Sunday, July 7, 2024

Memorial calls in police to dismantle Palestine solidarity encampment


Canada Memorial University student activism Palestine solidarity encampment Police dismantlement arrests intimidation repression protestors

Three university students charged in the July 5 police operation, which some legal experts say may have violated students’ Charter rights

Friday evening began pleasantly, with members of MUN Students For Palestine enjoying an outdoor barbecue. They were aware Memorial had sent employees in the Arts and Administration building home early, and at the barbecue they discussed whether the university’s intent was to use this as an excuse to file for an injunction to remove student protestors from their 45-day occupation of the building’s lobby. 

Earlier in the day, Memorial asked how much longer students intended to maintain the occupation, and the protestors’ lawyer responded that he would meet with students on Monday to discuss the matter. 

Two hours later, police raided the occupation, without an injunction, and without warning.

Students who were gathered inside the lobby said they became aware around 9:30 p.m. that campus enforcement officers were outside at the campus encampment with trucks and were removing tents. Several students left the lobby to find out what was going on, while two students remained in the lobby, they said. Moments later, more campus enforcement officers arrived and began shutting and locking access doors to the lobby; Hanaa Mekawy was seated in the lobby when it happened.

“It was scary being there alone, not knowing what was going on, and then to see this big scary guy who starts locking the wooden doors on us,” she said. “We were doing nothing, we were just sitting in silence, and they started doing that to intimidate us and scare us, to force us out.”

Students outside became aware of the additional campus enforcement presence and rushed back to the lobby. A few made it back inside before officers managed to lock all the doors. At this point, students said, those inside were given a verbal trespass warning ordering them to leave the building.  (more...)

Memorial calls in police to dismantle Palestine solidarity encampment

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