Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Toronto Jewish community has a genocide problem


Canada Toronto Zionism Gaza genocide racism Islamophobia dehumanization dismissal supremacy religion bigotry exclusion

Tens of thousands of Toronto Jews oppose Israel's holocaust in Gaza. But the mainstream Toronto Jewish community still promotes anti-Palestinian and Muslim racism and supports the ongoing genocide.

Apparently, Toronto Jews largely support Israel’s holocaust in Gaza. Many also claim victimhood while being amongst the best-off ethnic/religious communities in Canada’s largest city.

A genocidal crowd turned out to view last Thursday’s Munk Debates on the question of “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.” The “sophisticated” audience of Munk Debate members, donors, and ticket purchasers booed while Mehdi Hassan listed organizations that have detailed the crimes of their favored ethnostate, including Oxfam.

“What has it come to when you are booing Oxfam?” Hasan said during the debate.

In a similarly crass expression of Jewish supremacism, 300 rallied two weeks ago to oppose the Toronto District School Board adopting an anti-racism strategy. According to the protesters, including a mention of anti-Palestinian racism in the wide-ranging strategy was anti-Jewish.

A few days earlier, tens of thousands of Torontonians marched for a foreign state the UN has blacklisted for violence against children and said commits the crime of “extermination.” At the June 9 Walk for Israel, a group calling itself Canadians Opposed to the Occupation of our Streets and Campuses had a van with digital advertising promoting anti-Palestinian and Muslim racism. It read, “Is this Lebanon? Is this Yemen? Is this Syria? Is this Iraq?” The vehicle then displayed Muslims praying and protesting in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square with Palestinian flags. The ad then says, “No. This is Canada. Wake up Canada. You are under siege.”

Ignored at the Walk for Israel, many politicians later denounced the van’s messaging as Islamophobic.  (more...)

The Toronto Jewish community has a genocide problem

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