Monday, May 15, 2023

Poland Should Leave the American Sector Now!


America Poland subservience social control imperialism politics business military

 American domination over Poland should be analyzed on several levels. First, there is direct political and administrative control and this is not only about the sphere of intergovernmental and interallied arrangements. Working in the regional council years ago, I was surprised to learn that the American Embassy conducts regular briefings and teleconferences with the provincial governors, i.e. regional government representatives (in the rank corresponding to a deputy minister in the Polish system). Lower functionaries of the American diplomatic mission in Poland receive reports and issue direct orders to high- and middle-level Polish officials, managing straight on local matters, including elements of transport system, airports and highways construction, border crossing management, and of course public order and security. For Poles, such a positioning of a foreign Embassy, completely openly and officially above the structures of the state, evokes an unambiguous association with the period of the collapse of the Polish state in the 18th Century, when similar practices were typical for the ambassadors of the Russian, Prussian and Austrian empires. Even during Soviet period, control was more discreet and less ostentatious.

That was quite similar with the presence of the Soviet Army in communist Poland. Unlike today with the Americans and their Polish supporters, the Soviets showed a certain degree of sensitivity and understanding for Polish feelings and national pride.  Stationing of the Soviet Army was not exposed in any way. Practically, apart from the actual places of deployment, the Soviets were not visible at all, they functioned almost exclusively in their bases, and there was a censorship record in the media on these topics. It was kind a shameful affair, even for the Polish communists, who liked to present themselves as the lesser evil, also dissatisfied with the Soviet guests. No one has ever thought about celebrating the foreign troops presence in Poland, no joy parades were organized for this reason, children in schools were not asked to draw cheerful pictures expressing delight that we were occupied. And this is exactly what happens now, how we are obliged to react on the Americans, despite their activity is more than burdensome. G.I. Joes have caused hundreds of road accidents, provoked fights and argues in bars, harassed Polish women and still the only acceptable reaction should be constant joy and invoking “strategic Polish-American friendship”. The Soviets at least spared us this hypocrisy. (more...)

Poland Should Leave the American Sector Now!

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