Sunday, August 23, 2020

Epstein Associate Jean-Luc Brunel: Rape and Trafficking Allegations on Both Sides of the Atlantic


Jean-Luc Brunel Ghislaine Maxwell France Epstein sex trafficking pedophilia crime

A series of photos of Jean-Luc Brunel ‘playing with’ (harassing?) alleged sex-trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell on the “Pedophile Island” was published by UK’s The Sun (and NY Post). The troubling pictures brought back to the headlines the role of a man once described by a fellow agency owner as a “public danger“.

Brunel, Epstein’s associate accused of rape and sex trafficking on both sides of the Atlantic, is reportedly “fed up” with the allegations.

Apparently, the-man-formerly-known-as-Jean-Cul (Johnny Ass) better brace himself for even tougher times.

By now, Brunel, who founded model agencies in France and in the US, has been repeatedly accused of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment by several former models over the span of decades.

Brunel was also allegedly a vital part of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring, having reportedly provided over a thousand of his “daughters” to the “king of pedophiles”.  (more...)

Epstein Associate Jean-Luc Brunel: Rape and Trafficking Allegations on Both Sides of the Atlantic

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