Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lawsuit claims teaching assistants at Amherst were told to sleep with students to boost enrollment

Teaching assistants at Amherst College were encouraged to sleep with and socialize with students to boost enrollment in the Spanish department, according to a lawsuit filed by a former faculty member.

Dimaris Barrios-Beltran, a former lecturer in the Spanish department at Amherst, claimed discrimination, retaliation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and wrongful termination in a lawsuit against Amherst and her former supervisor, Victoria Maillo. The suit describes her as becoming concerned soon after she was hired in 2012, which is when Barrios-Beltran claims Maillo told her she liked to find “pretty faces” online to hire as teaching assistants in order to attract more students to Spanish classes and spoke disparagingly about some students and Barrios-Beltran’s Puerto Rican accent.

Early in 2013, Barrios-Beltran’s teaching assistant called her in tears, according to the lawsuit, saying that Maillo was treating her like a prostitute. The teaching assistant claimed that Maillo was angry that she was dating a student at the University of Massachusetts and told her and other teaching assistants to go to parties with students and sleep with them to encourage them to take Spanish. Barrios-Beltran claims that in frustration, the teaching assistant asked Maillo if she wanted her to sleep with a different guy every night like another teaching assistant was doing, and the teaching assistant told Barrios-Beltran that Maillo responded, “that is what I brought you here for.”

Barrios-Beltran spoke with other teaching assistants in the department who confirmed this, according to the lawsuit: “These young T.A.s believed they were being asked to prostitute themselves in order to increase enrollment in the Spanish Department.”  (more...)

Tory MP who reported a senior Labour politician over child sex abuse claims says he is being vilified in response

A Tory MP who reported a senior Labour MP to the police over claims of child sex abuse said last night that he was the victim of a campaign of 'vilification' waged by the prominent individual.

Andrew Bridgen, the Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire, waived his right to anonymity as the accuser to speak out against the backlash he says he has endured since reporting the Labour MP to police.

He says allies of the Labour MP have used a number of techniques to put pressure on him – including printing hundreds of copies of a Mail on Sunday report about Mr Bridgen and distributing them around Westminster.

Mr Bridgen also accuses friends of the Labour MP of bombarding the Commons authorities with Freedom of Information requests to obtain details of the Tory MP's expenses claims, and says he has been 'snubbed' by Speaker John Bercow in the Commons chamber.  (more...)

Another Male Teen Files Federal Suit Over MIND-BLOWING High School English Teacher Sex Romps

A second male teenager has filed a federal lawsuit over the trauma he experienced because he had sex with his high school English teacher.

The teacher is Brianne Altice. She used to teach at Davis High School in Kaysville, Utah. She is in prison now.

The lawsuit brought by the teen seeks unspecified monetary damages for physical and emotional pain as well as therapy costs because of the sex, reports The Salt Lake Tribune.

The suit names Altice, school officials and the deep-pocketed local school district as defendants. It claims that school officials failed to act when they knew or suspected that Altice was having sex with three male teen students.  (more...)

Toronto Hydro customers zapped — again

Get ready for another electricity bill jolt.

The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has approved a Toronto Hydro plan to increase distribution rates retroactive to May 2015 and going forward to the year 2019.

The actual amount has yet to be calculated by Toronto Hydro, but the OEB had earlier notified customers that the utility had been seeking increases of $4.05 a month for an average residential customer in 2015, $2.97 in 2016, $3.29 in 2017, $5.47 in 2018 and $2.56 in 2019.

“We need time to understand the impacts of (the OEB decision), review and determine the effect it’s going to have on our long-term plan for the infrastructure and ultimately our distribution rates for our customers,” Toronto Hydro spokesperson Brian Buchan said Tuesday.  (more...)

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Porn prince Rocco Siffredi wants more sex ed

Italian porn king Rocco Siffredi is leading an initiative in his native country to
increase sex education in schools because, "porn is entertainment" not education.
Famed Italian porn star Rocco Siffredi is getting behind a drive to get schools to teach sex education.

So far, Siffredi’s petition has received more than 30,000 signatures and is driven by the fact that the birds and the bees are rare in Italian education.

Siffredi -- star of Slutty Girls Love Rocco 10, Rocco’s Psycho Teens 7 and University Sluts of St. Petersburg 2 -- said he wanted to “launch this appeal because sex is a magnificent thing. I put forth my name and my experience, I make myself fully available to go into Italian schools and personally promote this initiative.”

Amazingly, the star of more than 2,000 sex-rated skin flicks was disturbed that so many young people were learning about sex via porn -- and that there were no alternatives.  (more...)

Those hot Italians!

Hawaii Man's Opinions on Sex Keep Him From Becoming Teacher

As Canadian as beavers
The University of Hawaii didn't violate First Amendment rights when it denied a teaching certificate for a Caltech-educated aspiring high school teacher who expressed views condoning adults having sex with minors, a panel of federal appeals court judges ruled Tuesday.

Mark Oyama earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from the California Institute of Technology and a master's degree in physics from the University of Hawaii. In 2010, he enrolled in the secondary education certification program at the University of Hawaii's Manoa campus, which is the state's only nationally accredited institution that recommends students for certification as secondary school teachers.

"Oyama's statements concerning sexual relationships between adults and children were of central concern to the faculty," according to a ruling by the panel of judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. In a class assignment he wrote: "Personally I think that online child predation should be legal, and find it ridiculous that one could be arrested for comments they make on the Internet." He went on to write that "real life child predation should be legal" as long as it's consensual and that the age of consent should be "either 0, or whatever age a child is when puberty begins."  (more...)

Jehovah's Witnesses accused of covering up historic sex abuse

Ian Pheasey first attacked a seven-year-old girl while he was working as
a volunteer librarian
A Jehovah's Witness who strangled young girls for sexual gratification has finally been jailed after his crimes were covered up by the congregation at his church for more than two decades.

Ian Pheasey, 54, went unpunished for more than 25 years after his activities were "swept under the rug" by the church he attended.

A court heard that Pheasey first attacked a seven-year-old girl while he was working as a volunteer librarian at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, in Warwick, in the 1990s.

Pheasey was eventually caught after another of his victims went to the police after learning Pheasey was working at a hospice. Pheasey was arrested in October 2014 and charged with offences between 1989 and 1994.

Last Wednesday, Pheasey was jailed for five years after he pleaded guilty to assaulting one girl causing her actual bodily harm and indecently assaulting two others.  (more...)


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fee plan will cost modest power users more

A “Robin Hood in reverse” plan to create a flat hydro distribution fee will force up the bills of the province’s most modest electricity users to the benefit of power guzzlers, Ontario Clean Air Alliance Chair Jack Gibbons charges.

Gibbons predicted many low-use customers will see bills rise 8-9% a year for several years, while their electricity-soaking neighbours enjoy a drop in distribution fees.

“The vast majority of people aren’t aware of it,” Gibbons said Tuesday. “It’s definitely a bad idea, a very bad idea. It’s Robin Hood in reverse — it will mean the small customers will subsidize large customers.”  (more...)

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Court dismisses appeals by former Cambridge teacher who had sex with student

KITCHENER — Ontario's highest court has dismissed two appeals by a former Cambridge Catholic high school teacher who had sex with one of her students in 2011.

Jacqueline Lavigne, 35, was found guilty last year of having sex with a drunken 17-year-old after inviting him to her home while her husband was out on a Saturday night.

Calling the crime a "total breach of the trust placed in her by her students, their parents and her employer," Justice Patrick Flynn sentenced the mother of two young children to 13 months in jail.

Lavigne, who lives in Kitchener and had been a respected teacher and sports coach, appealed the sexual exploitation conviction and sentence.

Earlier this month, the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed both appeals.

A panel of three judges — Russell Juriansz, Lois Roberts and David Watt — concluded Lavigne was "essentially seeking to retry the case before this court on a standard that would require the charge to be proven to an absolute certainty."  (more...)

Frank Gigliotti: Minister, Freemason, OSS and CIA

If you have studied the history of deep state intrigue, Gladio and stay-behind networks during the cold war, occasionally you may have come across a fleeting mention of someone named Frank Gigliotti. In Philip Willan’s Puppetmasters, for example, Gigliotti is described as a “former OSS and then CIA agent” who played a key role in the US negations to return control to the Grand Orient masons their former headquarters in Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome (57). “Frank Gigliotti of the US Masonic Lodge,” Daniele Ganser asserts in NATO’s Secret Armies, “personally recruited Gelli and instructed him to set up an anti-Communist parallel government in Italy in close cooperation with the CIA station in Rome” (73). In Willan’s book as well, Gigliotti is mentioned in a paragraph that begins with Gelli’s initiation into grand orient masonry.

Gelli, of course, refers to Licio Gelli, the Venerable Master of the Propaganda Due (P2) secret masonic lodge which recruited members with senior positions in the intelligence apparatus, the military, judiciary, parliament, media, banking and high finance. P2 operated like a state within a state, and Gelli as a self-proclaimed puppet master. The discovery, in 1981, of an official list of nearly a thousand members, including “four cabinet ministers, three under-secretaries and thirty-eight parliamentarians,” precipitated a collapse of the government (Willan 2002: 49). In subsequent government inquiries, Gelli and P2 were linked to the downfall of Banco Ambrosiano; Operation Gladio and the Strategy of Tension; the Bologna massacre; far-right/fascist groups such as Ordine Nuovo and Stefano Delle Chiaie’s Italian Social Movement; the Borghese coup; the Rosa dei Venti (Compass Rose) conspiracy; kidnapping, murder and assassination.

The parliamentary commission of inquiry investigating P2 specifically mentions Frank Gigliotti, his OSS/CIA/US Scottish Rite/Grand Orient ties, and draws attention to the conspicuous appearance of Licio Gelli once Gigliotti leaves the scene.

This seemingly obscure mason from the US was meddling in grand orient masonic affairs, on behalf of his masonic brethren as well as the US government, and was linked to the rise of Gelli and his ascendancy to the leadership of P2. Who was this man? What was the trajectory of his career?  (more...)


Mason, spy, or both?

Monday, December 28, 2015

Malta, Masonry & The CIA

Funny handshake?
The dark arts of espionage share more in common with historically-rooted secret societies than the media would care to admit. Using decades of experience and observation, KGB First Chief Directorate Col. Stanislav Lekarev (1935-2010) takes us into the murky netherworld of globalist powerplayers, occult orders, and state intelligence services.

In the “Masonic-intelligence” complex, it’s difficult to say who’s more central – who’s the real “leader,” and who’s being “led.” This has taken shape in various ways. It’s well-known that through its men in the Masonic lodges, the CIA is able to channel the work of the international business community into directions needed by the United States. But Masons who work in the CIA are also capable of setting the tone they require.

In any case, Masonic techniques have been adopted in the CIA, MI6, the BND, and Mossad. With all conditions equal, during officer selection preference is given to Freemasons. Masonic lodges serve not only as a personnel reservoir, but as their own type of guarantor of a given officer’s reliability. In contemporary conditions, the setting out of agents of influence and the use of blackmail; bribery; intimidation; and defamation of one’s enemies have entered soundly into the arsenal of these kindred organizations. Consequently, the leaderships of the Masonic lodges and NATO intelligence services were spliced together.  (more...)

Sunday, December 27, 2015

This Is Canada's Depression: Surging Crime, Soaring Suicides, Overwhelmed Food Banks

The man that oil made
Back in March, we brought you “Drugs, Prostitution, Violence Plague Oil Boom Towns Gone Bust,” in which we detailed the plight of towns like Sidney and Bainville, Montana, where the slump in oil revenue has made it all but impossible for local authorities to cope with surging crime rates that some attribute to the influx of oil workers the communities experienced in the good old days of high crude prices.

The problem, apparently, was that despite the dramatic slump in oil, companies hadn’t yet begun to cut jobs or slash capex and so, officials were left with less money to put towards policing their growing populations.

As dangerous as it may be for small towns to experience exponential growth in what The Washington Post described as “highly paid oil workers living in sprawling ‘man camps’ with limited spending opportunities,” what’s even more dangerous is the prospect that suddenly, the majority of those workers will be jobless. That is, if there’s anything that’s more conducive to raising the crime rate than legions of highly paid young men living in small towns with “limited spending opportunities,” it’s legions of formerly highly paid young men stuck in small towns with limited job opportunities.

With that in mind, America can look north to Calgary for a preview of what’s in store for America’s oil boom towns.  (more...)

But, there are growth industries:

The mob has gone clean
Time to consider:

Friday, December 25, 2015

Father Christmas

Professor Fiamengo discusses Santa Clause as an archetypal father figure... and package sherpa

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Toronto teacher Donald Wheeler charged with sexual interference

Underpaid teacher
Charges have been laid against a Toronto teacher in connection with a series of sexual assaults that police say stretch back over several years.

Toronto police allege between 2008 and 2015, Donald Wheeler worked at Parkdale Junior and Senior Public School and assaulted students during and after school hours.  

The victims were between the ages of 12 and 19, police said.

Wheeler, 60, appeared in court at Old City Hall yesterday. He faces the following charges:

  • 10 counts of sexual interference.
  • Two counts of supplying liquor to an underage person.
  • One count of harassment by repeated communication with a person.  (more...)

More coverage:

The Pope calls for teachers to be given a pay rise

Let's open up those secret Swiss bank accounts
The Pope has called again for teachers to be better paid and for governments to take more interest in education.

The Pontiff said that educators were "among the worst-paid workers" during a Vatican conference on Christian education.

He concluded that this meant that "the state simply has no interest".

"If it did, things wouldn't go that way," Pope Francis said in comments reported by the Catholic News Service. "The educational alliance is broken. And this is our job, to find new paths."

The issue of teacher pay is clearly a priority for the Pope. He first stated his concerns in March, describing it as an "injustice" that teachers are paid so poorly.  (more...)

Considering how well the Vatican manages its finances....

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

OECTA shows once more why it's not a Catholic union

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) this month sent out a letter to teachers with their union membership cards. The Association tells teachers about how they can enrol in professional development courses for Additional Qualifications. Teachers are reminded of the latest edition of the booklet titled, "When You Speak to Children." The union also informs teachers that they will donate $30,000 to the Archdiocese of Toronto's Project Hope "to help a Syrian family find a new life in Canada." Teachers on an individual basis are encouraged to help this worthy cause. So far so good.

Next the letter informs teachers that collective bargaining has been a top priority. The #TeachersMatter campaign and the hard work of the bargaining teams has made sure that teachers will get pay increases. This is just more good news.

However, the last part of the letter refers to a survey from OECTA's LGBTQ Workgroup. The group was formed at the Association's Annual General Meeting in 2015. The survey will given only to selected members in early 2016. Teachers chosen for the survey are told by their President Ann Hawkins this: "I encourage all those who receive the survey to participate, so the Association has the information it needs to move forward on this important issue."  (more...)

Signs of mediocrity are everywhere at universities

Ron Srigley enjoyed annual teaching contracts at the University of Prince Edward Island for several years. He is now suspended. His story is unusual, but it illustrates one reason university tenure still matters. There may be no connection between an essay he wrote recently for the Los Angeles Review of Books and his suspension, but there probably is.

Srigley’s sin was to pen an open letter to the parents of students across North America. He told them things they didn’t know about what the average, mediocre university today has become. And average and mediocre describe UPEI and most other Canadian universities.

The change can be described easily enough — the majority of university employees no longer serve the purpose of a university, to cultivate intelligence and learning in our students and in ourselves. Instead, the “senior leadership team” promotes reputation, jobs, career advancement and self-interest. If this means inflating grades so little Janie does not feel disrespected and can acquire a transcript to ensure she gains her preferred employment, why not?

This is not a rhetorical question. The problem is that grade inflation, for instance, does not mean that Janie is getting smarter. Just the opposite — accommodating the combination of her long-nourished and high expectations with genuine inabilities means she is getting dumber.

There are many causes that brought even good universities such as Yale to the place where no fewer than 13 administrators were required to advise adult students how to dress for Halloween.  (more...)

Mafia of the mediocre know their signs

Seventy-Six Years a Priest!

The year 1939 saw many milestones. Most critics say it was the best year for movies (Gone With the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Ninotchka, Ginga Din, Stagecoach, for starters). For the Polish people, however, all the attention was on the terrifying sight of Hitler's tanks and shock troops rolling into their homeland. In Spain, the civil war ended and the rule of Franco began. I could go on.

In Toronto, Canada, on Saturday, June 3, 1939, young Vincent Foy was ordained to the Catholic priesthood, the beginning of a high and lasting adventure: the longest life of priestly service in Canadian history and one of the longest in the world.

From the start, Foy had a passion for helping ordinary Catholics with their family struggles. Although he dearly loved theology, out of obedience Foy took a doctoral course in canon law at Laval University in Quebec City. In 1942, he was appointed vice chancellor of the Archdicoese of Toronto and secretary of the Toronto Archdiocesan Matrimonial Tribunal; by 1957, he was named both presiding judge of the regional and archdiocesan tribunals and a domestic prelate by Ven. Pope Pius XII.

Born in 1915 during the so-called War to End All Wars, Foy has lived a life spanning the reigns of nine popes, with the Second Vatican Council bisecting his nearly eight decades of service to God's people. At a hale and hearty 100 years old, Msgr. Foy still celebrates daily Mass and keeps up an impressive roster of correspondence and other writing.  (more...)

Students demand Catholic university denounce Saint Junípero Serra as mass murderer

Paternalism banished from campus
A coalition of students at the University of San Diego have demanded that administrators denounce Saint Junípero Serra as a mass murderer with a “colonialist legacy.” They also want the Catholic saint’s name stripped from a campus building at the private, Catholic university.

The demand, one of nearly two dozen made by a coalition of black and LGBTQ students calling themselves “Concerned Students at USD,” also demanded that administrators allow “a coalition of native students, staff and faculty” to rename USD’s Serra Hall.

Serra was a Catholic, Franciscan missionary from Spain who arrived in the United States in 1749, and settled among the American Indians in California. With his settlement, he converted, baptized and educated thousands of Indians, but has also been described as practicing a paternalistic and aggressive approach among those he converted.  (more...)

Our future teachers. More school spirit at UCSB:

Protestors before Dr J's talk "Same-Sex Marriage: Why Not?" at UCSB's Anscombe Society.

Why boys can’t be boys in matriarchal schools of today

St Luke Catholic School in Toronto has banned tag.

Why would they ban this age old game? The game that only requires kids and space. No technology. No equipment. Just kids.

Toronto Catholic District School Board spokesperson Tony Yan says "kids were coming in from recess injured.”

Bumps, cuts, several owies, one sprain and a fracture. This is unfortunate but not at all unusual. In fact, it's normal.

It gets better. The school also replaced rubber balls with softer ones. For safety.

But the Toronto Catholic School Board District isn't alone in it's flaming haired panic about kids having the brash audacity to behave like kids.

Weber Middle School in Port Washington New York has banned cartwheels, footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, lacrosse balls and of course the deadliest of all sports; tag.

Basically, they’ve decided to ban fun. Presumably children are to seek bemusement from gentle glances at school mates and kindly thoughts about math problems.

I hope they cut air holes in all the bubble wrap and safety tape they put on these poor little kids.

But I think there's something a little more unwittingly sinister at play. All this banning of roughhousing and physical activity is more than just nanny state nonsense run amok.

It's the banning of normal male child behaviour. Boys are rough and rowdy and they run and they're loud. They like tag and they like to play competitive games like soccer and football. Not all boys do. But most. And it's ok to say that.

There is a problem with the education system. Fewer and fewer men are becoming teachers.

Only a quarter of Canadian teachers are men. Fewer male teachers means there are fewer men in our children's schools who understand what it's like to be a little boy. The education system is a matriarchy now that doesn’t know what normal boy behaviour looks like. And it makes little boys hate school. It makes male high school drop out rates higher than females. Who'd want to stay in a place where no one understands you? It makes fewer men want to continue on into post secondary education to become teachers. It makes the vicious cycle keep spinning.

Until we have people in education who understand that little boys and little girls behave differently, silly rules, bans on fun and outlawing boyhood will continue.

Boys will be boys. And they need us to let them be boys.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Emotional witnesses close defence in Yatim killing

It was difficult, amid the tears and trembling emanating from the witness stand, but important to remember that of all that happened on a Dundas streetcar in downtown Toronto on a summer’s night two years ago, the only person who was actually hurt was Sammy Yatim.

The 18-year-old Yatim, of course, wasn’t just hurt, but shot and killed on the streetcar just after midnight on July 27 after he failed to drop the switchblade in his hand.

Pleading not guilty to second-degree murder and attempted murder in his death is Toronto Police Const. James Forcillo.

Forcillo fired nine shots, in two bursts separated by about five seconds, when, as he told Ontario Superior Court Judge Ed Then and a jury last month, he believed Yatim was about to come off through the streetcar’s open doors. Eight bullets hit the teenager.

Tuesday, the evidentiary portion of the trial came to a dramatic close when Forcillo’s lawyer, Peter Brauti, called his last two witnesses before closing his case.  (more...)

The Guardian view on Greville Janner: justice delayed is justice denied

The Labour peer should have faced a trial, as both his victims and his defenders wanted. Now it is too late for the courts

Greville Janner, the Labour peer who died on Saturday, is now beyond justice, at least of the earthly kind. Nor will his victims get their day in court, probably not even the trial of the facts they were promised earlier this year after Lord Janner was declared incapable, because of severe dementia, of defending himself, although the final decision rests with the high court, which first authorised the highly unusual procedure. The high court is now shut until the second week of the new year, something that is all of a piece with what are at best shockingly lethargic processes that have marred every aspect of this attempt to bring Lord Janner to trial on multiple charges of child sex abuse.

It is now nearly 25 years since a prosecution could first have been brought, after investigations into allegations made in court against Lord Janner when he was still an MP.  (more...)


Do you have a personal relationship with Hitler?
...The Moyers address highlights once again the potential for the GOP’s Christian Armageddon Lobby to precip­itate disaster. Just as an apocalyptic war with Islam as part of the End Times Prophecy would fit the Armageddon Lobby’s agenda, so, too would the physical destruction of the environment. Although some evangelical Christians embrace pro-environmentalism, the casual disregard of others of their faith for the sanctity of the ecosphere is frightening. In the discussion points that follow, we will examine a hypothetical point: the possibility that the Underground Reich may be utilizing the Born-Agains as a vehicle for the realization of many of their goals — especially the destruction and/or subjugation of the United States and the annihilation of the Jews.

Next, Mr. Emory presents a hypothetical element of discussion: the possibility that the Third Reich may have allied with Protestant fundamentalists in the U.S. at the end of World War II. That was a projection made in an anti-fascist book published in early 1944:
“Also of interest to Berlin — particularly in view of the coming underground fight of the Nazis — must be the Fundamentalist Protestants, who have a considerable following in Michigan, Kansas, Colorado, and Minnesota. To be sure, some of the Fundamentalists are among the most courageous fighters for democracy, but a great many of them are definitely pro-Hitler. Their reason for this stand is that Fundamentalists do not believe in freedom of religion, and they do believe that the Jews should be punished because they killed Christ. They say that Hitler has been sent by God to ‘save Christianity and destroy atheistic Communism.’ To many of them Japan is the ‘oriental outpost of Christianity’ destined to save Asia from the danger of a ‘Communistic China.’”
(The Nazis Go Under­ground; by Curt Riess; Copyright 1944 by Curt Riess; Doubleday, Doran and Co., Inc. [HC]; pp. 125–126. Library of Congress Control Number: 44007162.)
 The Nazis Go Underground
Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the planners of the Third Reich’s postwar underground strategy wanted to eliminate the United States as a competitive world power and wished to finish their extermination of the Jews. They would not have been able to plot a military solution to the problem with the U.S. in possession of the atomic bomb. They would have had to seek another solution. By encouraging a reactionary form of fundamentalist Christianity in the United States, they could gut the U.S. educational system — thereby denying the United States of the scientific and technical minds necessary to maintain scientific, technological and intellectual parity in the modern world. The despoliation of the environment highlighted in the Moyers address would, in time, decimate the American population, its landscape and natural resources. After much of the world’s Jewish population had emigrated to Israel, that country could be destroyed by hostile Muslim neighbors. (In this regard, one should not overlook the Al Taqwa milieu and its links with the Underground Reich. In his exhaustive series on 9/11 and related events, Mr. Emory advanced his theory that the Muslim populations of the Earth Island were being cultivated by the Underground Reich as proxy warriors against the U.S., Britain and the Jews — their erstwhile World War II enemies.) The Armageddon/End Times scenario so popular among the Christian Right (if realized) would “fit the bill” nicely.

 Gehlen: Spy of the Century
Following his formal retirement from the intelligence field, General Reinhard Gehlen became a religious evangelist. Was this remarkable conversion in any way connected to the contingency plans discussed above in the excerpt from the Curt Riess text?

In the context of Mr. Emory’s speculation about the possibility that the Underground Reich may be utilizing the Christian Right as a vehicle for effecting the destruction and/or subjugation of the United States, it should be recalled that the Gehlen reported to Bormann’s security chief, Heinrich Muller and that Gehlen was clearing his postwar actions taken in conjunc­tion with US intelligence with Admiral von Doenitz (Hitler’s nominal successor as head of state) and General Franz Halder, his former chief-of-staff. In his operations, Gehlen was operating as part of the Underground Reich.
“Today, on the thresh­old of three score years and ten, General Reinhard Gehlen has found a surprising new field of activities. He has become an evangelist. With still unimpaired energy he has taken over the direction of a campaign for building new churches and schools for the Evangelical Church in Catholic Bavaria. After a life of seclusion he frequently attends meetings all over the province at which appeals for new funds are launched; on occasion he does not disdain to visit members of his religious community in order to encourage the enterprise and to pass the begging bowl. . .”

A comic episode in Muslim/Evangelical ecumenism:

Catholics shouldn't assume they aren't in the crosshairs, as well.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Former Ivy League scholar turns whistleblower

Academia as self-mutilation
It’s a critique of liberal professors and coddled, narcissistic students, and it’s done by a liberal scholar who’s been there, done that. And it’s glorious honesty.

Writing in Slate, former Yale and Harvard scholar Rani Neutill explains why she left a career in academia. Two pieces she has penned in the last two months spell it out, but in a nutshell: her peers and her students.

In a column this month, she explains how the Ivy League professoriate is filled with pretentious snobs who only like to talk about themselves and their esoteric little intellectual worlds.

But not just that. “Coddled young radicals” in her “sex throughout American cinema” course also drove her crazy, she wrote in Slate in late October.  (more...)

Rosie O'Donnell's Family Tragedy

Robert Oscar Lopez and BN Klein are joined by Dawn Stefanowicz to discuss the reports of conflict between lesbian Rosie O'Donnell and her adopted daughter Chelsea, as well as how this relates to the larger question of gay parenting. Is Rosie O'Donnell an isolated example of gay parenting gone wrong, or is she a reflection of a broader trend?

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Licio Gelli, Italian Financier and Cabal Leader, Dies at 96

Licio Gelli, a buccaneering Italian financier and self-professed fascist who was implicated in terrorist crimes, scandals and a secret society that, with him as its grandmaster, was accused of plotting a right-wing coup, died on Tuesday at his villa in Arezzo, Italy. He was 96.

His death was reported by the nation’s news media, and his funeral on Thursday, attended mostly by family and friends, was covered by Italian television.

Mr. Gelli never wavered in his convictions. In a 2008 television interview, he declared, “I was born under fascism, I studied with fascism, I fought for fascism, I am a fascist and I will die a fascist.”

His near-mythic ignominy evoked popular fictional conspiracy tales, like Dan Brown’s novel “The Da Vinci Code” and the movie “The Godfather Part III,” and he personified what Italians encapsulate as “dietrologia” — the reflexive, widely held suspicion that behind any official government narrative lurks a more sinister explanation.  (more...)

More coverage:


Lord Janner: We'll never know

A cynic’s reaction to the news Greville Janner is dead was to say “So, he really was ill.” Less than three weeks ago, a judge at the Old Bailey upheld a decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders, that there was no point in dragging the Labour peer in front of a jury to answer 22 historic charges of sexual abuse of boys when they had evidence from doctors that his dementia was so advanced that the old man could hardly utter a coherent sentence, let alone understand what he was accused of having done.

Saunders came in for some heavy criticism in April when she decided that all that Lord Janner’s alleged victims would get would be a “trial of facts” in which a jury would hear from the prosecution and a defence lawyer, but not from the defendant, and there would be no verdict or sentence.

Years ago, there was a famous case in which a businessman, Ernest Saunders, former chief executive of Guinness, had been sentenced to five years in prison for a share-price scam, but had his sentence cut in half when he shuffled pathetically into court and his lawyers explained that he was suffering from dementia. Once out of prison, his recovery was something of a medical miracle. Cynics wondered if Janner’s dementia, which had not prevented him from delivering an articulate speech on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in February 2013, would clear up suddenly when the threat of prison was lifted. His death vindicates the doctors who diagnosed his mental state.  (more...)

More coverage:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Lord Janner dead: Simon Danczuk stands by decision to expose allegations of abuse in Parliament

Simon Danczuk has defended his decision to expose allegations that Lord Janner had abused children inside the Houses of Parliament after his death on Saturday.

The Labour MP for Rochdale told MPs in a June Westminster Hall debate that Leicestershire police had disclosed to him how the former Labour peer "violated, raped and tortured - some in the very building in which we now sit".

He was using his Parliamentary privilege to repeat the allegations.

Mr Danczuk said Lord Janner's death on Saturday is a sad day for his alleged victims. He told the Independent on Sunday: “Obviously it is a sad day for Lord Janner’s family and my sympathies go out to them. But it is also sad for the alleged victims of Lord Janner.  (more...)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Roots of Nazism

Once upon a time, two German brothers began collecting the best fairytales of their age. They gathered an array of stories involving princes and princesses, forests, castles and magic, but also darker sagas of cannibalism, dismemberment, murder and evil stepmothers.

The 200th anniversary on Thursday of the first publication of the Grimm brothers' Die Kinder und Hausmärchen (Children's and Household Tales), a collection of 86 stories that became worldwide classics, is triggering a year of feverish celebrations in Germany to mark the birth of one of the most frequently read books in the world.

Academics from around the globe, meeting this week in the central German city of Kassel, close to the brothers' birthplace, are kicking off the 2013 celebrations with a Grimm brothers' congress. Participants, ranging from lexicographers to psychoanalysts, will focus on everything from the book's enduring legacy to the brothers' impact on German grammar and how they shaped the nation's erotic imagination.

"Even during their lifetime the Grimms' book became a huge bestseller among every section of society," said Claudia Brinker-von der Heyde, the congress president. "And so they became an indispensable part of our everyday culture and our national identity."

Other Grimm events will include forest trails in the western city of Marburg where the brothers studied, light shows, art installations, cabarets, theatre productions, readings and operas.

Amid all the fanfare for the siblings who gave the world those unforgettable, childhood-defining tales of Red Riding Hood, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and Rapunzel, cultural observers say the anniversary is above all a chance to examine once again a literary legacy that has often been associated with the gloomier side of German history.

In a recent essay in Der Spiegel, Matthias Matussek, one of the country's leading cultural commentators, argued that the "most successful book in the German language" offered an unparalleled exploration into the people's "dark souls", but said that most ordinary Germans had long ago fallen out of love with the storytelling masters.

Matussek, who describes the Brothers Grimm as mind doctors who "eavesdropped" on Germans' primordial joys, fears and hopes, writing as they had when memories of the 17th-century 30 years war were still strong and at a time when Napoleon was seen as the new threat to peace, says it was the Nazi era that quashed the Germans' interest in their favourite fairytales.

"Since then, the Germans have been without dreams and they'd like to ensure it stays that way," he suggested. Having a dream or a vision – if the consequence was a murderous dictatorship was viewed with suspicion, he said.

The theory that the Grimms' tales, particularly the more brutal ones such as How Children Played Butcher With Each Other, in which a whole family massacres itself, had an adverse effect on the German character was expressed frequently after the second world war.  (more...)

How the Nazis colonized America:

Ex-elementary teacher facing child porn charges

A former Toronto elementary school teacher has been charged after a man was caught viewing child pornography on a public computer.

Toronto police said officers were called to the Employment and Social Services Centre at Lawrence Square, at the intersection of Lawrence Avenue West and Allen Road, on Friday, Nov. 6.

Police said a man was caught viewing images of child pornography on a public computer at the centre. Following the report, investigators executed a search warrant in North York, though police did not provide a specific location.

In a statement Friday, officers said 55-year-old Stephen Joseph Schacter has been charged with possession of child pornography.

Police said Schacter is a former elementary school teacher, who worked at the Eitz Chaim schools between 1986 and 2004. He also worked as an office administrator at the United Synagogue Day School from 2005 to 2009, and was a private tutor from 2009 to 2011.  (more...)

More coverage:

Amy Hood trial for sex crimes involving students hears closing arguments

Amy looking contrite
Crown and defence lawyers at the trial of Carolyn Amy Hood were at odds during closing arguments Friday over whether the former Pictou County teacher is criminally responsible for alleged sex crimes involving teenaged boys.

Hood, 39, of Stellarton, who goes by her middle name Amy, will learn the verdict in Pictou provincial court on April 6.

She was charged in January 2014 with one count of sexual assault, one count of sexual interference, two counts of luring minors over the internet for a sexual purpose and two counts of sexual exploitation of a young person.

Hood was a Grade 6 teacher at Thorburn Consolidated School during the time when the alleged incidents occurred, between June and September 2013.

The incidents allegedly involved two former male students of Hood's, who were 15 at the time.

The court has heard that Hood was exchanging text messages of a sexual nature with the students, with some of the text messages including pictures. Hood also allegedly performed oral sex on a student in her vehicle.  (more...)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

SFU Feminists

Professor Fiamengo discusses the feminist inability to understand and avoid the logical fallacies while promoting hatred of men at Simon Fraser University (SFU).

The crime that lit the feminist fuse:


Convicted pedophile dubbed ’Swirl Face’ pleads guilty in B.C. to five sex charges

Flying the friendly skies
NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. — A British Columbia man imprisoned in Thailand for sexually assaulting young boys has pleaded guilty in Canada to five sex tourism and pornography charges involving children.

Forty-year-old Christopher Neil admitted in B.C. Supreme Court on Wednesday to five of 10 charges pending since March 2013.

The province’s Criminal Justice Branch says the guilty pleas pertain to two charges of sexual interference in Cambodia in 2003, one charge of possessing child pornography in Maple Ridge in 2007 and two charges of accessing child pornography in Vancouver in 2013.

Branch spokesman Neil MacKenzie says the Crown does not plan to proceed on the remaining charges.

The former English teacher, dubbed Swirl Face, gained worldwide notoriety after Interpol released an image of his online photo obscured by a digital swirl.  (more...)

More on the pedophile jet set:

2 Ashbury College teachers 'exonerated' of sex assault cover-up allegations

Two Ottawa private school teachers have been "fully exonerated" of allegations they covered up the sexual assault of a 16-year-old student during a school trip to Boston, Mass., eight years ago, according to the head of their school.

Ashbury College teachers Alyssa Novick and Ian Middleton won an appeal in Ontario Divisional Court after being found guilty of professional misconduct by an Ontario College of Teachers disciplinary committee in February 2014.

"Both Alyssa and Ian hold distinguished teaching records and regularly receive positive reviews from students, parents and alumni. They have continued to be significant assets to the school in their classes and for what they bring to their respective co-curricular activities. We very much look forward to their continued contributions to the school community," school head Norman Southward said in a written statement.  (more...)

Taser cop delivers shocking testimony at Forcillo trial

A veteran Toronto police officer testified he had “no choice” but to Taser a dying Sammy Yatim.

“Once he didn’t drop the knife, he chose not to give up,” Sgt. Dan Pravica told Const. James Forcillo’s murder trial on Wednesday.

“It’s not like he’s putting his hands up and saying, ‘I give up. The fun’s over,’” said Pravica, demonstrating the surrender gesture in the witness stand.

“I have no idea if he’s playing possum. I’m not going to send my officers in there to get slashed in the neck.”  (more...)

More coverage:

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Duplessis Orphans

Canada's diplomatic corps?

London “Monk” Facing More Sex Charges

One hand clapping?
A man who once presented himself as a pastor, monk, and a life coach is facing more allegations of sexual impropriety with a minor.

Huron OPP announced Tuesday that 54-year-old Kelly Laycox, who now lives in London, is charged with sexual assault and sexual interference with a person under 16. The investigation that led to the charges was launched in early October after police were notified of allegations of sexual offences involving a person under 16.

Police say they have identified five people who were allegedly victimized by Laycox dating back to 1976.

Laycox was charged in April of 2014 after police investigated an incident that happened in Goderich the previous month. He was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference with a person under 16, and making child pornography.

He had been self-employed as a counselor, tai chi teacher, and meditative skills instructor.  (more...)

The New Age is getting kinda past its due date:

Happy New Year: Ontario’s 2016 Power Rate Shell Game

Ontario power rates will increase dramatically in 2016 but tracking the changes will be challenging. The multi-dimensional, inter-temporal shell game of Ontario power rates will kick into overdrive. Here are a few of Official Ontario’s tricks to watch.

Back on November 1, consumers got whacked with a 12.6% year-over-year increase in the commodity portion of their bills. The rapid escalation of Global Adjustment costs in recent months — $1.1 billion for November alone — suggests another great leap forward for the commodity price come next May.

January 1, the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit (OCEB) disappears. The OCEB is a vote buying scheme McGuinty set up to help him over the top in the 2011 election. When it served McGuinty’s interest to justify raising rates, McGuinty’s marketing pitch was all about protecting our grandchildren. When folks started to pick up on the costs of McGuinty’s schemes, he moved to cover up those costs by sticking them to our grandchildren. The OCEB today transfers 10% of the household power bill to future generations by way of the provincial deficit. Eliminating the OCEB will jack up rates by 11% (not 10%).  (more...)

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