Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Shutting down the International Assassination Bureau


assassination globalists terrorism Ukraine proxy war sovereignty NATO imperialism neocolonialism militarism cold war shock doctrine resource extraction financialization deception

Q. How do we shut down the International Assassination Bureau, and prevent it from killing heads of state, including American Presidents? Let’s take America. To expose the international assassination machine, we must change the political culture of the United States. Exactly how would we do that? 

Lyndon LaRouche offers a partial answer, taking the specific case of the United States: “As all of us who are adults, and who are honest about what we know, recall, that, with the most extremely rare individual exceptions, virtually every American, including those who claim to be devoutly religious, is an impulsive liar. He, or she will lie, almost instinctively, as the typically depraved members of ‘debaters' clubs’ do, and as certain popular political candidates do, ‘to win the argument,’ ‘to get my way.’”

When both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden refused, despite the law mandating it, to release the entirety of the files in the John F. Kennedy assassination, it was a way of perpetuating the most important lie, deception and coverup against the American people in the nation’s history. Today’s systemic addiction to self-deception, such as is seen in the present, unresolved banking crisis, the blowing up of the Nordstream pipeline, the “man-made global warming” fantasy, the Russiagate hoax, has made the country more and more ungovernable. This, in turn, endangers the entire planet; our self-deception has led to the doorstep of imminent thermonuclear war, but we pretend that is not the case.

Today’s Manhattan dialogue, occurring two weeks before the June 10 60th anniversary of JFK’s “Peace Speech” at American University features Prof. Clifford Kiracofe, President of the Washington Institute for Peace and Development, and Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité et Progrès party, and former French Presidential candidate; Col Richard Black, former head of the US Army Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former VA State Senator; and TLO spokesman Harley Schlanger.

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