Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dealing with workplace bullying

Bullying in the workplace appears to be a growing phenomenon, and is rarely taken seriously by managements or HR departments, whose first instinct is to back the bully when they are the one with the senior position. I cannot say a lot here, but I want to share information on this subject as much as possible – the more there is an increase in awareness, the more it might be possible to increase vigilance about it.

I have known a number of bullies over the years – there are many in both music and academia – and almost without exception they are deeply inadequate people who by chance have achieved some position for which they are not really capable in any way. Instead of doing the natural and decent thing – to try and learn more and gain skills and experience on the job, and learn from and respect where possible those who may not have their position of seniority – they are ever vigilant against anyone who might see them for what they are, and want to do everything they can to destroy such people, who they perceive as threats. Overpromoted, inadequate people tend also to try and recruit in their own image, and this is one way in which a culture of bullying becomes consolidated within an institution.  (more...)

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