Monday, December 1, 2014

Slowpoke rights now! Or Later: @GlobeandMail 's shocking bias against the velocity challenged

A transgender rights bill opposed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper has met yet another delay in the Conservative-dominated Senate, despite being passed by the House of Commons more than 20 months ago.

Bill C-279, which would strengthen legal protections for the trans community, has been bumped aside by government bills at the Senate’s legal and constitutional affairs committee. Conservative senator and committee chair Bob Runciman said in an e-mail this week the committee will now likely resume its review of C-279 in February.

Randall Garrison, the NDP MP who tabled the bill, says he is “fed up” with the Senate for delaying a bill that MPs passed. The bill will fail if it is not passed by next year’s election. “I believe their intention is to kill the bill by delay,” Mr. Garrison told The Globe and Mail.  (more...)

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