Saturday, August 24, 2024

Inside the Ne’eman Foundation, the Israeli military and settler funder that had its charity status stripped in Canada


Ne-eman Foundation Canada Revenue Agency tax exemption charitable status revocation IDF settlements occupation Israel evasion money laundering lawlessness

The Ne’eman Foundation, which recently had its charitable status revoked in Canada, is deeply entwined with settler violence in the occupied Palestinian territory and represents the Judeo-fascist edge of the Canada-to-Israel charity pipeline.

Much of the attention concerning two recent revocations of charitable registrations in Canada has centered upon the apparent downfall of the Jewish National Fund Canada. Undoubtedly, with its proximity to Canadian political power and its historical role as Canada’s bagman for land seizure and greenwashing endeavors in Israel, the Jewish National Fund’s revocation has become a focal point for both celebration and, within Zionist circles, abject dejection. Indeed, with the Jewish National Fund’s promise, made across multiple social media platforms, to “take action” against a perceived bias underlying the Canada Revenue Agency’s decision to revoke, the story may not be officially over.

Comparatively lost in the uproar, however, is the story of the second revoked charity, Ne’eman Foundation Canada. Deeply entwined with settler violence in the occupied Palestinian territory, headquartered in the illegal settlement of Shilo, and with a single donor representing nearly half of the $44 million dollars CDN in revenue that the charity has received since its formal registration in 2011, Ne’eman Canada represents the Judeo-fascist edge of the Canada-to-Israel charity pipeline, itself valued at, on average, upwards of $270 million CDN between 2018-2022.

Ne’eman Canada was founded in 2011 by Zionist settler – and Canadian – Chaim Katz. Until its revocation, Ne’eman Canada acted in synchronicity with the 2015 registered, Boston-headquartered, and Chaim Katz-founded, Ne’eman Foundation USA. The two organizations operated with the sole purpose of funneling donations from the North American diaspora into the Israeli charitable sector. Ne’eman Canada, until its revocation, was the money-mover of the two charities, having brought in, on average, over $6 million CDN per year in revenue between 2016-2022. Comparatively, while revenue has increased, specifically over the last two years of filing, Ne’eman USA brought in under $2 million USA per year between 2016-2022. 

While all remnants of Ne’eman Canada have been scrubbed from a still-active website that presently focuses exclusively upon Ne’eman USA’s ties to the Israeli charitable sector, an archived grab from 2022 describes Ne’eman Canada’s role in offering Canadian donors the opportunity to receive charitable tax credits for donating to any number of Israeli registered charities offered on the website, many of whom provide financial and material support to the Israeli military and/or are physically located within the illegal settlements. This is textbook conduit activity and is not legal in Canada.  (more...)

Inside the Ne’eman Foundation, the Israeli military and settler funder that had its charity status stripped in Canada


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