Monday, October 30, 2017

Canada's Monumental Embarrassment: Blaming Russia doesn’t change history if it’s true

A story last week in the National Post revealed the disturbing fact that there are actually monuments in Canada that glorify Second World War Nazis. There is no denying the truth of these allegations, as they were accompanied by photographs of two offending statues.

One is in Oakville, Ont. and it is dedicated to all those who served with the 14th Waffen SS Galizien Division. The second, located in Edmonton, Alberta, honours Roman Shukhevych, the wartime leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

The original source of these revelations was a series of tweets from the Russian Embassy in Ottawa. This led to an immediate response from the Canadian Ukrainian community denouncing the Russians for attempting to incite divisiveness in Canada with “fake news.”

We saw a similar response back in March when it was first reported that Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland’s maternal grandfather, Michael Chomiak, was a Nazi collaborator during the Second World War. Instead of admitting that this was true, Freeland attempted to portray herself as a victim of Russian disinformation.

The problem with the simplistic “blame Russia” excuse is that it does not change history.  (more...)



Women, Nazis, and Universities: Female University Students in the Third Reich

Continual war pays dividends
Based on official government documents and extensive secondary literature, this book revises several old assumptions on the periods of peace and war. For the 1930s, Pauwels demonstrates that declining female university enrollments were caused neither by Nazi rhetoric nor anti-feminist campaigns but by the drastic drop in university-age population and the Depression. Despite their alleged egalitarianism, Nazi social and economic policies favored the access of middle- and upper-class women to higher education. The Third Reich was unsuccessful in creating an auxiliary female vanguard to serve in its leadership or welfare programs and failed to stop women from flocking into law, medicine, and engineering. It was WWII, not Nazism, that gave German women a dramatic improvement in higher education; increased numbers of women for a short time achieved unprecedented freedom and professional advancement though at war's end, these dramatic gains were lost.

Wonder why there aren't a lot of men on campus anymore?

Because she's a girl

Sunday, October 29, 2017

After the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, can Malta’s reputation ever recover?

It has been an utterly terrible week for democracy, justice, transparency, freedom of speech and the fight against corruption.

I am, of course, referring to the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia, which has received extensive coverage in newspapers around the world, as indeed it should. Daphne was a brave woman, who had received numerous warnings telling her to shut up. Faced with a choice of risking her life for telling the truth or keeping quiet, she chose the former. Now she has paid the price.

She could have had a great career outside Malta, being a fine investigative journalist. Hers was a considerable talent, and she was a big fish in a small pond. But she loved her country, and she was enraged by the way it had been ruined by corrupt people, and I imagine the idea of leaving Malta, of walking away, of having a new life, never occurred to her.

Maltese people are deeply rooted people. In colonial times the British were keen to solve the problem of overpopulation by persuading as many Maltese as possible to emigrate to Canada or Australia or the countries of the Middle East. But they constantly found that the take up on these offers was not what they had hoped for, and that the Maltese were deeply attached to their own island.

Yet in spite of this love of home, Malta today, once the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a ruined place – environmentally wrecked, socially divided, morally compromised. It has become rich, true, but once the money flees, what will be left? The reputational damage in the wake of Daphne’s murder is irreparable, I fear.  (more...)


Saturday, October 28, 2017

State of Insecurity - Political Repression in Canada

The RCMP have quietly formed a homeland security department without the need for pesky legislation.

This program, INSET, or National Security Enforcement Team, is Canada wide and is already being used against social movements.

The police in Canada have a long history of watching social movements including the PROFUNC program that ran from the 50's to the 70's that planned internment camps for thousands of Canadians, including Tommy Douglas.


Enemies of the state
It couldn't happen to you, right?

How Corporate America Supported Nazi Germany

A gratified Henry Ford
The Myth of the Good War offers a fresh, provocative and controversial look at the role of the USA in World War II. It spent four months on the nonfiction bestseller lists in Europe when it was first published in Belgium in 2000. Since then it has been translated into German, Spanish and soon French.

Historian Jacques Pauwels attacks the widely held belief that World War II was the "good war," the war in which America led the forces of democracy and freedom to victory over fascist dictatorship and Japanese militarism. He argues that the role of the USA in World War II was determined not by idealism, but by the interests of America's corporations and by the country's social, economic, and political leaders.

JACQUES R. PAUWELS has taught European history at the University of Toronto, York University, and the University of Waterloo.

Sexual assault charge against Guelph-Eramosa pastor has been stayed

GUELPH - A sexual assault charge against a former Elora Road Christian Fellowship and School pastor has been stayed.

At a preliminary hearing on Oct. 26 the defence and crown agreed to stay a charge of sexual assault on a child under 16 charge against Henry (Henk) Katerberg of Guelph-Eramosa.

That means the crown has discontinued prosecution, but the charge could be brought back to court within one year.

In January, Katerberg and former principal Arend “John” Dekorte  were charged in connection with alleged sexual assaults between 1981 and 1986 at the church and school, which are located on the same property on Wellington Road 7 north of Guelph.

Katerberg, 80, the founder of the church, was pastor at the time of the alleged offences.

Dekorte, a teacher at the time the alleged assaults took place, was charged with two counts of sexual assault on a child under the age of 16.  (more...)


Ain't Ontario great?

Jumping Ontario's lazy shark

Corey Feldman's Truth Campaign

H/T to The Eponymous Flower

Friday, October 27, 2017

Why deny the Ukrainian Nazi connection?

The Russian Embassy in Ottawa has created quite the controversy with its latest tweets about Nazi monuments in Canada.

“There are monumets (sic) to Nazi collaborators in Canada and nobody is doing anything about it,” one of the tweets noted.

A monument in Oakville commemorates those who served with the 14th SS Galizien Division (aka 1st Galician/Galizien or the 1st Ukrainian Division). Another monument in Edmonton honors Roman Shukhevych, the leader of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

The Russian tweets were quickly denounced as “fake news.”

The Russians, said some historians, were trying to undermine the Canadian government with false claims. Those being honoured by the monuments weren’t Nazi collaborators, they stated.

Even B’nai Brith denounced the Russian tweets. “Clearly, if there actually are monuments to Nazis in Canada we would be quite concerned about that,” Aidan Fishman, the interim director of B’nai Brith Canada’s League for Human Rights told my Postmedia colleague Marie-Danielle Smith. “The Russian government sometimes uses the word ‘Nazi, ‘especially in the context of the Ukrainian conflict, with somewhat broader meaning than other groups would use it.”

Now the Russians are more than happy to try to embarrass the Canadian government, which has steadfastly stood behind the Ukrainian government in the ongoing conflict in the region. Suggesting that Canada allows monuments to Nazi collaborators seems to fit that bill.

But in this case the Russian tweets aren’t fake news. They are accurate.

Those who served in the SS Galizien Division were Nazi collaborators.

So too was Roman Shukhevych.  (more...)


Civil society must step up to counter hate

Right-wing extremism is Canada’s number one domestic threat, but we have no organization to track and counter the more than 100 active hate groups in Canada. With no anti-racist watchdog organization, hate groups have had some success in putting on a façade of respectability, and have become part of our political landscape.

We need three things. First, we need in-depth and courageous reporting on these right-wing extremist groups. It takes little effort to expose their racism, and Canada’s media need to accurately characterize these hate groups. Second, we need leaders from every community to come together to counter the growing anti-Muslim and so-called alt-right movements that focus on Muslims, but are also anti-Semitic, anti-Black, anti-Sikh, etc. This is an opportunity for inter-community dialogue. Third, and most importantly, Canada needs a professional organization to track, document and counter right-wing extremism and racist groups.  (more...)


So-called "conservatives", pro-lifers and pro-family people: You are on notice. Brian Lilley set an example in distancing himself from closet Nazis pretending to speak for conservative. Liberals can hang themselves all they want -- I'll provide the rope to them. However, when conservatives let vermin into their ranks, I will bare my steel. I don't need people de-legitimizing my cause by appropriating it for their odious agendas. It's unfortunate that leaders in our movement have failed to be vigilant in this matter. That myopia is going to end. Family and life have always had the hearts and minds of the majority of Canadians. That democratic advantage has been sabotaged by the fascist fifth column among us. We will not regain our credibility until we rid ourselves of these parasites. A good house-cleaning is long overdue.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A New Journalistic Career in Toronto: Hate Watching

As we observe the cultural degeneration of our metropolis, a new preoccupation takes hold of our journalism school grads:

Can't wait to discover Toronto's next media stars
If life hands you lemons...

Marc Dutroux - Serial killer and supplier of children for the satanic elite

A lone wolf?

In the American press:

And, the mystery of the dead witnesses:

The bizarre goings-on at the seat of NATO, the EU, and... the St. Gallen Mafia?

EU parliament chief wants Europol probe of Maltese journalist murder

European Parliament chief Antonio Tajani on Tuesday demanded an international investigation into the car bomb murder of Maltese journalist and anti-corruption campaigner Daphne Caruana Galizia.

The call comes after the family of Caruana Galizia accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of being complicit in the killing, with fears rife that the assassination will not be fairly handled by national investigators.

"I expect the Maltese authorities to spare no effort in getting to the bottom of what happened," Tajani told the European Parliament in the eastern French city of Strasbourg.

"Every lead must be followed up. In my view, Europol must also be involved, as part of an international investigation in which all police forces can work together to bring those responsible to justice," the senior MEP from Italy added.

The call for an investigation was also urged by European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans speaking at the parliament.

"The violent and brutal murder of Daphne, the fact that it happened in a member EU state is deeply shocking," he added, paying homage to her role as an anti-corruption blogger.  (more...)



Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Exploring crime, culture and conflict in “Hunting Nazi Treasure”

An investigative series produced by Saloon Media and BriteSpark Films aims to take viewers on a global search for valuable objects and artwork stolen during the Second World War.

Hunting Nazi Treasure, which premieres tonight (Oct. 24) on History Canada, chronicles the systematic looting by Nazis. It aims to provide insights into the motivations of top Nazi leaders, exploring how artwork and cultural artifacts become targets during times of war.

Led by Robert Edsel, founder and chairman of the Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art and author of The Monuments Men, the team includes investigative journalist Conor Woodman, Second World War historian James Holland and top experts on the Nazi era. The series takes the team across 14 countries, searching for items hidden in caves, castles, museums, and under water while gaining access to Nazi archives and declassified intelligence reports.

“I have studied the Second World War for over two decades, but nothing prepared me for this series,” says Saloon Media’s producer Steve Gamester. “When you follow money and treasure, it leads to unexpected and fascinating insights into how the Nazi state worked.”  (more...)


Appleby breach: Financial secrets of super-rich clients may be leaked after Bermuda law firm hack

Appleby, a major law firm based in Bermuda, has said the financial details of super-rich clients may be leaked after it suffered a major data breach last year. The offshore firm said it suffered a "data security incident" in 2016 that "involved some of our data being compromised".

The firm is currently warning clients, including some of the wealthiest people in the UK, that their sensitive information may be leaked after it was approached by the media group behind the reporting of the Panama Papers, The Telegraph first reported.

In 2015, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released the so-called Panama Papers, a cache of 11.5 million leaked financial documents from the world's fourth biggest offshore law firm, Panama City-based Mossack Fonseca. Disclosures from the Panama Papers shook the global political elite and triggered investigations into many public figures across the globe.

Some notable figures named in the leak, dubbed the biggest leak in the history of data journalism, were close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Iceland's then prime minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson, Barcelona star Lionel Messi and former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

The US-based ICIJ has been analysing the data from Appleby and is expected to release the information shortly, the Times reported.

Appleby said it has received enquiries from the ICIJ and a number of its media partners regarding "documents that journalists claim to have seen and involve allegations made against our business and the business conducted by some of our clients".

The company has offices in a number of tax havens including British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, Mauritius, the Isle of Man and the Seychelles.  (more...)

Drilling down:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

B.C. school trustee criticizes gender policy, links it to child abuse

CHILLIWACK, B.C. – A British Columbia school trustee says an educational resource aimed at creating inclusive public schools by supporting LGBTQ students has become a “weapon of propaganda” and is “nothing short of child abuse.”

Chilliwack School District trustee Barry Neufeld made the comments in a recent Facebook post about provincial education policies on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer issues.

“The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity program instructs children that gender is not biologically determined, but is a social construct,” he wrote.

“At the risk of being labelled a bigoted homophobe, I have to say that I support traditional family values and I agree with the College of Pediatricians that allowing little children (to) choose to change gender is nothing short of child abuse.”  (more...)

It's time all the cards were laid on the table.  These policies were devised by people who were indoctrinated in eugenic and population control agendas. It is no accident that these agendas are well served by neutering and sexually disorienting children at an early age. The destruction of the natural family has long been the hidden agenda of the gender ideologues allied to the technocratic oligarchy. Without the family, humanity will lose its last defense against total global corporate control and dominance. Call these thugs and villains out for what they are.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Hot Money and the Politics of Debt

A ball of hot money rolls around the world. It seeks anonymity and political refuge. It dodges taxes and sidesteps currency controls. It rolls through offshore shell companies and secret bank accounts, phoney charities and fraudulent religious foundations. It is kept rolling by white-collar criminals, gun-runners, drug dealers, insurgent groups, scam artists, tax evaders, gold and gem smugglers, and, not least, secret service agents plotting coups and financing revolutions. R.T. Naylor explains the origins of this pool of hot and homeless money, its origins, its uses and abuses, how the world of high finance, corporate and governmental, became hostage to it, and the price the world is paying and will continue to pay until the hostages are released. This book was one of the first, and remains the most comprehensive, to dissect the world of offshore finance, capital flight, money laundering, and tax evasion. Once a subject of concern principally to tax authorities and finance ministries, since the September 11, 2001 hot and homeless money has now become a central preoccupation for police forces and intelligence services around the world.

Former scout leader facing child pornography charges

An Ajax man, who previously worked as a volunteer in a scouts organization, is facing six child pornography charges.

Toronto police said they executed a search warrant at a home near Westney Rd. S. and Ravenscroft Rd., north of Kingston Rd. W. on Oct. 19.

Police allege that a man placed an online ad looking to initiate sexual acts with a person. He then allegedly chatted with someone to make arrangements to commit sexual acts on a child.

Police further allege that in the chats, the man sent images of child sexual abuse.

Robert Ratcliffe, 54, was arrested. He has been charged with possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography, making child pornography available, distributing child pornography, making child pornography, and making an arrangement to commit sexual interference.

Police said they believe Ratcliffe had close association with children since 2010 through his volunteer work. In his LinkedIn page, he was listed as a former scout leader for Scouts Canada.

The organization spokesperson John Petitti said Ratcliffe served as a volunteer in the organization from September 2010 to August 2014.  (more...)

Is Hollywood North becoming a boy love Mecca?

The toxic photo-op: Mayor Responds to Photo Controversy

Windsor’s mayor has responded to a controversy over a photo taken with a member of a hate group.

The snapshot was taken at a community walk last Sunday on the Ganatchio Trail in east Windsor, honouring an elderly woman who was attacked while on the trail. The picture features Mayor Drew Dilkens and Police Chief Al Frederick flanking James Godden, who has been identified as a member of the Soldiers of Odin. This group has been described as anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim.

The photo has appeared on Godden’s own Facebook page. On it, Godden describes himself as president of the Essex County chapter.

Neither Dilkens or Frederick were aware of Godden’s background when the picture was snapped. Both were participating in the community walk to honour Anne Widholm, a 75-year-old woman who remains hospitalized after being savagely attacked on the Ganatchio Trail.

When reached by, the mayor said the photo was just one of about a dozen he posed for during the walk.  (more...)

Never send to know for whom the camera snaps; it snaps for thee. Some types you'd rather not be seen with:


Friday, October 20, 2017

Abuse of young boys 'rife' in Hollywood, warns sexual assault survivor

As the scale of the Harvey Weinstein scandal has come to light, with more and more women making allegations against the producer, one effect has been the creation of a context within which to discuss abuse by those in positions of authority.

Since the scandal broke, women on social media have used the phrase “me too” to highlight that they have also experienced sexual harassment, and singers Paloma Faith and Tom Jones have also spoken about sexual exploitation in the music industry, all of which have helped to throw light on the extent of the abuse.

As the world reels from the allegations, claims paedophilia is another huge problem facing Hollywood have resurfaced.

Corey Feldman, who starred alongside Corey Haim in 1987 thriller The Lost Boys, has alleged that he and Haim, who died in 2010, were raped by Hollywood moguls.

In a 2016 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Feldman said Haim suffered more abuse than him from several men, and said one of them was “still prominent in the business today”.

He said the man was not Weinstein.

“I can tell you the number one problem was and is and always will be paedophilia,” Feldman told ABC News after Haim’s death in an interview in 2012.

“It’s all done under the radar. It’s the big secret. I was surrounded by them when I was 14-years-old. Literally. They were everywhere, like vultures.”  (more...)

Pope sends rare condolence after Malta journalist is slain

VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis on Friday joined the chorus of shock over the car bomb slaying of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, sending a note expressing his condolences Friday to the overwhelmingly Catholic island nation.

Popes often send telegrams of condolences after deadly natural disasters or the deaths of prominent world leaders. Rarely does the death of a private citizen elicit a formal letter of condolence signed by the Vatican secretary of state in the pope's name.

In the telegram sent Friday, Francis said he was "saddened by the tragic death" of Caruana Galizia and was praying for her family, the Maltese people and the nation as a whole "at this difficult moment."

It was addressed to Valletta Archbishop Charles Scicluna, a longtime Vatican official before he was made a bishop in his homeland in 2012. Scicluna has condemned the "brutal murder" and appealed for "a unified resolve to promote true democracy."

Malta has been stunned by Monday's slaying of Caruana Galizia, an anti-corruption investigative reporter whose inquests probed the business dealings of Malta's leading politicians.  (more...)


Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Knights of the Extreme Right

Are secret societies just another front for shady intelligence operations? Are members of knightly orders groomed to become terrorists? Many initiatory cults, from the Solar Temple to the Rosicrucians, are or have been used as fronts for extremely nefarious and horrific dramas.

In “State-sponsored Terrorism in the Western World”..., I highlighted that western governments had organised terrorist activities against their own citizens, often sacrificing the lives of innocent civilians for what they consider to be the greater good. In countries like Belgium and Italy, government inquiries revealed that a secret army, known as the “stay-behind network”, had been staffed by their own citizens. In Belgium, it had taken orders from the Belgian State Security Service, the equivalent of the Russian FSB or the American CIA. The cell was code-named SDRA8 and was directly linked to NATO’s stay-behind centres, the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) and the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC). In Italy, a series of bombing campaigns in the 1980s left hundreds of innocent people—often commuters—dead and injured.

These campaigns were part of a “strategy of tension”, a way to control and manipulate public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs and false-flag terrorist actions, all carried out to scare the average citizen into the belief that communism was near and willing to kill. In truth, it was the intelligence agencies of the western world that killed and created a threat that was never real.

Though state-sponsored terrorism is now a commonly accepted fact for these episodes (though the role of the British government in Northern Ireland remains a hotly debated topic), what is less known is that what kept this international network of “government-employed terrorists” organised was a series of pseudo-chivalric organisations, which conspiracy theorists have largely failed to identify for what they truly are and which the “esoteric crowd” largely has embraced with love.  (more...)


Collective mass suicide of Order of the Solar Temple members

St. Gallen Mafia precursor? Le Cercle: Clerical Fascism and the Pedophocracy

Le Cercle, sometimes referred to as the Pinay Group or the Pinay Cercle/Circle (in some accounts the Pinay Group was held to be the inner circle of Le Cercle), is one of the most mysterious international bodies one is apt to encounter in the annuals of conspiracy literature. Over the years it has rarely been addressed in the English language and when it has, it is typically depicted as a mere auxiliary of the Bilderberg Group and other neo-liberal/globalist bodies (i.e. the Round Table groups, the Trilateral Commission and other long time bugaboos of the conspiratorial right). This has ensured that serious research into the organization has remained at the absolute fringes of conspiracy culture.

For many years, the only in depth examination of Le Cercle came from its former chairman Brian Crozier in his 1991 autobiography Free Agent. There Crozier provided a highly sanitized version of Le Cercle and the international network that it operated in, largely depicting it as an ineffectual body desperately trying to hold the line against the Communist menace. Of course Crozier held that he himself was little more than a much maligned journalist and historian under relentless attack from the forces of the Left. If only we could be so lucky.

There have been, to be sure, efforts to bring Le Cercle and its more nefarious activities to the attention of a wider audience. David Teacher, a former translator for the European Union in Brussels and an international administrator in Geneva, first shined a critical spotlight on this organization back in the late 1980s via several articles in Lobster magazine. In 1993 he had readied a full length account of the "Paneuropean" network, of which Le Cercle was a major figure in, entitled Rogue Agents (obviously a dig at Crozier's autobiography) for publication. It was rejected by every publisher out there and would lay dormant for 15 years before it finally saw the light of day.

It was not until 2006 that the great Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP, which ultimately published Teacher's book online in 2008) first published a full length examination of the group in English.  (more...)

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Journalist's murder turns spotlight on 'mafia island' Malta

The son of murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of being complicit in his mother's death as the shockwaves from a grisly car bomb killing reverberated across Europe.

Matthew Caruana Galizia, also an investigative journalist, described the pain of finding his mother's body blown to pieces and said he believed she had been assassinated for her whistleblowing activity.

In an emotional post on his Facebook page, the son accused Muscat of filling his office with crooks and creating a culture of impunity that had turned Malta into a "mafia island".

The centre-left premier denies any wrongdoing. But the case looks set to increase scrutiny of Malta by its partners in the European Union.

Some members of the bloc have already expressed concern over the island's light-touch regulation of financial services and company registrations, and a controversial scheme that offers an EU passport to wealthy investors.  (more...)


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jared Kushner Isn’t Alone: Universities Still Give Rich and Connected Applicants a Leg Up

When Georgetown University announced plans in September to make amends for its historical participation in the slave trade, President John J. DeGioia drew a curious parallel. The descendants of 272 slaves sold by the university in 1838 to pay off debts, he said, would receive the same advantage in admissions as the children of its alumni.

He seemed unaware of the irony. Alumni children at prestigious universities like Georgetown tend to be white and to come from affluent families. In other words, DeGioia was equating a remedy for past racism with a policy, known as legacy preference, that itself discriminates against low-income and minority students.

“If Georgetown really wants to come to grips with its discriminatory past and present, it would also end admissions policies like legacy preference that unconscionably favor the already privileged,” said Michael Dannenberg, director of strategic initiatives for policy at Education Reform Now, a think tank affiliated with the advocacy group Democrats for Education Reform. As a U.S. Senate staffer in the early 2000’s, Dannenberg pushed unsuccessfully for legislation restricting admissions preference for alumni children.

DeGioia’s comparison underscores the staying power of legacy preference — despite critics like Dannenberg and me. My 2006 book, “The Price of Admission,” documented that colleges exploit admissions as a fundraising tool, lowering their standards by hundreds of SAT points to let in children of well-heeled alumni, business tycoons, politicians and celebrities. Using students’ names, class ranks and test scores, I challenged the colleges’ propaganda that they either don’t consider family wealth and background in admissions, or just use it to break ties between equally qualified candidates. By exposing these practices, I hoped to spur both transparency and reform.

“The Price of Admission” stirred attention, controversy and outrage. I decried what I called the “preferences of privilege” in appearances on Ivy League campuses and on television shows from “The Colbert Report” to “Nightline.” I even testified before a U.S. Senate committee. My findings could not be dismissed as merely anecdotal, because a mounting stack of academic studies corroborated them. One put the advantage of being an alumni child at 160 points on the 400-1600 SAT scale. Another examined admissions decisions at 30 highly selective colleges and universities and concluded that the odds of a legacy being accepted at his or her parent’s alma mater are more than seven times better than an ordinary applicant’s.  (more...)


Spies on Campus: The CIA and the FBI from the Indochina Wars to the “War on Terror”

A deal with the devil: Graham Spanier
On the crisp autumn afternoon of November 26, 2007, a black car picked up Graham Spanier, then president of Pennsylvania State University, at Dulles International Airport and whisked him to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. Using his identification card — embedded with a hologram and computer chip — he checked in at security and was greeted by the chief of staff of the National Resources Division, the CIA’s clandestine domestic service. They proceeded to a conference room, where about two dozen chiefs of station and other senior CIA intelligence officers awaited them.

Spanier was expecting to brief them on the work of the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board, an organization he chaired and had helped create, which fostered dialogue between intelligence agencies and universities. First, though, the CIA surprised him. In a brief ceremony, it presented him with the Warren Medal, said to be the agency’s highest honor for nonemployees.

The honor recognized Spanier’s dedication to alerting college administrators to the threat of human and cyber-espionage, and to opening doors for the agency at campuses nationwide. A former family therapist and television talk-show host with an unruffled, empathetic manner and features — round face, white hair, blue eyes—reminiscent of Phil Donahue, Spanier soothed many an academic’s anxieties about dealing with the CIA and the FBI.

Since the intelligence agencies were going to meddle anyway, Spanier reasoned, they should do so with the knowledge and consent of college presidents. “My feeling was, If there’s a spy on my campus, a potential terrorist, or a visiting faculty member you believe is up to no good, I know you’ll be pursuing it,” he told me in April 2016. “Here’s the deal. Rather than break into his office, come to me — I have top-secret clearance — show me your FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] order, and I’ll have someone unlock the door.”

Spanier’s CIA medal, and a similar FBI award a year later, symbolized a reconciliation between the intelligence services and the academy. The relationship has come full circle: from chumminess in the 1940s and 1950s, to animosity during the Vietnam War and civil-rights era, and back to cooperation after the September 11, 2001, attacks.  (more...)


My school years were timed with some of the worst relations between intelligence and academia. There were many rumors on campus concerning our faculty and dons. My own experience was not a happy one. Although I eventually graduated with a marketable degree, I learned considerably more than was on the curriculum.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Hey, Patrickbhai: Violent Persecution of Christians Rises in India, 'An Attack Being Recorded Every 40 Hours': Report

Christians protest for their rights in India
A new report says that violent attacks on the Christian minority in India are increasing at an alarming rate, as the emboldened members of groups close to the governing Hindu nationalist party seek to create a "Hindu nation." There's an anti-Christian attack every 40 hours, the report highlights.

The report by the All India Christian Council says attacks against Christians increased by about 20 percent in 2016, and physical violence against Christians was up by as much as 40 percent. A fresh attack is being reported every 40 hours, it added.

"The attacks have become severe and more frequent. Incidents used to be confined to a few states. Now the violence has spread to 23 states," the report notes, pointing out that the sharpest rise has been recorded in the northern Uttar Pradesh state and the southern state of Telangana.

The attacks involve physical beating, vandalism and torching of churches, burning of Bibles, death threats, forcing Christians to renounce their faith and convert to Hinduism, and disruption of and attacks on church services and prayer meetings.

In one case, Hindu nationalists beat an evangelist with chains, stripped him and forced him to drink urine, the report says. In another incident, a Christian cemetery was desecrated and skeletons dug up and strewn across the graveyard, it adds.

Attacks on Christians have been on the rise since the Hindu national Bharatiya Janata Party won the national election in 2014. The BJP believes in and propagates the Hindutva ideology, which envisions an India where Hindus and the Hindu culture will dominate. The BJP is believed to be the political wing of the chief Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).  (more...)


Our serene man in India is unperturbed:

It's just a cost of doing business to him. Offshoring our jobs is what the Bay Street Brahmans pays him to do:

So, what about Paddy's evolution on sex ed, economics, and who knows what else????
Christians are just Dalits in the pack Patrickbhai runs with.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Patrickbhai? Who is anti-socon Patrick Brown, really?

Gujarati Uber: Offshoring Ontario jobs
Prime Minister Stephen Harper may have given his Indian counterpart a welcome fit for a king, but a Conservative backbencher is the one Narendra Modi calls “brother.”

Patrick Brown, a Barrie, Ont., MP who is running for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party in Ontario, forged a friendship with Modi years ago, during a difficult time for the Indian leader.

The red carpet is now being rolled out for Modi everywhere he goes during his three-day visit to Canada, but he has not forgotten Canadians’ support all those years ago...

Brown met Modi more than five years ago at a trade conference in Gujarat, a state in western India. At that time, Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat and an international pariah. He was accused of being complicit in the deadly 2002 riots that killed more than a thousand people in the state, most of them Muslims.

Even though the courts refused to prosecute Modi, the U.S. refused to issue him a visa and other countries imposed diplomatic boycotts.

That’s when some of Modi’s friends in Gujarat asked “if a Canadian politician could come to speak at his trade conference to try to rebuild this brand of his of being a person who’s going to bring investment to India,” Brown said.

“So I went, I got to know him, I spoke at his conference and we hit it off, so he kept on inviting me back.”

Brown, who has been counting on political support from Indo-Canadians, said Canada was one of only two foreign countries represented at that conference.

He remembers Modi telling him: “I will never forget who was here during our most difficult days.”  (more...)

Some more:

OK, so Patrickbhai can afford to thumb his nose at social conservatives, thanks to the Gujarati vote. What will the Modi-fied Ontario look like?

Bad, very bad. Say hello to child labor and slavery to the Bay Street Brahmans.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Political Murder, Klan/Nazi Style

 A comprehensive look at the Klan and Nazi killings of union organizers during an anti-Klan rally in Greensboro, N.C., and the subsequent acquittal of the assassins. Highlighting the program is a replay of the video footage which was taken at the murder scene by TV reporters. Lewis Pitts, prominent civil rights attorney who has assisted the American Indian Movement and worked in the Karen Silkwood case, presents the shocking facts of the comprehensive, continuous complicity of the local and federal police forces on the side of the Klan and Nazis. Pitts also discusses the gross violations of justice occurring during the trial.

In the concluding program Lewis Pitts places the Greensboro murders in a national perspective in relation to other serious attacks on our constitutional rights by the Klan, police, Congress, courts, FBI and the other intelligence agencies -- public and private -- in the country. Pitts recalls the FBI's COINTELPRO program, CIA abuses, the Karen Silkwood case, and the maltreatment and exploitation of the American Indians, and he notices an extremely dangerous trend in this country towards fascism. Also featured are videotapes made during the Greensboro massacre and replays of sections of previous programs in which attacks on civil rights are recounted.


How Ukraine Turned into An Arms Dealer? Supplying Weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS-Daesh

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) together with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network revealed a scheme of weapons supply to the terrorists of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.

There is no secret that the U.S. provides the so-called moderate opposition and Kurdish militia in Syria with arms and ammunition most of which are the weapons remained after the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact disbanded.

The U.S. DOD, through U.S. SOCOM, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, as well as Picatinny Arsenal, American military research, and manufacturing facility located in Dover, New Jersey, acquired arms in some Eastern European countries including Ukraine for their further sending to Syria. The procurement volume has already exceeded $700 billion.

Kiev used the logistical scheme elaborated by Washington to export arms and weapons from the Ukrainian armed forces weapons depots. The deal is estimated at $110 billion.

Between June 5 and September 15, the United States sent 1,421 trucks loaded with weaponry to the “moderate” opposition, including 596 trucks (more than 40 %) from Ukraine. Most of them ended up in ISIS’ hands.  (more...)


Appeal court ruling upholding ex-London teacher's voyeurism acquittal sparks outrage

“Open season” has been declared on women’s breasts, advocates say, to be secretly filmed and photographed in public spaces legally after a surprising ruling from Ontario’s highest court in the voyeurism case of an ex-London high school teacher.

“It’s just absolutely mind-blowing, shocking and outrageous,” said Barbara MacQuarrie, community director for the Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children at Western University, reacting to a split decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal that upheld the acquittal of former H.B. Beal teacher Ryan Jarvis.

The majority decision ruled that students had no reasonable expectation of privacy in the public areas of schools, making Jarvis’s secretly record sexually driven videos legal under the voyeurism law.

“How can we have a law that doesn’t see the wrongness of not allowing women to sit, stand, be in public spaces without the danger of being recorded?” MacQuarrie said.

“It’s open season on women’s breasts.”

Jarvis, 41, was acquitted almost two years ago of voyeurism in London. The appeal was triggered after Superior Court Justice Andrew Goodman wasn’t entirely convinced that secret pen-camera videos of 27 female students were for a sexual purpose.

The videos were taken by Jarvis as he stood near students in the school’s hallways, cafeteria, classrooms and at track and field practice. About a dozen of the videos showed teenage breasts and cleavage, while the rest caught faces and upper bodies. The students were clothed.  (more...)


Friday, October 13, 2017

Catholic high school teacher charged with sexual exploitation, child porn offences

A teacher at a Catholic high school in Etobicoke is in custody for allegedly luring a child online and making child pornography.

Toronto police say that on Thursday, officers conducted a search warrant in the Bloor Street West and Lansdowne Avenue area.

As a result of the search, a 46-year-old male suspect was taken into custody.

The suspect has since been identified as Gerard McGilly.

He has been charged with six offences including luring a child, sexual exploitation, making sexually explicit material available to a person under 18, making child pornography and possession of child pornography.

None of the charges have been proven in court.

Police say McGilly has worked as a teacher at Bishop Allen Academy on Royal York Road in Etobicoke since 2008. Before that he worked at Bishop Morrocco/ Thomas Merton Catholic high school from 2007 to 2008.

Prior to that, he worked as an education assistant at St. Francis Xavier Secondary School in Mississauga from 1995 to 2000. He also worked in St. Francis Table, a community outreach centre in Parkdale, from 2000 to 2006.  (more...)

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