Sunday, January 12, 2014

Are transgender people victims? Or something else?

Well, in case you don't know, in California, gay marriage and gay parenting are taken as a fait accompli. Even the most extreme cases of gay parenting -- sperm banking for lesbians, funded by the state, and gestational surrogacy for gay men with little to no vetting -- have passed muster and are proliferating. Call California the great sexual snake pit of the world. Governor Brown has done everything to forcibly populate the LGBT community so that ligbitists have a captive constituency to harangue into submission, since Brown has signed into law rules that force schools to teach homosexual curriculum in all public schools and prevent minors from seeking professional help to avoid acting on same-sex attractions -- even if they've been sexually abused.

Governor Brown vetoed a law that would allow for paid egg harvesting, but whenever it's gay people doing the exploiting -- buying eggs, buying babies, raiding overseas orphanages, trafficking humans -- the Governor is joyfully on board.

So now, to avoid boredom and keep their fundraising prospects high, ligbitists in California have moved to the "T" in LGBT. (The "B" is always taboo since bisexuals like me have a choice to date men or women, and gay male activists hate that.)

There is a referendum going up to ensure that people don't give bathroom access to transgender people. Here is a rough, rough, but comprehensive overview of the dire situation  (more...)

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