Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud


Christianity pharmaceuticals fraud COVID vaccinations manipulation brainwashing human experimentation harms injuries fatalities collusion complicity churches

Entertainment industries across the world were enlisted to sing and dance about the wonder of vaccines, and how the COVID shot would end lockdowns, give us back our freedom and save the world. The constant message was “Just get the shot!”

As noted in the film, 46% of all vaccine injuries in the last three decades have occurred in the past two years,2 following the rollout of these experimental gene therapies, and deaths from the COVID jabs now surpass deaths from COVID-19 itself.

That’s the end result of this mass indoctrination campaign. Not improved public health. Not freedom. And even though a majority of the populations across the globe have received the shot, the pandemic STILL has not been declared “over.”

A key component of the campaign to entice people into taking these experimental bioweapons has been to enlist “trusted messengers,”3,4,5 from social media influencers and celebrities to medical doctors and faith leaders.

Even former U.S. presidents preached the gospel of the COVID jabs, as seen in the video above. In it, they repeat the Big Lie — that the shots will prevent infection and spread, thereby putting an end to the pandemic. But the enlistment of faith leaders has perhaps been one of the most effective, yet egregious, ways to get shots into arms.

As reported by the Daily Wire, evangelical pastors, theologians and seminary heads across the U.S. followed the lead of Dr. Francis Collins, a self-proclaimed Christian and the former head of the National Institutes of Health, who “leveraged his relationships with church leaders like ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ author Rick Warren and apologist Tim Keller to convince Christians across the nation that submitting to lockdowns and mandates was a matter of obedience to God.”  (more...)

Unholy Alliance — Faith Leaders Pushing Pharma Fraud

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