Friday, January 31, 2014

More on the Gary, Indiana Exorcism

A woman whose horrific experience living in an Indiana home that she and even city police are convinced was a haunted 'portal to hell' has spoken out on her paranormal trauma and what it was like to be a family possessed.

Latoya Ammons says she has seen her own daughter levitate off a bed, her son walk up a wall so effortlessly that even a psychiatrist was at a loss and was herself the victim of demonic possession in what appears to be an average home in the Gary community near where Michael Jackson grew up.

'Me and my mother and my children, we almost lost our lives,' said Ammons, whose undeniably terrifying experience left her chilled to her core and now has an entire nation captivated by her spectral tale.

Ammons sat with Inside Edition for a deeply earnest interview in which she makes abundantly clear that her ordeal was no Casper the ghost made real.  (more...)

Searching for a Catholic High School

I have been looking at different Catholic high schools for my 8th grader. So we went on the tours and she “shadowed” (which is to say, attended for a day) at several schools and I met many people in the administration. I have to say, that as someone who is concerned about Catholic education the results have been a bit disheartening.

The first tour I went on, the first person the school had everyone meet was an elderly nun in a wheelchair. Nice woman. I’m still unsure what her responsibilities at the school were but she was very nice. Other than her I don’t think there was anything else there to indicate the school was Catholic at all except the crucifixes on the classroom walls.  (more...)

Donate to the Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Body count raises to FIFTY FIVE children at abusive Florida reform school

The remains of 55 people have been unearthed from a graveyard at a former reform school with a history of abuse, researchers said today.

University of South Florida researchers began excavating the graveyard at the now-closed Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in September. The dig finished in December.

Official records indicated 31 burials at the Marianna site but researchers had estimated there would be about 50 graves.

All the bodies found were interred in coffins either made at the school or bought from manufacturers, said Erin Kimmerle, a forensic anthropologist leading the university's investigation.

Some were found under roads or overgrown trees, well away from the white, metal crosses marking the 31 officially recorded graves.  (more...)

Jesuit Gonzaga Univ. Considers Transgender Policy

Gonzaga University is considering an official policy on transgendered students that could include gender-neutral bathrooms and the option to live with students of the gender of their choice, according to the Gonzaga Bulletin.

Jaime Hollis, the coordinator for special populations at Gonzaga, reportedly told the student newspaper that Georgetown University is the top example of what Jesuit universities should be striving for when dealing with the gay and transgender community.

Hollis pointed to Washington state law—which defines sexual identities as a protected class—as a reason for the University seeking to change its own policies.  (more...)

And to continue a trend:

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam

Transgendered man allowed in women's changing room

The "woman" had a penis. The penis had an erection and the person it was attached to asked her if she "came here often."


Sex week on campus

Publicly funded 'sex week' go to the extreme on many college and university campuses.

Sex Trafficking at the Super Bowl

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ontario Catholic schools criticized for using pro-Planned Parenthood Marc Kielburger in promo video

Marc Kielburger
TORONTO, January 29, 2014 ( – Pro-life-and-family advocates say they are glad the Ontario Catholic school system removed Free the Children’s Marc Kielburger this week from a promotional video campaign, but that the social activist was given the boot for the wrong reasons.

“It was grossly inappropriate to select the Kielburgers to promote Catholic schools,” said Jack Fonseca, Project Manager for Campaign Life Catholics, to

The YouTube video featuring Marc Kielburger — put out by the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA) — was to promote what one spokesperson called the “distinctive attributes” of Ontario’s Catholic schools.

Kielburger’s role in the video campaign drew criticism in public school circles since public schools and Catholic schools both rally behind the Kielburger brothers’ organizations Free the Children and Me to We, as well as We Day, a mega social activism event for school kids launched by Free the Children.  (more...)

Russia proposes to expand law to ban propaganda of all sex to minors

MOSCOW, January 28, 2014 ( – The Russian government has outflanked opponents from the homosexualist lobby furious over the prohibition on promoting the “gay lifestyle” by proposing to expand the law to include promotion to children of any sexual activity outside natural marriage. The existing law makes it a crime to promote “non-traditional” homosexual relations to children and young people under 18.

Changes to the law, submitted in the Duma on Friday, propose to remove the term “non-traditional” sexual activity, and change the wording to a prohibition on propagandizing of any sexual relations among under-aged children and of the idea of a “priority of sexual relations” on children’s minds, Itar-Tass reported Sunday.

The bill cites the increase in sexual activity among teens as well as the need to protect children from information “damaging to the values of family life, the spiritual and intellectual development of minors.”  (more...)

254 'boy words'

Those debating whether homosexuals should be scout leaders should take a look at the dictionary to help decide whether or not homosexuals have an inordinate interest in young boys. Or is it really as gay rights leaders say — they just labor in young boys’ best interests.

Let’s look it up and see if pederasts (men who sexually assault boys) comprise just a small cadre within the much larger male homosexual population.

The dictionary I am talking about is not in your local library. There, molester may be the only word “straights” would think of for men who sexually assault boys. No, I am talking about “The Queens’ Vernacular” (QV), which is advertised as, “Everyman’s dictionary to the gay underworld” and the “current language of a very large group of people who are members (part or full-time) of the homosexual community.” In the QV there are 254 words for boys, most of these involve men sexually abusing boys.  (more...)

And a little practice using them...

Sex Research Group Linked to Pedophiles Granted UN Recognition

NEW YORK, January 24 (C-FAM) An academic group whose research was obtained from pedophiles and launched the sexual revolution in the U.S. has received accreditation by the United Nations.

The infamous Kinsey Report was the basis for relaxing attitudes and penalties for sex crimes against women and children, and for comprehensive sexual education that teaches small children about sexual acts.

This week the Kinsey Institute went before the UN committee that accredits groups to participate in the UN. This comes as abortion groups are lobbying for comprehensive sex education to be a major part of the UN’s policy agenda and development work.

Alfred Kinsey claimed children are sexual from infancy. His primary sources were adult men who recorded details of their sexual contacts with children for his book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.   (more...)

Now, it's not even politically correct to advertise Catholic education

Forget teaching the faith in its fullness.We now have gotten to the point that we can't even talk respectfully about Catholic education in the public square. Take the recent incident of the video produced by the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association called, Faith in Our Future. It's a harmless bit of advertising about the value of Catholic education. But there have been complaints about it as soon as it was released and so it's been officially withdrawn.

 Who complained? Supposedly those who want a complete end to Catholic education. It's people who work and represent public education and don't like Catholic advertising because it may bring more students to the separate system. You see there's now a battle for student bodies, not the quality of education. More pupils means more money, better facilities, more teachers and administrators and the unions too get to collect more fees. It's mostly to do with money and control of the educational system. Education in Ontario is an enterprise worth billions of dollars.  (more...)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Warren Farrell and Erin Pizzey - In Conversation

Two cultural icons of our time discuss hot topics in family matters and gender relations.


A fringe American blogger is facing blowback after posting an anti-family screed, "I look down on young women with husbands and kids and i'm not sorry."

Alberta panel on foster deaths hears review system splintered, un-coordinated

A roundtable discussion on deaths in provincial care
EDMONTON – Alberta’s chief medical examiner says the system is too splintered and disconnected when it comes to determining why and how children die in government care.

Dr. Anny Sauvageau told a meeting on foster care that the province needs to create a specific committee of experts with the authority and resources to examine all child deaths.

She also says her office needs a broader mandate to examine not only the manner of death, but to propose ways to prevent similar tragedies.

She says while current fatality review hearings are held to make recommendations to prevent deaths of children in care, no one in government is tasked with checking to see if the recommendations are ever acted on.  (more...)

Women and Children First

Cuando yo crezca, voy a tener bebes por dinero. Igual que mi mama.

When I grow up, I want to have babies for money. Just like my mom.

The women most at risk of hearing these words are women of color, immigrant women, and women in developing countries: in other words, the most marginalized and vulnerable. These are sisters, mothers, and daughters who are the supply-side target consumers in the multi-billion dollar “wombs for rent” industry of commercial surrogacy.

Earlier this summer, the District of Columbia’s City Council held hearings on the Collaborative Reproduction Act that will be reintroduced in 2014. Supporters presented the bill as a “solution” for couples struggling with infertility. In effect, this bill would legalize commercial surrogacy—women renting out their wombs to incubate the in vitro fertilized fetuses of other couples  (more...)

Monday, January 27, 2014

TV weatherman Fred Talbot charged with 10 sex offences against five boys

TV weatherman Fred Talbot has been charged with a string of offences following investigations into historic sexual abuse claims.

The 64-year-old was today charged with 10 sexual offences dating back to his time as a teacher at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys and at a school in Tyne and Wear during the 1970s and 1980s.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said today's charges related to the sexual abuse of five victims, three of whom were under 16 at the time.

The television presenter from Bowdon, Altrincham, is due to appear at Manchester Magistrates’ Court on 11 February.

Six counts of indecent assault relate to incidents involving one victim who attended a school in Newcastle at the time.

The other offences relate to four former pupils of Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, the police spokesman said.  (more...)

The exorcisms of Latoya Ammons

Father Mike Maginot performed an
exorcism on LaToya Ammons in
St Steven Martyr Church in Merrillville, Ind.
A woman and three children who claimed to be possessed by demons. A 9-year-old boy walking backward up a wall in the presence of a family case manager and hospital nurse.

Gary police Capt. Charles Austin said it was the strangest story he had ever heard.

Austin, a 36-year veteran of the Gary Police Department, said he initially thought Indianapolis resident Latoya Ammons and her family concocted an elaborate tale as a way to make money. But after several visits to their home and interviews with witnesses, Austin said simply, "I am a believer."

Not everyone involved with the family was inclined to believe its incredible story. And many readers will find Ammons' supernatural claims impossible to accept.

But, whatever the cause of the creepy occurrences that befell the family — whether they were seized by a systematic delusion or demonic possession — it led to one of the most unusual cases ever handled by the Department of Child Services. Many of the events are detailed in nearly 800 pages of official records obtained by The Indianapolis Star and recounted in more than a dozen interviews with police, DCS personnel, psychologists, family members and a Catholic priest.

Ammons, who swears by her story, has been unusually open. While she spoke on condition her children not be interviewed or named, she signed releases letting The Star review medical, psychological and official records that are not open to the public — and not always flattering.

Furthermore, the family's story is made only more bizarre because it involves a DCS intervention, a string of psychological evaluations, a police investigation and, ultimately, a series of exorcisms.

It's a tale, they say, that started with flies.  (more...)


Paedophile Jimmy Savile may have camped on school grounds in a caravan

Paedophile Jimmy Savile may have stayed in a caravan on school grounds during a roadshow tour in the Seventies, it has been revealed.

Lawyers investigating sex abuse claims are now looking into Savile's activities at the unnamed school, in West Bridgford, Notts. where it is thought he stayed during the height of his TV fame.

The lawyers are also looking into allegations that Savile would often park his van off the A1 in Grantham and trawl the area looking for victims.

Last year a Nottingham woman claimed she was molested by Savile during a roadshow at Saxondale Hospital, near Radcliffe-on-Trent in 1971.

In 2012 it was also revealed that Scotland Yard investigated the pervert for molesting a young girl in his mobile home at BBC Television Centre.

In total seven complaints made to Notts Police about Savile have been referred to Operation Yewtree.  (more...)

Victims' counselor breaks the silence:

But, Savile isn't the reecord-holder:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

TCDSB Chair misleads parents about Catholic education

A Catholic education is much more than positive sounding words like "success"
In the January 26, 2014 issue of The Catholic Register there's a letter published in the Readers Speak Out section from the Chair of the Toronto Catholic District School Board by Jo-Ann Davis. It's about Catholic education. She is essentially telling parents that the current state of Catholic education is sound and that the quality of education the 92,000 students receive in all 201 schools is loyal to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. We wish respond and disagree with Jo-Ann Davis and all the other TCDSB trustees who voted to pass "equity and Inclusive education" which is a deceptive expression that benignly masks the rejection of the faith in its fullness. The right of parents to direct the moral education of children was simply overruled in the entire process by the majority of trustees and board administrators. How can parents trust this kind of leadership to guide and protect our children? Here's our message to her.  (more...)

Facts Might Change, But We Often Don’t

What is true is constantly changing.  When I was in high school, my science text book stated unequivocally that the entire universe consisted of 16 galaxies.  Period.  Now, a half century later, we do not know how many galaxies there are.  Because there are so many.  NASA estimates there are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars.  There are so many we don’t even have the capability to count them all.

Facts change.  In an interesting book about this, “The Half-Life of Facts,” Samual Arbesman observes that while the facts change, we often don’t.  Arbesman writes, “(e)ven if we are confronted with facts that should cause us to update our understanding of the way the world works, we often neglect to do so.  We persist in only adding facts to our personal store of knowledge that jibe with what we already know, rather than assimilate new facts irrespective of how they fit into our worldview.”

In other words, we tend to believe what we already believe.  And too often we double down on what we believe, on what we know to be true, even when it isn’t.

The Gay and Lesbian Independent School Teachers Network (now known as the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network—GLSEN) was founded in 1990 by Kevin Jennings.  The organization’s stated mission is to eliminate discrimination, harassment and bullying of LGBT students in grades K-12, and it is carried out by forming Gay Straight Alliances in our schools.  A seemingly noble mission.  Reportedly there are now 3,600 such alliances operating throughout the U.S.  (more...)

Saturday, January 25, 2014


TORONTO, January 31, 2003 ( - The Toronto Star reports today that Fr. Gordon Davies, former dean of studies at St. Augustine Seminary who left his position and the priesthood two years ago, is now attempting to develop a retirement home for gays and lesbians in Toronto.  Sources told LifeSite that Fr. Davies’ departure from the Catholic seminary and his abandonment of his University of Toronto teaching position with tenure was very strange and unexpected.

The Toronto Star seemed to relish its interview with the former priest. The very liberal Star has for many years been a frequent critic of the Catholic Church and especially its moral teachings.  (more...)

Fondly remembered here:

The Long Suffering of Canada's Catholic Children

Sit down beside a large bottle of Jack Daniels, and read:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Nothing ‘middle class’ about teachers’ salaries, prof says

WATERLOO — Teachers who think they’re part of the middle class are mistaken, says a Wilfrid Laurier University economics professor.

Based solely on their wages, teachers are considered middle class when they start teaching but after five years they have “decisively exited the middle class,” said David Johnson.

Johnson points to the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario website, where a letter to parents states, “The government has announced that it will be seeking concessions from other public sector workers. This is not the solution to Ontario’s economic challenges. It shrinks the size of the middle class.”

“This group is not part of the middle class,” Johnson said. “The notion that they are part of the middle class is completely wrong.”  (more...)

Former deputy speaker Nigel Evans appears in court to deny nine charges of rape and sexual offences against seven men

The former deputy speaker Nigel Evans today denied nine sexual offence charges against seven men when he appeared before a judge.

The MP for Ribble Valley in Lancashire entered formal not guilty pleas during the pre-trial hearing at Preston Crown Court.

He stood in the dock, hands clasped at his front, to repeat 'not guilty' as each charge was put to him.

The 56-year-old is accused of two counts of indecent assault, six of sexual assault and one of rape.

The indictment includes an extra charge of sexual assault which was only added to the charge sheet today.

All of the offences are alleged to have taken place from 2002 to April 1, last year.

Evans resigned as Commons deputy speaker after he was charged on September 10.  (more...)

Disgraced Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins launches appeal bid against 35-year sentence for child sex offences

Former Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins, who was handed a 35-year sentence for a string of child sex offences, has lodged an application for permission to appeal his prison term.

The Court of Appeal move by the disgraced rock star, whose sentence is made up of a custodial term of 29 years and a further six years on licence, was confirmed by the Judicial Office today.

Watkins, 36, from Pontypridd, was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court last month.

He confessed to 13 sickening offences, including two counts of attempted rape of a baby, and was described as a  'determined and committed paedophile' by the presiding judge.

His two accomplices, who can only be named as Woman A and Woman B for legal reasons, were jailed for 14 years and 16 years respectively.

The court was told that after sexually touching a groupie's 11-month-old baby, Watkins tried to have penetrative sex with the child.

He also encouraged a second fan to abuse her child during a webcam chat and secretly stashed child porn videos, some of which he had made himself.

Sentencing judge Mr Justice Royce told Watkins: 'Those who have appeared in these courts over many years see a large number of horrific cases. This case, however, breaks new ground.

'I am satisfied that you are a deeply corrupting influence, you are highly manipulative, you are a sexual predator, you are dangerous.

'The public and, in particular, young females need protection from you.'  (more...)


Product of a culture of creep?

Prosecutor: Many teachers refused to cooperate with investigation of colleague who molested young boy

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Teachers play an incredibly important role in children’s lives.

Perhaps their most fundamental responsibility is to make sure the kids entrusted to them are safe when they are in school, five days per week, six or seven hours per day.

That’s why law enforcement officials in Rochester, New York are so baffled and upset by the lack of cooperation they received from several teachers and school administrators who had worked with Matthew LoMaglio, an elementary gym teacher who was convicted last month of sexually molesting an 8-year-old male student during the 2006-07 school year.

Many in the community were also surprised and disappointed that more than 20 educators wrote to the court in the pre-sentencing phase, expressing support for LoMagio but little or no sympathy for the young victim.  (more...)

Victim of notorious Saint John child predator shares his story

Bobby Hayes talks about being sexually abused by former Saint John, NB police
officer Kenneth Estabrooks, and the damage done to dozens of his friends.
This week on 16×9, we update an exclusive report we originally aired in September 2013.

Our story featured the dark memories of survivors of childhood sexual assaults committed by former Saint John, N.B., police officer Kenneth Estabrooks. The abuses spanned 25 years from 1957 to 1982 and it was the first time many of the survivors had ever told anyone their stories. Over a six-month investigation, we uncovered the names of 40 victims and communicated directly with ten.

Then, just two days after our story aired, the City of Saint John revealed shocking new victim numbers that were much higher than anyone had imagined. Investigators hired by the city said they had received information leading them to believe Estabrooks assaulted 263 children, making him one of the worst child predators in Canadian history.

But still, the victims were shrouded in secrecy. They would only speak to 16×9 on the condition of anonymity.

Now, for the first time, one of the survivors is stepping out of the shadows.  (more...)

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Marissa Semkiw reports on the CAMH psychologist who's arguing that pedophilia is an inborn condition, not a learned sexual behaviour.

Teen girls pledge support to abortion organization in Ottawa-area Catholic High School

OTTAWA, January 22, 2014 ( – An Ottawa parent is outraged after discovering a Catholic high school allowing its students to pledge support to an organization that champions women’s rights by promoting abortion and contraception.

Teens of Notre Dame High School attended their first Girls Night Out event in October where money was collected for Plan Canada’s “Because I am a Girl” campaign. Earlier in the week students were signing a pledge of support for the group promoted by the school’s chaplaincy department.

Plan Canada equates sexual health for girls with easy access to abortion and contraception. “[It’s about] having control over your own body when it comes to having sex and having children,” the group states on its website for teens.

“Girls and women have been in a looonnggggg (sic)  fight to have control over their own bodies, especially when it comes to getting pregnant and having babies. The fight isn’t over yet…”  (more...)

Tania Pontbriand guilty of sexually assaulting Rosemere student

A former high school teacher has been found guilty of sexually exploiting a student.

Tania Pontbriand was found guilty on Thursday of seducing a 15-year-old boy and continuing a sexual relationship with him for several years.

She was charged in 2008, six years after the relationship began, and the trial faced several delays including having a judge replaced.

Pontbriand was a Phys. Ed. teacher with the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board and was 32 years old when she started abusing her student.

The young man only approached police after the relationship ended, and testified in court that while the abuse was happening he did not realize how damaging it was.

Pontbriand denied that any physical activity ever took place between her and the alleged victim, but evidence presented in court showed that a sleeping bag contained both Pontbriand and the accuser’s sexual fluids.  (more...)

Sex, schools and social suicide

Over the last three decades, social scientists, educational researchers, and pundits have probed for the reason why educationally the US on the fringe of being a Third World country. In particular, why does the academic achievement of American students begin to fall off during junior high and plummet during the high school years?

The “failure theories” are many: our schools are too big; our schools are too small; our school year is too short; our school day is too long; our teachers are too dumb or too lazy or under paid; our parents don’t care; we don’t give the schools enough money. Critics endlessly opine that our students don’t have enough arts, enough sports; enough science, enough math. They don’t have enough homework; they have too much homework. What is being missed from the analyses is the teenagers’ elephant in the room, their Kim Kardashian at the Sunday school picnic: sex.  (more...)

Recovering Humanae Vitae in Canada

Authorities break up international pedophile ring

Earlier Story:

Chicago archdiocese releases documents detailing sexual abuse by priests

Pro-Life Birth Control? What About Gay?

Strike a nerve?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Vatican "Gay Lobby" - a Timeline, etc.

Here are the main episodes of this ongoing story.

1. June 11, 2013: "Gay lobby" mentioned. Rorate was the first venue to lift the matter from an obscure Chilean source: the content of the Pope's informal conversation with the leaders of the Latin American Conference of Religious (CLAR), in which the Pope himself spoke of a "gay lobby"; we were also the first bring it to worldwide attention with our translation. For more detail, see our original post.

2. July 18, 2013: Sandro Magister mentions strong hints of homosexual liaisons of one of the most powerful men in the Vatican, Msgr. Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca, manager of the Domus Sanctae Marthae (where the Pope lives) and named for relevant overseeing positions in the Vatican  - in a series of posts...  (more...)

Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences; The Red Queen & The Grand Scheme

Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape in Philadelphia

In a review of inspection reports posted recently by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Pro-Life Action League has uncovered some very disturbing findings concerning two Planned Parenthood facilities in Philadelphia.

On August 29, 2013 Department of Health inspectors conducted an annual registration survey [PDF] of Planned Parenthood’s Locust Street Health Center, during which they reviewed the facility’s policy related to external reporting to appropriate agencies as related to The Pennsylvania Crimes Code and the Child Protective Service Law.

The Planned Parenthood Locust Street Health Center’s policy, updated December 2012, stated:
Statutory sexual assault (“statutory rape”) is sexual intercourse when one person is under the age of 16 and the other is 4 or more years older. It is a crime, however it is NOT a mandated reportable incident. …
But under Pennsylvania law, statutory rape is a mandated reportable incident.  Planned Parenthood’s policy was flat-out wrong.  (more...)

Canadian gvmt canceled Nigerian president’s visit after he signed homosexuality law

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan
OTTAWA, January 21, 2014 ( - African media is reporting that a state visit by Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan to Canada planned for February has been canceled by the Canadian government because Jonathan signed his country’s controversial homosexuality law.

The law imposes a 14-year prison sentence on anyone who enters a “same-sex marriage contract or civil union” or aids and abets such an action. It also bans public displays of affection between homosexuals, along with gay clubs and organizations. reports that sources in Abuja said the Nigerian ambassador to Canada, Ojo Madueke, was told by an undisclosed Canadian official to inform President Jonathan that the state visit to Canada scheduled for February 13-14, 2014 had been scrapped.  (more...)

Putin to homosexuals: Come to Olympics but ‘leave children in peace’

KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia, January 20, 2014 ( - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that homosexual people are welcome to attend the Sochi Olympics and can "feel safe and free" in Russia during the winter games, but warned them to “leave children in peace.”

Homosexuality itself is not a crime in Russia, so gay people can “feel calm, at ease, but leave children in peace, please,” Putin said at a meeting with Olympic volunteers in the mountain village of Krasnaya Polyana, the base outside Sochi for Olympic snow sports, according to RIA Novosti.

"We don't outlaw anything and don't nab anyone. Our law prescribes no responsibility for these kinds of relationships unlike laws in some other countries do,” he said.

But he did emphasize that the law bans homosexual propaganda targeting minors.  (more...)

"Humanae Vitae": Failure to Freedom by Monsignor Vincent Foy


     The title I had given this article was "Humanae Vitae:  31 Years On", because it was a response to an article entitled "Humanae Vitae:  30 Years On".  The latter article appeared in the Dominican Review "Doctrine and Life" of January 1999.  It was a vicious attack on the encyclical.  My attention appeared in the July-August 2000 issue of Catholic Insight under the title "Humanae Vitae":  Failure to Freedom.  I sent a copy to the author and the editor of "Doctrine and Life"  but received no reply.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

REALity January 2014

Aberrosexual "Secret Society" in the Vatican? Colonel Elmar Mäder Describes Security Risk

Last Sunday the article appeared in the weekly newspaper  Switzerland on Sunday,  "Ex-Guard Chief Warns of a Secret Society." This contained the published testimony of the former Guards Commandant Elmar Mäder.  The 51-year-old Mäder knows the Vatica very well. Initially he was four years from 1998, the Vice-Commander, then six years commander of the Swiss Guard. The scandal and horror stories that are often told about the Vatican, he denied: these "cock and bull stories obviously lack any factual basis." The existence of a homo-lobby in the Vatican, he does not deny, however: "The claim that there is a gay network, I can not refute. My experience speaks for the existence of such."

From Mäder is said that he expressly warned his young guards against certain clergy and intervened against homo-machinations directly and in writing to the Curia. This had contributed to his departure as a commander.[!]

"To work in an environment where the large majority of men are unmarried is, per se, a magnet for homosexuals, whether they seek consciously or unconsciously to follow an urge,"   said Switzerland on Sunday  citing the Colonel. "The Roman Curia is certainly the type of such an environment. Just as it comes as little surprise that pedophiles can be found in many   environments with children such as schools or sports clubs," says Maeder.  (more...)

Cincinnati’s Curious Masonic Church

Cincinnati has long appeared to have a revolving door between the Masonic lodges and the Catholic Church.  Having grown up there, I can recall discussions of various people who were both in Knights of Columbus and Masons, and rumors of parishes that were pagan experiments.  People talk, and that sort of talk happened way before blogging.

In all of that talk there was always a pernicious discussion that the erstwhile vocations director for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati would wear a masonic ring.  In that day, when then metropolitan, Archbishiop Daniel Pilarczyk, was placing such curious women and lay people as Barbara Fiand into the seminary for the “advancement of the laity,” as well as gutting the language of the Mass with ICEL, there was some rumors that would rise to the level of press reports.  This rumor of a freemasonic vocations director was one of those...  (more...)

These guys really get around:

California woman posts conversation with 'childhood rapist teacher'

Jamie Carrillo
A California woman posted a recording online of a conversation in which she confronted a former teacher she says was her "childhood rapist."

Jamie Carrillo shot video of herself calling Andrea Cardosa, her middle school basketball coach in Riverside, Calif.

"I am 28 years old and have been waiting years to get up enough courage to report a teacher for sexually abusing me for years," Carrillo wrote in the caption accompanying the chilling eight-minute YouTube video, saying she wanted to "let the public know what kind of person is around their children."  (more...)

Other coverage:

Flashback: For those who thought the sexual abuse of minors...

...was or is just a "Catholic thing," they should carefully read this lengthy October 20, 2007, Associated Press report about the "plague" of sexual misconduct in American public schools. A couple of snippets:
Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped. They're pursued, seduced and think they're in love. 
An Associated Press investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to sadistic. 
There are 3 million public school teachers nationwide, most devoted to their work. Yet the number of abusive educators — nearly three for every school day — speaks to a much larger problem in a system that is stacked against victims. 
Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims. 
And no one — not the schools, not the courts, not the state or federal governments — has found a surefire way to keep molesting teachers out of classrooms.  (more...)

Saskatchewan officials say more than 500 children have died under the province’s care

A father, who can only be identified as Merle, visits the grave site of his infant
daughter at the Paul First Nation. She died while in foster care and the parents are
suing the government for $1 million.
Read the Journal's series at
EDMONTON - A newspaper investigation in Saskatchewan has forced provincial officials in that province to admit at least 539 children known to child welfare have died there since 1992.

A six-part Regina Leader-Post investigative report that began Saturday found one in four of those children were in foster care when they died, and the remainder were receiving services from the ministry but had not yet been apprehended.

Of those 539 children, roughly 40 per cent died preventable deaths, while 40 per cent of the deaths were natural.

The figures had never been released to the public.  (more...)

Media Matters gropes to defend union opposition to federal classroom predator bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Since when did the effort keep sexual predators away from children become a controversial issue?

When the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers decided to put collective bargaining and adult employee’s so-called rights ahead of child safety.

A bill in Congress – introduced by Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives and passed by a voice vote in that chamber – would require a background check for government school employment applicants and would bar those with certain serious felonies from being hired. The felonies? Murder, rape, spousal abuse, arson and kidnapping.

It would also “bar school districts and state agencies from transferring workers who have engaged in sexual misconduct with minors to another location,” according to the Associated Press.

It makes total sense, right?  (more...)

Does the Toronto District School Board need "Gender Independent Groups" for kids in kindergarten???

We're told by third-rate academics in Gender Studies programs that gender is a social construct. 
On the other hand, neuroscientists and biologists know that there are distinct differences between male and female humans which are not only physiological, but affect thinking patterns and behavior.  For that matter, so does anyone with minimal observational ability and a modicum of common sense.

Those of us who have children, or remembers anything of their own childhood, are aware of the natural differences between the sexes...  (more...)

U of T Prof says: Give a guy a break

OISE and U of T show their anti-Christian bias

OISE and its anti-Christian programs
According to their website, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto "is recognized around the world as a leader in initial and continuing teacher education, graduate programs in education and education research. OISE is the largest and most research-intensive faculty of education in Canada, and one of the largest in North America. Guided by our commitment to equity and social justice, and mindful of our special responsibility to lead, we will enhance our impact as we continue to shape how the world thinks and goes about education."


The cover pages sound real good and inviting until one does a little investigating into the details. OISE has gone beyond its educational mandate to fully embrace political correctness. OISE and the University of Toronto use their courses of study to push “inclusive and equity education.” Under the umbrella of higher education they do a good job at indoctrinating university students and future teachers. Take this for example. Students can now earn a degree by selecting a program in the area of homosexuality. The university prefers to call it "sexual diversity studies" as well as the use of the acronym LGTBQ, lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual and questioning. However, the name may change but subject remains the same.  (more...)

A gut-wrenching expose of the trap that's been prepared for our children:

Still think this is innocent fun?
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