Tuesday, November 22, 2022

JFK's Defense of Promethean Christianity And the Rise of a Green Death Cult


Kennedy science technology progress feudalism colonialism assassination Gaia environmentalism ecofascism dehumanization serfdom globalists geopolitics emancipation

Matthew Ehret contrasts the substantial promethean moral Christian ethos of John F Kennedy with the slaving fraud of Jesuit Priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Pope Francis who undertook  a project to destroy the sacredness of human life within Christianity by moving the nexus of the "sacred" to an imaginary state of "pristine nature". This "pristine nature" was merely a sleight of hand for a renewed Gaia cult which has seen a new "10 Commandments" unveiled at Mount Sinai during the COP27 event in Egypt in Nov. 2022.

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