Thursday, August 13, 2015

Private Intelligence Contractors as Public Relations Arm of Military Industrial Complex

Whatsupic -- The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is a closed-loop system wired for aggressive warfare rather than defence and peace.

Evidence shows that “full spectrum dominance” is the goal.  Full spectrum dominance, as described by a U.S Department of Defense (DoD) news article, “means the ability of U.S. forces, operating alone or with allies, to defeat any adversary and control any situation across the range of military operations.”

If the recent destruction and carnage caused by the US/NATO invasion of Libya the illegal coup and carnage in Ukraine, the on-going warfare in Iraq, and now the invasion of Syria are a measure of the expression “full spectrum dominance”, then the DoD goal would more accurately be labelled “global military imperialism”, or, as Michel Chossudovsky describes in two books: “The Globalization of War” and “The Globalization of Poverty”.

The on-going pursuit of this goal is incompatible with the rule of law, and it is leaving a trail of carnage and misery throughout the world.

Clearly, given a choice, most people would prefer that tax dollars be spent domestically and for the common good.  Consequently, the machinations of the MIC occur largely beneath the public radar of awareness.

A web of interlocked agencies serves to manipulate and then capture the public with a view to engineering consent for the toxic military agenda of global domination.  Informed consent is increasingly negated while engineered consent is prevailing.

Private Intelligence Contractors (PICs) are an important component of the “perception management” branch of the machine.  (more...)

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