Monday, August 5, 2024

Iran International puts target on heads of McGill Palestine encampment protesters


Canada student activism McGill University Palestine solidarity encampment protests repression smears slander calumny foreign interference fabrications disinformation

An allegedly Saudi-funded media organization has put a target on the heads of McGill University Palestine encampment protesters. Iran International, which UK outlet The Guardian said was funded by the Saudi monarchy via a proxy back in 2018, made the claim that “Iran masterminded anti-Israel protest in Canadian university”.

But Iran International’s headline claim is quickly collapsed by their own article. They quickly admit that a report from the cyber security company, XPOZ, is their main source for the ‘Iran masterminded’ claim. The company’s analysis is based not on any of the McGill University encampment’s actions or funding, only on the question of ‘authentic’ and ‘inauthentic’ social media users who supported the McGill encampment. A ‘high percentage’ of ‘inauthentic’ social media users in favour of the encampment would allegedly write primarily in Farsi, and be “coming from Iranians inside Iran linked to the regime and IRGC”, and this supposedly fueled the McGill encampment. 

The analysis argues that since alleged social media activity at McGill is supposedly made up of 60 per cent ‘inauthentic’ social media users, somehow 60 per cent of “Pro-Palestine campus protestors were not authentic online users”. 

An anonymous XPOZ analyst claimed that “users were not Iranians living in Canada and not regular citizens in Iran but rather tied to the Islamic Republic.” 

So apparently, Iranians in Iran who are in the IRGC were somehow fuelling the McGill encampment and simultaneously 60 per cent of the encampment protesters in Montreal, Canada.  (more...)

Iran International puts target on heads of McGill Palestine encampment protesters

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