Saturday, June 25, 2016

Sufi religious healer arrested in connection with Peel sex assaults

Police have arrested a Sufi religious healer in connection with a number of sexual assaults in Peel Region.

Peel Regional Police allege that the suspect committed the offences over an eight-year period, beginning in 2008.

The victims were a 15-year-old female and 20-year-old female, according to police.

Syed Ahmed Amir Khan, 37, was arrested on June 17 and charged with two counts of sexual assault, two counts of extortion, two counts of non-consensual distribution of intimate images and one count of sexual exploitation.

Police say that they are concerned there may be other victims out there who have not yet come forward.  (more...)


This post brings together a number of elements that are intended to disabuse the religious right of some of their delusions. The first story, about High-Islamic sexual abuse, illustrates one point of commonality with NeoCatholics, as well as the fact that these people live here among us, not far away in some third world country.

Another point made is that the image of Muslims as barbarous killers with no culture or intellectual tradition comparable to Christianity is illusory. The notion that Benedict XVI someone demonstrated the superiority of Christianity at Regensburg falls flat, given the present chaos of the 2-pope papacy and the abondment by the bishops of tradition and Logos. A closer examination reveals that the real barbarians are in our own churches, schools, and cathedrals.

While living among the milleau at the Universiy of Toronto during the 1970s, I knew Jews, Evangelicals and Ukrainian Orthodox who converted to Islam via the Sufism discussed in the articles linked above. Given the degeneracy of modern Western society and culture, these conversions were entirely rational and beneficial to their families. The corruption and degeneracy in our schools, churches, institutions, and chanceries drove these people to the best option available to them.

You may well ask why I didn't follow these friends and associates into Islam. I was certainly given the best possible evangelization -- an attractive tradition and intelligent Muslim friends, contrasted with a repulsive and toxic local milleau. On the natural plane, Judeo-Christianity had been defeated by modernism and plundered by freemasonry. Everyone had been assigned their price, and the slavemasters picked and chose whoever they willed. Do not look for a worldly saviour from Islam. Reread Isaiah 53.

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