genocide

Educators sound alarm over ADL presence in schools


ADL Anti-Defamation League schools universities K-12 hasbara crackdowns repression Palestine solidarity racism white supremacy bigotry genocide ethnic cleansing

The Drop the ADL from Schools campaign seeks to challenge the role the Anti-Defamation League plays in promoting anti-Palestinian racism in K-12 schools across the U.S.

Protests over Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza have been occurring across college campuses for over a year, with students facing crackdowns and suppression.

These battles have been well-documented, but fights over the issue haven’t been limited to just universities. Although not covered as much, similar struggles are occurring at the K-12 level.

One such effort is the Drop the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) from Schools campaign, which is an offshoot of the Drop the ADL movement.

In 2020 the group published a primer detailing the ADL’s history of repressing Palestinian rights, aligning itself with the police, and backing surveillance efforts against activist groups. A coalition of organizations (including Palestinian Youth Movement and the Adalah Justice Project) also published an open-letter calling for action.

“Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, and perpetrators of state violence,” it read. “More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of ‘civil rights’.”  (more...)

Educators sound alarm over ADL presence in schools

A Christmas Without Festivities in Bethlehem


Christmas Bethlehem Palestine Gaza genocide Dr. Munther Isaac Church of the Nativity Zionism oppression racism white supremacy

At the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Christmas is celebrated amid sadness, reflecting the ongoing suffering of Palestinians and their pursuit of peace.                                                                                          Interview: Priest Dr. Munther Isaac.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Tech You Should Boycott


boycott tech technology complicity Gaza genocide Intel HP Apple labour exploitation environment destruction oppression business corporations

Tech giants like Intel, HP, and Apple to name a few, are COMPLICIT in genocide in Palestine and Congo. 

We must avoid buying products from these tech giants this Black Friday, Cyber Monday and beyond until they end their complicity in genocide, labour exploitation, and environmental destruction.

🗣️You might be asking “How am I supposed to boycott tech giants? I need to replace my existing technology.” 

🗣️Our answer: Buy used and refurbished technology instead of new technology. 

Social enterprises like RCT, marketplaces like Back Market, and electronic liquidation stores are some BDS-safe alternatives if you’re in need of new technology. You can also connect with Tech for Palestine for organizational tech support.

BDS Reminders As We Enter Hyperconsumerism


BDS Boycott Divest Sanction Palestine solidarity Israeli war crimes Gaza genocide business complicity oppression

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a global Palestinian-led movement that organizes for the end of international support for Israel, namely through targeting complicit companies for Boycott and pressuring institutions to divest. BDS works to ensure a future where Palestine gains its independence with Palestinians being able to return to their rightful lands.

When will the peace of Christmas come home?


Christmas Bethlehem mayor Manger Square Midnight Mass Palestinian Christians occupation oppression genocide ethnic cleansing war crimes ICJ rulings racism white supremacy desecration

As mayor of the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, I have the privilege of lighting the Christmas tree in Manger Square and attending Midnight Mass at one of the world’s oldest churches, built in the fourth century by the Byzantine Empress Helena. But my most important duty is to help give people faith and encouragement. When I lit the Christmas tree on December 3, I expressed my hope that the light would radiate to the world our desire for peace, and we prayed together that Christmas would fulfill its promise and bring people together.

Bringing people together has two meanings for Palestinians living under occupation. It can mean the togetherness of time shared with friends and relatives. But as the mayor of the city where it all began for Christians 2,000 years ago, I must think of the larger Palestinian family.

The fact that we have been living for decades under occupation means that we cannot enjoy the sense of togetherness that all people want during their great holidays, particularly the religious ones. Our people in Gaza cannot come freely to Bethlehem, and our brothers and sisters in Jordan and other countries cannot easily obtain visas from an occupying power that applies exaggerated entry restrictions. Citizens of other Middle East countries, like Lebanon and Syria, which have no peace agreement with Israel, have no chance at all.

The fact that a Palestinian Christian like me, or a Christian living in a nearby Arab country, cannot simply come to Bethlehem for Christmas should be unacceptable to everyone — as should the eight-metre-high wall that still encircles our city, despite being declared illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004. This wall is a constant reminder of separation rather than togetherness.  (more...)

When will the peace of Christmas come home?

Pierre Poilievre is cozying up to Canada’s far-right broligarchs


Pierre Poilievre technocracy corporations Shopify Canada oligarchy surveillance fascism corporations lobby campaign funding

Just like their Silicon Valley counterparts, some Canadian tech billionaires are trying to push Canada to the right

This past weekend, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre took a short break from bashing the Liberal Party and endlessly parroting his highly-disciplined platform to heap praise on ecommerce platform Shopify. 

In a post on X, Poilievre wrote that Shopify is “the most spectacular entrepreneurial Canadian success story in this century,” and singled out CEO Tobias Lütke and COO Kaz Nejatian, who have both attacked the Liberal government, for having “the backbone to stand up and fight for all entrepreneurs.”

Back in May, Poilievre had lambasted corporate executives in front of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade, saying their lobbyists were “utterly useless” and they needed to make their case to Canadians, as he tried to position the Conservative Party as the true champion of “the working-class people of this country.”

Six months later, his adoration for Shopify is only reinforcing that message. “Corporate Canada needs to learn from them in every way,” he posted, suggesting executives should be following their example with harsh criticisms of their own on the governing Liberals.

Many Canadians have spent the past few months glued to the U.S. election cycle, watching Donald Trump succeed in his bid to return to the White House and remake American politics. One of the central stories of that cycle has been the solidifying alliance between Trump’s MAGA movement and the billionaires of Silicon Valley.

We’ve gone from seeing Elon Musk jump around like a fool on stage at a Trump rally to now having him head a fake government department that could have very real impacts on policy and spending decisions—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

As we watch the reconfiguration of the oligarchy ruling the United States in real time, far too few Canadians have realized a similar story is already playing out at home.

Poilievre seems poised to seize power within the next year, and his embrace of an increasingly radicalized tech leadership should be ringing alarm bells.  (more...)

Pierre Poilievre is cozying up to Canada’s far-right broligarchs

India probes Canadian colleges over human trafficking claims


Canada India immigration colleges human trafficking money laundering fraud USA border crossing

The country’s law enforcement has uncovered a network luring Indians into illegally crossing the Canada-US border

New Delhi has launched an investigation into the alleged involvement of Canadian colleges and Indian entities in a money laundering case linked to human trafficking across the Canada-US border. The Enforcement Directorate (ED), the country’s primary law enforcement and economic intelligence agency, stated on Tuesday that it had uncovered a human trafficking network facilitating the illegal entry of Indians into the US via Canada.

The investigation stems from a 2022 incident when a four-member family from the village of Dingucha in Gujarat state died from exposure while attempting to cross the US-Canadian border. According to the ED’s statement, cases have been filed against Bhavesh Ashokbhai Patel, the primary accused, and several others.

The agency has registered a complaint under the criminal provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The ED alleges that Patel and his accomplices orchestrated a “well-planned conspiracy.”

The investigation revealed that the accused secured admissions for individuals at Canadian colleges and universities under the guise of providing higher education. Once these individuals obtained Canadian student visas and entered the country, they bypassed their supposed academic commitments to cross the US-Canada border illegally.  (more...)

India probes Canadian colleges over human trafficking claims

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Pope Francis condemns Israel’s bombing in Gaza—again


Catholic Pope Francis Gaza children Israel bombing genocide oppression empathy condemnation

Pope Frances condemned the Israeli bombing in Gaza in his annual Christmas address, telling Cardinals and other senior leaders in the Vatican, “This is cruelty, not war."

Pope Frances condemned the Israeli bombing in Gaza on Saturday in his annual Christmas address to the Cardinals and other senior leaders in the Vatican. “Yesterday, children were bombed,” he said, referring to last Friday’s deadly Israeli strikes. “This is cruelty, not war. I want to say this because it touches the heart.” 

Frustrated, the Pope also called attention to an incident last Friday when Israeli authorities refused to allow the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem to enter Gaza to lead worship—“as they had promised,” Francis said. The following day, having reversed their decision, Cardinal Pizzaballa, entered Gaza and led Mass, telling the congregation, “The whole world is with you.”

Earlier this month, Patriarch Pizzaballa had shared that Pope Francis is known by the children of Holy Family as “the grandfather.” Pizzaballa said that the Pope calls the parish every day at 7:00 p.m. “Maybe half a minute, 30 seconds, maybe more, maybe less… He became the grandfather of the children, the Pope, because… they know that he is calling.” Francis is said to be briefed every day about the situation in Gaza by members of the parish.

One may wonder if it’s the suffering children in Gaza who have stirred the Pope’s increasingly vocal criticism of Israel’s war on Gaza, in spite of his usual care in taking sides in a conflict.   (more...)

Pope Francis condemns Israel’s bombing in Gaza—again

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Plenty of room at the inn during genocide


Christmas Bethlehem Palestine Gaza genocide oppression occupation war crimes sorrow atrocities desecrations erasure

Christmas songs have been blasting out over the sound systems of shops over here in the UK for weeks now. They alternate between gratingly jolly seasonal jingles and, in slightly more upmarket shops, choirs of angelic voices retelling the Christmas story.

The irony of this whole soundtrack to the festive system, and in particular of those carols proclaiming “no room at the inn,” is mostly lost on the customers thronging to fill their shopping bags with seasonal must-haves.

The truth is there would be plenty of room at the inns of Bethlehem for Mary and Joseph today, the hotels of the town being largely empty, its tourist trade, which was already hit hard by coronavirus, is now wholly decimated by the escalation of Israeli violence in the West Bank and its ongoing massacres in Gaza.

Of course, to even knock at the doors of the hotels of the little town would require the young couple to be able to travel from Nazareth and reach Bethlehem in the first place.

Their route by car or by foot would be considerably more complicated today than covering that same distance by donkey over 2,000 years ago. Military checkpoints, forbidden roads and a 270-mile separation barrier – a combination of concrete walls, military-patrolled roads and barbed wire fences due to reach 440 miles in length once completed and illegal under international law – all block the way.

Not only would their journey there be complicated, they would not be guaranteed return.  (more...)

Plenty of room at the inn during genocide

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