Saturday, August 27, 2022

Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's Henchmen Fled Justice and How the CIA Recruited Former SS Men


Germany Italy Argentina Nazi ratlines war crimes lawlessness International Red Cross Catholic clergy cold war CIA OSS books

Nazis on the Run: How Hitler's Henchmen Fled Justice is a 2011 book by Gerald Steinacher.

In this work, Steinacher compiles evidence from declassified International Committee of the Red Cross and US State Department documents that demonstrate the ways that the Catholic Church, the International Committee of the Red Cross and US government, as represented by the Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.), the precursor to the CIA, aided Nazi war criminals in their escape from Europe and retribution for their crimes against humanity. In light of this evidence, Steinacher further analyzes these three major institutions (the ICRC, the US government and the Catholic Church) aided Nazi war criminals in their escape from Justice. In many ways, Steinacher argues, the threat of the spread of Communism provided an impulse for the US government and the Catholic Church to aid Nazis who might potentially become new allies in their war against Godless Communism. As Steinacher writes, "In this context, underground networks born of the collaboration between the ICRC and the Catholic Church to help Nazis escape became useful to the Allies themselves."

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