Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Post-WWII Ukrainian Immigration to Britain. The “Waffen-SS GB / Ukraine”


Ukraine Nazi Azov United Kingdom Scotland Lockerbie cult proxy war mercenaries WWIII OUN

From the very beginning, the United Kingdom has been the most involved in the Ukrainian war from all Western countries.  Analysing the reasons we should note not only the great changes on the global geopolitical chessboard, but also some important details, less obvious motives of London’s pro-Kiev attitude.  Just like the government-funded public places of worship for the 14th Waffen-SS Division Galizien, located in Lockerbie, on the Scottish English border.

Dumfries and Galloway is unanimously considered to be one of the UK’s most friendly counties. From the mountains to the sea, with numerous castles and attractions, such as the famous wedding venue for fleeing English teenagers, Gretna Green, it is somewhat of a miniature Scotland, also inhabited by English people and (which is admitted slightly less often) by a significant minority of Ukrainian roots.

Lockerbie is small, bur relatively widely known town there, remembered from tragic Pan Am Flight 103 crash in December 1988, which the Libyan government was accused for, what much later became one of the excuses of the Western invasion against Libya.  The town itself, however charming, is off the main tourist routes, but offers another (next to the monument to the victims of Pan Am Flight 103)  dramatic attraction: a chapel erected by the hands of Ukrainian immigrants, former Waffen-SS soldiers who were allowed to live in the UK after WW2.

Britons used them in the military and intelligence tasks of NATO forces against the Eastern Bloc, preparing for WW3. Now it seems  these attempts have resumed.  (more...)

Post-WWII Ukrainian Immigration to Britain. The “Waffen-SS GB / Ukraine”


Nazification of Poland?

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