Thursday, August 29, 2024

Hiding an Ugly Truth About Israel


Nazi Zionists betrayal Judaism cover-up Rudolf Vrba Palestine collusion collaboration deception cover-up genocide Holocaust Israel history

Jonathan Cook on Tony Greenstein’s exposure of a glaring omission in a new biography of Rudolf Vrba, the first Jew to escape Auschwitz and an intense critic of the Zionist movement.

Tony Greenstein offers an excoriating account of how Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland distorted the historical record in his biography of Rudolf Vrba, the first Jew to escape Auschwitz.

One might wonder why Vrba’s incredible story has been buried for decades, given how keen Hollywood is to make Holocaust movies.

Greenstein explains. Vrba’s efforts in early 1944 to warn other Jews of their coming fate in the Nazi death camps were betrayed by European leaders of the Zionist movement, who silenced him.

That movement was prepared to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Jews in return for the Nazis escorting the Zionist elite out of danger in Europe to Palestine. There the Zionist movement was already well-advanced in its preparations to expel the native Palestinians and build a self-declared Jewish state on the ruins of their homeland.

The Zionists’ attitude reflected that of the movement’s founding father, Theodor Herzl:

“The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

Vrba was hugely critical of the Zionist movement for collaborating with the Nazis, and had no love for the Jewish state it spawned.  (more...)

Hiding an Ugly Truth About Israel


Guardian’s Zionist gatekeeper rewrites Holocaust history

The Treachery of the Nazi-Zionist Alliance

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