Sunday, October 20, 2013

Toronto's Catholic Register manipulates Pontiff's words

Is it not bad enough? Some of the Holy Father's language and verbiage are already confusing enough and we've seen how the lame stream media have manipulated his words; but to see this in a Catholic newspaper owned by the Archdiocese of Toronto is quite another thing.

When my "gift" subscription (I don't know who my benefactor is, but there is a parish out there "ordered" to pay for 50 copies to keep it afloat that has me on their list), I was stunned.

The headline on the cover of the October 20 edition:

"I think this is the moment of mercy" ... "Pope seeks reveiw of divorxe, annolment so barred Catholics can return to Church? Page 11...

And on Page 11:

"Pope raises hopes of unmarried Catholics - Call of synod on marriage and family could soon reopen door to sacraments to divorced."

Clearly, when our beloved Pope Emeritus spoke of the "Council of the Media" he had this kind of manipulation in mind.

The article is written by Michael Swan.  (more...)

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