Tuesday, July 23, 2024

ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel: with Michael Lynk


Canada ICJ ruling apartheid Israel occupation racism ethnic cleansing Palestine settlements annexations crimes against humanity segregation discrimination United Nations justice

On July 19th 2024 the ICJ court released its decision regarding Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. It concluded in its ruling that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied territory is illegal and must end as soon as possible. It included Israel’s prolonged occupation, it’s settlement expansion, continuous annexation of the territory, its apartheid policies, as well as providing full reparations, restitution and compensation including the return of all the land and the evacuation of its settlements. Additionally, the ruling said that all states, including Canada, are under obligation to cooperate with the UN in bringing an end to the occupation, and are not to render any assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

Here to give us clarity on the ICJ ruling, its importance and significance, what to expect in how Canada would react, is Canadian legal academic, and associate professor at University of Western Ontario, professor Michael Lynk. He was the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the 1967 occupied Palestinian Territories.

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