Monday, July 22, 2024

Canada's complicity in Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza


Canada Gaza genocide complicity Zionism military recruitment charities NGOs ethnic cleansing oppression war crime justice racism white supremacy arms supply

I spoke with prolific Canadian journalist and author Yves Engler about Canada's unconditional support to Israel, even, or especially, as Israel has slaughtered up to nearly 200, 000 Palestinians in Gaza (Lancet), or potentially double that number (Gilbert).

Yves lays out Canada's long history of support to Israel, including during the ongoing Israeli genocide of Gaza, and including over 7 decades ago with Canadian pilots participating in the Zionists' ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

He talks about Canada's arms to Israel, and providing components to the fighter planes which bomb Gaza now, and about the Canadians fighting in the Israeli army, and those being recruited by various charities and organizations in Canada.

Important information you won't hear on legacy media.

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