Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Nuclear weapons grade plutonium 239 that Germany was trying to obtain from Ukraine for its illegal Nuclear Plan B program


Germany Ukraine Plutonium 239 Chernobyl nuclear weapons bombs lawlessness corruption unaccountability geopolitics

If North Korea, Iran or Iraq were the ones conspiring to obtain Ukraine’s nuclear weapons grade plutonium 239 the whole World would have supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to prevent the acquisition and transfer of the nuclear bomb making Pu-239.

Germany was the one conspiring with Ukraine to obtain possession of Ukraine’s Pu-239 stored in double-walled canisters (DWC), each containing a total of 93 used fuel assemblies from Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (plant and reactors built by Russia). Germany made a deal with Ukraine in 2020 to acquire the nuclear bomb making Pu-239 for German’s secret and illegal “Nuclear Plan B” program – Germany manufacturing nuclear Bombs/weapons.

The Polish Institute of international Affairs reported that Germany & Ukraine partnered in 26 Aug 2020 to decommission Ukraine’s nuclear power plants.

Germany is involved in the energy transition process in Ukraine by providing it with financial and advisory support. It also promotes the German model (Energiewende), which is based on state-supported development of RES, increasing energy efficiency, and decommissioning nuclear and coal-fired power plants. A declaration on energy partnership signed on 26 August 2020 at the ministerial level sets the framework for German-Ukrainian energy cooperation.

Germany wanted the World to think that the Germany Ukraine energy partnership was a good thing. However, the partnership meant Germany (our WWI and WWII enemy) would recover and divert Plutonium-239 in Ukraine to Germany to make nuclear weapons/bombs. Germany agreed to give the bankrupt and failed state Ukraine $billions in exchange for the nuclear weapons grade Pu-239.  (more...)

Nuclear weapons grade plutonium 239 that Germany was trying to obtain from Ukraine for its illegal Nuclear Plan B program

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