Monday, July 4, 2022

Allen Dulles, William Buckley, and the Nazi International


Allen Dulles OSS WWII Third Reich Nazi International Malmo William Buckley terrorism history Odessa HIAG Die Spinne Axis destabilization assassination

Over the last two years a global reorganization of the fascist Malmo International has occurred, pulling out of the woodwork the postwar remnants of the secret police and intelligence services of the defeated Axis powers, especially the Nazis who regrouped in networks like Odessa, HIAG, and Die Spinne ("The Spider"). Together with their heirs, these old Nazis are being used to assist in preparation for a wave of regional destabilizations by separatist armies and for political assassinations by both left- and right-wing terrorist groups.

Marching orders for this reactivation of the Malmo International have been issued by the same Anglo-SwissVenetian oligarchy which imposed fascist regimes upon Europe in the 1920s and 1930s, and protected the relocation of thousands of leading Nazis and their quisling allies to "safe havens" after World War II. Daily coordination of this fascist international is carried out through monarchical cults like the Knights of Malta, whose many branches unite the oligarchy; through the British Secret Intelligence Service and its factional allies in other nations; through an interlocking network of banks, corporations, and law firms, many of which helped fund Hitler and Mussolini; and through such affiliates of the Malmo International as the European Center for Documentation (EDCI), Pan-Europa Union, Euro-Droit, and the World Anti-Communist League.

In the United States, it is the political faction represented by Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance James Buckley and National Review publisher William F. Buckley, together with some members of such groups as the East Side Conservative Club and Gotham Club, which functions today as the principal controllers of Malmo International terrorism. The Buckleys have inherited this role from the Dulles family; John Foster and Allen Dulles used their respective positions as Secretary of State and Director of Central Intelligence to incorporate elements of the Malmo International into U.S. coldwar operations ranging from the 1956 "Operation Splinter Factor" destablization of Eastern Europe to the 1963 Bay of Pigs invasion fiasco. They also drew upon lifelong ties to the financial interests that put Hitler in power and upon Allen Dulles's fellow Office of Strategic Services veterans to mount major private intelligence opertions using the Malmo International. On the U.S. end this private channel includes members of such law firms as Sullivan & Cromwell, Coudert Brothers, and Corcoran, Foley, Youngman & Rowe, as well as the United Brands Company.   (more...)

Allen Dulles, William Buckley, and the Nazi International

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